A Taurus Moon man has very distinct characteristics from a Taurus Sun man.
If you want the good, the bad and the ugly about a man with a Taurus Moon, I’ve got you.
I’m going to tell you what you need to know about his traits and characteristics, how he is in love and dating, what he needs in a relationship, who he’s attracted to and other questions about Taurus Moon men.
Ready? Here we go!
Taurus Moon Man Personality
A Moon in Taurus man is deeply sensual and romantic. He’s smooth like butter.
He has the gracefulness of a Libra, unlike the Sun in Taurus man, who is more rough around the edges.
Whereas a Taurus Sun man is extremely blunt and will crash through a conversation like a—well, like a bull in a china shop—the Taurus Moon man is more tactful.
Taurus Moon men are not macho. They’re suave. Actually, elegant is the right word.
They’re well-liked and make people feel warm and fuzzy in their good-natured presence.
Gentle souls, Taurus Moon guys will bypass you to hug your dog. They’re known to be animal lovers, and animals love them.
The Moon has an internalizing, amplifying influence and the sign of Taurus is a nature baby. Thus, Taurus Moons seem to have this psychic connection to animals and the natural world.
Maybe that’s why your dog loves snuggling your Taurus Moon boyfriend so much.
If you date a Taurus Moon man, you’ll probably notice that he’s indulgent. They’re pleasure-seekers just like Taurus Suns, just a bit more refined in their tastes.
They would opt for a fine wine while a Taurus Sun man would slam a small-batch IPA.
As the Moon rules emotions and Taurus is associated with material possessions, Taurus Moon males get attached to whatever brings them emotional security.
They’re extremely sentimental and will wear their favorite t-shirt since high school until it disintegrates.
Taurus Moons are collectors. When they feel close to you, they will add you to their collection of Beloved People and Things and they won’t let you go.
But they’re extremely loyal.
Taurus Moon men need a sense of financial security and will work toward attaining that.
However, this doesn’t make them overly ambitious. Taurus Moon guys would probably marry a sugar mama if they could.
They love routine. They’re homebodies.
Taurus Sun men are too, but in a way like, “Why would I leave my house? I have everything I need here.”
Whereas Taurus Moon men are more like, “I cannot wait to eat pizza in bed like I do every Thursday night and watch TV.”
Taurus Moon men are easy-going and will be content as cats when fed and pet.
Just don’t get in the way of their scheduled meal times. They will go from zero to hangry in a millisecond.
They’re calm and even and rarely let their anger get to the boiling point.
However, when they feel their sense of inner balance is under attack, they skip grouchiness and go straight to table flipping.
Read Next: Taurus Man Acts Interested, Then Disappears
What Are the Strengths of a Taurus Moon?
The Moon is exalted in Taurus, a sign of stability and resilience. It likes being there.
Which means that Taurus Moons have strengths a-plenty.
- Inner Strength – They get knocked down, but they get up again. They can go through life facing all sorts of challenges and never stay on their asses.
- Nurturing – They have the ability to love and nurture themselves while also making others feel safe and loved.
- They Can Breathe Life Into Anything – Taurus is a very fertile sign, giving Taurus Moons a magical green thumb. They can make anything grow, be it their plants, their relationships or career aspirations. They’ll give it the patience and attention it needs to flourish.
- Chill – Happy Taurus Moons have few worries. They feel that good things will come to them. And they often do.
- Supportive – Taurus Moons are the types you can lean on. They’re your rock.
- Grounded – They aren’t flighty. They don’t panic. In a crisis, you want them around to calmly take the wheel.
- Level-Headed – They aren’t terribly reactionary; they listen well and approach issues with a level head. This is what makes others come to them for advice.
- Trustworthy – Taurus Moons won’t spill your secrets. They would never do anything to anyone that would hurt them on purpose.
- Reliable – Because these guys prioritize safety and security, they’re the opposite of reckless. They make choices based on thought-out, rational decisions. They’re consistent and dependable.
- Kind – They are genuinely kind and gentle.
- Generous – They feel the internal gift of abundance and will share what they have or help out where they can.
- Good Taste – You can ask a Taurus Moon where the good food spots are at in town. And if you receive a gift from a Moon in Taurus, it’ll be quality.
What Is the Weakness of the Taurus Moon?
Just because the Moon is strong in Taurus doesn’t mean these people don’t struggle. Such is the human experience.
- Stubbornness – This is the infamous weakness of Taurus placements in a birth chart. Taurus Moons have difficulty with perspective taking and will fight for their own viewpoints to be dominant just because they have them.
