Want to attract a Taurus woman? Make her want you so bad she can hardly breathe?
I’m going to tell you exactly what you need to do to get a Taurus woman to be attracted to you, AND willing to act on her attraction.
Everyone knows Taurus women are picky, so if you’re concerned about keeping her interested in you, you can get my full guide Decode Taurus Women with step-by-step instructions on landing a Taurus woman. It covers everything from initial attraction to progressing a relationship with her.
Without further ado, let’s talk about how to make a Taurus woman so attracted to you that she’s practically begging for you to ask her out on a date.
How to Attract a Taurus Woman
Let me start by saying that attracting a Taurus woman is a delicate process.
I know this because my best friend is a Taurus female. I’ve seen her go from hot-and-bothered over a guy to ice-cold over what to me seemed like minor details.
Obviously, not to her.
So let’s start with the things you have to have in order to attract a Taurus woman to you in the first place.
Many of these things I’ve personally witnessed, over and over again.
So let’s jump in.
Show Off Your Best Physical Assets
First and foremost, you’ll need to look amazing to catch the eye of a Taurus gal.
What’s your best feature? Be sure to show it off to a Taurus woman.
Is it your eyes? Great hair? Perhaps your biceps?
Don’t hide your baby blues behind sunglasses. A good haircut can do wonders for your attractiveness.
Put yourself in the best possible light and wear clothes that accentuate your most attractive features.
You can easily make her drool over you. You just need the right packaging and presentation.
Smell Great
A Taurus woman is a sensory creature.
One whiff of your cologne can bring out the animalistic passion in her.
Believe me, I’ve seen it. It doesn’t matter how calm and collected she looks on the outside, if you’re wearing a seductive scent, consider her seduced.
Just be sure to spray it on lightly so as to not overpower her delicate senses.
Upgrade Your Appearance
Again, the way you look is extremely important when it comes to attracting Tauruses.
Dress well and maintain good grooming habits.
Not only will she find you more attractive physically, but you’ll also be demonstrating self-respect and high value.
That in itself makes her feel more covetous toward you.
Clearly Show You’re Interested in Her
This is a mistake I’ve seen many men make: not showing clear interest in a Taurus woman.
She may think you’re cute, but you act aloof—a big mark against you in her eyes.
She’s a bit lazy, so she’s not going to chase after you if you don’t show any signs of interest.
So be sure to give good eye contact and let her know you’d like to take her out on a date so she knows the feeling is mutual.
Flirt with Her
Being ruled by the planet Venus, Taurus women adore flirting.
They live for being wooed by someone who projects confidence and charm. It’s a big confidence boost for these somewhat shy and reserved women.
Taurus women need to be flirted with to feel desirable.
When flirting with her, be witty and sweet, and smile a lot while giving her direct compliments.
If she turns a little red, she’s definitely into you!
Show Her a Good Time
Taurus women just want to have fun.
Part of charming a Taurus woman is in how you make her feel—not just how you look.
That’s why it’s important to make sure she’s having a good time when she’s with you.
Especially if that good time involves good food, pleasant sights and smells, relaxing music—the works.
Be Consistent and Reliable
Taurus women don’t like inconsistency.
If you’re there one day but you drop off the face of the earth for weeks on end, don’t expect a Taurus woman to come flocking to you.
Maintain a solid presence in her life if you want her to want you.
Physical attraction isn’t enough—you have to gain her trust, too.
Go Old-School Romance
You’ve got physical attraction down? That’s great.
Now forge a romantic connection with your Taurus woman.
Without romance, physical attraction can fizzle out quickly.
When you see her, bring her some flowers and chocolates to stoke the flames of desire.
Go for old-school romance tactics. They’re not boring—they’re classic.
Be Patient and Persistent
Patience is crucial when attracting a Taurus woman.
She tends to take her time in forming relationships.
Take it slower than you normally would, while still being the aggressor.
She wants you to pursue her, she just needs more time than the typical zodiac sign to get to know you and trust her instincts about you.
Use Genuine Compliments, Not Flattery
Offering genuine and sincere compliments is good. It demonstrates your appreciation for her and shows you notice the smallest things about her.
Just avoid blatant flattery as it can appear insincere.
My advice? Use a blend of compliments about her looks, her intelligence and her character.
Tell her she’s sweet, gorgeous and smart.
This way, she knows you’re not just trying to get her into bed, but you still think she’s a stunner (which she wants to hear).
Be Affectionate
Taurus women love, love, love affection.
So show your attraction by giving her a hug, holding her hand, offering a little shoulder massage—whatever seems appropriate at the moment.
If she thinks you’re attractive, she’ll welcome any physical contact and it will light a fire in her.
Lean in
You know what I’ve seen make my Taurus best friend squirm when a man does it?
