If an Aries man disappears and comes back, it’s hard not to jump to conclusions—but there are more reasons for this than you might suspect.
It doesn’t just boil down to one thing—and knowing why the Aries man has ghosted you and returned again can give you an edge in the battle for his heart.
I’ve put together a list of eight common reasons an Aries man does this and how to respond in each of these situations, which are as follows:
- He’s gotten a bit burnt out
- He assumed you weren’t that into him
- He got mad
- You came on too strong
- He came on too strong
- You’re not the only one he’s dating
- He got busy with other things
- He’s hung up on his ex
I’ve also included in this article what to do when an Aries man disappears on you and you have no idea why, as well as answers to questions like how to know if he’s losing interest and what it means if he keeps vanishing over and over again.
I sincerely hope you get some insight from this article and that it helps you better understand your Aries dude and what the right approach with him is.
Because there are a ton of misunderstandings about Aries behavior out there, and while I would never say I have all the answers, I can certainly share the knowledge and experiences I’ve had with Aries men, some of which have been good and some of which have been painful.
But moving on—let’s talk about what’s going on with your Aries man.
Why an Aries Man Disappears and Comes Back
When an Aries man disappears and comes back, it typically implies that he was not ready to dive into a relationship with you for one reason or another.
He wanted to put some distance between you, but he felt strongly enough about you—or was curious enough—to come back.
Which often does give you hope!
As you’ll read below, though there are various ways you can respond to the Aries man’s behavior, the common thread is that you should try to avoid overwhelming him.
The best response with an Aries man is always straightforward, never pushy, and leaving the ball in his court.
If you can pull that off, you’ll have a better chance of success with the Aries man.
Now—why did he pull a Houdini on you in the first place?
Recommended for You: 20 Key Signs an Aries Man Is Using You
He Burned Out
One of the biggest reasons an Aries man would disappear on you in the first place is that he lost steam.
They say air signs are flighty, but I don’t think they’ve been courted by an Aries.
The thing that gets confusing is that an Aries man can turn on a dime.
He could be chasing you like a cat about to catch a mouse on Monday, and come Friday he won’t call you at all anymore.
This is not a test. An Aries is either all in, or all out.
Aries is a passionate sign and whatever stirs their passion becomes the thing they obsess about—
Until they get bored or burnt out.
And this is when the Aries man seemingly falls off the edge of the earth.
He’s the first sign of the zodiac, and as such he’s earned the nickname the “baby” of the zodiac.
And like babies, Aries people need shiny things to capture their attention.
You need to be the shiny thing and constantly keep the Aries man intrigued, or his attention will wander.
The fact that he came back is a good sign, though.
It means that some part of him is still interested and he can’t ignore that.
He might feel an emotional attachment or feel like if he didn’t try again, he’d regret it.
Aries people are impulsive and they don’t really plan out what they’re going to do.
They just do it.
How to Respond?
If this is what’s happening, then it’s super important that you captivate him.
If the Aries man is excited by you and you’re always keeping it interesting for him, he’s going to put everything he’s got into pursuing you.
But don’t do it by throwing yourself at him!
Be casual and responsive to him when he gets in touch with you without overly communicating—keep your replies to him short and sweet but flirty and tempting.
He’s waiting to feel that pull—the urgency that makes him want to chase you.
Because that’s what an Aries man really wants.
If you hate the chase, I’m sorry—you might like a Cancer man better.
Follow my tips in my article How to Get an Aries Man to Chase You to get a better understanding of what you might do to grab his attention.
He Thought You Weren’t All That Interested
An Aries man will only keep calling you if he believes you’re super hot on him.
You can hate an Aries person’s guts and it won’t bother them at all, but nothing is more insulting to them than indifference.
If you’ve been too nonchalant with the Aries man, he may have been a bit miffed and decided to give you a taste of your own medicine.
He came back because either you reached out to him and showed signs of interest or he just couldn’t help himself and he’s giving it one more shot.
How to Respond?
Give it to him straight.
