Are you getting mixed signals from a Taurus man who seemed interested in you, then stopped communicating out of nowhere?
This behavior is not unheard of with Taurus guys.
It’s so common, in fact, that here I am, dedicating an entire article to the question and I have no fewer than nine common reasons as to why it happens.
If you want to know what they are, just keep reading.
I’ll also be covering what to do when this happens to you, what the odds are that he’ll come back after ghosting and other complex situations that deserve some clarification.
Taurus Man Acts Interested, Then Disappears
I’ve got some good news and some bad news.
The good news is that when a Taurus man acts interested, then disappears, it’s not necessarily cause for concern.
There are some really mundane explanations that have nothing to do with him losing interest.
The bad news is, sometimes there really is cause for concern. But you won’t know because the Taurus man won’t tell you. Unless he wants to. Which almost never happens of his own volition.
If you’re getting zero communication from a Taurus man who was all over you for weeks, take a look at the reasons in the next section below.
Then move on to the following section to see what I suggest doing in response.
Read Next: Taurus Man Interested Or Just Friendly?
1. He’s Testing You
Taurus men will sometimes dangle a bit of bait—flirting, lavishing praise and attention on you, etc.—to get you hooked, only to take it away.
The reason for this can sometimes be (and actually often is) that it’s a test.
You see, Taurus guys hate to think that they’re putting all this effort into courting a woman if she’s wishy-washy.
The Bull needs to know that you’re attracted to him and not only that, capable of reciprocating.
So he does this to get you to reach out to him.
To a Taurus, showing that you noticed his disappearance = proving you’re at least equally invested in his courtship.
2. Something Derailed Him
There are times when life just gets in the way for a Taurus.
Tauruses are not easily overwhelmed, but they are easily deterred from matters of dating when important things come up.
Whether work just got stressful or they’re helping a friend in need of their support, the Taurus man will put that first.
It’s not because he forgot about you entirely. It’s because he can only really focus his efforts on one major thing at a time.
Tauruses are not the best multi-taskers. And instead of reaching out to share their burden when they’re stressed, they go into themselves to process everything and thus become distant.
I would say that while you can’t necessarily rule out the possibility of a Taurus man testing you, it’s probably safest to assume that something came up andit’s all pretty innocuous.
That way you won’t react with suspicion, which can hurt your efforts to get him talking again.
3. He’s Not Aware That He’s Doing It
Yet another common explanation for the silence is that some Taurus dudes have no idea they’re doing it.
You have to try to objectively assess the situation in order to figure out if this is what’s going on.
Has the Taurus man simply not texted you in a few days, when before he was texting daily?
He’s introverted. Most Taurus guys aren’t used to communicating with someone so much. So the Taurus man may have slipped back into his hermit ways.
However, if the Taurus man straight ghosted you for weeks after being nothing but charming and romantic and asking you questions about your dating history, it’s probably more than a simple slip of the mind for him.
4. He’s Being Guarded Because He’s Been Hurt Before
When a Taurus man has been hurt in a past relationship, it ends up affecting his future relationships, sometimes for years to come.
He throws up walls and acts so elusive, you’ll hardly know whether he’s crazy about you or barely knows your name.
It’s because he’s determined never to be hurt again.
Tauruses are deeply sensitive to rejection. And while it’s true that they’re pretty emotionally tough, that doesn’t apply when they get their hearts broken by someone they loved.
Once a Taurus is attached to someone, they leave their heart wide open because they expect it to be happily ever after with that person.
So when things go awry or they’re betrayed, it’s absolutely devastating to them and their focus becomes avoiding that type of pain in the future.
The problem is, that experience can make it difficult to get with the Taurus because the barriers he puts up are so extreme.
5. He Thought You Weren’t Interested
Then there’s the possibility that the Taurus man thought you weren’t interested in him.
This may not be your fault at all since Taurus men can be extremely subtle when they’re attracted to you.
The Taurus man may have been much more interested in you than you even realized.
So if you didn’t act quickly to reciprocate or make it crystal clear that you were into him, he may have lost steam and assumed that he was barking up the wrong tree.
I also have an article I wrote on understanding whether a Taurus man is into you or just being nice, so you might want to check that one out, too.
6. He Thinks a Relationship Wouldn’t Work Out
Taurus men are extremely risk-averse when it comes to choosing a partner. They won’t bother courting someone if they think it’s going to turn out to be a dead end.
If he believes you live too far away from each other to sustain a relationship—
If he thinks you want something casual while he wants something serious—
If anything has given him the idea that you’re not on the same page and dating you won’t lead to what he wants in the long run, he’ll drop communication and distance himself.
