9 Scary Facts About Taurus Woman (to Be Prepared For)

Have you heard that Taurus women can be scary? Are you wondering what’s so intimidating about them?

Every zodiac sign is crazy in some way. For Taurus women, here’s what makes them kind of scary:

  • Possessive tendencies
  • Holding grudges
  • Loyalty to a fault
  • Insane stubbornness
  • Blind anger

Let’s not hold back now! Here’s what’s scary about Taurus women.

Scary Facts About a Taurus Woman

Taurus women can be intense. They’re simple creatures, but that doesn’t make them easy to handle. 

Because Tauruses are generally serene and peace-loving, the stronger aspects of their personalities can take you by surprise.

Here’s what people are talking about when they say Taurus women are scary!

Recommended Reading: How to Date a Taurus Woman

#1. Jealousy/Possessiveness

You might not realize it, but Tauruses struggle in relationships because they’re very possessive.

Taurus is a sign of material comforts and an intense need for security. For Tauruses, what’s theirs=security.

Unfortunately, the flip side of this is that when they feel like something is not theirs, they become insecure about it. 

This totally applies to relationships.

For example, if a Taurus woman starts dating you and she isn’t sure you’re “hers” yet, she’ll act very jealous and possessive every time you’re around other women.

If you so much as mention hanging out with another woman, be prepared for some blowback.

On top of this, Taurus women are so stubborn that they may just do a door slam on your relationship if you don’t gently pry it back open with direct communication and reassurance.

I talk about this in my ebook Decode Taurus Women, if you’re curious about how to handle the scarier parts of a Taurus woman.

#2. Trust Issues

To make matters worse, Tauruses have issues around trusting other people. 

They operate from the assumption that someone might screw them over if they let their guard down.

That is, until you finally cross that threshold where you’re considered “trustworthy,” which takes a lot of patience and repeated demonstrations of being honest and dependable.

Can a Taurus woman be a little overprotective of herself? Most definitely. 

It may cause her to question your motives, leading to self-sabotage in anything from friendships to a blossoming romance.

#3. No Second Chances

If you break a Taurus woman’s trust by lying, cheating (especially cheating) or betraying her, the general rule is she’ll break up with you.

And she won’t look back.

And while no one can really blame a Taurus woman for not giving second chances when she feels betrayed or done dirty, what makes it scary is the finality of it.

If she believes you messed up too badly, she’s a harsh judge.

Tauruses are well-known for never going back to an ex once they’re done.

Sure, it may happen once in a blue moon, but you’d have to be really special and she’d have to still be carrying a torch for you in some way.

But usually, if a Taurus woman breaks up with you, it means the end for good.

#4. Controlling Tendencies

All Tauruses, both men and women, have this tendency—the tendency to have the upper hand in their relationships.

They actually don’t mean to be controlling. It stems from the fact that Tauruses are very particular about their environments and their routines.

They like things their way. If that means they like having Friday nights in when you like going out, they’re not naturally going to be very flexible on that.

You wouldn’t expect a Taurus to say, “OK, how about we stay in every other weekend and go out the other weekends?”

No, a habit-loving Taurus is more likely to shrug and say, “I’m staying in. You should stay with me.”

This inflexibility can cause some tension between her and her significant others, making establishing boundaries hugely important in being with a Taurus woman.

#5. The Double-Edged Sword of Loyalty

How could loyalty be a bad thing?! You might wonder.

Tauruses are famed for their rock-solid loyalty to friends, family and loved ones. 

And while this trait is usually deemed as praiseworthy and desirable, it comes with a dark side.

Which is that Taurus women can end up giving their loyalty to people who don’t deserve it.

This is a scary fact that tends to affect the Taurus more than other people.

But if you love and care about a Taurus woman and she’s endlessly defending a friend or family member who is absolutely toxic in her life, it can be incredibly frustrating.

It’s hard to deal with because there’s not a whole lot you can do to dissuade a Taurus who is committed in their heart to someone.

It takes the Taurus slowly realizing that the situation is F-ed up through repeatedly seeing the consequences of their association.

