Are you confused because you think maybe a Gemini man likes you, but he’s pretending he doesn’t?
Geminis may try to throw you off the trail when they like you so that they have more time to figure you out before they get involved.
Here are the signs a Gemini man likes you but is hiding it:
- He stares at you when he thinks you can’t see.
- He’s awkward.
- He either talks your ear off or can’t speak at all.
- He actually doesn’t flirt with you. Like at all.
- He’s hot and cold with you, sometimes ignoring you.
- He might tease you, but he won’t let anyone else.
- He acts aloof.
- He’s trying to charm your friends.
- His friends are trying to charm you into talking to him.
- He asks you to spend time with him, but he keeps some distance.
- He seems anxious around you but not other people.
In addition to the telltale signs that a Gemini is into you, I’m going to cover additional details you need to know so you can tell the difference between a Gemini man wanting you and wanting to be friends.
I’m also going to give you some tips on asking a Gemini man out (including examples you can steal!) and getting him to open up and just admit he likes you already.
You’re welcome!
Ready? Here we go!
Signs a Gemini Man Likes You But Is Hiding It
If a Gemini man likes you but he’s decided to keep it under wraps, he’ll go to great lengths to pretend he has no interest in you.
In some ways he’ll do a good job, being careful not to show any physical affection and ignoring you until you’re pretty sure he doesn’t even register your existence.
In other ways it’ll be so obvious that this is all a ruse, like when he gets tongue-tied at the slightest touch of your hand, or when he shows signs of jealousy in response to other guys flirting with you.
For sure, it’s hard to tell when a Gemini likes you if he’s trying not to let you know.
But putting together a complete picture with the clues listed below can help you solve the mystery.
Look for things that he does differently with you than with anyone else.
That’s the key to knowing whether he’s attracted to you or simply sees you as one of the guys.
Read Next: How Does a Gemini Man Test a Woman?
1. He Stares at You
When a Gemini man likes you and he doesn’t want you to know, he’s going to steal as many glances at you as he can when you’re not looking.
But when you look at him, he’ll try to act like he wasn’t staring.
Geminis are pretty good at this because they’re so quick, so you have to be quicker to catch them.
Or better yet, try leaving his line of sight when he’s distracted and then see what he does.
When he notices that you’re gone, he’ll start looking around to find where you went.
Then you know he likes you.
2. He’s Shy and Awkward
Back in high school, the Gemini man was the class clown.
He’s got no shame and in most situations he’s chatty, goofy and charismatic.
Probably also loud…unless you’ve got one of the rare, quiet Geminis.
But all Geminis are social butterflies and they’ll entertain anyone who will pay attention to them with their wonderfully insane antics.
It’s when a Gemini suddenly starts acting aloof around just you, that you know something is up.
Does he pipe down when you come around him and his group of friends?
Avoid making eye contact with you?
If he looks down at his shoes when you approach him, it’s a good sign that he actually likes you and he doesn’t know how to act.
He’s overthinking things and his brain is screaming at him to come across as cool and charming, and gawky.
So of course while his system overheats, he ends up being super awkward.
Basically, a Gemini guy acting weird and nervous around you = this Gemini man secretly likes you.
If this happens, do the poor guy a favor and just make a joke about something going on around you so it takes his focus off of him and redirects it to something external.
This may help him to function normally again, and he’ll thank his lucky stars that he didn’t scare you away.
3. He Talks to You…a Lot
On the other hand, he may become a chatterbox with you.
Geminis have the gift of gab.
They love talking and amusing others with their wild stories and knee-slapping wisecracks.
A Gemini man may single you out to chat you up again and again if he likes you.
Possibly in short bursts so as to not seem like he’s obsessed with you.
But if he’s conquered his shyness, then you may find that he keeps making his way back to you.
Communication is how Geminis connect with you, so especially as he starts to get more comfortable with you, this is going to be a major way that he shows his interest.
4. He Teases You
You know a Gemini man is fond of you if he roasts you.
