How to Get an Aries Man to Chase You (20 Ways That Work)

Need to know how to get an Aries man to chase you?

Well darlings, I’m going to give you some insider tips on how to do that.

I’ve encountered some Big Aries Energy in my day, and to be perfectly honest I’ve pissed a few Aries off.

That sounds like a ringing endorsement, doesn’t it?

Hold on, let me explain why this is important.

There was a lot I didnt know about Aries folks when they were busy not returning my phone calls and I was low-key shocked and devastated.

Of course now I look back and think: Well, duh.

I like to think Ive learned from my mistakes, and while I cant change the past, I can share what Ive learned so that maybe you dont have to repeat them.

The thing I didn’t realize is that Aries guys will make snap judgments about you.

They don’t wait around to try to understand you, so you really need to understand them.

Can you set your ego aside with an Aries man?

Can you create enough excitement and interest that he wants to keep chasing you?

Dont worry! I’ve laid out how to do this in my 20 tips below.

TL;DR: I’ve learned how to not lose an Aries guy fast and how, in fact, to get him to keep liking and pursuing you.

If you want a quick summary, here it is:

  • Be extremely flirty and direct with the Aries man to get his attention.
  • Encourage him, but let him take the lead.
  • Get him insanely interested in you through your quick-witted conversational skills and intellectual prowess.
  • Always be yourself. Show off what makes you different.
  • If you’re going to text him, make it worthy of a response.
  • Bring out your inner kid, because the Aries man likes a bit of impish fun.
  • Make him work for a date with you while continuing to dish out the praise and positive reinforcement. 
  • 👏 Never let an Aries man get bored!👏
  • Spice up your interactions with some friendly competition.
  • Keep things light, fun and easy-breezy.
  • Make sure the Aries sees you as reliable and trustworthy.
  • Stay independent.

If you want to know more, keep reading to learn everything I know about getting an Aries man to chase you.

How to Get an Aries Man to Chase You

Man in sunglasses and a Levis shirt with a quote about how Aries men chase women who show clear interest

To get an Aries man to chase you, your approach should be lighthearted and playful.

You should flirt hard and give him very clear signs of your interest, but the overall feeling of the chase should be fun and pressure-free.

Aries men are take-charge types. They’ll chase when there’s a target to lock onto.

But their attention span dwindles quickly without some excitement and surprises along the way.

You’ve got to be fun. Keep him engaged with great conversation.

Don’t bore him with traditional dinner-and-movie dates and show active interest while staying independent.

Know how to challenge him while at the same time minding the Aries ego and letting him steer the ship.

If you can pull that off, the Aries man is going to chase you like his life depends on it.

Don’t be intimidated—you can do it!

Read my tips below to get the details of your master plan.

Recommended for You: How to Know If an Aries Man Likes You

1. Flirt the Roof Off Until He Gets the Idea (Duh!)

Aries men love it when women flirt with them because flirting is about the most direct form of communication—don’t you think?

Aries is nothing if not a bold and direct zodiac sign.

Flirting with the Aries man is the correct move because it signals to him immediately that you’re down to get the chase on.

Flirting is not just fun with an Aries man, it’s necessary.

You need to give him that motivation to chase you.

Without a strong signal, the Aries won’t get hyped up enough.

You have to stir them up inside and get them all riled up.

To accomplish this, flirt with compliments, sensual touches and a healthy dose of quick-witted banter.

Once the Aries dude realizes how hard you’re flirting with him and how attentive you are every gosh darn time he sees you, you’ll trigger that chase response in him.

2. Let Him Chase

man and woman holding hands at a pool with a quote about how an Aries man will chase you if you entice him but try not to lead him

Once you’ve gotten the Aries man’s attention with your flirtations, pass the reins over to him.

Let him make the next move.

The Ram doesn’t want to be led by anybody.

He climbs the treacherous ledge all the way to the top by his own strength and determination.

Suffice it to say, if he’s going to pursue something, he’s going to conquer it all on his own.

What this means is that you should wait for him to do the traditional courtship-affirming stuff like asking for your number, then setting up a date, etc.

While he loves an audacious woman, he hates feeling like someone is forcing him.

I won’t sit here and tell you that it will never work if you write your number on his hand while giving him a come-hither look, because they do like straightforwardness.

You just can’t make him feel like you’re calling all the shots.

