How to Make a Taurus Man Chase You (in 6 Simple Steps)

Are you confused about how to get a Taurus man to chase you?

Not even sure it’s possible?

So many women are confused about what to do, I’ve written this guide to show you how to make a Taurus man chase you AND what mistakes you want to avoid making.

I’m going to break it down step by step to make it easier.

Is it your lucky day?

I hope so—just don’t thank me until it works! Taurus men have their own minds and are not easily persuaded.

Which is why you need to really get into their psyches as well as their hearts.

How to Make a Taurus Man Chase You

man lying on a bed looking into the camera

Before we get into the meat of this question, I need to add a little caveat.

The first thing to understand is that a Taurus man doesn’t just chase after women. 

He needs input from you. If it’s one-sided, he won’t go for it.

He has to feel confident that you like him, that you’re genuine about your interest in him and you’re not going to screw him over.

You see, Taurus men have trust issues.

That’s why they take things very slowly in romance, and they don’t chase unless they believe your intentions are honest.

As long as you understand this, you have a much better shot at getting a Taurus man to pursue you.

Here’s what you’ll need to do.

Read Next: Signs a Taurus Man Secretly Likes You

Step 1: Be Taurus Man Bait

Obviously the first thing you want to do is make sure the Taurus man is super attracted to you.

To become Taurus man bait, you need to:

Dress Well

Taurus as a Venus-ruled sign is into aesthetics. Taurus men appreciate a good dresser more than you’d know. 

Have a sense of style and keep your clothes stain-free and ironed. 

Taurus men always love a girly-girl look like sundresses and lacy tops, but ultimately it doesn’t really matter what your personal aesthetic is. 

As long as you look neat and confident in your outfit choices, because taking pride in your appearance shows self-respect to a Taurus. 

Play Up Your Natural Beauty

woman lying on the grass with daisies and a quote about how taurus men like natural beauty

Taurus men love it when women look natural.

When a woman’s makeup looks heavily caked on, that’s not going to do much for them.

In fact, Taurus men like it when a woman wears no makeup at all. You may feel like your raccoon eyes will turn them off, but they like seeing the real woman behind the cosmetics.

Of course you can wear makeup around a Taurus man—a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman.

Pick a look that enhances your natural beauty. Something soft and feminine.

Smell Like Heaven

What’s more alluring to a Taurus man than a natural beauty? 

A natural beauty who smells like absolute heaven. 

If you don’t wear fragrances, reconsider your stance against them. 

Because Taurus males are obsessed with good smells. 

They love getting a whiff of a woman’s perfume as she walks by. 

I’m telling you, if you’re not doing this, you’re missing out on prime Taurus man attraction material. 

In terms of what scents he likes, keep it fairly natural and nature-inspired. 

Think flowers, vanilla and even woodsy smells. Nothing too sharp or overly sweet for the sensitive Taurus nose.

Be Classy

Taurus men are men. 

They’re attracted to stuff like boobs and hips and butts no matter how classy or unclassy the owners of those boobs and hips and butts are. 


If you want to make a Taurus man find you chase-worthy, you need to inspire not just his inner caveman, but also the higher Venusian romantic in him.

And the only way to do that is to show that you’re classy.

He sees classy women as relationship material. And ultimately, that’s what a Taurus man wants—a real, loving relationship.

Think of yourself as Aphrodite, Taurus’s patron goddess. 

Keep your manners about you, hold your head up high. Carry yourself with grace, maturity and sophistication. 

If he thinks you’re a party girl or you’re too immature for a relationship, he’ll take a hard pass.

Have Impeccable Hygiene

Taurus men love cleanliness.

It’s a Venus thing.

Of course I don’t need to tell you not to show up at his place looking unwashed for weeks.

But part of what Taurus men are attracted to is in the details. Like your nails—no scraggly, broken nails. And be sure to check that the inside of your mouth smells kissable.

Not only this but also keep your environment clean and hygienic.

For example, if you work with this Taurus man and he sees your workstation is full of months-old food wrappers and used tissues all over your desk, he may be a little turned off.

Feed Him

woman feeding man some food with a quote about a taurus man loving to eat


Bring the man some cookies you baked. Or a pumpkin spice latte. Or a piece of your world-famous lasagna.

Don’t underestimate how connected a Taurus man’s heart is to his stomach.

