Want to be a Taurus man’s dream girl?
There are some easy ways to attract a Taurus man, which I’m going to explain in detail in this article.
But there are also more subtle ways of getting a Taurus man interested in you that you might not know.
Here are the basics of how to attract a Taurus man:
- Dress classy, act classy. Show that you’re mature.
- Wear some fancy-smelling perfume and highlight your natural beauty.
- Flirt, but be subtle and demure.
- Show him your sweet, nurturing side. And feed him!
- Make it clear that you’re interested in him, but let him take the lead
- Have confidence in yourself and your desirability
- Give him enough space and time to choose when to pursue you
- Show you’re steady and reliable and you won’t miss with his mind and emotions.
I’m breaking down the art of attracting a Taurus man into three steps: Attracting him physically, mentally and emotionally.
But I’m also going to give you some insight into what NOT do to get a Taurus man to notice you, just so you have a pretty well-rounded understanding of what a Taurus man is looking for.
I have a lot of tips to share, so read on, my gorgeous friend!
How to Attract a Taurus Man
First, you need to understand how sensual the nature of a Taurus man is.
Tauruses are highly attuned to their bodies and their senses. The physical world is their playground and they are drawn to all things that bring them pleasure through looking at them, smelling them, touching them, and so on.
In the beginning stages of attracting a Taurus man, there needs to be raw, physical desire for him to bite into.
Mental and emotional attraction are important too, but you can’t start with them.
Pure sexual attraction is what gets you in the door to further attract him and get him hooked on you.
Get him absolutely drunk on the sight, sound and smell of you.
Then you can move on to the other elements of his attraction, like highlighting what you have in common and taking an interest in his thoughts and opinions.
You’ll see what I mean—check it out below.
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Attracting a Taurus Man Physically
Here’s how to make a Taurus man check you out, do a double-take and start flirting with you.
Choose Classic Clothes
Classic style is a Taurus man’s thing.
He’s anti-trendy and loves himself a cable knit cardigan.
If you want to dress for a Taurus man, wear feminine, classic styles that are flirty, yet modest.
Outfits you could meet his mom in, but that still have sexual appeal.
Think French girl style—a silky blouse paired with a flouncy skirt or nice jeans and wedges.
A floral print midi dress with a little keyhole in the cleavage area and a few well-placed ruffles will work, too.
He really likes it when women dress for the occasion, so nothing too casual if you’re trying to catch his eye.
Go for sleek silhouettes and clothes that accentuate the shape of your body.
Tip: Want to blow him away? Wear a dress.
Dresses scream femininity and Taurus guys melt for feminine energy.
Wear Something Touchable
Look like a sumptuous feast for a Taurus man’s hands.
He is highly tactile and loves the feel of sensual materials.
Wear clothes that he can’t help but want to run his hands over—anything soft, silky or plush.
Bust out your teddy jacket and stand close to him.
See if he doesn’t ask to touch it.
Look Soft
A Taurus man will be looking at a woman’s whole body from head to toe when he’s attracted to her.
In addition to good style and touchable clothes, don’t forget your moisturizer for soft skin.
Condition and take care of your hair so that it’s shiny, healthy and begging to have his hands run through it.
When you have the whole package, nobody else will stand a chance.
Give Him Food
Feed him.
It doesn’t have to be the most amazing home-cooked meal of his life.
It should be tasty because Taurus men love good food, but the point is to cure his hunger because a Taurus gets way more amorous on a full belly.
There’s something about eating that puts him in his senses and amplifies his pleasure.
You may not think this would work because it’s so easy, but it really does.
Give him a chocolaty snack. Bring him a sandwich at work.
In fact, you’ll win more points if you feed him at work because you’ll be the highlight of his boring day.
Wear an Intoxicating Scent
Don’t stop at dressing nice—
Put on your favorite perfume before you walk out the door to meet a Taurus man.
I would consider this non-optional.
Yeah, it’s that important to Taurus men.
If you don’t have a favorite, pick something that reminds you of a fresh spring breeze or simmering vanilla and spices.
He likes fresh and clean or scents that remind him of something he could eat.
The way to a Taurus man’s heart might be through his stomach, but the way you smell is the gateway to his obsession.
Tip: Don’t spray your perfume directly on you.
This can be overpowering for the sensitive Taurus nose.
Spritz once or twice in the air and walk through it, and you’ll be a magnet to the Taurus men around you.
Work on Flirting with Your Eyes
Taurus men like subtle game.
They like to know where they stand with you, but they get turned off when a woman throws herself at him or makes every interaction lewd.
If you want a Taurus man, work on suggestive body language—like flirting with just your gaze.