Unfortunately for Tauruses, they only learn through first-hand experiences, including the hard lessons in life.

#6. She’s Insanely Stubborn

Did I mention that Tauruses are stubborn?

If you’ve ever gotten into an argument with a Taurus woman, think back on it for a minute.

Did you win?

I bet you didn’t.

At least, the Taurus probably didn’t let you claim victory, even if you were obviously right.

And that’s a Taurus for you.

If a Taurus isn’t willing to do something, think something or see something for themselves, forget convincing them.

You may as well be talking to a wall.

#7. Getting an Apology is Like Pulling Teeth

A Taurus seldom apologizes. This is because a Taurus seldom thinks they’re wrong.

Tauruses also hate having to confront their mistakes. So they’d rather avoid the whole situation and pretend it didn’t happen.

If you want a Taurus to apologize, you have to hold your ground until they see that they’re not going to escape taking responsibility. 

Just know that this could take a long time. A really looooong time.

#8. She’s Unforgiving When Hurt

Just as getting an apology from a Taurus can be difficult, getting forgiveness can be even harder.

Tauruses will forgive minor stuff (or stuff they consider to be minor) like leaving your dirty clothes around or being snappy with them in the heat of the moment.

It’s when they feel personally attacked, especially when they’re feeling vulnerable, that Tauruses can hold a grudge.

The worst part about this is that a Taurus woman’s go-to tactic is to ice you out when she’s hurt, which makes it even more difficult to make it up to her.

#9. A Taurus Woman Is Scary When She Loses Her Temper

Were you waiting for this one?

Nearly everyone has heard of the legendary rage of the Bull.

Taurus men and women alike have the capacity to absolutely lose their s#*! explosively and scare everyone around them.

The good thing about Tauruses is that it takes a lot to get there.

They prefer to be chill and will tolerate a lot of small annoyances at first.

But when they blow their top, get out of the way.

What Do Taurus Get Mad About?

Speaking of a Taurus being scary when they lose their temper, naturally, you’re going to want to know what makes them really mad.

There are a few things that really tick them off.

Maybe a bit more than a few.

Being Inconsiderate

Tauruses get mad when they feel like you’re being inconsiderate.

If they think you’re doing something without bothering to think about them first, they’ll be offended.

Your intentions matter, which is why Tauruses can tolerate a lot if they care about you and if they believe you truly meant no harm.

However, things like:

  • Lying to them
  • Being mean or nasty
  • Disrespecting them

…will make them see red because these acts communicate willfulness to them.

Telling Them They’re Wrong

Another thing that makes Tauruses super mad is when you don’t let them win an argument. 

They can get petty and childish and will keep taking the bait whether you’re invested in the argument or not.

Stuff They Don’t Agree With

Yet another thing that pisses a Taurus off is seeing something that goes against their morals or values.

Tauruses have high standards for personal conduct and tend to hold everyone to them, whether they realize it or not.

Say they’re passionate about the environment and they see someone littering.

Even if that person is a total stranger, the Taurus is going to openly correct them in a loud, reprimanding tone or call them a litter bug to let them and everyone else know they done messed up.

Being Made to Do Anything

Being forced to do anything they don’t want to do will also make a Taurus irate.

They’ll resort to all sorts of immature tactics to make sure nobody has a good time if they’re getting dragged along.

When You Don’t Listen to Them

Tauruses hate it when they warned you about something but you didn’t listen to them.

Especially if it ends up affecting them.

Like if the Taurus you live with told you to pay the electric bill and you didn’t, and now the electricity is shut off.

Prepare for battle.

What Is Taurus’s Biggest Flaw?

Many would say that a Taurus’s biggest flaw is stubbornness.

And I’m not saying that stubbornness is not a problem for Tauruses.

But lots of signs can be stubborn and it’s not unique to Tauruses, even if they can take it to an extreme.

In my experience, a Taurus’s greatest flaw—the thing that holds them back the most—is their resistance to change.

A Taurus is a creature of habit and doesn’t run to the new and unfamiliar.

This makes Tauruses prone to missing out on opportunities that could change their lives or their perspectives for the better.

