If you can’t tell whether a Taurus man is interested in you or just being friendly, I’m shocked! Tauruses are so easy to understand!
*Cue audience laughter*
I am totally kidding. Tauruses are an enigma wrapped in a puzzle wrapped in a Rubik’s cube.
If you’re tearing your hair out, there’s good news. There are ways of knowing how a Taurus man feels about you. But—you have to trust the subtle signs he’s giving you.
If you second-guess them, you may miss your opportunity to date a Taurus man.
He never wants to appear too forward, or worse, desperate for your attention. So you’ve got to follow the breadcrumbs and trust in the process.
Don’t worry, because I’m going to make it a heck of a lot easier for you and tell you exactly how he shows that he’s interested and on the flip side, what signs point to him just being nice.
I hope you like checklists, because I’m also including my easy, FREE checklists that you can literally just glance at, and it should become clear pretty quickly whether a Taurus man digs you or not. 👇
If you’re not into checklists, keep reading to get the full scoop on what’s happening in that Taurus man’s pretty head.
Taurus Man Interested Or Just Friendly?
A Taurus man shows he’s interested primarily through body language. He uses meaningful eye contact, touches and physical closeness to show he wants you, and not just in a friendly, platonic sort of way.
You really have to understand what his body is communicating as well as the nuances of his flirtations because Tauruses frequently come across as coquettish when they’re just trying to be polite. They’re so darn charming. What do you expect from a sign ruled by Venus?
But while Tauruses are charming the pants off of everyone and their grandmother, they only do certain things when they’re actually flirting. They’re deliberate in how they approach you and act around you. A little bit saucy. A little bit sweet. And they will focus their charm beam on you so intensely, you’ll be dizzy.
Their reactions to you will also be immediate and unfiltered. They can’t help it. For better or worse, you’ll have your answer if you’re paying close enough attention.
There’s a lot to cover, so let’s begin. Here are all my key tips that tell you whether a Taurus man is interested or just friendly.
Read Next: How to Make a Taurus Man Chase You
Eye Contact
When you’re chatting with a Taurus man and he’s looking you straight in the eyes with a certain intensity, that’s a good sign of his interest in you. Tauruses use heavy eye contact as a nonverbal invitation to flirt with them.
If you were to lock eyes with him and give him a big smile, what would he do? Would he look away, or would he maintain his gaze?
If you try this and he gets uncomfortable and averts his gaze, he may just see you as a friend after all. But if he maintains steady eye contact, that means he’s into you.
Be aware, I’m not just talking about looking at someone when they’re talking to you. If a Taurus man is genuinely interested in you, the intensity of his gaze can give you butterflies in your stomach. He’ll be trying to make that intimate sort of eye contact with you as a way of getting the message across that he’s open to being more than just friends.
The Big Daddy of signs that a Taurus man is interested in you is when he reaches out to touch you.
Tauruses will not try to touch you if they don’t see you in a sexual or romantic way. They’re very sensory-based individuals and touch is a main way of expressing affection and interest for them.
If a Taurus man offers you hugs, shoulder massages or foot rubs—
If he finds little ways to make physical contact like grabbing your hand, playfully trying to squeeze your bicep or “accidentally” brushing against you, that’s a clear sign that he’s attracted to you and wants to get to know you better.
Keeping His Eye on You
If a Taurus man is searching for you in a crowd, he’s likely interested in you.
If he’s looking around when you disappear from his view, only to stop dead in his tracks when your eyes meet, you know it’s you he was looking for.
Tauruses like to feel like they’re always connected to the object of their affection, whether that’s through touching or simply by always being able to see you.
If a Taurus man didn’t care, he wouldn’t be looking around to see where you went.
Chest and Feet Pointed Toward You
When you’re talking to the Taurus man, where are his chest and feet usually pointing? If they usually point toward you, that’s a positive sign that he may be interested in you.
He always chooses the seat that lets him face you with his whole body. When you’re interacting with him, he looks open and engaged.
Say you were at a party talking to different people. You look over at the Taurus man and he’s keeping his body facing in your direction so that if he were to simply start taking steps forward, he’d be making a bee line straight to you.
Wherever you are, he’s looking or facing in your direction. If he were not particularly interested in you, you’d see no special attempt to keep that invisible line of connection between your bodies.
It can be easy to miss this signal because it’s very subtle. On a psychological level, however, it speaks volumes about his inner feelings.
Lots of Smiling
Taurus men smile a lot more when they’re with someone they have the hots for.