Tell him that you’re into him and that if he wants to get to know you better, he knows where to find you.
Being straightforward about it gives the Aries man the information he needs to stop having one foot out the door.
And being coy about it by letting the Aries man know he needs to take the next step gives him that sense of a challenge that he craves.
It’s everything he wants and if you respond like this, there’s a very good chance you’ll get the ball rolling with him again.
He Was Mad at You
Did you have a fight with the Aries man? Or did he blow up at you over something?
If you fought but you then you apologized to him, then he most likely came back because he’s accepted your apology and wants to move on from the bad feelings.
Aries men have a tendency to disappear on you when they’re mad at you.
Their emotions are explosive and they need time and space to get over it.
Taking responsibility for your part in the fight was definitely what brought him back as Aries men struggle with repairing after getting angry.
Usually you’ll have to be the one to break the ice and offer an olive branch.
How to Respond?
Tread lightly.
Make sure that your Aries man feels you’re sincere in your apology and your desire to do right by him.
From here on out, be more aware of the Aries man’s ego and make sure he feels considered in all your interactions.
This doesn’t mean you should kowtow to him all the time or let him walk all over you—he’s not looking for a pushover.
He wants an equal.
So you really need to see him as your equal in all respects and, most importantly, learn to back off when he’s getting irritated because it’s a quick leap from there to him losing it and storming off.
The great thing about Aries is that they don’t hold onto grudges once they come back to you.
At the same time, they don’t forget feeling disrespected and may give you fewer chances if they feel like you’re crossing their lines too much.
Right now, focus on having fun together and don’t linger on the past.
As long as you don’t keep rehashing it, he’s happy to let it go and enjoy your company.
You Came On a Little Strong
Did you share a little too much emotionally with the Aries man on your first date?
Ask him questions about commitment and tell him you’re looking for “The One”?
If you did, there’s a high probability that this had him worried.
Even if you had a great time on your date, I can almost guarantee that he got home and felt a wee bit cornered.
Aries men need to feel in charge of the relationship—including the pace.
If they feel like you’re leading the charge or you’re pushing them towards taking steps they’re not ready to take, they’ll quietly fade into the background until you don’t hear from them anymore.
However—we have to take into account that the Aries man did call you back eventually.
Which means that something about you has him enthralled.
At the risk of getting caught up with someone who wants too much from him too fast, he’s coming back around to keep his eye on you and how things develop.
But I’d be willing to bet that he’s doing so at a distance.
He’s not fully present or available to you.
If you came on too strong at first, he’s going to be cautious with you going forward so that if he feels like he needs to bounce, he can.
How to Respond?
In this situation, slow it down.
Don’t keep messaging the Aries man and pressuring him for another date.
Don’t remind him of the connection you shared one night to try to tug at his heart strings.
The only thing you can do now is keep your integrity intact and give him the space he’s created to sort out his feelings.
Give him the opportunity to take the lead, because if he felt denied that chance before, it’s imperative that you allow him to have that now.
When he gets in touch, don’t brush him off, but make sure you’re not at his beck and call.
He needs to see that you’ve got a life of your own to live and that there’s no reason for him to worry.
Just be careful that you’re not ignoring him—show him attention and interest while at the same time being fun and carefree.
That’s the type of attitude that gets an Aries man hooked and opens the door to more with him.
He Went a Little Too Fast
Even if you weren’t moving at warp speed, maybe it was the Aries man who did.
Did he lovebomb you and then ghost?
Was he contacting you daily, saying romantic things to you?
Getting a little bashful about how intimate you were becoming emotionally?
That kind of behavior can indicate that the Aries was tumbling headlong into a relationship with you and needed to find the brakes.
While Aries guys do tend to fall in love quickly, they can also burn out just as quickly if there isn’t any kind of pacing.
Like a match, once struck, it needs fuel to keep the flame alive or it will go out in the blink of an eye.
How to Respond?
If the Aries man got scared and then came back, it’s important to go slowly with him.