They may stay in a job that doesn’t go anywhere because that’s what they know and like.

They might not break up with someone who’s clearly bad for them out of comfort.

Or, a Taurus might refuse to get married to their long-term partner or take a relationship to the next level simply because they’re afraid of what that change might bring.

Stubbornness is just the beginning.

The real challenge is getting a Taurus to embrace change, whether it’s a point of view of accepting an opportunity knocking on their door.

Awesome Things about Taurus Women

Just because I don’t want to leave this article on a downer note, let’s quickly cover some things that are great about Taurus women.

Their Loyalty

As I mentioned earlier in this article, Tauruses are so very loyal.

They stick by you no matter what happens.

They are down for you any time of day or night.

That’s what makes Tauruses really special.

Their Supportiveness

You need a ride to the doctor?

A study buddy at exam time?

Someone to help you weed your garden this weekend?

A Taurus woman is there to lend a hand.

Sense of Humor

Some of the funniest people you’ll ever meet happen to be Tauruses.

There’s just something magical about this earth sign and their talent for observational comedy.

They say random stuff that’s so true and so hilarious, you’ll be squirting your coffee out of your nose.

Nurturing Natures

Taurus is a nurturer at heart.

Taurus women are naturals at taking care of others and providing comfort and security.

They have a gentle touch and healing energy, which is what makes them so great to come to in a time of need.


Give a gift to a Taurus woman, and repay you tenfold.

Tauruses are very generous with those they care for and will try to pamper you to the best of their ability.

Amazing Libidos

If you’re with a Taurus woman, you probably already know this one.

Tauruses have crazy high libidos, which can be a blessing or a curse, depending on who they’re with.

If you like that, then this is just another one of the bonuses of being with a Taurus woman.


What is Taurus woman’s biggest fear?

Lack of stability and control.

A Taurus’s worst nightmare is not knowing what’s happening today, tomorrow or the next day and having no control over their environment.

Tauruses need to have their routines and their safety nets to be happy and content.

Where relationships are concerned, Tauruses fear “situationships.” 

They want to be in a steady relationship or not have one at all.

If it’s not stable and reliable, they don’t want it.

What should you never do to a Taurus?

You should never rush a Taurus. Tauruses are slow-moving but deliberate.

They don’t like to be pressured into anything and will resent anyone who tries.

You also never want to lie, break a promise to a Taurus or betray them.

Some signs will give chance after chance even if you betray them. 

But not Taurus. 

What is a toxic Taurus?

A Taurus who is showing toxic behavior is a Taurus who has become controlling and manipulative.

Tauruses, as I mentioned earlier, can end up controlling what happens inside of the relationship when they don’t leave enough room for their partner to express their own needs.

But a Taurus who is so jealous and uncompromising that they try to control the movements of their partner and tell them what they can do or say has gone toxic.

You can tell when they cross the boundary of sticking to their guns and actively trying to stop you from being yourself and doing what you want.

What makes a Taurus cry?

Truth be told, it takes a lot for a Taurus to shed tears over someone.

A Taurus is more likely to cry because they feel deep empathy for an animal or a child.

They’re less likely to cry over a partner who hurts them because they’re so stubborn.

However, it’s not like they never do.

Hurting a Taurus’s feelings may make them cry, but they’ll only cry in private and for a short time.

Tauruses aren’t the type to cry in their pillows all night.

They’re too determined to lock up their hearts tight so that they never feel pain from you again.

How do Taurus show sadness?

It can be hard to detect when a Taurus is sad.

This is because Tauruses are insanely private about their feelings.

Furthermore, they believe that feelings are things to be dealt with quickly and then pushed out of the way.

Suffice it to say, Tauruses aren’t the greatest at dealing with so-called negative emotions.

But you may be able to tell a Taurus is sad by observing them.

If they seem withdrawn or aren’t smiling and laughing as much as usual, they may be upset.

A Taurus who is sad will also throw themselves into their creature comforts.

Whether that’s ice cream or binging on Netflix.

Probably something like that.

Check out Decode Taurus Women if you want to unravel the mystery of dating Taurus women.

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I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at decodethezodiac.com.

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