- Jealousy/Possessiveness – Taurus Moons may obsess about who’s texting you, especially in the beginning of a relationship. And they really don’t like hearing about your exes.
- Avoidance – Avoidance of everything that feels the slightest bit bad. They tend to be rug sweepers and struggle to break bad habits.
- Resistant to Change – Taurus Moons will also avoid anything that smells remotely of change. The Moon being a Comfort Queen and Taurus being a fixed earth sign whose whole thing is putting down roots, Taurus Moons are deeply uneasy when it comes to the unknown. They tend to stay with what they know. Even when it hurts them. They’re like frogs in a slowly boiling pot of water.
- Escapism – While it’s cool that Taurus Moons are so good at not freaking out, suppressing their feelings can lead to inadvertent expression through unhealthy outlets and self-medication. They may eat junk, drink too much or try to escape into a world of indulgence in order to stop feeling sad, mad, guilty or disappointed.
- They Suck at Asking for What They Need – A Taurus Moon needs to learn how to ask for help. They won’t want to burden you with their problems and may appear pretty stoic. They may silently go along with things they don’t like until it’s intolerable for them.
- Red Flag Blindness – Some Taurus Moons, in either their desire for stability or their desire to see the best in people, can be too superficial. When choosing a relationship, they may focus on optics or financial security while ignoring red flags.
Moon in Taurus Man in Love and Relationships
A man with a Taurus Moon is affectionate, romantic, stable and dependable.
He’s sensual and earthy like a Taurus Sun, but with a softness Taurus Suns lack.
He wants his relationships to be harmonious and is more careful than Taurus Suns about how he comes across.
But I’m sorry to tell you, the Taurus Moon man is as stubborn on the inside as a Taurus Sun. Maybe more?
He’s just quietly stubborn. You don’t realize you lost the argument, but you did.
Dating a Taurus Moon man means always being comfy. He’ll create an atmosphere that feels homey and relaxing.
A Taurus Moon man will take care of you.
He’ll do it through sensory experiences, like making you chicken noodle soup and giving you the best pillow to rest your head on.
And he’ll show his love with tons of physical affection and acts of service.
Where you don’t feel nurtured so much as protected and provided for by a Taurus Sun man, a Taurus Moon man has almost a motherly gentleness.
He’s doting. It’s wonderful. Like you’re being swaddled in his love and cuddles.
And speaking of cuddles, Taurus Moons are expert cuddlers.
One of the nicest things about being with a guy with a Taurus Moon is his ability to hold space for you emotionally.
You can cry, scream and vent. He won’t take it personally. He’ll just be there to hold you and support you.
Taurus Moon men can be super nonconfrontational, though.
If you’re like that too, you’ll either love being with a Taurus Moon man or you’ll hate it because nothing will ever get resolved.
They struggle to let go after a breakup, and they’re not usually the ones to pull the trigger.
Unlike Taurus Suns, who are highly independent, Taurus Moons can get a bit codependent when they feel settled in a relationship.
And they’re not much for excitement.
Their sort of fun is binge-watching shows. But if you’re also a low-key introvert, then a Taurus Moon man is your guy.
What Is the Moon in Taurus Man Attracted To?
Taurus Moon guys love luscious smells.
They’ll be attracted to you if you’re wearing a nice-smelling perfume. They themselves are the proud owners of multiple colognes for different moods and occasions.
If you want a Taurus Moon man, dress the part.
Wear elegant, classy clothes that you keep nice and wrinkle-free. I know, who owns an iron anymore?
These men appreciate a woman who is well-groomed. Pay attention to the details because they notice things like your hair and nails.
It’s actually pretty nice if you’ve dated guys who wouldn’t notice if you wore a potato sack to dinner.
Personality-wise, a Taurus Moon man is attracted to a woman who is soft and feminine.
He likes soothing voices and a subtle approach to flirting.
If you feel high-maintenance, don’t worry. He doesn’t mind a princess. He can handle it.
If you really want to attract a Taurus Moon, be calm and go with the flow. Drama-free is the keyword.
He’ll treat you like royalty if you act regal and he’ll run away if you act entitled.
How Do Taurus Moons Express Emotions?
Taurus Moons tend to express their emotions a few different ways.
Mainly, they do so through their body language and bingeing on whatever makes them feel good.
They tend not to talk about their feelings, having direct access to their emotions but not the same emotional lexicon of an air Moon like Aquarius.