If you give him your number, then I would wait for him to call you first.

With an Aries man, it’s critical to get that feel for the line between prompting and enticing.

Give him a chance to reach out to you because when an Aries man decides you’re worth it, he’ll stop at nothing to win you over.

3. Send Him Texts He Can’t Resist Replying To

Once you two are texting, now’s your chance to show how smart and witty and savvy you are to the Aries man.

Really get him into texting you by sending him messages that will get a reaction.

Like this: “Look at this crazy article about that thing we were talking about the other day. It’s crazy, right? Your thoughts?”

Aries can’t stand not sharing their opinions.

He will text you back.

This kind of text is engaging yet also shows that you think about things and you care about what’s going on in the world. All important messages to be sending the Aries man.

You could also text him funny memes or jokes.

Getting him laughing is another great way to engage him.

Peppering in some sexy selfies is also not a bad idea, as long as they’re tasteful.

You want to keep the spark alive for an Aries man. Keep that rapport going between you.

What will grab his attention? Make it funny, interesting or hot!

4. Challenge Him Intellectually

Aries love to debate like fish love to swim.

Aries rules the head, and the brain in their head is very active.

Five minutes after learning a new concept, an Aries man has already thought of 10 different ways to argue, support and dismantle it.

This is why Aries men tend to date women who challenge them intellectually.

You need to be able to keep up with an Aries not just physically, but also mentally.

Don’t be afraid to disagree with him on something, but be ready to back up your claim.

If you can present a unique perspective, he’ll find you fascinating.

And even if you don’t change his opinion, you’re going to earn his respect for having one yourself.

The one caveat here is to avoid too much naysaying.

It should never become a full-blown argument.

Aries males can turn into big babies when they feel like someone is telling them they’re wrong.

So be sure to find common ground you can agree on, and never invalidate his ideas.

Show him you’re a fellow thinker and he’ll be all over you.

5. Tell Him He’s Hot

Woman talking to a man with a quote about how to flirt with an Aries man and give him attention to get him to chase you.

Yeah, I said it.

Tell an Aries man he’s hot.

You don’t have to pretend you’re not attracted to him. He enjoys it when you play up that tension between you.

As I mentioned before, Aries people are very direct. 

They like it when you get straight to the point.

Here’s the way to do it: Tell him you think he’s attractive in a casual way.

Make it like it’s just common knowledge that he’s a hunk and you’d have to be blind not to see it.

For example, you see him sitting alone and you sit down next to him and say, “I don’t know how no one else snagged this seat next to the handsome guy, but it’s my lucky day.”

Aries men are fans of lusty attention, especially if you can be a little rascally.

The casualness of your comment makes it known that you think he’s cute without coming across like you’re fawning all over him.

And being devilish about it offers him a chance to start some saucy banter with you.

6. Be Bold. Be Different

It takes guts to attract an Aries man. You have to be willing to put yourself out there.

You have to stand out.

Not by putting on airs, but by showing who you really are.

I know it’s a little bit cliche to say “be yourself,” but if I were to tweak that oft-played expression, I’d say embrace who you are with an Aries man.

He’s going to be looking beyond the surface level, searching for what makes you tick.

Share your hobbies with him. He loves to feel your passion about something.

Love your quirky traits because Aries men think they’re cute and they’re wildly attracted to individuality.

The more you reveal who you are to the Aries man, the more intrigued he’ll be.

It’s not about trying to be different, but rather showing him what makes you you.

Authenticity is addictive to Aries folks.

There’s no other way to build a connection than to be real with them.

7. Be Playful

An Aries man responds best to you if you keep the vibe light and playful.

It makes it easier for him to feel a connection with you.

Focus on flirting, maybe with some gentle teasing (be careful that it doesn’t turn into ego-bashing!).

And give the Aries man a ton of positive reinforcement with your smiles, laughter and enthusiasm.

Have you ever gotten into a tickle fight with a grown man?

An Aries man is a kid at heart. He would like that kind of thing.

Be free to be childish together and forget chasing—this man is going to rush headfirst into a relationship with you.

8. Make Him Work a Little to Date You

Couple sitting on a ledge at sunset with a quote about how to make courtship exciting for an Aries man

Always keep in the back of your mind that the Aries man is a conqueror.

He likes it when he has to work for it.