He loves to be fed, and if you feed him he equates this with a romantic gesture.

Step 2: Flirt with Him

Now that you’ve gotten the Taurus man’s attention, take advantage of it and be a big, huge flirt monster.

Tauruses love flirting. They’re deeply romantic and flirtatious by nature.

It’s important to be flirty with him because otherwise, he might not make the leap in his mind from “woman he’s attracted to” to “woman who wants him.”

A lot of Taurus guys are shy, and they need you to flirt to encourage them.

So go ahead and do the following things to get his heart pumping for you:

  • Show physical affection—touch is an important language to Tauruses. It communicates love, affection, sexual attraction and all those good things to Taurus men. So make contact. Reach out and touch him, hug him, play with his hair. Do anything you can to create that serotonin rush for him through the power of your hands.
  • Send sweet, sexy selfies—Tauruses are ruled by their senses. They are visual creatures. So send the Taurus man some pics. Make sure to look cute. Taurus men are suckers for that.
  • Give him your undivided attention—When you’re with a Taurus man, give him all of your attention. Focus on him. Put your phone down. Don’t look at other guys walking by you. Just make the Taurus man feel important with your gaze. This is an aphrodisiac as it shows you’re genuinely interested in him and not afraid to show it.
  • Show you’re really paying attention—If you really want to knock this man’s socks off, find out what he likes. Then surprise him with a little gift related to that thing he likes. If he said he’s a Harry Potter fan, ask him what Hogwarts house he’d belong to. Then show up next time with a Slytherin scarf for him. Or you could take a silly online test that tells you your Hogwarts house. Text him your results with a message that says, “See? I knew we’re compatible” or “Opposites attract.” He’ll find it endearing and also get the message that you’re into him for his dorky personality, not just his six-pack abs.

Step 3: Tell Him You’re Interested in Him

man and woman eating in a restaurant with a quote about taurus men being oblivious what a woman likes them

If you think you’ve done all the work you need to do by attracting him and then flirting like an expert with him, think again.

Yes, Taurus men are extraordinarily stubborn.

They need a written invitation to chase you. Or maybe just a verbal one.

If you’re interested in him as more than just friends, do not be afraid to come right out and tell him so.

Sometimes Tauruses really do need you to be blunt to stop overthinking things and questioning whether you’re really into them, or just the flirty type.

In truth, as suave and charming as they are, Taurus men can be kind of oblivious when women like them.

They’re in their own worlds and don’t really pick up on hints that aren’t dropped like sledgehammers.

Also, as extremely direct communicators themselves, Taurus men just prefer it if you say what you want. Not just hint around it.

I’m sorry if this is not the advice you wanted.

I know a lot of women don’t feel confident in being the one to approach a Taurus man in a romantic sense.

But I assure you, nothing is hotter to them.

Step 4: Allow Him to Pursue You at His Pace

After you’ve let the Taurus man know that you’re interested in him and would like to get to know him better, give him a little space to make the next move.

Taurus men do like to be the ones to take the lead once they’re sure about your feelings towards them.

However, they’ll go about it at their own pace.

It might be a few days before he calls.

He may not ask you out immediately.

That’s okay. It’s no reason to despair. 

It’s usually just the Taurus man being busy with his own life while he mulls over how to woo you best.

Another thing to keep in mind is that Taurus men like independent women.

Women who are not clingy or needy.

So giving him space to pursue you shows that you not only trust his good taste in a fine woman such as yourself, but also that you’re not falling apart waiting for him to ask you out.

Step 5: Reciprocate

With a Taurus man, you have to mirror what he does if you don’t want him to lose interest in the chase.

One of the biggest mistakes women make with Taurus men is assuming they don’t have to put in equal effort.

If the Taurus man always texts you first, try initiating the texting next time.

Let him know how happy you were to get his text and that it brought a smile to your face.

If he wants to take you on a date, show enthusiasm for whatever he has planned. Tell him you can’t wait.

What I’m saying is that he’ll only chase you if you’re giving him back the same energy he’s putting in.

He wants to know that his efforts are being received well and you want him to keep pursuing you.

Taurus is a feminine sign, and feminine signs will wait to see what you do first, then react.

So while the Taurus man is reaching out to you, he’ll be gauging your responses.