Lock eyes with him. Give him meaningful eye contact and smile.
That sends a message to him that you think he’s good looking and it encourages him to flirt with you.
Have Kissable Lips
Never leave home with chapped lips—not if you know you’re going to run into your Taurus man.
Carry lip balm with you or choose hydrating lipsticks and glosses.
Whatever you do, make your pout look smoochable.
This is going to drive the Taurus man crazy when he’s talking to you and his eyes can’t stop drifting to your lips.
Go Natural with Your Makeup
Taurus men love an au naturel face.
There’s no rule that you can’t have fun with your makeup—it’s just that their favorite look is the rolled-out-of-bed-looking-this-cute look.
Whether you use makeup to achieve it or you feel confident in your bare face, that’s what makes a Taurus man most attracted to a woman.
He likes to feel like what he’s seeing is “real.”
We all know makeup is makeup…but to a Taurus man, he likes when it doesn’t distract from your natural beauty.
Case in point: I’ve known Taurus men who fawned over granola girls who didn’t wear a lick of makeup.
If you wear makeup, try doing yours in a way that subtly enhances your features—soft eyes, natural lip shades, etc.
Get Close to Him
You can’t attract a Taurus man from far away.
You have to get close to him. Excite his senses.
Sit near him. Lean in when he’s talking to you.
Invite him to come and smell your new shampoo.
Being in this intimate sort of space with him makes him look at you through a carnal lens.
It’s a very primal and instinctual response for him.
Show Physical Affection
Every Taurus everywhere in the world loves physical affection.
Touch is their main language.
You can say all you want about how handsome and amazing he is, but nothing really says “I want you” to a Taurus man like a long, lingering hug.
His arms around your waist and your body pressed against his will send signals to his brain like nothing else can.
Try to respectfully make some physical contact while you’re talking to him.
Any form of physical touch and affection will put you on the right track with a Taurus man.
Attracting a Taurus Man Mentally
Now it’s time to dig deeper into the Taurus man’s psyche. Here’s how to get him thinking about you.
Show Interest in Him
One of the things you absolutely have to do is put yourself out there a little bit for a Taurus man.
If you’re too shy to flirt or show any interest, I’m sorry to say, a Taurus man is probably not going to think you’re into him.
In which case, he’ll move on.
It’s a mental thing.
So make sure you’re communicating your desire.
Use your flirting skills. Give him compliments.
Squeeze his arm and smile when you laugh—Taurus guys love that.
If he’s particularly shy, you could even say out loud that you would love to get to know a guy like him.
The combo of being attracted to you physically and knowing you find him attractive will push him to pursue you.
Be Cool and Laid-Back
Let’s talk about rizz.
To get with a Taurus man, you need to come across as chill and laid-back.
He himself is very calm and even, and he likes his environment to be drama-free.
Which means if you’re trying to attract him, you need to show that you’re not stressed about him.
You’re not stressed about dating in general. The right guy will find you.
You’re living your life and you’re cool if he doesn’t ask you out right away—you just enjoy being around him and hanging out.
It’s not about trying to seem detached.
It’s about being comfortable not rushing into a relationship. Having the mental strength to not over-analyze what every little thing means.
A Taurus man hates feeling pressured, so the more you can let go and let things play out naturally, the higher the chance he’ll gravitate towards you.
Find Your Common Interests
For a Taurus guy, being with someone who has similar values and interests is crucial.
Sure, he loves a good debate, but at the end of the day he doesn’t want to be arguing with his girlfriend and disagreeing on everything he holds dear.
Ideally, he’d find someone who also loves Mexican food and hiking the trails on weekends.
You don’t have to think identically, but there needs to be enough overlap in your values and interests.
Find out what he likes.
Listen to his take on things and seek out the ways in which you’re similar.
Venus rules the sign of Taurus and Venus likes things to be harmonious and cohesive.
Show you’re in agreement with him and he’ll feel like you get him.
Be Confident in Yourself
Taurus men really like confidence in a woman.
Not just confidence in how you look, but confidence in your decisions and your whole aura.
It really comes down to valuing yourself.
Taurus as a zodiac sign is said to be materialistic, which is true.
But it’s not always in the way that you think, where they just like to collect luxury items and hoard stuff.
Tauruses understand that everything has value, and not necessarily a monetary one.
If you value yourself, a Taurus is going to have respect for you and take notice of that.
If you don’t, a Taurus is going to respond to you with the same energy you put out there.
They’re not interested in giving anyone a sense of self-worth.
They want to be with someone who already values themselves and believes in their desirability.
Love yourself and know that you deserve to be treated like a queen not because you’re high-maintenance, but because you’re waiting for your king to join you.