Don’t try to clear your schedule or turn your world upside-down to fit with the Aries man’s crazy lifestyle.

Prioritize your own life and your own needs.

Go out and get your grocery shopping done this weekend. 

Get thee to the bar with your friends.

Don’t obsess over the Aries man and when he’s going to ask you out.

Make it clear you have your own things going on. There needs to be an element of the unknown to spice up the courtship.

Not knowing when you’ll say yes to a date draws out his excitement and raises the stakes—and an Aries man loves him some risky business.

9. Be Responsive

An Aries loves the chase, but there comes a moment when they realize that the person they’re chasing isn’t giving anything back.

And it’s at that millisecond that the Aries blocks your number.

It’s important to understand that while you want to present a challenge, you also want to provide encouragement.

An Aries doesn’t like to hear “no” all the time or to be treated like they’re no big deal.

The Aries ego still needs some stroking.

Be sure that you’re balancing the chase by continuing to show how into him you are.

Give the Aries man your full attention when you’re interacting and praise him for how smart, good-looking and amazing he is.

You can straight up tell him how attracted to him you are.

Being forward with an Aries man is good—it gives him even more motivation to get some of your time.

Just make sure you’re not playing so hard to get that you’re actually unattainable.

Because while it would certainly stroke an Aries man’s ego to catch a catch that nobody else can, the reality is that his stamina for that kind of thing is short-lived.

10. Keep It Interesting for Him

An Aries man needs to feel stimulated to find you chase-worthy.

This is more important than looking hot and attracting him physically.

Even if an Aries man thinks you’re stunning, he’ll immediately start looking for something else to sink his teeth into.

If you want him to act on his attraction and pursue you, don’t play it too safe!

Say what’s on your mind and don’t shy away from controversial subjects—“go there” with him to places that polite society considers too taboo.

Polite is boring to Aries men. And you never want to let an Aries get bored of you.

Be spontaneous—don’t plan every little thing out.

See where the night takes you if you’re hanging out.

Take him on a surprise detour to the tattoo shop to help you pick out your next tattoo design.

Keep an Aries man on his toes, and you can bet that he’s going to want to hang on to you.

11. Make Dates Fun and Unique

Couple ice skating with a quote about how to make a date fun for an Aries man so he will want to chase you

Any time you go out with an Aries man, make it fun and novel in some way.

This is not the kind of man who takes you out to a fine dining establishment and a movie afterwards.

This is a man who wants to go to the carnival or hit the trails on mountain bikes.

Physical activities are especially fun for him since Aries is an energetic fire sign.

Whatever you do, make sure it’s not the same-old, same-old.

Aries guys are always on the go and looking for a thrill.

If you really want this man to chase you, you’re going to need to match his energy.

Give him some new experiences or just do something that he wouldn’t expect.

Trust me, if you take him to the park throwing a frisbee around, you’re going to be leagues ahead of any dinner date he’s ever had.

Get that fun-loving spark going in him and it will ignite the flame of his desire for you.

12. Don’t Get Too Serious Too Fast

It’s a major buzzkill for an Aries guy when he takes a woman out on a date and she’s immediately fretting about what it all means.

If you date strictly to marry, you might want to wait until a few dates in to tell the Aries man that.

And it’s not because he’s not the marrying type.

It’s because that’s just way too much for him to commit to before he even knows who you are.

Don’t worry that he won’t take you seriously if what you’re after is a relationship with him.

An Aries man is not scared of getting into a relationship.

However, getting too bogged down in all the earnestness of finding the perfect mate takes the wind out of his sails.

It should all happen naturally and spontaneously, or so the Aries man believes.

Which means the best policy with an Aries is to put everything you’ve got into the moment with him.

He just wants to enjoy being with you before you start throwing around the terms and conditions of being your romantic partner.

13. Be an Artful Conversational Companion

Knowing how to surf the waves of a conversation with an Aries man is a skill.

He appreciates a good mind.

Be versatile enough that you can switch from quips to politics without missing a beat.

Follow the Aries man’s lead.

If he starts deep-diving into a topic, explore it with him and share in his fascination.

If he seems like he’s getting bored, switch it up and crack some jokes. 

Have some interesting or unusual topics you’re ready to share when there’s a lull in the conversation, especially if they’re about current trends in science, culture, art or music.