Feeling like you’re giving him a cold or tepid reception will cause him to back off. Whereas meeting him with passion and excitement will encourage him to woo you more.

At the same time, make sure that you’re not being overly enthusiastic and asking for attention when he’s not ready to give it.

Mirroring his behaviors includes giving him space if he backs off a little, texting him at the pace and frequency he sets and basically delivering the same energy back to him.

Attuning yourself to your Taurus man this way helps you make sure you’re not overwhelming him, which can happen subtly if you’re not paying attention.

Step 6: Stay Consistent

couple hugging with a quote about staying consistent with a taurus man you want to chase you

It’s important to mention that being consistent with a Taurus man is a huge factor in gaining his trust.

One of the reasons Taurus men hesitate to chase women is that they don’t automatically trust them.

After all, chasing a woman can result in heartbreak.

So if you want a Taurus to keep chasing you, show that you’re consistent and reliable. 

Maintain a stable presence in his life. 

Don’t break plans with him often or go hot and cold with your attention and affection. 

Over time the Taurus man will be able to build a closer connection with you.

Because sometimes the chase with a Taurus man can last for months.

It’s a long game. 

And if you want to win you have to think in terms of longevity. 



That’s what truly fans the flames of the Taurus man’s desire.

What Won’t Work with a Taurus Man

If you haven’t had any luck getting a Taurus man to chase you in the past, here’s where you may have gone wrong.

Playing hard to get

Taurus men view this behavior as immature and, most importantly, a reason not to bother pursuing you.

As weird as this sounds, Taurus men will look for an excuse not to pursue a woman even if they have feelings for her.

It’s because of how guarded they are with their hearts.

Catching feelings for someone makes them feel vulnerable, and that scares them. 

So they will observe you, looking for signs that you might break their heart.

When you play hard to get, it signals to the Taurus man that you’re not really serious about him and this prompts him to cut ties.

You know, before he gets hurt.

And it sucks because a lot of dating resources will tell you that playing hard to get is The Way to get a man to chase you.

So do yourself a favor and ignore all that.

It’ll just have the opposite effect.

Being Wishy-Washy

If you aren’t 110% sure that you want this Taurus man, he won’t chase you.

If you’re flighty, cancel plans last minute and generally give off the vibe that you don’t know what you want from him, he’ll stop trying to build a connection with you.

Remember, Tauruses crave a stable, reliable romantic partner.

Making Him Jealous

This is a huge no-no with Tauruses.

Trying to make a Taurus man jealous will always backfire.

Taurus men are naturally possessive and feel jealousy relatively easily.

However, their jealousy can’t be used against them.

If a Taurus man feels that you’re trying to make him jealous with other men, he’ll see this as disloyal.

And if he believes you’re not the loyal sort…you guessed it. He won’t pursue you.

Does a Taurus Man Want to Be Chased?

man and woman hugging in front of the sunrise

This is an excellent question.

The truth is that many Taurus men are used to being chased.

They’re sexy and elusive and aren’t strangers to the experience of women flirting with them and even trying to get them into bed.

But Taurus guys don’t let their wall down for just anyone.

And so many women find themselves chasing these Taurus men when they thought it would be easier to win them over.

But do Taurus men actually like being chased?

The answer is a little mixed because they do like it when a woman is bold enough to show interest in them.

They enjoy it when the woman initiates conversation, flirting and even asking to spend time together.

However, at the point that the Taurus man decides she’s worth chasing, he’ll take over.

He prefers to feel in control, so he likes to be the one to move things forward once the momentum has kicked in.

The bottom line is that a Taurus man is fine with it when a woman initiates, but he will take the lead and do a proper traditional courtship once he’s all in.

Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you make a Taurus man obsessed with you?

If you want to make a Taurus man obsessed with you, you have to make every one of his sensory experiences around you pleasurable.

That is, he has to love the way you smell, the soft touchableness of your hair, the sweet sound of your voice, etc.

Wear your sexiest perfume around him. Get your hair looking shiny, healthy and bouncy.

In addition to this, have confidence in your amazing self and never throw yourself at him.

He likes women who are independent and who are not just waiting to catch a man to take care of them.

How to make a Taurus man miss you?

The best way is to be in his presence.

With Tauruses, out of sight is usually out of mind.