This can be another difficult sign to pick up on because of course, smiling can just be polite and not mean anything, right?
But the difference for a Taurus man is in how he smiles at you. If you catch him smiling all goofy at you for absolutely no reason, that’s the kind of grin that says he’s feeling you.
Relaxed Body Language
Taurus guys tend to look really relaxed around someone they like. They’ll sprawl on the couch or lean against the wall talking to you.
You may think they’re just super comfy, but it’s kind of like cat behavior. When cats like you, they’ll stretch and roll over to show you their bellies.They look like they’re just lounging, but they’re really saying, “Hey. I feel good around you.”
It’s not too different from the way Taurus guys act when they’re trying to show that they’re interested. Kind of cute, right?
On the other hand, if he looks a bit closed off with his arms folded over his chest, his stance is rigid or he maintains strictly professional body language, there may not be a spark there for him.
Leaning In
When you’re hanging out with the Taurus man and he looks like he’s leaning forward towards you, that’s another micro expression of interest.
He’ll try to surround you with his body, whether it’s a protective gesture or just goofing around and getting handsy. He’ll create an atmosphere with his demeanor that feels intimate between you, like he could share his secrets with you.
Taurus men who are just being nice show where the line is by leaning away from someone who gets too close to them, making them uncomfortable.
Does the Taurus man like to stand near you? If he’s usually in your orbit, that’s another sign that he’s being more than friendly with you.
Tauruses show they like someone by always being present. They use not just body signals, but also their whole being to demonstrate their interest.
A Taurus man who is not interested in you will take his space. Tauruses are generally introverted and don’t want people migrating into their personal space.
Additionally, if he felt like you were into him but the feeling wasn’t mutual, he would try to create some distance between you and disappear from your view.
Standing Tall to Impress You
Tauruses are very conscious of the way they look. They always like to look good, but they go into overdrive with the preening when they’re around someone who excites them.
When you enter the room, does the Taurus guy suddenly sit up straight? Does he start looking a little taller with the way he corrects his posture? He may quickly adjust his clothes or smooth back his hair to make sure he looks his best for you.
If he weren’t attracted to you, he wouldn’t get self-conscious like this when you approach him.
Probing Questions
Talking to a Taurus man who is interested in you comes with probing and personal questions about your personal life, your interests and your history.
Tauruses are always putting their feelers out to find the right person for them, and if they’ve got their eye on you, they’ll start putting your answers to the test right away. They want to know if you have common interests and values, who your last boyfriend was and what your goals are for your future.
Asking you these questions is a very good indicator of a Taurus man’s interest because he’s seeing if you’re compatible enough for him to ask you out.
If the Taurus man is not interested in you, he’ll keep conversations with you surface and casual. He’ll make idle chit-chat and otherwise avoid getting too personal.
Aside from body language, the amount of attention a Taurus man gives you is one of the loudest signals he can give you that he’s interested.
If he’s focusing on you to the exclusion of all other women, that’s the equivalent of a Taurus man jumping up and down with a neon sign that says, “I like you.”
You’ll feel his focus on you. He’ll absorb every word you say when you’re talking to him and give you his steady eye contact and attention. When you have him in front of you, you have all of him.
When a Taurus guy sees you as just a friend or acquaintance, he will allow himself to be preoccupied or somewhat distant in your company.
His eyes may flit around the room and he may check his phone, not to be rude but just casually. He’ll always be polite, but your interactions will lack that feeling like he’s only there for you.
Without a doubt, romantic gestures are a 1000% confirmation that a Taurus man sees you as a potential partner. Getting you gifts, bringing you flowers and paying you sweet compliments are all ways that Taurus men try to woo you.
It probably goes without saying that the Taurus won’t do these little romantic things if he isn’t into you. But it’s worth noting that gifts from a Taurus man may be ordinary things—it’s not always going to be roses and jewelry.
It could be a sub from his favorite sub shop. Never underestimate the power of food when it comes to Tauruses. If they’re feeding you or you’re feeding them, they consider that highly romantic.
Helping You Out
If the Taurus man is into you, he’ll try to be of service to you in any way he can. Maybe by offering to help you study for an exam or repot your house plants.
If you’re griping about how much you have on your plate and he jumps in to problem-solve and offer his services, it means you’re special to him in some way. The only thing is that if you’re friends, he would also offer a helping hand since Tauruses are very loyal and supportive of their friends.
