Not sure whether a Taurus woman secretly likes you, but won’t admit it?
Don’t miss these signs about how she feels:
- She needs to be physically close to you
- She’s showing up at your favorite hangout spots
- You never catch her looking anything less than stunning
- She texts you consistently and seeks your attention
- She remembers everything you say
- She’s extremely generous with you
Once you recognize that a Taurus woman likes you, there’s no time like the present. ACT ON IT!
You’ve got a relatively brief window while she decides whether she’s going to pursue it…or not.
Not sure how to send the right signals to a Taurus woman? I cover this in detail in my full guide Decode Taurus Women. If you’ve ever wished there was an instruction manual on Taurus women, this is it.
The guide literally breaks down moving from acquaintances to lovers with a Taurus woman in simple stages. It’ll take you through the steps of winning a Taurus woman over from initial attraction to successful dating and relationship.
Now, let’s talk about the key ways to tell a Taurus woman is secretly pining for you.
Signs a Taurus Woman Secretly Likes You
Hoping a Taurus woman secretly likes you?
It’s unlikely that she’s going to come right out and say it.
Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to tell because she’s not very subtle.
Look for these signs in her behavior to know where you stand with her.
Read Next: How to Attract a Taurus Woman
1. Physical Closeness
If a Taurus woman likes you, she’ll be in your bubble.
She’ll find reasons to be in the same space as you, like sitting near you at work or taking the same route as you to walk by you in the hallway.
Oh, and she just had to touch your chest to wipe away that piece of lint on your shirt.
However she can get close to you, she will.
2. Acting Seductive
A Taurus woman who has a secret crush on you will be not so secret in the way she tries to turn you on.
She’ll twirl her hair, bite her lower lip and smile at you.
I’ve seen a Taurus woman hand feed a man she liked.
I once saw my best Taurus female friend sweep through the apartment in her lingerie when the guy she liked was there, just to get him to look.
Yeah. Tauruses are not that subtle.
3. Touches
If a Taurus woman is putting her hands on you, mark my words, she has secret plans for you.
Taurus women are very sensitive to touch and won’t touch or let themselves be touched by anyone they don’t want.
She may touch your arm while talking or sit close enough for your bodies to touch subtly.
If a Taurus woman is offering you multiple, lingering hugs?
That means she likes you and would like you to reciprocate.
4. Glances
Very likely, if a Taurus woman likes you, you’ll catch her looking at you when she thinks you’re not noticing.
Taurus women like to feel like they’re being sly about ogling you.
They’d be embarrassed if you caught them staring, but they tend to do it a lot so that it’s hard not to notice.
5. Thoughtful Gifts
A Taurus woman will make note of what you enjoy and try to bring them to you as gifts.
She may give you food-related gifts, like a certain type of candy you like.
Taurus women love food and can’t imagine someone else wouldn’t love a tasty little treat, too.
6. Consistent Communication
When a Taurus woman likes you, she’s consistent with you.
That is, she makes an effort to be in regular communication with you, responding to messages and reaching out to maintain contact.
The key is not necessarily in how often she texts you, but in the consistency and quality of her communication with you.
7. Jealousy
Yes, Taurus women are jealous types.
It may be hard to recognize this as the Taurus seems so cool and even-tempered.
But if you’ve seen a Taurus woman throwing shade at one of your female friends, it’s a good sign that she’s feeling threatened…because she likes you.
8. Invitations to Low-Key Hangouts
While a Taurus woman is unlikely to ask you out on a date directly, she may ask you to hang out with her.
If she likes you, she’ll try to get you to go on casual, one-on-one activities, like grabbing coffee or going for a walk.
Pay attention if she wants to spend quality time with you, and you alone.
9. Relaxed, Yet Sensual Body Language
When she’s around you, her body language will be open and relaxed.
She’ll lean back on a couch and rest her head on your shoulder.
This is her signaling her comfort around you and a desire to be close.
10. Showing Interest in Your Life
Taurus women like to show they like you through the way they care about you.
She’ll ask about your day, your goals and your interests.
You’ll feel that she’s genuinely interested in getting to know you better.
She is!
11. Compliments
It’s true that Taurus women are sweet-natured, so they give compliments readily.
But if a Taurus likes you, she’ll likely shower you with compliments often.
She’ll praise not just your appearance, but also your skills and achievements.
She’ll seem genuinely impressed by you, which in itself is a compliment.
12, She Remembers Things You’ve Said
With such an active interest in you and your life, the Taurus woman will recall things you’ve shared with her before.
She’ll bring them up later casually, and you’ll be surprised by all the details she remembers.
This is because she’s listening closely for her chance to seduce you.
13. Acts of Service
Tauruses can be rather selfless people.
A Taurus woman who likes you will probably try to help you in some way.
She may bring you lunch, help you with a project or do something she knows will make your day easier.