But if he runs into you and sees that you’re looking great these days and not just surviving but thriving, he may start wondering if you’re the one that got away.

The key is to show him that you’re doing well. Maybe even better than when you were together.

Tauruses won’t go back to a relationship that left a bad taste in their mouth, but if they feel you’re a better version of yourself now, they might give it another shot.

How to keep a Taurus man interested in you?

Consistency is the key.

You don’t have to do anything crazy to keep a Taurus man interested.

The main thing is to show that you’re dependable, consistent and sincere in your feelings about him.

Keep reciprocating his attention and don’t play games with him.

Another thing to keep in mind is making sure he knows that you’re 100% available, and not semi-involved with your ex or something.

Because that could make him do a U-turn and go back to finding other, more available fish in the sea.

What are Taurus men attracted to?

Taurus men are attracted to women who take care of their appearances and their hygiene.

They’re attracted to women who wear natural, floral scents and have a feminine appearance.

Being at the top of all the fashion trends is not necessary. He loves classic looks.

Above all, show that you’re mature and sophisticated.

How to drive a Taurus man crazy for you?

The best approach is to engage the Taurus man in a traditional type of courtship.

Allow him to lead. Play the role of a perfect lady for a perfect gentleman.

This does involve resisting jumping into the sack together too soon, as old-fashioned as that sounds.

A Taurus man may wind up backing off because he’s paranoid that sleeping together too soon has clouded both of your judgment.

So just relax and take things slowly if you want a Taurus man to go crazy for you.

How do you test if a Taurus man likes you?

If you want to know whether a Taurus man likes you, observe how he acts around you.

Does he touch you? Little touches of your hand, attempting to give you hugs, and that sort of thing?

Do you catch him staring at you frequently?

Does he go out of his way to be near you and talk to you?

If so, don’t brush these clues off—they usually mean a Taurus man is into you.

Especially if he mentions really enjoying your company and wanting to hang out one-on-one.

How do you know if a Taurus man is falling for you?

If a Taurus man is open and vulnerable with you and shares his personal secrets with you, you know he’s in love.

He acts like he’s on cloud 9 around you and is impossibly sweet and protective of you.

Sometimes when a Taurus man is just starting to realize that he’s seriously attached to you, he goes through a period of introspection and needs a little space.

He does this to gather his thoughts and reflect on his newfound emotions.

Tauruses are slow in all things, and especially romantic and emotional things. 

How do you get a Taurus man emotionally attached?

You don’t really try to get a Taurus man emotionally attached.

He’s kind of immune to any purposeful efforts in that area.

Instead, you want to focus on making him feel safe and comfortable with you.

He will only become emotionally attached to you if he feels you’re genuine and you’re not just using him to fulfill some kind of need.

It takes a while to get to the point where he feels he can let himself become attached to you.

Patience is key.

Signs a Taurus man is sexually attracted to you

Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to tell when a Taurus man is sexually attracted to you.

He pays a ton of attention to you—to the exclusion of all other women around him.

He will look at you intently and intensely.

With a hunger in his eyes.

Because Taurus communicates with his body, he’ll show signs of attraction through touch and being physically in your space.

It’ll feel somehow intimate, but not creepy or disrespectful.

How to make a Taurus man jealous

First, let me tell you that I don’t recommend trying to make the Taurus male jealous.

Tauruses react to feeling jealous by withdrawing their affection from you.

But if you were to make a Taurus man jealous, you’d want to chat other men up in front of him.

Or behind his back.

It honestly doesn’t take a ton of effort to make this man jealous.

But he will only become jealous if he has feelings for you.

Signs a Taurus man is playing you

A Taurus man is playing you if he doesn’t make any effort to spend time with you.

He only calls you for one thing.

If he’s never made any attempt to include you in his social life or bring you out in public?

He’s a couch potato, but a Taurus man who likes you will still try to woo you by taking you out on traditional dinner dates.

He’ll just act incredibly lazy about pursuing you and show zero effort if he’s just using you.

How to attract a Taurus man through text

Selfies and cute texts telling him how you can’t wait to see him next attract him.

Send him pictures of yourself looking like a natural beauty.

Don’t go over the top with nudes or raunchy photos—remember to be classy.

Also, don’t over-text.

Tauruses have short attention spans for texting and tend to ignore their phones when there’s a flood of long texts to read through.

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I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at

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