Just like if you moved too fast in the beginning—it doesn’t matter if it was you or him—you need to make room for him to protect his sense of freedom and independence.
The spark that you created together will keep on going if you feed it slowly.
One way you can do this is to be less available so that you’re too busy to say yes to spending every weekend together.
Take breaks from each other.
Don’t text him all the time.
Be warm and flirty and affectionate, but don’t rush becoming emotionally entangled with one another.
If he seems like he’s falling hard for you, give him lots of steamy passion—just don’t act like you’re ready to walk down the aisle with him.
There should be enough intrigue and mystery between you until the Aries man asks to date you exclusively or otherwise nudges the relationship forward.
He’s Seeing Other People
Aries folks don’t often date multiple people at the same time unless they’re really not open to having a relationship with anyone.
An interested Aries is intense and puts all of his focus and attention on the object of his interest.
So if the Aries man who is in and out of your life is seeing other people too, there’s a good chance that he doesn’t intend to get more serious about you.
However, that’s not always the case.
Your particular Aries man might just be keeping his options open for now in case things with you don’t pan out.
How to Respond?
You have two choices: Let him keep coming and going and see where it goes, or have a talk with the Aries man.
But if you’re done with the back-and-forth, then it may be time to lay your cards on the table.
Send him a message or an email that explains your situation and what you’d like from him.
Leave out anything that sounds like blaming, shaming or guilting.
Simply let him know that at this stage you really like him and you would like the opportunity to get to know him more, but it makes you uncomfortable to be seeing other people at the same time.
You never know—it’s possible that the Aries man has been waiting for you to say those exact words so that he knows where your heart lies.
But if not, he’ll be able to take action and either give you what you want or let you know that he can’t.
After you have that talk, let the Aries man be the one to make the next move.
Wait for him to show that he’s made up his mind, and you’ll be the “prize.”
He Got Distracted
Sometimes normal, everyday things take an Aries man away from you for a little while.
If he was courting you hard and texting you religiously for weeks but then you stopped getting any messages for a week, it’s possible that he got sucked into work or otherwise distracted by life.
This is not uncommon for Aries people.
They get something on their minds and they pursue it relentlessly until something else pops up.
It’s not necessarily that he got tired of you, but rather that he just had to work on something else for a minute.
How to Respond?
It can be hard to tell if this is what happened without talking to him.
So I’d send him a message.
It should be more than a “Hey, what’s up?” but it shouldn’t be a whole paragraph asking why he disappeared.
Anything that sounds accusatory or guilt-ridden is going to turn an Aries man off.
Just send him a text that goes something like this:
“Hey handsome, I saw the guy on the cover of GQ this month and thought you’d look better there. Hope your day is going great.”
If you have a good rapport going, you could even send him something that relates to his interests or hobbies, or even a funny story that you thought would make him smile.
Avoid asking right out of the gate what happened to him.
He’ll tell you if he wants you to know, but more importantly, keeping things friendly and casual makes it easier for him to respond to you and shift his attention back to you.
His Ex Is Still in the Picture
Do you know for certain that the Aries man is still not over his ex?
Does he still send her texts or talk about her like he thinks about her often?
If this is the deal, then the Aries man is definitely not ready for a relationship with you.
An Aries who is not yet over his ex might be all over you, and at the same time his heart will be like a fortress.
That’s why he’s able to keep showing up and dipping out again.
It’s possible that he’s physically going back to his ex—or some type of situationship—every time he goes MIA on you.
How to Respond?
Lay it out very clearly for the Aries man what you expect.
I don’t usually advocate giving an Aries an ultimatum, but in this case you really need to assert your boundaries.
Explain it to him in a way that it puts it on you, not him—you need to be with someone who is 100% for you and no one else. Avoid saying that he needs to leave his ex alone.
Hear the difference?
Chances are, the Aries man knows he’s doing something hurtful and will not be surprised to hear you say this.
The only thing is that you might not get what you want—the Aries man—if you do this.
He may decide to stop talking to you altogether because he respects your wishes.
