A Gemini man tests a woman like no other.
If you’re dating a Gemini man, get a good night’s sleep because you’re going to need your mental energy to keep up.
You won’t even realize he’s testing you half the time, but it would be a mistake to assume he’s just being innocent.
At least, that’s what I learned from my Gemini ex.
So, how does a Gemini man test a woman?
I know from personal experience that he’ll do at least some of the following:
- A Gemini man tests a woman’s mind and conversational skills through debate and asking weird questions.
- Gemini tests your interest in him by waiting for you to make a move on him.
- Many Gemini men lovebomb you to see where the romance takes you both.
- A Gemini gets playful in a childish way, including teasing and playing tricks, because he wants to see if you share his sense of humor.
- He gets his friends to weigh in and give him their opinion of you.
- He purposely does the opposite of whatever he says to see what you’ll do.
- He makes impulse decisions and checks to see your response.
If you want to learn what actual ways a Gemini man is likely to test you and also how to pass, stick with me because I’m going to tell you everything I know for the rest of this article.
How Does a Gemini Man Test a Woman?
A Gemini man tests a woman in subtle ways, using verbal and mental games to gather information about her.
He’ll use tactics like asking private questions, bringing up past relationships and deliberately being hard to pin down in order to gauge her reactions.
All of it is to get the most filterless picture of who she is, not the well-manicured image she presents.
One thing to know is that when a Gemini tests you, he’s not just testing you—he’s also testing himself.
He’s figuring out his feelings for you and whether you really mesh well together.
He’s like a mad scientist whipping up experiments to push your compatibility to the limit and see if it breaks—or if you’re truly meant to be.
But don’t despair—it’s not as hard as you might think to win these tests.
The bottom line is that if you can show that it’s no sweat whatever he throws at you and respond with patience and a smile, you’ll totally win him over.
That’s what I did when I was with my Gemini boyfriend, and, well, it worked!
But I don’t want you to think that I’ve come to these conclusions based on one relationship.
I am a practicing astrologer, after all—and I’d like to think that I’m at least somewhat educated on the quirks of the zodiac signs.
Still, I recognize that personal experience is worth its weight in gold and it doesn’t hurt to share what I’ve learned from being in a committed relationship with a Gemini man who was as Mercurial as they come with a Gemini sun and Virgo rising.
So, onto the Gemini man tests!
Recommended Reading: 18 Signs a Gemini Man Likes You But Is Hiding It
Test #1: He Waits for You to Make a Move
Gemini men aren’t necessarily shy with women. Without a doubt, they’ll go after you if they really like you.
They’ll flirt with you and try to give you signals, but often they’ll stop just short of asking you out.
Instead, they’ll wait until you make some step toward them to show that you’re into them.
Sometimes you’re the one who has to do the asking out—a lot of Gemini men really appreciate that blatant show of interest as they’re inwardly nervous and overthink things.
If you’re talking to a Gemini man or dating one and you’re getting frustrated with his lack of action or his weird hot and cold behavior, it’s likely that he’s just waiting for you to do something first.
Were you playing hard to get with the Gemini man?
Or maybe you’ve been a little unsure about him?
If you hesitate, he’s going to mirror your actions.
The Gemini man is very sensitive to your cues. He will analyze every little signal you give off and respond the way he thinks he should.
Gemini guys are afraid to reveal their feelings because they don’t know if what exists between you is real and mutual.
They tell themselves that they just don’t want to waste their time, but really they’re terrified of being rejected.
Geminis are secretly sensitive if they care about you.
If you’re being aloof, the Gemini will stick nearby but wait for you to take the next step, whether it’s a kiss or a phone call.
How to Handle It
Make that move!
If you want to be with the Gemini man, you can’t be afraid to take the leap.
Geminis get a bad rap for being indecisive and changeable, and the truth is that they are all that.
But not with someone they really like.
I’ve known enough Geminis to see this in action, and my own Gemini ex may have been impulsive and erratic, but he was consistent in his pursuit of me.
And he always seemed more than happy to reciprocate my advances.
And yes, I had to make most of the moves with him even though he was the first one to ask—repeatedly—for my number.
If you like a Gemini, put your fear of vulnerability aside and shoot your shot.