All Geminis do this, both men and women.
If he didn’t like you, he wouldn’t talk to you at all.
Geminis have a jittery kind of energy that causes them to overthink, overanalyze and get anxious—especially around someone they like.
But teasing helps everyone loosen up. It sort of levels the romantic playing field.
By teasing you, the Gemini man is taking you off of any potential pedestal you might be on so he can actually reach you, and not idolize you.
Because if he idolizes you, then how is he ever going to have the audacity to hit on you?
Eventually, that is.
5. He Tries to Befriend You
If a Gemini man isn’t ready to tell you he likes you, he’ll try to be your friend instead.
It’s easier for him to get closer to you without the worry of screwing it up.
Geminis can be very indirect and they tend to work their way into your heart rather than trying to swoop in and steal it.
Besides, being pals first allows him to find out if you click well without a ton of investment up front.
Friendship is a very typical avenue to a relationship with a sociable air sign like Gemini.
6. He Ignores You
Because he’s so unsure of himself around you, a Gemini man who likes you but is trying to hide it will do his best to ignore you.
He’ll try to appear like he has no more interest in you than he does a tree.
But that’s not true because he’s all over your social media accounts and he can’t stop showing up to places where you are.
This can be a tough sign to spot because, well, ignoring someone doesn’t exactly seem like a declaration of affection.
I’m just saying to not be fooled by the Gemini’s appearance.
If he’s really into you, then he’ll respond when you make it clear to him that you’re interested in him.
It might take him a day or two to get up the courage, but he’ll jump on that chance to get with you.
7. He Does Not Flirt With You
Ever notice how flirtatious Geminis are?
They’re terrible flirts and will flirt with just about anyone, if only to make them blush.
But they kind of suck at flirting with someone they secretly like.
Flirting with everyone but you could also be how the Gemini man is testing you and your interest in him.
He may be waiting for you to throw your hat into the ring and compete for his attention.
Not all Gemini males will do this, but they can be crafty like that.
8. He’s Hot and Cold
Gemini men have a reputation for playing hot and cold games with someone they want, but it’s almost always born out of a fear of rejection.
Gemini is a sign that likes to think they’ve got it all figured out.
So when the future is uncertain and they can’t tell whether you like them back, Gemini men will turn it off just like that.
They do it because they’re afraid they might be miscalculating your affection for them and when they put themselves out there, you’ll cringe.
It’s hard to follow a Gemini’s signals because they’re so changeable.
But acting hot and cold isn’t always as complicated as you think it is.
It could just be that he’s pretending not to like you as much as he does to save himself some embarrassment.
9. Jealousy
Sometimes all it takes for a Gemini guy to reveal his true feelings is some competition.
If another man is showing you special attention in front of the Gemini man and he seems mad about it, then he definitely has feelings for you.
He might get irritated and walk out.
But don’t expect him to swoop in if he’s been concealing his affection for you.
He’ll start spiraling thinking about whether he was doing the right thing ignoring you or if he should have been more open about how he feels.
So it’s not necessarily a great idea to flirt around in front of a particularly sensitive Gemini man.
He might convince himself that he was right to hide his feelings from you.
10. He Remembers What You Said That One Time
The Gemini mind is a steel trap.
It’s not uncommon for Geminis to remember details of a random conversation with a stranger six months ago.
Which means that a Gemini man is going to remember every single teensy-tiny detail that he learns about you if he’s into you.
Not only that, but he’ll also give himself away by recalling said details in front of you.
He’ll remember your favorite music, the color of the parrot you held in kindergarten and what outfit you were wearing on the day he met you.
Listen closely to his comments, and you’ll hear that he’s tailoring his conversation to your likes and interests that you mentioned before.
It’s a subtle clue, but it’s a relatively simple one to pick up on when you get talking to a Gemini man.
11. He Uses Social Crutches to Interact With You
With shy Geminis, it’s almost painful to talk to a crush because it feels so intensely awkward for them.