Now that’s what a Taurus man can get down with.
Act Mature
A Taurus man doesn’t want to end up with a party girl or an immature woman.
He wants a woman who knows what she wants and is ready for a real relationship.
Someone who doesn’t lead him on or make him jealous.
Actually, about the worst thing you can do when you’re trying to appeal to a Taurus man is to try to make him jealous with other guys.
In everything you do, make sure the Taurus man sees you behaving with integrity.
Be upfront and straightforward—no mind games.
Show You Have Your Life Together
Are you always in a crisis and need saving?
Or do you solve your own problems?
Are you drifting through life, or do you see yourself carving out a career and life path for yourself?
If you’re a rolling stone, you might not be a Taurus man’s type.
But if you’re a planner and you like stability, you are exactly a Taurus man’s type.
He likes to see that you have a good head on your shoulders and you’re responsible with your money and life choices.
He likes strong women who won’t need him to give their lives structure and purpose.
In the back of his mind, he’s also going to be thinking about the long-term sustainability of a relationship with you.
Because that’s what Taurus men usually want, and they need their partner to be able to work together with them to build a comfy, stable, peaceful existence.
How to Emotionally Attract a Taurus Man
Finally, let’s talk about how to seal the deal of a Taurus man’s attraction by tugging on his heart strings.
Be Nurturing
Taurus men love being pampered and babied.
They love it when you do little things for them like giving them a shoulder rub and, yes, offering to feed them.
If you spoil a Taurus man, he’s going to be so touched by that, he’ll want to spoil you in return.
Listen to him and let him share his thoughts with you without judgment.
Show your genuine appreciation for who he is, not just his face card.
He’ll want to know more about who this angel is who flew down from Heaven and picked him to have a crush on.
Be Steady and Reliable
Taurus men don’t go for anything they don’t think will be a sure thing.
As earth signs, they really need that solid ground to walk on, and Tauruses especially never put themselves in a romantic situation where they can’t count on the other person.
Attraction for them includes finding someone they can rely on.
Emotionally, they feel very vulnerable inside, and they don’t want to make a mistake letting someone in who isn’t seriously interested.
If you say you’re going to be somewhere, be there.
Follow through on your promises. Your actions matter to Tauruses.
If you invite the Taurus man out, pay attention to him and don’t make him question your interest in him.
He should be able to see that you’re not wishy-washy and your attention and affection won’t randomly disappear.
That way, if he decides to pursue you, he’ll know you’re for real.
Respect His Space
A lot of courtship troubles begin when a woman doesn’t understand how much a Taurus man guards his space.
He needs time alone to recuperate from the daily grind.
To watch TV in his underwear without feeling like a slave to answering texts asking, “Hey, where’d you go?”
If you understand this and respect his space and privacy, you’re already winning with him.
Remember, a gal who is okay with some healthy separation is super hot to him.
DON’T Do These Things…
These behaviors can push a Taurus man away, even if you’re doing everything else right.
Don’t Need His Attention Every Minute
If you’re uncomfortable when you’re not the center of a Taurus man’s attention all the time, that’s a problem.
While he’s very attentive with a woman he’s attracted to when he’s with her, it bothers him when he feels like she expects to have access to him 24/7.
Insecurity will drive a Taurus man away.
If you’re worried about not hearing from him for a few hours when you text him, assume he’s busy or contemplating how to reply later, when he can put more thought into it.
But generally if you seem clingy, needy or in constant need of approval, it’s going to make him feel drained.
Don’t Bare Too Much Skin
Showing too much skin and wearing clothes that would shock people turns a Taurus man off.
He likes to keep it classy.
To him, skimpy clothes invite too much attention from other men, and he’s not into that.
He may also think you seek attention from men, regardless of whether it’s true or false.
But this is how he sees it.
Don’t Act Too Sexual
Being super sexual with a Taurus man is also a no-no.
If you’re coming on strong, he’s going to be suspicious.
Again, it comes back to him thinking you’re like that with men and it’s not that he’s special.
And again, that might not be true at all!
Taurus men are just really old-fashioned and difficult to dissuade from their opinions.
If you want to flirt, be coy.
Don’t launch into dirty talking or invitations back to your place.
Even if you’re cool with getting down and dirty, he might not be fully ready for that yet.
This is doubly true if you’re trying to attract a Taurus man for a relationship and not for a fling.
Don’t Get Demanding
Taurus men don’t like to be told what to do.
Try not to make requests sound like demands.
For example, avoid saying things like, “Call me tonight. I’ll be waiting to hear from you.”