The worst that can happen is that he ends up not being interested.
But if he is, you’ll be giving him the exact opening he was waiting for.
And he’ll make sure you have no regrets.
Test #2: Asking You Tons of Questions
If a Gemini man is interested in you, he’s going to unleash a tornado of questions on you.
You’re going to get asked about everything under the sun, from your childhood pet to your views on cryptocurrency.
The Gemini man wants to know every little detail that he can get his hands on.
Part of this is just to get to know you better.
But it’s also to see how your mind works.
Do you think about things? Are you an inquisitive person like he is? What kind of person are you?
It’s flattering to be shown so much enthusiasm in a conversation, but it’s also a little intimidating because there’s really no boundary that the Gemini isn’t willing to cross in his quest for information.
He might quiz you on your beliefs in rapid-fire style.
But it’s all to gain deeper insight to who you are and how he can connect with you.
How to Handle It
Answer his questions in a way that’s truthful, but also fun.
A Gemini man doesn’t want to feel like he’s interviewing you—he wants to build a rapport with you while getting to know you.
Give him a bit of entertainment!
Geminis are incredibly attracted to someone who is carefree and maybe a little mischievous.
You can also ask him your own questions. But be prepared for him to answer creatively or in an equally mischievous way.
Just keep your cool!
The way to a Gemini man’s heart is through his imagination.
You have to captivate him with equal parts intellectual stimulation and playfulness.
Unlike a Taurus man, a Gemini man doesn’t need you to have the exact same values and beliefs that he does.
All a Gemini wants is to find out where you two connect and have a good time with it as your romance develops.
Test #3: Lovebombing
Gemini is one of the guiltiest signs when it comes to lovebombing.
They will rush in and shower you with sweet talk and get all up in your bubble.
It can be overwhelming, to say the least.
But also, isn’t that a little opposite of what you’d expect from the overly analytical Gemini man?
Well, when a Gemini man lovebombs you, he is being his analytical self, in a way.
What he’s really doing is testing how he feels about you.
He’s gauging his own reactions to what it’s like to be crazy in love with you.
He’ll know soon enough if it’s real or if it feels like it doesn’t really fit.
I know, that sounds kind of disingenuous.
But if I could put on my Gemini hat for a minute and play devil’s advocate, don’t we all have our ways of testing our feelings for someone?
You can’t try it out with someone you like without getting involved.
It’s just that a Gemini is aware that romantic feelings can sometimes be trusted—and other times not.
How to Handle It
If a Gemini man lovebombs you, don’t get sucked in too deep.
Show appreciation for his romantic gestures, but keep your wits about you.
If you throw yourself into it and you end up speeding towards a serious relationship too fast, the Gemini man could get spooked and back off.
He needs you to be a bit of an anchor in this romantic whirlwind.
That will allow him to develop truly deep feelings for you and take your relationship to a meaningful place.
To be clear, I’m not saying that you should ignore his gestures or act cold towards him—
I’m saying that you want to show that you value him and your time together, and that you enjoy his attention.
But you’re also not at risk of falling off of a romantic cliff.
All this really takes is maintaining your own life and individuality.
Just don’t get lost in it, and he’ll feel safe to keep exploring his feelings for you and determined to win you over.
Test #4: He’s the King of Contradiction
Hold onto your seat, because a Gemini man will make you feel like you’re going insane with how often he contradicts not just you, but also himself.
He is the definition of devil’s advocate.
He’ll say the opposite of whatever you say whether he believes it or not, throwing random facts and half-baked hypotheses at you, then switching his opinion mid-sentence.
Why, though?!
While Geminis love to do this to everyone, if the Gemini man is attracted to you, here’s what’s happening under the surface:
He’s actually testing your chemistry.
Geminis are massively turned on by debating.
This is a highly intelligent, cerebral zodiac sign and he needs a ton—a ton—of mental stimulation to continue being interested in someone.
Ideas are his aphrodisiac.
Pushing past conventional thinking is like foreplay for him.
He wants to see what makes you tick, and all that back-and-forth, whip-smart banter and arguing will tell him if he’s met his match.
How to Handle It
Give him the intellectual challenge he’s hungry for.