They’re struggling, and they need a diversion.
You might see a Gemini man fidgeting with his jacket while he talks to you.
If he’s a smoker, he’ll be chain smoking.
He might have one two many drinks at a party or bar because he’s too in his head and not paying enough attention to what he’s doing.
12. He Listens Well
A Gemini man is actually a really good listener, even though he seems so distractible.
It’s just that he doesn’t listen very deeply to someone unless he’s really interested in them.
You’ll notice that he goes quiet and lets you talk at length.
Whether he’s avoiding eye contact or looking you straight in the eyes, he’s paying close attention to what you’re saying and responding thoughtfully.
Most Geminis can’t stop themselves from getting caught up in the conversation with you if they really like you.
That’s where they really thrive and it can show you that they’re not as detached as they may seem.
13. His Friends Tease Him About You
If a Gemini man has a crush on you, it’s pretty likely that his friends know about it.
Geminis are motormouths and they tend to say out loud every passing thought in their heads when they’re around those they’re most comfortable with.
So for sure, a Gemini man’s friends have heard him mention your name more than a couple of times when he’s been thinking about you.
And they definitely know how he feels.
So if they’re all shushing each other and laughing when you come near while nudging their Gemini friend towards you, they’re just trying to make their buddy’s dreams come true.
14. He’s Chummy With Your Friends
Just like the Gemini man’s friends will hint that he likes you, your friends will probably also be able to tell what’s going on.
It’ll be obvious to them that the Gemini man likes you because he’ll be working his tail off to win them over.
You may even think that he’s into one of your female friends and not you, but the opposite is true.
He figures that getting in with your social circle will give him an advantage.
So if you want to know if a Gemini man is feeling you, ask your friends.
And believe what they tell you!
15. He’ll Get Nervous If You Touch Him
Don’t get him wrong, the Gemini would love to hug and squeeze you.
But the thought of trying to kiss you also gets his stomach in knots.
Only when a Gemini man feels more confident around you will he try to touch you and show physical affection.
But at that point, he wouldn’t be trying to hide it anymore.
While he’s attempting to keep his cool, he’ll be extremely aware of your body and careful not to make any physical contact that you might not like.
Which means he might do the opposite of what you expect and give you ample personal space.
Another guy would put a hand on your back or an arm around your shoulder, but the Gemini will avoid it.
You can test out whether he likes you or if he isn’t interested by reaching out and touching him.
If he loses his train of thought and starts acting like a nervous wreck, you know he wants you.
16. He Defends You
A Gemini man might tease you mercilessly, but no one else gets to.
That’s a privilege he reserves for himself only.
If he sees someone being rude to you or trying to get one over on you, he’ll fly to your defense.
He gets agitated when anyone is treating you with anything less than respect, whether it’s one of his friends or a complete stranger.
Geminis will risk having bad blood between them and a pal if they feel their friend has crossed the line.
In this way, the Gemini is kind of like your knight in shining armor.
You just can’t see it until he suddenly jumps into action.
17. He Brings Up an Old Flame
Dredging up the details of his split with his ex is not exactly fun and flirtatious banter.
But a Gemini man may talk to you about old relationships if you spark his interest.
This might be something he’ll do to get your reaction and see if you side with him or with his ex.
He may also be opening up to you because he wants to introduce deeper, more personal topics of conversation.
But a Gemini man doesn’t usually talk about his ex unless there’s a reason for it.
And paradoxically, he’ll do it when he likes you.
18. He Invites You Out, But Keeps Some Distance
You might get really excited when the Gemini man asks you to grab coffee, then feel disappointed when he shows up and doesn’t even give you a hug.
Or maybe he looks kind of serious and is not his usual smiling, joking self.
Don’t be thrown off by this.
If he’s asked you to hang out, he’s interested in you.
Especially if he’s asked you to hang out with him alone or if he didn’t invite anyone out but you, you’ve got to realize that he’s testing the waters with you.
He’s just hesitant to show his hand because he’s not done assessing you yet.