She’ll let you know that you can call on her for support any time, day or night.
14. Engaging in Long Conversations
A Taurus woman who likes you will be happy to engage you in long, deep conversations about subjects you’re interested in.
She’s a great listener, and she wants you to have the floor to share your thoughts.
15. Cooking for You
Given her love for culinary delights, she might cook for you or invite you to join her for a meal. To her, sharing food is a way of expressing affection.
And being able to be hands-on with the cooking process for you just adds more sensuality to the experience.
16. Seeking Your Opinion
She values your thoughts and will ask for your opinion on matters that are important to her.
This shows trust and respect for your judgment, which are big signs that a Taurus woman really does like you.
She’s the stubborn bull, remember. She doesn’t listen to just anyone.
17. Making Plans for the Future
Taurus women need stability in their lives.
So if a Taurus woman likes you, she will strive to make you a stable part of her life.
That is, she’ll try to make plans with you in the future, even if they’re loose plans.
But she’ll keep bringing them up, indicating she’s thinking ahead and sees you as part of her life going forward.
18. Protectiveness
Very often, Taurus women get protective about the people they’re fond of.
She’ll show concern for your well-being and stand up for you if she thinks someone treated you poorly.
It’s not so much that she thinks you can’t fight your own battles—it’s just part of how she nurtures others.
19. She Sets a Romantic Scene
Do you ever go over to the Taurus woman’s house, and it’s dimly lit with flickering candles and sexy music playing?
That’s no accident. That’s the Taurus woman trying to set the mood.
20. She Dresses Very Well Around You
Suddenly, every time you see the Taurus woman, she’s wearing some cute dress and looking gorgeous.
She has a new haircut and every detail is paid attention to, from her jewelry to her manicure and pedicure.
This is a Taurus woman thinking that you care about these details and she’s trying to make you attracted to her.
21. Softly Gazing Into Your Eyes
There’s a softness in a Taurus woman’s eyes when she likes you.
You’ll notice a look of longing there when she looks at you.
Her eyes will be as big as saucers when you’re talking and you’ll feel like she doesn’t want to look away when she’s really into you.
22. She Smiles a Ton
Taurus women can’t help but have a big smile on their faces when they really like you.
They’ll be smiling so much their faces will hurt.
23. She Shows Up Where You Are
Is she coincidentally showing up at places you frequent?
Hitting up your lunch spot and going to your favorite dive bar after work?
These are not accidents!
They’re carefully orchestrated opportunities to bump into you.
24. She Gives You All of Her Attention
When a Taurus woman likes you, she makes you feel like the center of her world while she’s with you.
She pays special attention to you and ignores everyone else.
25. She Makes Herself the Center of Your Attention
Likewise, she’ll try to make sure you’re only paying attention to her.
While she’s usually pretty mild and well-mannered, she may get slightly more aggressive about making you notice her.
She just wants your eyes to be on her and her alone.
If you want to make the most of this opportunity, you can find out what to do (and not do) to encourage her in Decode Taurus Women.
How Does a Taurus Woman Act When She Likes Someone?
When a Taurus woman likes you, she lets her body do most of the talking.
Consequently, she acts very physically sensual and even provocative when she’s into you.
You’ll notice her getting close to you with her body and also being openly affectionate with you.
She wants to seduce you. And very likely, she’ll succeed.
On top of this, she’ll act very sweet and feminine. She wants you to see her as a damsel and a lady.
So she’ll present herself as calm, nurturing and gentle-natured.
She wants you to feel good around her, so she’ll have a soothing energy and try to melt all your problems away when you’re with her.
Signs a Taurus Woman Likes You Through Text
When a Taurus woman likes you, her texting style will reflect her earthy, steady nature.
Here are signs she likes you through text:
- Her Responses Are Consistent: She’ll reply to your messages consistently and within a reasonable time frame (she won’t let days go by), showing that she prioritizes communication with you.
- She’s Initiating Conversations: She won’t always wait for you to text first; if she likes you, she’ll initiate to stay connected.
- She Shares Personal Details: She’ll gradually share personal stories and experiences with you. This is a sign of trust and a desire to build intimacy.
- She Asks About Your Day: A Taurus woman will show genuine interest in your daily life by asking about your day and your activities, demonstrating that she cares about your well-being.
- Emojis and Exclamation Marks: Does she use plenty of these? She does it to convey warmth and affection, adding a playful or tender tone to her texts.
- Comforting and Encouraging Texts: If you’re going through a tough time, she’ll offer words of comfort and encouragement, showing her supportive nature.
- Flirting: While Taurus women are typically more reserved, she might flirt subtly through compliments or playful teasing, especially if she’s comfortable with you.
- She Sends Photos: She may share pictures of what she’s doing, her surroundings, or even selfies, inviting you into her life visually.