Accept his contrarian tendencies and don’t bother trying to hold him to something he said two minutes ago.
Dive right into his stream-of-consciousness style of communication.
Riff off of each other!
Feel free to disagree, as long as you don’t tell him he’s wrong (Geminis hate that).
Keep the tone of the conversation light and don’t forget to crack a joke here and there.
Never take anything he says too seriously.
As I said, he likes to play both sides and if you get bent out of shape, he’ll think you’re no fun.
Go ahead, say something shocking. Offer perspectives that are totally different from his.
Give him something to chew on.
He’s not looking for you to agree with everything he says—what he’s really hoping is that you can surprise him.
If you’re not married to the opinions you’re stating, don’t worry about it—he won’t hold you to them.
It’s more about the discovery of new ideas that gets him going than what’s “true” or “false.”
The more you catch him off guard, the harder he’ll fall for you.
Test #5: Talking About His Ex
Don’t be surprised if the Gemini man you’re dating talks about his ex.
It’s not to complain or talk wistfully about her—he’ll literally tell you about the time she tried to give herself a home Brazilian.
And while you might be wondering why he thinks you’d want to know this, there are various reasons.
One might be to see what you’ll do.
Geminis are known for pushing random buttons just to see what happens—and they’ll keep doing it until they get a result.
Most likely, he’s talking about his ex to test the waters with you in some way.
He might be bringing her up to try to prepare you for the fact that he’s still friends with her.
Lots of Gems like to stay on good terms with their former partners.
Or, there might be something he’s trying to subtly communicate to you by opening up about his past relationship(s).
This was the case with my own Gemini ex-boyfriend. He talked about his ex often when we first started dating.
I’m not going to lie, it annoyed me.
He told me—often in a joking way—about what a doomed match they were, and about all the wild stuff he did to try to be with her.
How he changed who he was to be what he thought she needed, which ultimately backfired on them both.
The more I listened, the more I realized what he was really trying to tell me.
He was letting me know what he could and couldn’t be for me.
Which goes to show—if a Gemini man is bringing up his ex-girlfriend or ex-partner, there may be more to it than you realize.
How to Handle It
Resist jumping to conclusions.
If he’s testing your reaction, then giving none is the best way to pass this test.
Respond like you would if a friend were talking about their ex. Show curiosity. But be on his side.
At the very least, he’ll appreciate how interested you are to learn more about him.
But also, it shows that you’re not jealous.
Self-confidence is extremely sexy to Geminis (I mean, who doesn’t find confidence sexy?!) and staying unruffled by the “competition” instantly makes you stand apart from the rest to a Gem.
And if there’s something else he’s trying to tell you, just keep your mind open.
It’ll come out if you stay patient and listen.
Keep in mind that Geminis aren’t ones to sit down and have a serious conversation.
They’ll use jokes and random anecdotes and talk circles around a subject instead of just saying what they want to say because they’re uncomfortable with the thought of having an all-out feelings sesh.
Gemini is not a super emotional sign.
Moody, yes—but not emotionally intense like water signs.
Which is why you want to treat what he says to you like any normal conversation.
Stay neutral and let him get it out without bringing emotion into it.
This allows him to communicate with you in the way that he prefers.
I’m glad I kept calm with my ex, because even though he didn’t end up being “the one,” we ended up getting pretty serious.
And I don’t think we would have gotten there if I had been jealous or guarded when he mentioned his ex.
Hey, I never said it was easy dating a Gemini!
But it’s worth a little extra patience if you truly want to be with him and prove that you’re the chill partner he’s looking for.
Test #6: Talking About Your Exes
Has your Gemini man ever brought up your ex?
If you’re chatting and suddenly he decides to resurrect the ghost of your relationships past, note what kind of tone he’s taking.
Is his vibe kind of salty?
If he’s mocking or poking fun at your past choices in a mate, then he’s feeling insecure.
He’ll never admit it, but the Gemini man needs a ton of reassurance from his romantic partner.
As he falls in love with you, he has to contend with all these anxious thoughts that pop into his head.
Are you really into him?
Would you cheat on him or leave him for someone else?
Are you over your ex, or does he have to worry about you going back?
Again, you would never know that a Gemini man is worrying about these kinds of things by the way that he acts.