This is part of the hot-and-cold behavior that confuses a lot of women.
But it’s often a necessary step towards feeling more comfortable with expressing feelings to you.
How Do You Get a Gemini Man to Admit He Likes You?
In case a Gemini man is hiding the fact that he likes you, you can’t rush his process.
He’ll probably take one step closer, then one step backwards.
If you want him to quit the back-and-forth behavior, then you really have to have a little patience.
Show him that you’re interested in him very clearly by flirting and paying attention to him.
Just don’t overwhelm him.
If you come on too strong, he might get flighty.
Demonstrate that you like him back by complimenting him, talking to him and putting most of your focus on him and not other people.
Do this when you’re around him, and give him space when you’re apart.
This will give him time to think about you and start missing you when he doesn’t have your attention.
Geminis need that source of motivation.
When you start to feel his engagement with you, then I’d encourage you to put yourself out there first.
Be the one to do the asking out.
Or to get his digits.
Whatever you feel alright with, try to make some sort of effort that shows the Gemini man in no uncertain terms that you’d like to get to know him better.
With hard evidence, he’ll start to get out of his head little by little and his frozen exterior will thaw out.
If he’s being stubborn and won’t admit that he likes you but he’s showing all the signs that he does, then you probably need to say it first.
Geminis feel safer mirroring someone than going out on a limb.
So he might really be waiting for you to take the first step.
How to Ask a Gemini Man Out
If you’ve made up your mind to ask that fascinating Gemini man out, then be direct about it.
Gemini men like it when they know what to expect, but they also need it to be exciting.
Make sure you’re presenting an offer to go out with you as a chance to do something really fun and unique.
Frame it like an adventure, or a mutual exploration of something novel or taboo.
Here are some examples:
“Hey Gemini Guy, next Saturday there’s a special burlesque show happening downtown and I thought it might be fun to go together. We could get drinks after. What do you think?”
“Hey there Gemini, I’m scared to try oysters for the first time but I’ve decided I need to do it since you mentioned how good they are last week. Do you want to come with me to that seafood restaurant everyone talks about and witness this historical moment?”
“Laser tag or escape room? Whichever you pick, you have to do it with me Friday night.”
Being fun and frisky in your invitation makes it way more tempting for the Gemini man to accept.
He’s young at heart and won’t be able to pass up getting up to mischief with you.
It’s not that he can’t do traditional dinner dates, but he’s much more likely to get amped up about an escapade.
It’s also better to ask him to a specific event or to join you in some sort of activity because it’s less pressure on him.
Instead of feeling like he needs to plan the perfect date because you asked him if he wants to get dinner and a movie sometime, he can just enjoy meeting up with you for whatever fun time is in store.
Signs a Gemini Man Just Wants to Be Friends
Now that you know what to look for when a Gemini man actually likes you, let’s cover some strong indications that he is not interested in you romantically and would prefer to stay friends.
These are some things he’ll do to try to signal that he wants to keep things platonic:
- Seeming kind of flirty with you, but also with everyone else – this might be the sociable Gemini personality coming out and making you believe he wants more than he does. Especially if he shies away when you come onto him, it indicates that he’s just being (maybe overly) friendly.
- He doesn’t seem to want to spend time with you – A Gemini who likes you will usually take the opportunity to hang out with you when given one. If he seems totally disinterested and he doesn’t care if he misses out with you, then he doesn’t like you that way.
- Ghosting you – A Gemini man might go back and forth with you a bit, but he won’t completely ghost you if he likes you. If he doesn’t want to date you and he feels like that’s what you want, he might pull back hard and cut off all contact until he thinks things have settled down.
- He doesn’t care at all if you’re seeing other guys – If you were to mention dating other people, would he seem to not like that? If it doesn’t bother him, then you’ll know that he wasn’t seeking a relationship with you in the first place.