7. You Put Him on Emotional Overload
The thing about Tauruses is that they move so incredibly slowly towards a relationship.
They like to take their time and if they ever reel rushed, they tend to pull way back.
You may have told him you were catching feelings for him, having felt encouraged by the Taurus man’s intensity.
Naturally, that can convince a lot of women that the Taurus man is ready to put the pedal to the medal.
Unfortunately, this is almost never the case.
The truth is that any Taurus might want to pause after hearing professions of love or serious attachment in order to assess their own feelings before responding.
Feelings are scary for Tauruses. They’re earth signs and they crave stability and predictability.
The idea of someone needing to be closer to them and expressing attachment, no matter how much the Taurus feels the pull of attraction, hits them like a disruption to their inner world.
They need to get their bearings first, and that may include a bit of a time out.
8. You Pushed Him to Open Up
Tauruses are also slow to admit their feelings. (There’s a pattern here, isn’t there? 🤔)
When it comes to feelings, Taurus men like to show rather than tell until they reach that level of comfort where they can talk about them.
And even then, a Taurus guy might go back and forth between showing some vulnerability and closing up again while he learns to trust you.
This can frustrate some women, for sure.
The process of earning a Taurus man’s trust is at times excruciating.
If you asked the Taurus man how he feels about you before he was ready, that could throw him off.
Or if you cornered him to define where things are going before he’s even had a chance to consider how he feels, that could be alarming to him.
At worst, it could feel like taking control away from him.
Sharing your feelings is one thing, but trying to pry a Taurus man’s shell open too quickly will always be met with the infamous Taurus resistance.
9. He’s Not Ready for a Relationship
Probably the worst case scenario is that the Taurus man is immature.
There are Taurus guys out there who go hot and cold because although they know they don’t want to date you, they’re attracted to you and can’t let you go.
Be careful if this is what’s going on because it can create an unequal power dynamic between you that worsens the situation, and there’s almost no scenario where you would ultimately get what you want. (Assuming you’d like to date him.)
Often when Taurus men are flirting but they’re not actually ready for a relationship, they go back and forth between extremes of showering you with attention and going MIA.
To be sure, acting this flighty is not typical Taurus behavior—at least it’s not typical for a Taurus who feels secure in themselves and confident in their relationship capacity.
There’s an increased likelihood that this is what’s happening if you two are physically intimate every time you see each other.
The reason you keep hearing from the Taurus at all may be at times when he’s feeling nostalgic for that comfort that a romantic partner brings.
And when you don’t hear from him, it’s because he’s panicky that you got too close.
What to Do When a Taurus Man Ghosts You After Acting Interested
Best thing to do is to not freak out. Blowing up his phone or stopping by his place to find out what’s wrong, no matter how well-intentioned, will likely be perceived as crossing the boundary.
But you definitely want to take action, because doing nothing sends the message that you weren’t really into him in the first place.
Show some interest (and maybe a little concern for his welfare), but in a way that encourages him while respecting his space.
Try texting him with a brief but gentle message that you miss hearing from him and you just want to make sure he’s okay. I’d also say that he can call you any time if he wants to hear your voice.
If you do this and the Taurus man still doesn’t contact you within the next week, I wouldn’t message him again.
Chances are he got your message, but something is holding him back.
In this case, your best course of action is to go on living your life. Return the same casual energy he’s giving you.
The ball is in his court now, and taking any more action to try to get him to respond could make you appear needy.
Tauruses are so incredibly stubborn that there’s very little you can do if they don’t want to talk.
Best case scenario, he takes a little extra time to sort out his feelings or whatever he’s got going on and gets back to you with an apology for his absence.
Worst case scenario is that he wasn’t truly into you or was just trying to keep you around for his own ego. In which case, it’s good that you let him go because he’s not the person for you anyway.
Will a Taurus Man Come Back After Ghosting?
It’s possible, but it really depends on the situation.
If the Taurus man ghosted you because he was a little overwhelmed but you two had a strong connection, then there’s a good chance you’ll hear from him again.
But don’t hold your breath. Tauruses take their sweet time and it could be weeks or months before you hear anything.
However, if he didn’t develop strong feelings for you or he truly believes that a relationship with you is impossible for whatever reason, he’ll probably stay ghost.
Why Does a Taurus Man Keep Leaving and Coming Back?
If a Taurus man keeps checking in and out with you, that’s not a great sign.
