How to Text a Taurus Woman (10 Simple Tips to Attract Her With Texting)

Got her number, but now you’re not sure how to text a Taurus woman?

Don’t worry—here’s everything you need to know:

  • Keep it simple, light and amusing
  • Give her plenty of time to reply—don’t rush her or appear needy
  • Be sweet, flirty and compliment her
  • Appeal to her with a selfie
  • Show her you care about her

Without further ado, let’s jump in.

How to Text a Taurus Woman

1. Keep texts simple

woman smiling and texting on a couch with a quote about keeping texts to a taurus woman simple and straightforward

Rule #1: Keep your texts simple and straightforward.

Nothing too complicated, and no novels. Instead, take a cue from her—you’ll likely get a simple “hey, what’s up” from her when she texts her.

A Taurus woman is the laid-back type, which you’ll gather from her texting style. Copy her style.

If you want to kick off a texting conversation right, make your texts brief, approachable and easy to reply to.

Avoid sending her cryptic messages she has to figure out. 

Though it may be conversational, but don’t send her a bunch of questions to answer. Her attention span is a little on the short side for that.

Read Next: How to Attract a Taurus Woman with Texting

2. Don’t text multiple times in a row

woman looking at her phone with a quote about not over texting a taurus woman

If a Taurus woman sees a mile-long string of texts to reply to, she’ll put her phone back in her purse, messages unread.

She’s not a big-time texter. 

She prefers real life, where she can connect with you and get a sense of how well you vibe.

If she’s slow to reply (which she probably will be), avoid asking, “Are you there?”

You can’t rush a Taurus to do anything, much less text you.

And besides, she’s looking for a strong romantic partner—you don’t want to come across as needy.

3. Text her something to make her laugh

close up of a woman smiling with a quote about making a taurus woman laugh through text

You’re pretty much guaranteed to get a reply from a Taurus woman if you make her laugh.

She has a great sense of humor, down-to-earth and slightly sarcastic.

Funny memes and laugh-out-loud types of jokes do the trick.

Be sure to text her a joke she can relate to, like about work, one of her hobbies or the type of joke everyone can relate to.

4. Text her a compliment

Compliments go far with a Taurus woman—the traditional kind, where you tell her how gorgeous, smart and funny she is.

If you want to flatter a Taurus woman, talk about how strong and accomplished she is.

Definitely tell her how gorgeous she is, though. 

Ruled by Venus, the Taurus woman is sensual, feminine and romantic.

She wants to feel beautiful. So tell her she has the most stunning blue eyes you’ve ever seen.

Taurus just wants to be adored, appreciated and treated like a lady.

5. Flirt

blonde woman sitting on a picnic table texting on her phone with a quote about flirting with a taurus woman over text

One way to keep a Taurus woman interested is to flirt with her.

Send her cute texts that will make her smile.

Avoid getting raunchy, especially if you don’t know her that well. 

Keep it classy and gentlemanly.

6. Appreciate her

A Taurus woman is humble, generous and kind.

She doesn’t expect anyone to fawn all over her, but then again, she is truly touched when you let her know just how much you appreciate her.

Pay attention if she does anything nice for you and text her a big thank-you and “you’re amazing.”

Just texting her that you think she’s amazing will do the trick.

Take the time to make her feel special and truly valued, and she’ll start craving more of your attention.

7. Keep it light

woman holding up her cellphone with a quote about amusing a taurus woman over text

When you text a Taurean, best stick to light subjects.

Amuse her, compliment her or make her laugh—think casual and fun.

Just don’t get dark or too serious over text. That will just make her uncomfortable.

Keep the mood positive, and avoid complaining to her. She thinks people who complain a lot are irritating, and probably lazy.

It’s also wise to keep emotions in check—a sudden confession of your undying love is way too dramatic for a Taurus over text.

8. Send her a selfie

man taking a selfie with his phone with a quote about taurus women liking photo texts

Tauruses are sensual, visual creatures, and a Taurus woman loves a pretty face.

Send her a selfie she can drool over. You know, one where your jaw looks cut or your abs look defined.

Say you need her opinion on your new haircut or the shirt you bought.

Let her fantasize for a while and the next time you text her, she’ll be all about you.

9. Ask her if she wants to hang out

Since Tauruses are all about action and not too big on texting anyway, it’s a good idea to ask the Taurus woman if she can meet up over the weekend.

If she likes you or wants to get to know you better, she’ll appreciate you making this move.

Consider, too, that Tauruses aren’t too spontaneous and they like to plan. 

So giving her time to prepare for a meetup is considerate, and you’ll be more likely to get a “yes.”

10. Text her something heartfelt and sweet

Were you just thinking about her and it made you smile?

Text her that.

A heartfelt message with all the makings of a romantic comedy (witty, sweet and romantic) will always win her over.

Show her you care. And remember to be real with her, always. 

She can sense when you’re not being genuine and will give you a polite, but cold shoulder.

What Do You Text a Taurus?

woman smiling looking at her phone with a quote hi gorgeous to text her

Here are some examples of texts you should be sending a Taurus if you want to steal their heart:

  • “Hi, gorgeous.”
  • “I just wanted to let you know how incredible you are and I’m so lucky you’re in my life. Have a good day!”
  • “I can still smell you on my pillow and it’s making me miss you.”
  • (Sending a picture of you and your dog cuddling) – “She’s a pretty good snuggler, but she doesn’t smell as good as you. Want to come over and cuddle?”
  • “What’s your favorite meal? Come over this weekend and I’ll make it for you.”