Lean in really close to her and smile at her (while looking fine AF).
Using subtle body language and getting close to her will drive her wild.
So lean in during conversations to create a sense of intimacy and observe her reaction. If she’s smiling at you and moving closer toward you, you’re doing everything right.
Project Confidence
Confidence is key with Taurus women.
Stand tall, speak clearly and maintain a positive attitude.
This is pretty standard advice when it comes to attracting women, but for Tauruses it’s particularly true.
Coming across as sweet and nervous won’t get you as far as coming across as self-assured.
Vibe with Her
Sometimes, simply enjoying each other’s company can be more effective than constant conversation.
You want to be calm and relaxing for her. Create memorable experiences that help foster a deeper connection without relying solely on words.
In the end, that’s going to maintain her interest and make her more attracted to you.
Wear Higher-End Brands
Taurus women love and appreciate luxury.
If you can afford some designer labels, be sure to wear them around a Taurus woman.
She’ll notice your Gucci eyeglasses.
The thing to understand about Taurus women is that they see high-end labels as signals of financial stability and class.
These are attractive qualities to a Taurus female—remember, it’s all in the presentation.
Make the First Move
If you want to keep up the momentum and ensure a Taurus woman’s attraction to you continues to build, then make a move.
Taking the initiative shows you’re the type she likes—confident, decisive, and capable of leading in the relationship.
I covered this already in Decode Taurus Women, so might as well not reinvent the wheel—I’ll just quote what I wrote there:
“Taurus women are on the passive side and prefer that the man takes charge. In almost every situation, a Taurus woman would like you to kiss her.
“She would not dare to kiss you first. Even if she’s burning up inside with desire.”
A hand hold, a kiss—she’ll be waiting for you to do it first, because she’s too “ladylike” to reveal her inner lust demon.
Be Kind and Generous
Showing kindness and generosity towards others, not just her, is a surefire way to capture her attention.
Be respectful toward employees in the service industry. Pet dogs. Smile at little kids.
These actions will win her over and make her all the more attracted to you because she’ll see she’s bagged a good one.
How to Attract a Taurus Woman Physically
The key to attracting a Taurus woman physically is making yourself appealing to her every sense.
That is, attract her through sight, sound, touch, smell and taste.
Here’s how:
- Wear stylish clothes that compliment your physique
- Use your voice to attract her by talking on the phone rather than texting
- Touch her hair, put your hand on hers and use physical contact
- Pay attention to good hygiene practices
- Wear great-smelling cologne
- Pop a breath mint so your breath (and kiss) is pleasant
- Give special attention to personal grooming
How to Impress a Taurus Girl?
Impressing a Taurus woman is part and parcel of attracting her.
Here are some important tips on making sure she’s impressed enough to act on her attraction to you.
Highlight Your Ambitions
Because as romantic as this sign is, Tauruses are pragmatists.
Taurus women are willing to allow their attraction go somewhere if they think you’re on the road to success.
Or at least putting the effort into making your goals a reality.
Demonstrate your ambition by allowing her to probe into your career goals and personal aspirations.
This displays commitment and drive, which Taurus women find attractive.
Spend and Save Your Money Wisely
Taurus women don’t like a penny-pincher. But they equally run far away from a guy whose bank account is always empty from bad money handling.
If you want to impress a Taurus woman, showing your financial savvy is important.
Be sure to spoil her, but make sure you’re also setting aside money to invest wisely in your future.
Be Straightforward
Honesty and directness are highly valued by Taurus women.
They won’t engage with you if you’re playing games.
Communicate your feelings and intentions openly. Be sincere.
This is the key to unlocking the Taurus woman’s heart and making her see that it’s safe to take a chance on you.
Be Real with Her
Taurus women love romantic gestures and being swept off their feet, but they need to feel like you’re real.
Be yourself with her. Write her handwritten notes. Be a little goofy sometimes.
Focus on creating an atmosphere that encourages a genuine connection.
Make Her Feel Special
If you want to really capture a Taurus woman’s attention, then pay extra special attention to her.
Go the extra mile for her.
Give her your coat when she’s chilly.
Plan thoughtful dates and outings that are tailored to her interests.
Prioritize her needs and desires, and you’ll be the chivalrous hero she’s been waiting for to sweep her off her feet.
What Not to Do If You Want to Attract a Taurus Woman
Remember how I was saying that I’ve seen a lot of men fail with Taurus women?
Here are the things I’ve seen push a Taurus woman away, even when she was initially attracted.
Never Let Her Think You’re Trying to Bag Other Women
A Taurus woman needs to feel like she is the only one you have your eyes on.
Be sure to keep your focus on her. Avoid any behavior that could make her think she has competition.
The more she trusts you, the further you’ll get with her.
Don’t Make Her Chase You
Taurus women move slowly, but don’t let this trick you into thinking she doesn’t want you to make a move.