In this case, the only real way to know if he’s catching feelings is to watch his reactions to you. If you show your gratitude and he smiles all awkwardly and blushes, take note of that. Tauruses can get suddenly shy around someone they like.
If he uses the time alone with you to play-flirt and gaze affectionately into your eyes, that’s smitten Taurus man behavior.
Tauruses are nothing if not consistent. They need stability and they love their routines.
If you’re part of a Taurus man’s routines in some way, that is a very good sign that he’s interested in pursuing a potential relationship with you. He will be consistent about texting you and making time for you. You may get texts or calls like clockwork every morning or when he gets out of work.
If he’s not a big texter, then he’ll find some way to stay in contact with you, whether through social media or by regularly seeing you in person.
Not only will he stay in touch, but he’ll also remain consistent with his efforts to charm you. And he’ll always have a smile for you.
When a Taurus just likes you in a platonic way, he doesn’t try this hard. He may be more random in his communications because you’re not on his mind so much. And when you hang out, his moods and the amount of attention he gives you might be variable.
As with most signs he gives, these are pretty understated, but still very important to acknowledge.
Invitations to Spend Time Alone Together
Has your Taurus guy invited you to kick it with him one-on-one? If so, that’s a very good sign. Tauruses never ask to spend time with someone they don’t care for or have romantic intentions for.
But just for the sake of argument, let’s say you’re friends with this Taurus man and spending time alone together is not unheard of.
The difference is in his insistence of the time you share together being private and low-key.
He’ll be less inclined to invite you out with a larger social group rather than going off just you and him to do your own thing. And when you hang out together, he’ll try to make sure there’s enough quiet time with minimal distractions so that you can focus on each other.
On the other hand, if your Taurus man friend doesn’t seem bothered about whether you see each other alone or in groups, that could be because he just wants to keep things friendly between you.
He’s Not Seeing Anyone Else
Tauruses give all of their attention to one person when they’re interested. They will not typically spread it around and entertain the possibility of dating or courting multiple people at once.
Which means that if the Taurus man in question is not flirting with or going on dates with anyone else, he may be making sure that he’s available for you. You may also hear that he’s turning down other women’s advances. Beautiful, single women.
However, if the Taurus man does go on dates with other women, most likely you and he are just friends.
Flirting Back
A Taurus will mirror your gestures if he wants you. He’ll flirt back when you flirt with him. When you compliment him, he’ll give you a genuine compliment of his own.
The key to knowing he’s flirting and not just being nice is that when you make the conversation hotter, he can take the heat.
When you say, “You look like you give good massages with those hands,” he says, “Let me show you right now.”
If he says “Thanks” and looks embarrassed, he’s probably not digging your advances.
Last but not least, a Taurus man reciprocating your efforts to move things forward in a romantic way is an excellent sign that he would date you.
If you text him, he’ll text you back. If you ask him to hang out, he’ll arrange his schedule so that there’s space in it just for you.
Tauruses can be hard to pin down if they aren’t interested in you. They only make time for the people and activities they want and enjoy.
So if he’s never been good at texting you back and he’s always too busy to hang out, he’s likely not into the idea of developing your friendship into a romance.
If you want a quick assessment as to whether the Taurus man is interested in you or not, you can download those checklists I mentioned earlier below.
When a Taurus Man Is Physically Attracted to You?
When a Taurus man is attracted to you, he is very physical in his interactions with you. He flirts with his hands—that is, he will touch you, put his hand on your leg, play-wrestle with you or rub your back.
This is my number one sign that he’s attracted to you because Tauruses are usually quite the opposite when they’re not attracted—they shy away from physical affection and keep all forms of touch to a minimum.
Other ways you can tell a Taurus male is sexually attracted to you: when he stares intently at you, checks you out openly and tries to smell you. Tauruses have a deep appreciation for good scents and get randy around a nice, feminine perfume.
He may also drop sexually charged comments in your conversations. These may be directed at you or just general sexy talk.
Recommended Reading: Signs a Taurus Man Is Sexually Attracted to You
How Do Taurus Guys Act When They Like You?
Both cautious and intense.
When Taurus guys like you, they give you all of their attention when they’re with you. They’re sweet, chivalrous and act gentle and caring towards you.
They may look at other men as competition and get jealous or try to knock their competition down a peg. They will also try to get you alone if they can. At times, they’ll act a bit shy around you.
Paradoxically, while they’re trying to seem impressive and charming, they’ll also keep their guard up while they gauge your trustworthiness.