How Do You Seduce a Taurus Over Text?

For a Taurus, seduction is all in the senses. 

Since texting limits this, you’ll have to be a little creative.

First of all, send selfies. This is an easy way to appeal to a Taurus’s visual sense and get them hooked on your hot body.

Text a romantic song for the Taurus to listen to and let them know it makes you think of them.

Text them offering to cook dinner because every Taurus swoons if you can whip up a delicious homemade meal.

In general, be flirty but not aggressive. Send playful texts and plenty of compliments.

Recommended Reading: How to Seduce a Taurus Woman

Signs a Taurus Woman Likes You Through Text

profile of a woman texting on a sofa with a quote about how to tell if a taurus woman likes you over text

It can be a little challenging to tell if a Taurus woman likes you through text because even if she’s into you, she may not keep up with a traditional back-and-forth texting exchange.

Don’t take it as a sign that she doesn’t like you if she forgets to reply.

Instead, gauge her interest in you by how consistent she is about texting you, and what her texts are about.

  • Does she get back to you consistently and keep in touch?
  • Does she text you to ask you to tell her a joke, give her advice or to help her with something? If so, she values you and she’s trying to get closer to you through the security of friendship first.
  • Does she compliment you and send you selfies where she’s looking her best? If so, she’s trying her best to impress you and get you to ask her out.

Taurus Woman FAQ

How to attract a Taurus woman

Taurus women like to feel like women when they date someone.

You can attract a Taurus woman by making her feel feminine and beautiful.

At the same time, you’ll need to appeal to her senses by making sure you look good, smelling great to her and investing in your wardrobe—don’t wear ratty, holey shirts and gym sweats around her.

And never wear socks and sandals. Have a decent sense of style and take care of yourself.

Have at least as much confidence as her and show her that you’re strong, sensible and practical.

Signs a Taurus woman secretly likes you

If she secretly likes you, a Taurus woman won’t hide it very well.

She’ll want to be physically around you as much as she can.

If you work together, she’ll make excuses to come hang around your desk.

She’ll be playful, touchy-feely and might tease you slightly. 

But she’ll also compliment you and try to make you feel good.

Also, watch out if she starts wearing ultra flattering, sexy or alluring clothes around you.

She’ll try to get you to notice her, whether it’s her face or body or even through schoolyard antics.

Read Next: Signs a Taurus Woman Secretly Likes You

How to ask a Taurus woman out

A Taurus woman wants you to ask her out.

She’d rather you do it first. Remember, she likes to feel feminine doesn’t feel super comfortable in the aggressor’s role.

Look for signs that she’s attracted to you. 

If she flashes you huge smiles, touches you a lot and pays a lot of attention to you, those are good signs you should ask her out.

Be direct and show confidence asking her out on a date.

Let her know which restaurant (a good one) you want to take her to to get her excited and then show up dressed well and holding a bouquet of flowers for her.

How do you keep a Taurus interested?

Don’t slack on your appearance. Take care of it—good grooming, good hygiene and good clothes.

Keep up with the romantic gestures, pamper them and never take them for granted.

Having enough in common is important to Tauruses, as is getting into a rhythm together.

As creatures of habit, they like it when you become part of their life through the little rituals you have together.

Since Tauruses need stability, be reliable and have your finances in order.

How do you make a Taurus woman obsessed with you?

Aside from looking great every time she sees you, you can make her obsessed with you by getting her hooked on you in person.

But don’t be overly eager with contacting her and trying to spend every waking minute with her.

Taurus women aren’t motivated enough to chase you if you make it too hard for them, so don’t ignore them. 

But they like it when it seems like attaining you is a little bit of a challenge, and they’re the winners.

It ups your value in a Taurus woman’s eyes. 

What turns on a Taurus woman?

A Taurus woman is turned on by masculinity, physical good looks and indulgence.

Things like massages with scented oils, slow, tender touching and deep touch turn her on.

Good food also gets her in the mood, as does sexy music.

If you really want to blow her mind, feed her chocolate-covered strawberries in bed or offer to lather her up in the bath together.

What is a Taurus woman’s weakness?

One of the Taurus woman’s greatest weaknesses is her stubborn trait.

Everyone can be stubborn to some degree, but for a Taurus, they’d rather deprive themselves than give an inch.

However, that same resoluteness also makes them devoted partners when they’ve chosen you.

Another weakness is slowness to act.

Since Tauruses can’t be pressured into anything, sometimes they’ll miss out on opportunities because they’re comfortable where they’re at.

This goes for dating, too—you can’t hurry things along or a Taurus woman will slam the brakes or show you the door.

How to know if a Taurus woman misses you

You’ll know when a Taurus woman misses you because she’ll reach out to you.

Or start showing up where you are.

She won’t be able to help wanting to see you, touch you, smell you and be near you.

She may even just say straight out, “Hey, I miss you.”

But it will be pretty obvious because if she didn’t, she would just be getting on with her life without you in it.

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I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at

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