Taurus women prefer you to take the lead.
If you play too hard to get, she may lose interest or think that you’re not serious.
Don’t Brag
Be confident in who you are, but avoid coming off as arrogant or overly self-absorbed.
A Taurus woman admires humility and genuine, down-to-earth people.
Stay grounded and humble to keep her attracted to you.
Never Look Sloppy
Holey clothes, stains and looking disheveled will set you back with a Taurus woman.
Make sure you always look clean, your clothes are wrinkle-free and you look like you take care of yourself.
Neatness and cleanliness are important to her, and she is likely to be put off by an unkempt or sloppy appearance.
Avoid Smothering Her
While you do want to stay consistent and pursue a Taurus woman, you don’t want to breathe down her neck.
Don’t send her 10 texts in a row. And as always, avoid appearing desperate to get her attention.
Give her space to maintain her independence. At the same time, keep showing that she matters to you.
Read Also: How to Text a Taurus Woman
No Long, Scraggly Beards
Consider keeping your facial hair short, neat and tidy.
Taurus women often prefer their man to be well-groomed and clean-shaven or sporting minimal facial hair.
Don’t Be Cheap
Taurus women appreciate quality and, while they don’t require lavish gifts or spending, they do expect a certain level of generosity.
Be prepared to treat her, and make sure not to skimp on quality in your outings and gifts.
Don’t Be Pushy
Patience is the name of the game with a Taurus woman.
Take your time and let the relationship grow at a comfortable pace, rather than trying to rush or force things.
Being pushy is likely to have the opposite effect and may end up pushing her away.
How do you know if a Taurus female likes you?
A Taurus woman will show her interest through consistent and reliable actions.
She may not be overly expressive at first.
But if she likes you, she’ll make an effort to spend time with you, engage you in conversation and show affection through physical touch and acts of service.
She’ll appreciate routine and stability, so her willingness to integrate you into her schedule is a good sign.
What arouses a Taurus woman?
A Taurus woman is aroused by sensuality, stability and a partner who appreciates the finer things in life.
She values a strong physical connection, so touch and physical presence are important.
She’s also drawn to a partner who can provide comfort and luxury, whether that’s through a delicious meal, a comfortable environment or high-quality material possessions.
How to melt a Taurus woman’s heart
To melt a Taurus woman’s heart, show her consistency, loyalty and affection.
She appreciates gestures that demonstrate thoughtfulness and effort.
For example, planning a high-quality date or giving her a gift that has both aesthetic appeal and practical use.
Being dependable and making her feel secure will also endear you to her.
How to get a Taurus woman to date you?
If you want a Taurus woman to date you, be patient and persistent without being pushy.
Show her your reliable side by being punctual and following through on your promises.
Appeal to her love of the senses with a good meal, a comfortable setting or a soothing voice.
Demonstrate that you value stability and are looking for a solid relationship, not just a fling.
Signs a Taurus woman secretly likes you
If a Taurus woman secretly likes you, she’ll become more present in your daily life.
That means she’ll initiate contact or find reasons to be around you.
She’ll remember details about your life and preferences, and she might give you small gifts or try to do favors for you.
She’ll also be very attentive and may show a hint of jealousy if others vie for your attention.
Read Also: Signs a Taurus Woman Secretly Likes You
How to get a Taurus woman to chase you
It’s rare for a Taurus woman to chase someone. She prefers a more traditional approach to courtship.
However, you can pique her interest by showing her that you embody the qualities she values: stability, loyalty, and sensuality.
Be genuine, and let her see that you’re a catch worth pursuing, but remember that a Taurus woman typically prefers to move at her own pace.
You can encourage her by creating opportunities for her to step in and fill in the blanks, such as subtly asking for her help or advice on matters she excels in.
Recommended Reading: How to Get a Taurus Woman to Chase You
Do Taurus women play hard to get?
Taurus women don’t typically play hard to get as part of a strategy.
Rather, they are naturally cautious and take time to trust and open up to someone.
They do value sincerity and are straightforward about their feelings once they’re sure.
However, their need for security and stability can make them appear reserved or unapproachable at first.
Taurus woman likes and dislikes
Taurus women tend to like stability, comfort and the pleasures of the senses.
They enjoy good food, fine wine and luxurious surroundings.
Personally, they appreciate honesty, loyalty and practicality in their partners.
As for what they dislike, they run away from unpredictability, flakiness and superficiality.
They’re not fans of taking unnecessary risks or dealing with dramatic, high-maintenance behaviors.
Taurus women value a harmonious and serene environment, so they prefer to avoid conflict and chaos.
If you want to know more about what to do and not do with a Taurus woman to reel her in, feel free to check out Decode Taurus Women here.
I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at decodethezodiac.com.