Aries is a sign of the “right now,” and they’re always ready to get into it.

If you can master the art of conversation with the fast-paced Aries, I guarantee that you’re going to deepen his interest in you.

14. Get Competitive

Are you a football fan?

Like to shoot hoops after work?

If there were a zodiac sign that represented sports in general, it would be Aries because Aries people are so competitive.

An Aries man is going to want to spend more time with you if you know how to activate this side of him.

Start a dance-off or do some gaming together.

Join forces and team up against his friends playing soccer.

Remember to let him win most of those games.

Aries guys hate losing.

15. Show Off Your Skills

Woman playing tennis with a quote about challenging an Aries man in sports to make him chase you

If you’re good at something, the Aries man is going to find it sexy.

Unique skills are highly attractive to this clever and ambitious guy.

You’re a great chess player? Know how to shoot a bow and arrow?

Extra points for being super brainy and fierce!

Not a pro axe thrower? Not a problem. Show the Aries man what you slay at.

If you’re a badass copywriter and you absolutely destroy the competition with your competence and talent, that’s very attractive to him.

Everyone is good at something. Show him in what way you are the cream of the crop.

Don’t shortchange yourself!

He’ll be your biggest cheerleader.

16. Be Reliable

If an Aries man feels like he can’t rely on you, he’s going to stop pursuing you.

The more he learns about you, the more little tests he’s going to throw your way to see how you react in real situations.

If, for example, the Aries man asks you to do something for him and you say yes, he’s going to expect you to do it.

If you don’t, that might be all he needs to cut communication.

Aries guys don’t mess around.

They have a quick trigger finger when it comes to pulling the plug on a relationship that they think is less than ride-or-die.

Trust is paramount for them and they don’t give a lot of chances to break it, so make sure you take earning it seriously and be there for him when he needs you to be.

17. See Life as An Adventure

Optimism gets an Aries man out of bed in the morning.

He wakes up at 5 a.m. ready to tackle the day, whatever life brings him.

Aries people are fanatically optimistic and love the energy of other happy-go-lucky sorts.

Be a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.

If life gives you lemons, an Aries man thinks you should make lemonade, start a lemonade business and dominate the lemonade market.

Nothing really keeps an Aries down because they see life as an adventure.

There’s always some way to pivot because to an Aries, life is nothing but possibilities if you’ll only seize them.

If you can show that you share that same ideology, the Aries man is going to want to be around you more so you two can thrive off each other’s infectious positivity.

18. Respect Yourself

Woman walking down the street with a coffee and looking at her cellphone with a quote about respecting yourself so an Aries man wants to date you

Having respect for yourself comes first for an Aries.

The Aries motto is “I am,” and Aries people really live up to that.

As far as an Aries man is concerned, you can take him or leave him. But he’s not going to change who he is for anyone.

That’s the same attitude you should have going in with an Aries man.

Stand tall! Be proud of yourself! 

Have confidence in your interactions with him.

Don’t second-guess yourself constantly and apologize all over the place.

You missed his call? No need to apologize. You were busy.

It takes away from your image of independence if you seem like you’re seeking his approval.

It’s also okay to say no to him. It’s okay to have boundaries.

Aries men appreciate knowing where the lines are and will only find you more desirable as a result of you being so confident and comfortable with who you are.

19. Like Him, But Don’t Need Him

One of the key ingredients to making an Aries man want to chase you is being the opposite of needy.

He wants to see that you can stand on your own two feet.

That you like him but it’s not going to break you if he doesn’t like you back.

Fragility is off-putting to an Aries man.

He needs to see that you’re stable within yourself and you can handle not being the center of his attention.

He’ll give it to you freely if he doesn’t get possessive vibes from you.

20. Don’t Ignore Him. Just Be Independent

Nothing makes an Aries run screaming for the hills quite like neediness.

But there’s this certain misconception that just because the Rams of the zodiac are independent, you need to ignore them to get their attention.

If you spend enough time around Aries people, you realize they actually hate being ignored.

And that ignoring an Aries man reads as disinterest to him.

In which case he’ll cut his losses real quick.

The reality is that it’s not about how long you ignore an Aries man’s texts, or how aloof you act when he’s around.

Tactics don’t really work with Aries men because they’re either too busy living their lives to notice, or they pick up on them and then do the same thing back to you.

