Taurus Woman in Bed (Sexual Style, Turn-Ons and Compatibility)

Want to know what a Taurus woman is like in bed?

Well buckle up, because this article is going to get into some detail about the Taurus woman’s sexual style, kissing style, turn-ons and more.

Here are some of her key characteristics in the boudoir:

  • Super, insanely sensual
  • Lusty as all get-out and insatiable
  • Submissive and sultry
  • Crazy about foreplay
  • Not so crazy about gadgetry
  • She’s a pleaser
  • She knows what she likes and sticks to it

And now, let’s dive into the intimate world of the Taurus woman.

Taurus Woman in Bed

So Sensual

Sensual is the best way to describe a Taurus woman in bed.

Everything she does is sensual, sex included.

Taurus women aren’t necessarily into gadgets in bed, but they let their hands, mouths and bodies do the talking.

And their lovers aren’t complaining.

They love everything about sex because sex is the ultimate sensory experience.

They’re also known to bring sensory-based play into bed, including things like scented lubes, ice cubes and edible undies.

Read Next: How to Seduce a Taurus Woman


Nothing puts a Taurus woman more in her happy place than a roll (or two or three) in the hay.

Taurus women love sex. They’re insatiable.

A Taurus woman would like to have sex with her partner every day.

And if you haven’t seen each other in a while, prepare to stay in bed all day and all night long, for three days straight.


Taurus women may appear on the dominant side in their everyday lives, or at least like they wouldn’t take orders from anyone.

Well, they must get tired of being the boss all day because all they want to do in bed is be bossed around and tossed around.

Taurus ladies love it when their partners take charge, so long as you know what you’re doing.

It takes confidence to bring this out of a Taurus woman, and once you do she’ll follow you around like a puppy.

Nice and Slow

What’s the rush?

Sex is not a race to a Taurus. They don’t like it fast and furious.

If sex were a form of transportation to a Taurus woman, it would be a pleasure cruise.

A Taurus woman wants to take her sweet time in bed and savor each and every touch, moan and kiss.

Into Extended Foreplay

With a Taurus woman, foreplay can last for hours.

She has superb stamina, so she can keep it going and going.

Foreplay and the excitement she and her partner build up between each other is almost better than the act itself.

She’ll kick things off by texting dirty pictures of herself hours before you meet up and get into a match with you of who can rile the other up more until they can’t take it anymore.

Great at Kissing

Tauruses are phenomenal kissers, as everyone who has had the pleasure of kissing one knows.

They’re passionate, yet not sloppy with the smooches.

Taurus women seem to intuitively know the perfect lip to tongue ratio, which is a blessing for many who have been subjected to face-eaters before.

Likes to Please

Pleasure is the greatest pursuit for this Venus-ruled sign, not just for herself but for her sexual partners too.

Her lovers are obsessed with her passion and dedication to their physical satisfaction.

Just be aware, Tauruses may be givers, but they fully expect you to give back.

Selfish lovers need not apply.

A Fan of the Tried and True

The reason people love a Taurus woman in the sack is not because of her endless bag of tricks.

She doesn’t have that. 

A Taurus woman is a creature of habit in and out of the bedroom.

Not that she only likes the most vanilla sex, and on the contrary some Tauruses are as depraved as they come.

(Although most Tauruses fall somewhere in the middle.)

What I’m talking about is that Tauruses know what they like and tend to stick to it, whether that’s a favorite position or a favorite paddle. 

Now, you can absolutely introduce a Taurus woman to new things in bed, and in fact she would really appreciate that.

It’s just that you’ll need to be the instigator if you want to refresh your bedroom games.

Orally Fixated

The sensual, sensory-obsessed Taurus is all about going downtown.

Taurus ladies are very into giving and receiving, as long as plenty of time is spent on this beloved pastime.

They Like All Speeds

Some say Tauruses like it slow between the sheets, and that’s true.

But to say that Taurus women only like one speed is untrue.

A Taurus woman would like some variety in this area.

I’ve definitely known Taurus women who enjoy it all—rough, gentle, fast, slow and everything in between.

When the mood strikes, she’ll let you know.


Touch is a language for Tauruses.

Taurus females are very touch-heavy in bed, and they do a lot of groping, feeling and stroking.

They also really enjoy when there’s maximum skin contact.

They just really like it when they can feel you on their skin.

What Turns a Taurus Female On?

The main things that turn a Taurus female on are setting the appropriate mood and appealing to her senses.

Sending her a massively dirty, graphic text to let her know what she can expect when she comes over later is a huge turn-on because it gives her a heads-up (Tauruses aren’t huge on surprises) and lets her stew in her lusty thoughts for hours.

When she does come over, have your place set up with candles, roses, soft lighting and soft, clean sheets on the bed.