Tauruses who go back and forth with someone are typically either too insecure to be alone or they’re keeping you around in case other options don’t pan out.
When a Taurus man knows he wants to be with you, he does what he can to secure a relationship with you.
I’m not talking about a momentary freak-out where the Taurus pulls away temporarily to gather his wits about him.
I’m talking about a Taurus man ignoring you repeatedly and then acting like nothing happened, and the cycle repeats.
The only thing to do when this happens is to prioritize yourself and don’t chase the Taurus man.
If you want to, you can point-blank tell him that this is not acceptable to you and if he wants to be in your life, he has to make consistent efforts.
If he wants that, too, it’ll be the wake up call he needs—otherwise, he’s not worth the headache.
Taurus Man Acts Interested, Then Disappears Through Text
All of the reasons I listed for why a Taurus man might act interested and then disappear apply when it comes to texting.
The only additional thing to consider is that Tauruses are not world-class texters.
It’s true that they tend to keep in touch consistently with someone they’re interested in, but many Tauruses end up lapsing on text communication because they get sidetracked.
Or they simply don’t like texting all that much. All Tauruses prefer to see you in person to texting.
Of course texting is way more convenient much of the time. But some Tauruses find texting too tedious and would rather wait until they’ve got something important to say or until the next time they can see you.
If you want to know, ask him. Preferably when you’re face-to-face.
He’s probably aware of his communication deficits and will tell you. Just take him at his word about it.
How Do You Know If a Taurus Man Is Still Interested?
Usually, consistency shows that a Taurus man is still interested.
You know it when he communicates with you regularly and shows you consistent affection.
If he’s had to pause on pursuing you in order to deal with someone else in his life, the Taurus man will get back to you eventually to let you know what’s going on and apologize for his lack of communication.
Being responsive to you is a big sign that a Taurus man still wants to see you.
If he doesn’t respond to you when you reach out to him, he texts you back one-word answers days later or he doesn’t make any attempt to spend time with you, he might not be interested anymore.
Will a Taurus Man Ignore You If He Likes You?
Not usually.
Taurus men will usually show you some signs that they like you through their body language and through focusing on you to the exclusion of all other women if they have a crush on you.
They probably won’t make themselves super easy to catch when they have a crush on you because Taurus men are still concerned about getting taken advantage of.
But your average Taurus man is going to be extra sweet and gentlemanly towards you to win you over if he likes you.
Taurus Frequently Asked
What does it mean when a Taurus stops talking to you?
There are so many different reasons a Taurus may stop talking to you.
If you had a fight and the Taurus cut you off, they may be hurt and are giving you the silent treatment.
It may be that they lost interest and don’t want to string you along.
When a Taurus goes full-on no contact after a breakup, it means they’re trying to move on.
Why does Taurus man pull away?
Often, a Taurus man pulls away because he’s scared of the very real feelings he’s developing for you.
He moves slowly towards a relationship and each step forward may require a temporary step back before he adjusts.
Tauruses are not good with change in their lives and will pull away until they feel safe again.
How to make Taurus man miss you?
The only real way to make a Taurus man miss you is to get him to see the improvements you’ve made in your life or while working on yourself.
If you broke up and you want him back, he needs to see that you’ve changed and that the old problems that made you break up have been addressed.
Tauruses naturally want stability and might miss someone who provided that to them.
This is true whether you offered emotional stability or your ability to mesh with the Taurus man’s routines and interests made the two of you like two peas in a pod.
How do you know if a Taurus man cares?
If a Taurus man cares, he’ll show it.
Taurus men aren’t necessarily going to call you every day or profess their feelings to you. But that doesn’t mean they don’t care.
If you allow yourself to be vulnerable with a Taurus man and he cares about you, he won’t take advantage of that.
He’ll be honest and open with you and show gentleness and sincerity in response.
How do you know if a Taurus man has fallen for you?
You know a Taurus man has fallen for you when he can’t stop giving you goo-goo eyes and smiling at you.
When he’s easy to reach and enjoys talking with you every chance he gets.
When he always wants you in his space and makes sure you get enough time together.
Also, when he’s vulnerable with you and trusts you with his secrets.
Signs a Taurus man is sexually attracted to you
You can tell a Taurus man is sexually attracted to you when he can’t stop pawing you.
He’ll try to be touching you or near you as much as humanly possible.
He’ll stare at you with a look in his eyes that will make you blush.
You will sense his hunger in his touch and in his eye contact.
Recommended Reading: Signs a Taurus Man Is Sexually Attracted to You
I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at