Funnily enough, Aquarius Moons have the inverse problem—they can talk, talk, talk about feelings but often struggle to connect with them.
But I digress. Back to Taurus Moons.
For Taurus Moons, putting feelings into words is difficult.
Taurus as a zodiac sign is about the body and its senses. So with a Taurus Moon, this person will feel emotions strongly in their body.
It’s like they’re holding an antenna so that when lightning strikes, it’s channeled right through them. Just imagine the lightning is a strong emotion.
Sadness makes them sick to their stomachs. Happiness feels like they’re light as air.
You can see the effects of this to some extent. Like if the Taurus Moon is happy, you might see them bounce into the room on the balls of their feet.
You can see their big, huge smiles plastered on their faces.
They’ll also be more touchy-feely and affectionate when they’re happy.
However, when they’re upset, you’ll see it on their faces. You’ll see it in their posture.
If a Taurus Moon is getting upset, the first emotion they’ll express is irritation.
They might be sad, mad or worried. It will come out initially as simmering frustration and maybe a snarky comment or two.
Getting their hands on anything that makes them feel physically good is another thing Taurus Moons do to let their feelings out.
You might see them buying themselves an ice cream cake or doing a little retail therapy.
And they may be able to hide the magnitude of their feelings to a certain extent, especially from people who don’t know them that well.
But when you know a Taurus Moon well, they’re unable to hide it.
What Does a Moon in Taurus Man Need?
Aside from cuddles and stability? Nothing!
Well, a few things.
Love and accept them. Give them comfort and security.
Indulge them from time to time. Get them their favorite snacky-snack from the store.
When they’re having a hard time, don’t wait for the Taurus Moon to open up, because they probably won’t.
Instead, be ready with a bottle of their favorite wine or beer and a home-cooked meal.
If you can predict the needs of the Taurus Moon and intuitively provide for them without a lot of fuss and fanfare, their heart will melt for you.
Be aware of the environments that the Taurus Moon doesn’t like and don’t drag them anywhere too loud and busy.
And when they look like they’re not enjoying themselves, be the first to suggest leaving and going home for a snuggle instead.
Taurus Moons just want to be touched, fed and feel secure.
It’s pretty easy to please them, but also easy to neglect them because they don’t complain.
Respect his boundaries. Ask him what his boundaries are.
Also, if you’re going to be with a man with his Moon in Taurus, you’ll need to be the one to talk about the hard things he doesn’t want to talk about.
Things that cause arguments and things that worry him.
Just because he avoids these topics doesn’t mean he doesn’t need someone to face them with him, so provide that catalyst.
Taurus Moon Man Compatibility with Other Moon Signs, Ranked
Men with their Moon in Taurus will be most compatible with others who have their Moons in an earth or water sign.
So Taurus Moon men find both romantic and friendship compatibility with the following Moon signs: Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces.
Strictly talking about elements, earth signs “get” each other intuitively. They click because they have similar qualities.
Water signs are a close second in terms of elemental compatibility with earth signs. Earth and water compliment each other and meld together beautifully.
Fire and air signs are less compatible because they don’t share as much in common and have some more drastic differences in how they operate.
If I were to rank all of the Moon signs in terms of compatibility with Taurus Moons, I’d rank them this way:
- Virgo Moon
- Capricorn Moon
- Cancer Moon
- Taurus Moon
- Pisces Moon
- Scorpio Moon
- Leo Moon
- Libra Moon
- Aries Moon
- Gemini Moon
- Sagittarius Moon
- Aquarius Moon
Disclaimer: Let me just add that Moon signs are not the be-all and end-all of compatibility.
Yes, they are very important. But Moon signs are just one part of compatibility where astrology is concerned.
Also check your Venus signs, Mars signs, Ascendants and of course, Sun signs to see how you would get along.
Why I Ranked the Moon Signs Like I Did (My Defense)
If you’re a Virgo Moon doing a happy dance or an Aquarius Moon wondering why I ranked you dead last, let me explain why I put the Moon signs in the order that I did.
There is rhyme and reason to it!
Let’s start with Virgo Moon.
Virgo Moon + Taurus Moon
Virgo Moons love to take care of their partners and don’t miss the details, which is why they get the #1 spot for compatibility with a Taurus Moon man.
Plus, Taurus Moons and Virgo Moons both love quiet, nature-based activities like gardening and going for walks, giving them a lot to do together.
And they both have a lot of staying power in a relationship—once they’re in, they give it their all.