- Backing out of any one-on-one interactions with you – He might say sure if you ask him to hang out alone, then never show up. Or you might notice him always finding a way to quickly end a one-on-one conversation with you at a social function. He might sense that you’re into him and he’s trying not to lead you on.
- Treating you exactly the same way as anyone else – The most glaring sign that a Gemini man doesn’t have romantic interest in you is if there’s absolutely no difference at all between how he treats you and other people he’s friends with. This is why getting nervous around you is actually a telltale sign that he likes you—because that’s not how he typically is. Thus, it’s a pretty clear signal when you don’t feel like he’s singling you out in some way.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do Gemini men act when they have a crush?
Gemini men act in different ways when they have a crush, but often they’ll get quiet and nervous.
They’ll seem unlike their usual gregarious selves with you, at least until they warm up a little.
Other Gemini men are the total opposite and will aggressively pursue you until you relent to going on a date with them.
It’s kind of all over the place with Gemini males.
But one commonality that all Gemini men have when they have a crush on you is sticking around.
Whether they act timid or bold, they will always be waiting close by and watching for their chance to scoop you up and make you fall for them.
What do Gemini men find attractive?
Gemini men find it attractive when women are deep thinkers.
They love an analytical mind and when they can really dig into a topic with someone who isn’t afraid to go there with them.
They also love it when they meet someone who is as carefree and adventurous as they are.
Someone who isn’t chained to societal norms and will go streaking through the golf course at night on a dare.
How do you know if a Gemini is using you?
If a Gemini is using you, he’ll treat you like he’s using you.
He might be slightly disrespectful in the way that he talks to you, like he doesn’t care about your feelings.
He will have no qualms with ignoring your pleading texts all day long, and then call you late that night for a booty call.
Shameless is the word that comes to mind.
And if you ask him if he’s interested in more with you, he’ll either dodge your question with a joke or simply say “no.”
How do you tell if a Gemini is falling for you?
You know a Gemini is falling for you when they give you the goo-goo eyes.
They get this big soppy look in their eyes when they look at you.
It’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen on their face before because it’s so vulnerable and sincere.
Other ways to tell a Gemini is in love with you are if he opens up to you about his personal life, if he frequently wants to spend the whole night together and if he takes a lot of pride in making you laugh.
He’ll be very invested in your opinion of him and want to make the most of the time you spend together.
Do Geminis like when you chase them?
A little bit, but not too much.
Geminis don’t need you to hound them—in fact, they hate that.
But they do like when you create an opening for them to pursue you.
Like if you were to give a Gemini your number completely unsolicited—this would be a move that a Gemini would like because it would be a direct invitation that’s hard to misinterpret.
But it stops short of chasing.
There should be a little push and pull with a Gemini.
As a rule, neither party should be chasing too hard, or the Gemini might run out of steam.
How to make a Gemini man miss you like crazy?
To get a Gemini man to miss you like crazy, tap into whatever he finds special about you.
Did he love the deep conversations you used to have?
Message him with a question about a subject you know he’d be dying to chat about and phrase it like only his opinion really matters.
Whatever he finds irresistible, give him a little taste.
He might just come running.
Can Geminis hide their feelings?
Yes, Geminis can hide their feelings quite well.
They can be as stoic as they want to be if they don’t want you to know what’s going on inside of them.
Gemini is an air sign, and all of the air signs have the ability to emotionally detach when necessary.
Geminis will only show their feelings when they feel that they will be understood and reciprocated, which often means that they’ll wait until you ‘fess up first.
What is a Gemini’s flirting style?
Teasing, playing, getting some banter going with you, poking, pranking, calling you little nicknames, debating with you and calling you hot.
That, and making you snort-laugh.
Do Gemini catch feelings easily?
They can, but they may not act on their feelings right away.
They usually have to think about it and determine whether it’s worth acting on their feelings.
Gemini is a highly intellectual sign, and usually everything goes through their cerebral filter first, including their feelings.
It also depends on the Gemini’s Moon and Venus signs in their birth chart, but for the most part this is true.
I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at