He’s too scared to let you know how invested he actually is.
How to Handle It
The Gemini man wants to hear the truth, so let him know what that is.
If you’re truly not into your ex, then shut down any suspicions he might have.
Go ahead and tell him bluntly (but briefly) how you feel.
Gemini is a calculating zodiac sign and needs to know where they stand with you so they can determine their next move while also protecting themselves.
If you’re not over your ex, then the Gemini man might be sensing that and bringing it to the forefront of your developing romance to clear the air.
Tell him truthfully that that’s the case.
Even if it hurts to hear, he’ll appreciate your honesty. Besides, he would have known if you were lying about it.
The good news is, it won’t stop him from pursuing you if he really wants you.
Geminis never shy away from a challenge.
They’ll take risks in love because it gives them a rush.
It’s exhilarating, and most importantly, the outcome is not totally certain.
A Gemini man is a know-it-all, but that can get pretty boring when it comes to romance.
He’ll be driven to figure out how to win your heart.
However, if you end up showing disloyalty or breaking his heart, he’ll be gone before you even realize it.
Be honest, but pick a man to fight for.
If you want to let the Gemini man earn your love and trust, then give it everything you’ve got.
He’ll stick around if he knows it’s worth it.
Test # 7: Having His Friends Meet You
A Gemini man’s friends mean everything to him.
He’s a very social person and likes to rub elbows with people of all walks of life, but he really does rely on a few close pals to bounce his ideas off of and help guide him.
He knows he can be a little untethered and he needs his trusted confidants to bring him back down to earth.
If a Gemini man is dating you, he’s going to want to get his friends’ opinions about you.
He won’t wait to introduce you until you’ve hit a certain point in your relationship.
The sooner, the better.
Which means that if you’re meeting his friends, he really likes you, but it doesn’t mean that he’s ready to get serious.
You’ll need to pass their judgment in order to ace this Gemini man test.
How to Handle It
Charm them.
Win their approval with your brilliant conversation and wit.
It’s really important to maintain your sense of humor because most of his friends are probably going to be jokesters like him.
If they like you, the Gemini man is going to feel like you integrate into the group well and fit with his life.
If they don’t like you, it doesn’t necessarily mean that he’ll stop seeing you.
However, it might give him pause if he believes your personality clashes.
Test #8: He Does the Opposite of What He Said
Just like his opinions, you can try to hold a Gemini man to what he says he’s going to do, but good luck.
You’re going to feel like Sisyphus rolling that boulder up that hill.
This is one of those things that you can’t change if you’re in a relationship with a Gemini man.
A Gemini is represented by twins—two different personalities, but in one body.
So naturally, a Gemini will contradict himself as if he has, well, two different personalities (or more).
He acts on impulse and often does the opposite of whatever he says he’s going to do.
Does his evil twin take over, or is it on purpose?
Well, sometimes it is on purpose. Especially if your relationship is new and he’s putting it to the test.
He might tell you with absolute conviction that he’s definitely not going to your mutual friend’s party tonight.
…But of course he shows up anyway, only to “cool guy” you and make you say hi to him first.
This is the kind of thing that starts as a whim for a Gemini guy but turns into a test.
If he’s throwing you curve balls, he’s trying to see if you can stay in the game with your chin up and your morale intact.
Can you roll with it?
Are you going to get mad at him or choose to charm him?
How to Handle It
Gemini men like to think they’ve got everyone figured out immediately, and they usually do.
Usually, but not always.
So you want to stay one step ahead of them.
When a Gemini man does the unexpected, act like it’s totally normal.
Try not to freak out or respond harshly.
A Gemini man knows he can be frustrating.
He’s spent his whole life getting a reaction out of people, starting with his poor, tired mom who probably couldn’t catch him to put him in timeout.
A Gemini man wants to be with someone who doesn’t get their feathers ruffled too easily.
And he needs to know that you can accept him for who he is.
He’s a wild card.
Look, your Gemini man doesn’t even know why he does what he does half the time.
Seriously. Ask him. He doesn’t have a clue.
It’s like monkeys behind the wheel instead of a brain sometimes.
But you’ve got to love him anyway.
Keep the mood fun and energetic and take your Gemini man with a grain of salt.