Capricorn Moon + Taurus Moon
Full disclosure, it was really tough deciding whether Virgo Moon or Capricorn Moon would claim first place.
But ultimately I decided Capricorn Moons win second place because Capricorn Moons can be less romantically demonstrative, and this can bug Taurus Moons.
However, they have high compatibility for their shared values of hard work, respect for one another and mutual desire to create a cushy life together.
Cancer Moon + Taurus Moon
If you’re wondering why I placed Cancer Moon—a water Moon—before Taurus Moon, it’s because Cancer Moon folks are very sentimental and mushy inside.
Taurus Moons love that in a relationship.
Cancer Moon people are as nurturing, if not more so, than Taurus Moons and will spoon-feed the Taurus Moon while rubbing their belly.
That is so hot to a Taurus Moon.
Taurus Moon + Taurus Moon
Obviously, two Taurus Moons are going to have pretty much everything in common.
Which can magnify the good—and the bad.
Taurus Moons smother each other in physical affection and often end up holing up together in their apartments for days on end.
Yet their mutual stubbornness and avoidant tendencies may work against them.
It can be great…until it’s not.
Pisces Moon + Taurus Moon
In fifth place is Pisces Moon because Pisces Moons are equally peace-loving.
Pisces and Taurus Moons are quite different emotionally, with Pisces Moons being much more sensitive and all over the place mood-wise.
However, the two Moons can harmonize well if the Taurus Moon can hang in there with the emotional roller coaster sometimes.
Also, Pisces Moons are very tolerant and flexible, and this in itself can help balance out some of the differences that might otherwise get in the way.
Scorpio Moon + Taurus Moon
Scorpio Moon is in the middle because while it’s a water sign, and thus elementally compatible with a Taurus Moon, the sign of Scorpio is opposite to Taurus.
Take this rating with a grain of salt, though, because these two can have the hottest sexual chemistry.
If we’re talking sexual compatibility only, then Scorpio Moon would probably skyrocket to position one or two in this list.
However, Scorpio Moons are paranoid.
This makes the normally calm and easygoing Taurus Moon kinda paranoid, too.
Misunderstandings between them may get blown out of proportion due to Scorpio Moon’s secretive nature and Taurus Moon’s more lax approach to things.
So overall, their compatibility is variable and thus somewhere in the middle.
Leo Moon + Taurus Moon
Taurus Moon people tend to love Leo Moon people.
Taurus moon men are attracted to the passion that Leo Moon women have in the bedroom and in life in general. They can make a smokin’ hot duo.
On the other hand, Leo Moons tend to be very reactionary and dramatic, which can put Taurus Moons off. It’s a bit of a trade-off in the relationship.
Libra Moon + Taurus Moon
Libra is the other sign ruled by Venus, just like Taurus.
So even though they’re completely different elements—Taurus being earth and Libra being air—they have certain qualities that bring them to a mutual understanding.
They both value harmony, justice and beauty. However, they have their own approaches to love and romance.
Taurus Moon is slow but wants sure signs of commitment and dedication. Libra Moon might jump into a relationship but not necessarily need all the verification of compatibility that Taurus Moon does.
So they can often get to this crossroads where neither Moon sign really trusts or knows what the other one is doing, making it difficult to move forward.
Aries Moon + Taurus Moon
An Aries Moon is quick and decisive, which is both good and bad for a Taurus Moon.
The Taurus Moon man loves the determination and passion of the Aries Moon, but not the demand to get into a relationship because the Aries Moon acts on impulse and already knows the Taurus Moon is the one.
There’s just no way the Taurus Moon can be comfortable with that, and the Aries Moon isn’t comfortable feeling like the Taurus Moon isn’t giving his all straight away.
Add to this that they’re both hotheaded, and there can be some screaming matches.
On the upside, their bond is strong and they love hard, making each feel amazingly loved and appreciated.
Gemini Moon + Taurus Moon
Gemini Moon is a tough one for a Taurus Moon.
Gemini’s nature is quick and random. Gemini Moons get bored easily in relationships and may seek novelty to keep things interesting.
Taurus Moons don’t need all that. In fact, they may have a hard time keeping up with the Gemini Moon and their antics.
Where they find their connection is in great banter and mutual playfulness.
Sagittarius Moon + Taurus Moon
What does a Sagittarius Moon need? Freedom. And plenty of it.
This is not something a Taurus Moon man is going to ever really understand. Why can’t the Sagittarius Moon just stay home and spoon on the couch?
There’s a lot of distrust and anxiety when these two come together because they just don’t see eye-to-eye on what matters in a relationship.