You have to understand, Taurus males are *terrified* of seeming like they’re more into you than you are into them. You won’t be able to tell that they’re secretly at home watching all your Instagram stories.
They fear being taken advantage of the way they wear their big, sweet, mushy hearts on their sleeves when they truly care for and trust someone. So if the Taurus man is giving you signs he likes you but he’s also a little reserved and slow-moving, that’s just how they are when they have feelings for someone.
Recommended Reading: Signs a Taurus Man Secretly Likes You
Taurus FAQ
Do Taurus men catch feelings quick?
Nooot reaaaally.
Taurus men and women alike take their time in romance and do not allow themselves to get those pesky feelings until they’ve had a chance to decide it logically makes sense to have a crush on you.
They may be sexually attracted to you right away. And they may show interest in you soon after meeting you or out of nowhere. But getting real feelings for you takes time.
How do you know if a Taurus man is testing you?
You know a Taurus man is testing you pretty much all the time. At least, until he finally feels like he has enough evidence that you’re loyal to him and will most definitely have a fulfilling, long-lasting relationship free of hindrances and hiccups.
That’s the Taurus man’s ideal in romance. And until he reaches it, he’s always testing you. He’s doing this by listening to you closely, gathering information about you and trying to figure out if you would ever lie to him.
He may also pull back a little on his availability or communication to see if you’ll miss him enough to reach out to him.
Recommended Article: How Does a Taurus Man Test a Woman?
When a Taurus man chooses you?
By the time a Taurus man chooses you, there are no more barriers to your relationship. He’s all in, completely and utterly dedicated to you.
There are no more hot-and-cold periods. He’s done testing you because you’ve proven again and again that you have a heart made of gold and you want the same things that he wants.
He’s not even remotely afraid to make plans for your future together and doesn’t act weird when you bring up taking your relationship to the next level.
How do you know if a Taurus is thinking about you?
It’s usually the case that when a Taurus is thinking about you, they’ll try to see you. They’ll call you up asking to make plans with you. If that’s not possible, then they’ll do the next best thing and text you to feel connected to you.
Because Tauruses show affection in tangible ways, if you’ve been on their minds, they might get you a little gift for the next time you meet. Or they may simply tell you they’ve been thinking about you and just wanted to see what you’re up to.
Do Taurus men do friends with benefits?
They may at some point in their lives, especially if a woman makes it very easy. But they’re not inclined to do friends with benefits and it’s definitely not what they prefer.
Tauruses want serious relationships complete with all the feelings and emotional authenticity. They are usually serial monogamists. Sex is a huge part of their lives and super important to them, so they may accept a one-night stand or casual relationship if they have no other romantic interests.
However, if you end up being friends with benefits with a Taurus man, it may be difficult or impossible to transition to a relationship down the line as that’s what he will see you as.
How do you know if a Taurus man is using you?
You know a Taurus man is just using you for hookups if he doesn’t spend any time with you outside of hooking up. Put another way, if every time you see him you hook up, that’s cause for suspicion.
He’ll also be evasive when you talk to him about his personal life and avoid answering questions. So you won’t ever really get to know him or his values, let alone his stance on your relationship with him, or lack thereof.
Generally speaking, he’ll be unavailable to you or only when convenient for him.
Recommended Article: Signs a Taurus Man Is Playing You
How do you tell a Taurus man your feelings?
The best way to tell a Taurus man your feelings is to speak honestly and directly.
Taurus men respond best when things are laid out very clearly for them. Otherwise, they may miss signs about how you feel and make incorrect assumptions.
If possible, speak in person. Find a quiet time and undistracted place to talk to him. Be open with your heart and vulnerable.
No matter what, Tauruses will not judge you or reject you if you speak from your heart. And if you’re open and honest with them, that gives this reserved zodiac sign a chance to be open and honest with you in return.
Signs a Taurus man likes you through text
The best signs that a Taurus man likes you through text are:
- When he’s texting you reliably and consistently,
- When his replies are meaningful and thought-out, and
- When he asks you to spend time with him via text.
Keep in mind that Taurus men are not usually huge fans of texting and likely won’t do the whole rapid-fire back-and-forth texting thing. But they will try to maintain communication with you and make it fairly regular and routine.
You also won’t get one-word answers to your questions. Tauruses who like you make take a little longer to reply to you because they’re really thinking about what you said and want to give you the best reply.
And of course, all Tauruses prefer real life to the virtual realm, so they’ll try to see what you’re up to if you can hang out.
I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at decodethezodiac.com.