Ultimately, if you want to nail this test, show that you’re comfortable with some element of the unknown.
And that you’ll be there for him no matter what.
A truly supportive partner is something a Gemini doesn’t even know he needs until he has one.
And feeling accepted and loved becomes addictive for a Gemini.
Test #9: He Makes Big Decisions Without Consulting You
A Gemini man is a free spirit.
He goes wherever the wind takes him, ever optimistic that it will carry him to his greatest adventure yet.
He’s just as liable to call you up tomorrow and tell you he’s having leftover lasagna for lunch as he is to tell you he’s bought a one-way ticket to Costa Rica.
And that you should come—if you want to.
You might get mad at him sometimes for the plans he makes with seemingly no consideration for your perspective.
In actuality, he probably did consider how you’d react—it’s just that a Gemini needs to be free.
How to Handle It
Realize that the Gemini man is not trying to push you away by making seemingly incomprehensible decisions.
Show support for whatever he decides.
A Gemini man still wants your love and approval, no matter how independent he may be.
He’s not as detached as an Aquarius, but he’s also nowhere near as clingy as a Cancer.
He just wants to know that you can go with the flow.
Whenever you can, be flexible.
In fact, he hopes you’ll at least be willing to entertain his bonkers ideas sometimes.
He’s hoping that sometimes you’ll say screw it, let’s get on that airplane together.
You do have to be a little bit crazy to date a Gemini man.
You never really know what he’s going to do next.
Test #10: Teasing
Some people love this and some hate it, but a Gemini man will tease you to test your fragility.
The Gemini nature is a childish one, and I mean that in both the best and worst ways.
Gemini is young at heart.
If you’re dating a Gemini man, he’s going to take being goofy to another level.
Expect him to start experimenting with calling you mildly unattractive nicknames and making little wisecracks about your quirks.
He’ll test your patience on purpose to see if you’ll put up with his shenanigans.
How far can he go before you snap at him?
Honestly, the only sign I’ve seen who can be a really good sport about it is another Gemini.
But don’t be disheartened if you feel like you can’t hang because you’re too “sensitive.”
He knows perfectly well that he can take it past the limit.
He just wants to know where that line is so that he knows how to be with you—without pissing you off too much.
How to Handle It
First of all, breathe.
When a Gemini gets irritating, it’s like when a little kid wants your attention.
It’s a form of communication and is meant to both lighten the mood and create bonding between you.
Humor is a way of connecting for Gemini, even if his brand of comedy can be a little off-color.
Recognizing this is important if you want to be with a Gemini man.
So is clearly stating your boundaries.
I say “stating” because it’s crucial that you say in words what you do and do not like.
Don’t just act out of emotion.
Gemini can dish out the poking and prodding but he can’t really take it when you get upset and lash out at him.
He’s a bit of a hypocrite in that way.
Still, you’ll probably be shocked that he can get his feelings hurt.
And you’ll realize that he didn’t mean any harm.
So the key is to verbalize calmly but firmly when you don’t like something he’s doing so he really gets the point.
You might have to do this a couple of times until he understands that you’re serious.
When he stops, reward him with some cuddles and kisses so he knows that you’re not mad.
Passing this test is really about proving that the Gemini man can show you his real personality and you’ll still love him.
Test #11: Pranking
Just like teasing, pranking is a Gemini man’s way of being funny.
He might try to play a harmless little trick at least once.
If you’re wondering what in the world you could be in for, it’s usually something really silly.
Like making up a shocking story, and once you believe it he’ll crack a huge grin.
Or asking you out on a date and then pretending you’re going to McDonald’s.
Hardy-har-har, Geminis.
How to Handle It
Learn to laugh at yourself.
Recognize that Geminis are tricksters and they kind of can’t help themselves.
They are the definition of Mercurial, which is no surprise given that Mercury is Gemini’s ruling planet.
If you really want to impress the Gemini man, think up your own harmless prank for him.
As long as it’s not designed to make him look less than smart, because Geminis are touchy about that.
But a good “gotcha” is praise-worthy in a Gemini man’s book and he’ll bow to your cunning.
He’ll be delighted that you were moved enough to craft this little brain teaser just for him.