Instead, try saying something like, “I love hearing your voice. If you get lonely, maybe you’d like to hear mine.”
Always make it so that he feels like he’s keeping control of his actions and anything he does, he does because he wants to. Not because he’s forced to.
Not that you could force a Taurus man anyway.
How Do You Get a Taurus Man to Pursue You?
The main thing to keep in mind when getting a Taurus man to pursue you is to wait for him to make the moves.
Make him feel like he’s the one in charge.
Give him clear signals that you’re into him, but then back off enough that he will have to take the next step with you.
This includes things like asking for your number and asking you out on a date.
If you’re doing it correctly, you’ll be paying attention to his cues and mirroring his pace.
It’s a dance.
You want to move with the Taurus man, at his lead.
But it does take two to tango, if you’ll pardon my dance puns.
Neither ignore him nor be all over him.
Show him special care and attention when you’re together, respond to his messages (without double-texting) and reciprocate his energy.
At the same time, give him time to decide what he wants to do.
Whether that’s ask you out or chat with you more to see what you’re all about.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you test if a Taurus man likes you?
Flirt with him and see if he flirts back.
If he averts his gaze and gets quiet and uncomfortable-looking, he’s not into you.
Also, try to make some sort of physical contact.
Put your hand on his arm or offer to rub his shoulders to de-stress.
If he responds eagerly—and offers to give you a back run in return—he’s probably into you.
If he says no thank you or he seems awkward about it, that’s a definite sign that he just wants to keep it friendly between you.
Recommended for You: Taurus Man Interested Or Just Friendly?
How to make a Taurus man crazy about you?
The best way to make a Taurus man crazy about you is by being super sensual and sweet with him.
Affection, compliments, little thoughtful gifts and showing your tender, nurturing nature will make him think about you all the time.
You really want to make him crazy for you? Cook for him.
Show off your chef skills. He’s probably a great cook himself, so challenge him to a flirty cook-off of who can make the best dinner.
A gal who can cook, and not just boil pasta water, makes him swoon.
How do I make a Taurus man fall in love with me?
The bottom line is that you can only make a Taurus man fall in love with you with time and patience.
Enjoy being together and make your time spent together romantic, relaxing and memorable.
Focus on being in the moment with him.
Make him feel safe, secure and supported by you 100%.
And don’t worry if he’s not saying he loves you super fast—Taurus men usually don’t do this anyway.
He won’t fall in love until he feels like you’re really perfect for him—and devoted to him.
How to get a Taurus man to chase you?
Here’s how to make a Taurus man chase you:
- Step 1: The first thing to do is get the physical attraction down: work on attracting him through all of his senses. Smell great, look great and get that physical affection going between you.
- Step 2: Flirt with him!
- Step 3: Let him know very clearly and honestly that you are open to him pursuing you.
- Step 4: Give him a chance to take the lead. Don’t move too fast.
- Step 5: Encourage him to chase you by reciprocating his effort. Make sure you’re not playing hard to get or it will put him off.
How to make Taurus man miss you like crazy?
The best way to make a Taurus man miss you is to remind him of how great it was being with you.
Doing this through sensory experiences is the best way to make him miss you, like if he smells your perfume on a sweater of his.
Another way to make him miss you is to be warm and fuzzy with him.
Give him a safe place to talk to you about anything and everything, knowing that his secrets will stay with you.
How does a Taurus man act when falling in love?
When a Taurus man is falling in love he might go quiet for a little while as he starts to contemplate his feelings.
He’ll act deeply affectionate, loving and sweet to you, even if he seems a bit more serious than usual.
Hey may also start testing to see if you love him back.
It may seem like on the one hand he adores you wholeheartedly and can’t get enough of you when you’re together, and on the other hand he may come across as somewhat reserved.
This is what happens right as he realizes he’s falling in love and he needs a minute to let his brain catch up to his heart.
What kind of girl do Taurus guys like?
Taurus guys like women who are genuine and kind-hearted.
They are also into women who act mature and know what they want.
The women Tauruses date tend to be classy and feminine, but also strong and a tiny bit sassy.
A Taurus man needs his partner to know her own boundaries because he might steamroll someone who doesn’t have any.
What is a Taurus secret desire?
A Taurus’s secret desire is to be able to show that one, special person their soft side.
Tauruses are somewhat tough on the outside, and not many people would guess that there’s a sensitive person underneath that.
This is because they don’t allow anyone or anything to get to them and drag them down.
They’re too stubborn for that.
And yet, they desperately want someone who can allow them to be themselves and love them not in spite of their flaws, but flaws and all.
When they meet that person, Tauruses can finally let all of their walls down.
I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at decodethezodiac.com.