Put on some cologne.

A Taurus woman is very turned on by anything that smells, looks, tastes and feels good.

Don’t attack her when she walks through the door. Tauruses like it when you play the long game and give them a challenge getting you into bed.

Cook for her. Wine and dine her.

When you get to the bedroom, kiss her neck and throat as this is a Taurus erogenous zone.

Offer a sensual massage and pay attention to every inch of her body.

Don’t rush! Savor the experience.

Other Taurus turn-ons are shower sex (because it’s squeaky-clean), food in bed, silk sheets and lacy lingerie.

What Is the Kissing Style of a Taurus Woman?

As you might have guessed, a Taurus woman’s kissing style is slow at first, building up intensity, yet never rushing.

A Taurus woman doesn’t like to come at you with all tongue, preferring to do some gentle smooching while warming up to deeper snogging.

However, a Taurus woman doesn’t want to play all-out tonsil hockey.

Kissing her is an exercise in balance and sensuality, where there’s never too much aggression and just the right amount of tongue.

Do Taurus Love Sexting?

I mean, yeah.

Tauruses absolutely love having sex, thinking about sex and doing anything that leads to sex.

Just don’t expect it to be the height of the sexual experience for a Taurus.

Tauruses kind of on the whole don’t do texting very well. But that’s regular texting.

Will a Taurus love it if you send a nudie pic? Well, yeah. I mean, hell yeah they will.

Now if you’re expecting a Taurus to have an hours-long sexting match where you go back and forth texting each other a dirty novella, that’s not going to happen.

If you want to sext a Taurus, 100% go for it. Just make sure you’re keeping it short and sweet.

Steer clear of wordiness and send nasty but tasteful nudes.

Or, send a video. Even better.

Who Is Taurus Sexually Compatible With?

Taurus is sexually compatible with other earth signs like themselves, which are Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus.

Virgo can bring out Taurus’s kinkier side, Capricorn is a match made in heaven, and two Tauruses in bed together might never leave.

Water signs Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio are also sexually compatible with Taurus, especially if you consider the sexual-emotional element as water signs are very in tune emotionally.

Scorpio and Taurus are opposites on the zodiac wheel and may attract or repel each other strongly.

If they attract each other, the sex is usually dynamite.

Other signs that may be a sexual match for Taurus depending on the individual are Aries and Libra.


What is a Taurus woman’s love language?

A Taurus woman’s primary love language is, hands down, physical touch.

However, Tauruses may speak a variety of love languages.

Another love language they are fluent in is gift giving and receiving.

Other Tauruses express love in terms of acts of service.

Many Taurus women have a combination of all three.

What is a Taurus woman’s secret desire?

A Taurus woman’s secret desire, particularly when it comes to relationships and sex, is being taken to new heights of pleasure.

Sometimes this means engaging in her favorite activities and just doing it better than anyone has ever done it before.

Other times it means broadening her horizons a little bit and introducing her to acts that will slay her senses.

As long as it feels like entering a new dimension of physical pleasure, the Taurus woman will be into it.

What is a Taurus woman’s favorite food?

Comfort food.

Maybe it’s mac and cheese for one Taurus woman and spaghetti carbonara for another.

But Taurus women are queens of comfort and best enjoy the meals that have always been their favorites.

What makes a Taurus chase you?

Number one, smelling heavenly.

The difference between slight attraction and heavy attraction for a Taurus is in the nose.

Number two, maturity.

A Taurus will want you if you give off vibes like you have your life in order and a plan for your future.

Number three, showing them special attention.

You can’t sit back and expect a Taurus to chase you if they feel like one of the many fish in the sea to you.

Read Next: How to Get a Taurus Woman to Chase You

Do Taurus girls like to cuddle?

Taurus girls love to cuddle.

Cuddling is their love language.

They adore the full-body contact of cuddling and listening to their partner breathe while lightly dozing off.

If you hate cuddling, steer clear of a Taurus.

Do Taurus say I love you?

Some Tauruses are wordier than others.

There are Tauruses who say “I love you” twenty times a day and Tauruses who say it maybe twice a month.

But all Tauruses do their best to show that they love you through how they treat you and how high up they place you on their list of priorities.

In the beginning of a relationship, they tend to wait to say “I love you” until you say it first.

But you can bet that if a Taurus tells you they love you, they’ve been feeling it for some time and have been searching for the right moment to say it.

Will a Taurus woman kiss you in public?

Eh, Taurus is not huge on PDA.

A Taurus woman may give you a PG-rated peck in public, but nothing more explicit. 

There are, of course, expectations to the rule.

But most Tauruses are intensely private and prefer to keep their intimate lives away from prying eyes.

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I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at decodethezodiac.com.

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