But if it’s between that and the Aries man using you like a comfort blanket, wouldn’t you rather know you at least stuck up for yourself?
It’s hard, but Aries men need to know where the lines are.
What to Do When an Aries Man Disappears?
It really depends on the reason he disappeared, but usually your response should be to give him space first.
You want to ensure that he doesn’t feel pressured.
If you’re not sure why he distanced himself or what to do, shoot him a friendly text.
But don’t suggest that he come see you—beware of seeming needy—and resist asking him where he went.
Aries men need to feel in control and they like to be the ones to determine what happens next in your relationship or courtship.
If he’s not responding to your message, I’d use caution sending him another one.
The moment he feels like you’re chasing him is the moment that you’re in danger of never hearing from him again.
I hate to make it sound like that, but I wouldn’t want to give you the impression that there’s endless wiggle room with an Aries.
The reality is that Aries men make up their minds quickly and are extremely stubborn.
They have to do things their way and you can’t make them feel like you’re taking away their autonomy.
The best thing to do is show that you’re interested by reaching out to your Aries man with a text that shows you put some thought and effort into making his day better.
Then leaving it to him to get back to you.
If he’s into you, he’ll be happy you contacted him and pick things up again.
If he’s not, you wouldn’t have much power to get him to respond anyway.
But continuing to text him if he’s gone radio silent is a dangerous game and might push him in the other direction.
What Does It Mean When an Aries Man Keeps Coming Back?
If an Aries man keeps coming back to you and overall he treats you with respect, it tends to mean that there’s something about you that he really likes and wants.
An Aries man doesn’t do anything that he doesn’t want to do.
If he can’t leave you alone, it’s because you make him feel good.
You get him going.
Being with you inspires his passionate nature, or you’re so darn fun to be around that no one else really compares.
If you had already established a relationship or emotional attachment and he keeps coming back, then he’s probably struggling to let go of that.
This is usually more relevant in the case of a breakup.
There can be many different reasons an Aries man comes back to you over and over again, but the root of it is that his feelings keep getting the better of him.
He’s probably doing it impulsively rather than planning it out.
You enter his thoughts, he can’t get you out of his head and he texts you or calls you.
What If the Disappearing and Reappearing Act Continues?
Let me clarify this—the above scenario, where I describe an Aries guy really liking you if he keeps coming back to you, applies only if the overall tone of your relationship is positive.
Like if you two had broken up amicably or couldn’t be together for some reason, but the Aries man kept returning because he couldn’t get you out of his head.
If, on the other hand, he’s disappearing and reappearing like a magic act and he doesn’t seem to care, you might need to be wary.
Turning it on and off with you like it’s nothing signals that he doesn’t really want more with you.
Either he’s too emotionally unavailable because of past relationship experiences or, worst case scenario, he’s using you.
Hot and cold games are not a good sign from Aries guys.
They don’t tend to dip in and out relationships repeatedly, but rather decide once and for all if they’re going to pursue you or not.
A dismissive or dispassionate attitude towards you generally signals a lack of genuine desire and motivation.
How to Know If an Aries is Losing Interest
The signs of an Aries losing interest begin with contacting you less frequently and making less effort to see you.
The texts you get may be one or two-word messages and while they might be polite, they’ll lack substance.
The Aries might say sure if you ask to get together, but they won’t actually make plans with you to do so.
When you do see your Aries, they’ll be emotionally distant and maybe more argumentative and testy than usual.
When you fight or have some kind of issue between you, the Aries simply cuts out and ignores you rather than trying to get you to see their perspective or attempting any type of reconnection.
The overall feeling you’ll get is that the Aries has cut back on their investment in you and your relationship.
They just won’t be all about you anymore.
You’ll notice little to no physical affection and attentiveness to you or what’s going on in your life.
What Does It Mean When an Aries Man Disappears and Comes Back After a Fight?
If you’re with an Aries man and you had a big fight, it’s no surprise that he pulls away for a while.
Maybe a long time.