Good luck and God speed on your quest to pass all of a Gemini man’s tests!
Frequently Asked Questions
How to know if a Gemini man is serious about you?
You will know that a Gemini man is serious about you because he won’t relent.
No matter what you do, he knows that he wants you and he’ll do whatever it takes to be with you.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s going to change his life around for you, but he will always be there, waiting for a chance to take things to the next level when you’re ready.
If you break up with him, he’ll try to be your friend…and then boyfriend again.
Seriously, there’s not much you can do to shake a Gemini man when he’s serious about you, aside from all-out betrayal.
What makes a Gemini man chase a woman?
Two things can make a Gemini man chase a woman: curiosity, and intellectual connection.
A Gemini man will chase you if he’s simply trying to satisfy his curiosity about you.
At least for a bit.
But if you really want him to continue chasing you, you need to get him mentally hooked on you.
This means engaging him in thrilling conversations and keeping him on his toes so that he can’t predict everything you’re going to do and say.
Gemini men need you to surprise them, make them think and make them laugh.
Do anything but bore them!
Do Geminis admit when they’re wrong?
So the thing is, theoretically a Gemini would have no problem admitting they’re wrong.
The issue is that Geminis never think they’re wrong.
Geminis are extremely smart and they can jump through a lot of mental hoops to convince themselves and everyone else that they’re correct.
They have been known to cleverly hide information or use their intelligence to outwit someone and come out victorious.
So while you’re not meeting the sort of stubbornness that a Taurus has, you’re still probably not getting a Gemini to admit they’re wrong simply because they’re always right.
At least according to them.
What are the red flags of a Gemini man?
Gemini red flags include being unceasingly wishy-washy and noncommittal, and using manipulation to get what they want.
Many Geminis find it difficult to commit to one idea, one person or what have you, yet they don’t want to miss out.
So they’ll use whatever mind games they have in their repertoire to capture your heart—then leave when convenient.
I want to stress that this is not the case with all Geminis, just maybe some young and unevolved ones.
And they’re called red flags for a reason—they’re warning signs that a particular situation or individual is not emotionally healthy. Not a description of an entire zodiac sign’s characteristics.
Still, if you see these red flags in a Gemini man, be on your guard.
What makes a Gemini man miss you?
A Gemini man tends to miss you all on his own when he remembers you.
He might be taking a trip down memory lane and fondly recalling your good times together.
This is why sometimes Gemini guys will call an ex out of the blue.
But if you’re trying to get a Gemini man to miss you, the only way to really do that is to remind him of how much fun it is to be with you.
That can be hard if he’s not around you much, but if you’re friends on social media then you can use posting updates, pictures and stories of the most interesting aspects of your life to your advantage.
Go on adventures and then gush about them.
Show that you’re going out on the town and that you have potential suitors.
A little bit of competition can kick a Gemini man into action.
How does a Gemini man act when hurt?
When a Gemini man is hurt, he shuts down.
You can see when you’ve hurt him at first because he’ll appear sad and upset.
But quickly, he’ll hide these emotions and create space between you.
He doesn’t like to feel like you’ve got the upper hand and he’ll try to protect himself by acting like it’s nothing.
What are turn offs for a Gemini man?
Gemini men are turned off by things like:
- Small talk
- Predictability
- Superficiality
- Playing it too safe
- Never questioning the rules
- Clinginess and possessiveness
- Not being able to laugh at yourself
- Narrowmindedness
- Boredom
Signs a Gemini man is just using you
One of the biggest signs that a Gemini man is just using you is if he keeps flirting with other women in front of you.
Like all the time, without shame.
Sure, some Geminis are flirtier than others.
But don’t make the mistake of believing that a Gemini man who is really into you will use flirting with other women to make you want him.
This is a misconception.
Overall, you can tell a Gemini man is using you if he doesn’t do anything to really put himself out there and show you that he’s interested in you.
He’ll always be aloof and out of reach.
What makes a Gemini man tick?
The world of ideas is what makes a Gemini man tick.
He’s very motivated by mental stimulation and intellectual ideas.
The “real world” pales in comparison to what new ideas and theories he can dream up and explore.
Everything comes down to how much you can tickle his imagination.
I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at decodethezodiac.com.