The saving grace is the Sagittarius Moon’s endless optimism and love of romance drawing them back together.
Aquarius Moon + Taurus Moon
Straight up, it’s hard for an Aquarius Moon and a Taurus Moon to match up.
Romantically, they are on different planets.
The Aquarius Moon is emotionally cool and not the most sentimental; the Taurus Moon is emotionally warm and wants to be babied.
Aquarius and Taurus are both fixed signs, which means neither one of them is going to give the other any sort of compromise.
What they both need is unquestionable loyalty and the ability to be themselves with their partners.
If they can make that happen, then maybe they stand a chance.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is a Moon in Taurus man’s ideal woman?
The ideal woman for a man with Moon in Taurus is a woman who is consistent, mature and responsible.
Underneath the surface, a Taurus Moon is looking for a stable woman.
You could be the most gorgeous gal in the world and he’d go for a less attractive woman who builds towards her future and doesn’t blow through paychecks on trivial things.
If he had his druthers, he’d be with a woman who liked routine as much as he does.
Someone who doesn’t hassle him to go out and who will stay in with him willingly on the weekend.
He would make it worth her while.
Are Taurus Moon men possessive?
Yeah, they can be.
Taurus Moon men get so attached that they can be seen as possessive.
However, it really depends on the relationship. In a secure relationship, a Taurus moon is not usually prone to outward fits of jealousy and possessiveness.
He might be a little weird in the beginning as he gets to know you because his circle is small.
But once they trust you, Taurus Moon men gladly give space and don’t try to infringe on your freedom to do as you please.
Just don’t let other dudes go on flirting with you without explicitly stating that you’re taken, or a Taurus Moon might be triggered.
How do you make a Taurus Moon man fall in love?
If a Taurus Moon man were to fall in love, it would be with someone who took care of him well.
It would be with someone who doesn’t take his generosity for granted and returns the favors.
Someone who dotes on him. Who brings him a glass of water too when they get one for themselves.
It’s little things that make a Taurus Moon man fall in love.
They may seem mundane, but they add up to a lot.
Lots of hugs, kisses and physical affection will make a man with Taurus Moon fall in love.
He can’t live without being touched regularly by a woman he’s head over heels for.
Mostly, he’ll fall for a woman who makes him feel safe.
That means making sure you’re thinking of him when you make plans for your future. Not trying to drag him all over this green earth looking for the next big opportunity.
For Taurus Moons, opportunities are made wherever you are.
They don’t need to risk it all to be happy with you.
How to tell if a Taurus Moon man is into you?
You can tell by the way he treats you.
He will be extra nice and extra gentle with you. He’ll turn up the charm and be very sweet and gentlemanly.
Chivalry is not dead with Taurus Moon men.
He’ll also be outwardly affectionate with you.
How does a Taurus Moon flirt?
A Taurus Moon flirting would be a subtle thing. Taurus Moons are low-key.
It does depend on their Sun sign, too. A fire sign Sun with a Taurus Moon might be more brash and show-offy in public, but more quiet and shy when you’re one-on-one.
But generally, Taurus Moons flirt best when it’s just the two of you together.
They’ll flirt by touching you, looking you in the eyes and giving you all of their attention to make you feel heard and seen.
How to win over a Taurus Moon man?
A Taurus Moon man will be won over by someone who has a pure heart.
He just wants to unleash all of his love and affection on someone he can trust.
So if you show him that you would never take advantage of him, you would win him over in a heartbeat.
Also, give him snacks and make him comfy.
How do you make a Taurus Moon man miss you?
Making a Taurus Moon man miss you really revolves around creating that sense of comfort and security for him.
Give him your steady attention.
Reassure him by making him see that feeling attached to you wouldn’t come back to bite him.
How to nurture a Taurus Moon?
Nurture a Taurus Moon through their senses.
Cook for them, wrap them up in a warm blanket and hold them all night long.
Emotionally, you can nurture a Taurus Moon by being kind and supportive to them.
Never make fun of them.
Always be genuine and do not withhold your love and affection from them.
Are Taurus Moons clingy?
I wouldn’t call Taurus Moons clingy because they still need their personal space in a relationship.
However, they are less independent overall than Taurus Suns.
They can become codependent but not in an in-your-face kind of way.
A Taurus Moon person doesn’t necessarily need to do everything with you, but they will need you to make continuous efforts to include them in what you’re doing and make them feel wanted.
I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at decodethezodiac.com.