- Good Morning/Good Night Texts: Sending you messages to start and end your day can be her way of showing she’s thinking about you during these moments.
- She’s Reluctant to End Conversations: She may try to prolong conversations with you, seemingly reluctant to end the text exchange, which indicates she enjoys your company.
Recommended Reading: How to Text a Taurus Woman
Telling a Taurus Woman How You Feel
When you’re ready to reveal your feelings to a Taurus woman, it’s crucial to do so with a mix of straightforwardness and heartfelt sincerity.
Start by finding a quiet, comfortable moment to talk. This ensures that there are no external pressures or distractions.
Speak to her honestly and directly. Don’t be afraid.
Taurus women respect transparency and dislike games or ambiguity.
As you’re talking, do so with warmth and genuine affection. A gentle touch or holding hands can convey a lot of meaning to a tactile Taurus.
Keep your declaration realistic and avoid overly dramatic gestures. This might come across as insincere to her practical nature, or overwhelming.
Understand that she may need time to process what you’ve shared, so be patient and don’t expect an immediate answer.
Once you’ve opened up about your feelings, it’s really important to maintain consistency in your actions to reinforce the trustworthiness of your words.
Respect her response, whether she reciprocates your feelings or needs more time to consider her own.
A Taurus woman’s trust and affection are often earned through demonstrated reliability and respect for her pace and process.
Signs a Taurus Woman Doesn’t Like You
If a Taurus woman isn’t interested in you romantically or otherwise, she’ll give off clear signals through her behavior and interactions.
Here’s what you’ll notice if a Taurus woman is not into you:
- Lack of Effort: Taurus women are known for being reliable and consistent when they care about someone. So a lack of effort to talk or spend time with you usually means a lack of interest.
- Short and Infrequent Communication: Her texts and calls are infrequent and replies are often short or delayed.
- Avoids Physical Contact: Taurus women are typically affectionate with people they like. If she avoids hugs, touches or any close physical proximity, that’s a big sign.
- Indifference to Your Life: She doesn’t ask personal questions or show interest in you or what you do. If she liked you, she’d want to know more about you.
- Makes Excuses: She often has an excuse for why she can’t meet up or spend time with you. And she doesn’t try to reschedule.
- Friend Zone Indicators: She may refer to you as a friend or brother, or talk about other people she’s interested in, which is a subtle way of indicating her lack of romantic interest.
- Lack of Jealousy: You could flirt with another woman in front of her face and she wouldn’t care.
- Dismissive Behavior: She may seem bored or disinterested when you’re talking. She may not make much eye contact, or she may check her phone frequently.
- Closed Body Language: She sits with crossed arms and physical distance, suggesting she’s not open to a closer relationship.
- Direct Communication: A Taurus woman might be direct about her lack of interest if she feels it’s necessary to avoid leading you on. She values honesty and would prefer to be clear about her feelings.
It’s important to note that these signs can also be influenced by a Taurus woman’s mood or circumstances unrelated to you.
That being said, if you consistently see these behaviors, it’s likely a sign that she doesn’t share your romantic interest.
Are Taurus women shy around their crush?
Taurus women may initially appear shy or reserved around their crush. They tend to be cautious before opening up emotionally.
They often take their time to assess their feelings and the potential of the relationship before showing their interest openly.
What does a Taurus woman find physically attractive?
A Taurus woman finds physical attributes that suggest stability and strength attractive, like a confident posture, a warm smile and a well-groomed appearance.
She appreciates sensory experiences, so she’ll be drawn to nice scents and soft, tactile clothing.
Read Next: How to Attract a Taurus Woman
How to know if a Taurus woman is playing you
A Taurus woman playing you might be inconsistent in her behavior, showing affection one moment and detachment the next.
She may avoid making plans or be evasive about the future, which is uncharacteristic of the typically straightforward and loyal Taurus.
Recommended Reading: How to Know If a Taurus Woman Is Playing You
When a Taurus woman misses you
When a Taurus woman misses you, she may reach out more frequently through calls or texts.
She might reminisce about past experiences you shared, and she’ll likely try to make plans to see you.
Also, she might post things on social media that remind her of you or that she knows you’d enjoy.
How to tell if a Taurus woman is falling in love with you
You know a Taurus woman falling in love with you when she shows consistent attention and affection and changes her life to keep you in it.
She will make an effort to be around you and integrate you into her daily life.
She’ll also show a high level of physical affection and desire for a stable future with you.
Recommended Reading: Taurus Woman in Love
What arouses a Taurus woman?
A Taurus woman is aroused by sensory stimulation and a partner who appeals to her senses. This includes touch, taste, scent, and visual appeal.
A romantic atmosphere, physical affection, and a partner who is attentive to her needs and desires can be particularly arousing for her.
There’s a lot of more about seducing and exciting a Taurus woman in Decode Taurus Women. Check it out here.
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