Aries people respond to feeling slighted by exploding on you and then disappearing.
They’ll fight you in the heat of the moment, but the second they calm down, they decide this is not worth their brain space and they get gone.
Obviously if you’re dating the Aries man and he’s giving you the cold shoulder, it really sucks because he’s very, very good at it.
But if he comes back to you after all of that, you know he really, genuinely loves you and cares about your relationship.
I will say, most Aries are not going to come around of their own volition because they thought about it and realized they were in the wrong.
Not. Gonna. Happen.
What’s more likely is that you expressed your regret for what you said or did and after he had enough time to lick his wounds, he decided to let it go.
Almost all of the time, you’ll have to be the one to start building the bridge again because this fire sign will burn it down if his ego is at risk.
Still, if he didn’t care for you, it wouldn’t matter how much you tried to repair things—he’d simply stay gone.
When an Aries man disappears on you but manages to find his way back to you, of course you want to know why—but the main thing to recognize is that he’s still into you.
He feels a connection to you and he’s not willing to let go of that, at least not yet.
What happened before his disappearance will provide you with clues as to his reasoning and also for the best response.
However, if you have no idea why he’s poofed in and out of existence, I would give him space first and only after you’ve done that, message him with a friendly greeting.
Show that you’re into him and that you care, but don’t put too much pressure on him to take action, whether it’s to hang out or to declare his loyalty to you—let him come to that conclusion on his own.
And if you suspect something shady is happening, confront him about it in a neutral tone and with neutral language so that he doesn’t have a triggered reaction.
Let him know what your expectations are for anyone to date you.
Direct communication is always appreciated by Aries men.
Wishing you love and luck!
Frequently Asked Questions
Will an Aries man come back after no contact?
If you cut off the Aries man, he may come back if he can’t resist temptation.
If he cares enough about you, if he loves you or if he just can’t shake the fire you had between you, he’ll take action regardless of the distance and silence between you.
That being said, it’s important to consider who initiated no contact.
If it was the Aries man himself, you may never hear from him again.
Aries people are tough cookies and they’ll stick to their guns when they’ve made a decision like that because they never want to be made a fool of.
Why does an Aries man go quiet?
An Aries man may go quiet if he’s upset, or if he’s losing interest.
Those are some of the most common reasons.
If you had a fight or he felt insulted about something, his thing is to ignore you for a while.
Similarly, if he’s not feeling it with you anymore, he’ll start to slowly back away from interacting with you.
What makes an Aries man miss you?
Honest to God, the only real thing that’s going to make an Aries man miss you is you going on with your life.
Again, it kind of depends on your particular situation, but an Aries man is not going to miss anyone who is trying too hard to get him to miss them.
So the only thing you can really do is focus on yourself and get out there and achieve things.
The more you appear to be working on bettering yourself or your life, the more an Aries will notice because they really want to be with a go-getter.
If you’ve broken up and you want him to miss you, it’s okay to let him know you still care about him to stoke the fire in his heart a bit.
However, after that, you should definitely let him initiate the next step.
What makes an Aries man regret losing you?
Conquering life in front of him.
Pursuing your goals and making your dreams come true without him.
Also being the single most passionate, exciting and meaningful relationship he’s ever had.
An Aries man will regret losing you if you were the most vibrant thing in his life, or if he starts to feel like letting you go was a mistake because he underestimated you.
How do you know if an Aries man still cares about you?
You know it if he gets in contact with you.
Not only this, but he will also be there for you, be open with you and support you in any way that he can.
If an Aries man still cares for you, he’ll do whatever he needs to do to prove it to you.
How to make an Aries man chase you again?
You would really need to make it entertaining for him.
I’m not usually one for the whole playing hard to get thing, but in this case, you might need to downplay your availability.
The combination of making it more challenging to get a date with you and showing what he’s missing out on is pretty much all you need to make an Aries chase you again—
If you can get him reinvested, that is.
That can be hard to do if he’s moved on, but not impossible.
I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at decodethezodiac.com.