Aries people don’t have time to figure out the game you’re playing.

If an Aries is going to chase you, you need to be authentic.

Instead of trying to ignore him, just live your life and let your availability to respond to him naturally ebb and flow.

There’s no need to wait three hours every time a message from him pops up.

What I’m saying to avoid is checking your phone 20 times in an hour because he said he’d text you.

Allow your communication to have a natural rhythm.

When you don’t make him your world, you naturally appear self-sufficient, and he’ll be so curious about what you do with your time he’ll have to check up on you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Aries like to chase or be chased?

A little bit of column A, and a little bit of column B.

For the most part, Aries love the hunt.

They are the hunter.

You can’t take that out of them.

On the other hand, they also like feeling like the object of someone’s passion.

So it’s a bit of both.

Aries people will start the chase, but you’ll need to show a hunger for them in return if you want them to keep going.

What turns Aries off?

Meanness, snobbery, telling an Aries they’re wrong, proving an Aries is wrong, witnessing an Aries lose, laziness, clinginess, self-pity.

Oh, and boring old routines.

What do Aries men find attractive?

Aries men find a blend of radiant femininity, raw power and strength highly attractive.

They won’t be attracted to anyone who is too willowy or meek, though you’ll need to embody that archetypal femininity in some way.

Aries men are attracted to your mind.

They like a strong mind that’s curious and always willing to question things.

They love an individual and will go for someone who shows them who they are without shame or fear.

No matter what you look like, the biggest attraction factor for an Aries man is in your attitude.

If you’re a positive person who is interesting and independent, he’s going to be so into that.

Recommended Reading: How to Attract an Aries Man

How do you get an Aries man to catch feelings?

I’m going to give you a very unsatisfactory answer and tell you that you can’t make an Aries man catch feelings.

Aries is a wild card and you can’t make them do anything.

If you say it’s day, they’ll say it’s night just to contradict you.

But while you can’t do much to make an Aries male feel something for you, you can do the things I mentioned in this article to encourage him to let his guard down.

If he thinks you’re awesome, he’s more likely to catch feelings.

What to text an Aries man to get his attention?

Definitely something attention-grabbing.

Go big or go home.

If you text an Aries man, “Hey, what’s up?” you’ll probably get a reply, but the next text better have him on the edge of his seat.

You can make him laugh with a hilarious wisecrack or you can get his wheels turning with your thought-provoking conversation.

Just make it too enticing not to reply.

How to make an Aries man miss you like crazy?

Honestly, just get out there and conquer the world.

You can’t let an Aries man know that you’re even thinking about whether he misses you.

He needs to witness your star rising and then he’ll start feeling like he’s missing out.

It’s partly the competitive streak in him and partly his awe of you.

How to win an Aries man’s heart?

The best way is to be incredibly thoughtful and authentic with him.

Do not be afraid to pour your heart into making his day.

Throw him a surprise party or go all out on a romantic camping getaway that you planned to make his dreams come true.

An Aries man will give his heart to someone who doesn’t hold back on loving him.

How to play hard to get with an Aries man?

This is hard to answer because the Aries man is usually the one who plays hard to get.

It’s a dangerous game playing hard to get with him because if he senses you’re doing that, he’ll go harder.

The best way to “play” is to keep your focus on your own life.

Fill up your calendar with meeting your own goals and going out with your friends so that your availability is more limited.

That way, you really will be kind of hard to get.

Do Aries men like to be texted first?

Yes, they have no problem with being texted by you first.

A lot of Aries men really like this because it signals your interest in them and they don’t have to figure out if you like them or not.

Just be as chill as you can about it and don’t over-text so you can retain a bit of mystery.

Do Aries move on quickly?

Yes, Aries men and women do tend to move on quickly.

This is the essential Aries energy.

It’s fast-paced and doesn’t slow down for anything or anyone.

In love, Aries people move on when they don’t feel they’re getting what they need.

Though if they do feel they’re getting their needs met, they’ll see no reason to leave.

How to know if an Aries man loves you?

One of the biggest signs that an Aries man loves you is when he makes you feel like a priority in his life.

This is a really huge deal because people never feel like an Aries man’s priority.

He’s just too busy to pay them that much attention.

So if an Aries man showers you in attention and makes you feel seen, supported and given first dibs on his time, then he loves you.

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I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at

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