If you want to attract an Aries man, you’re in luck because I’m sharing my tips I’ve learned over the years of practicing astrology.
There are many different opinions on this subject, so I just want to make that little disclaimer.
That said, I’ve noticed certain patterns with the women Aries men go for. And from what I’ve observed, this is how you successfully attract them:
- Be bold and confident
- Show your passion
- Show that you’re strong and powerful, yet kind and caring
- Make it clear you’re attracted to him
- …Then let him lead the way
- Be fun and adventurous
- Stay open and optimistic
- Entice him with riveting conversation
- Get physical—go hiking, biking or play sports together
- Keep your independence—never get needy or clingy
- Be your authentic self around him
- Try not to overcommunicate or over-text
Here’s what works when attracting Aries men to you like a magnet.
How to Attract an Aries Man
Be Bold!
Aries men are attracted to all different “types,” but the underlying factor that all their girlfriends have is the bold attitude.
You can be short, tall, curvy, stick-straight, introverted or extroverted, sweet or spicy.
Just carry yourself with an air of confidence.
Live your life the way you want to.
And leave your timidness at the door!
If you trust yourself enough to take risks—romantic ones included—you’re going to get an Aries man’s attention.
Recommended Reading: How to Know If an Aries Man Likes You
Be Passionate
As a fire sign, Aries is attracted to passion. Fire. Guts.
If you’ve got a passion for something, let it be known, heard and seen.
Whether you get excited about your career, music or volunteering at soup kitchens, don’t hide your enthusiasm.
Aries men want to know who you are and see your inner light burning bright.
People who are passionate about something are interesting to Aries.
This is a man you not only don’t have to hide your interests from, but who will embrace your quirkiness and hype you up because he just loves to be around that energy.
Show That You’re Strong and Capable
Aries men aren’t all that into damsels in distress.
They like a woman who can advocate for herself and solve her own problems.
Yes, an Aries loves to play the part of the hero when someone is in trouble. However—
Needing some help and being helpless are two completely different things, and an Aries man runs in the other direction when he thinks a woman can’t do things for herself.
It just looks like neediness—dare I say weakness—to an Aries.
So go ahead and show how strong and powerful you are.
It’s only going to fuel the Aries man’s fire.
Play Off His Masculinity
Being powerful and being feminine are not mutually exclusive.
An Aries man likes to feel like a man, which is why he tends to be attracted to women who are feminine in some way.
But not necessarily in the way you’re thinking.
You don’t need to wear frilly dresses (unless you like them).
It’s more about having a nurturing, receptive vibe.
Aries is the warrior archetype. He’s naturally drawn to the Amazon woman archetype.
The gal who most viscerally attracts him is strong like he is and could go toe-to-toe with any man, but still reminds him that she’s all woman when it’s just the two of them together.
Let Him See Your Intelligence
If you feel like you have to dumb down your smarts with some dudes (which, by the way, you should never do), you’re going to be so happy to talk to an Aries guy.
Aries men relish your intelligence.
They thrive off of nerdy conversations that explore fringe topics and obscure references to art, science and topics of all kinds.
An Aries man isn’t threatened when you know more on a subject than he does.
He’s fascinated when you can teach him something new.
So go ahead and let your knowledge shine, because an Aries male is going to be all over that.
Flirt with Him
With an Aries man, you can flirt to your heart’s content.
Flirting with him is a pretty clear and direct form of communication.
This is a good way to ignite the Aries man’s desire because he responds well to clear-cut signals, especially of an explicit nature.
Aries is animalistic.
He has a powerful libido and is driven by his barely-contained lustiness.
Tap into that with your flirting skills and let the Aries man know you’re game to explore that, and you’ll get an enthusiastic response.
Joke Around with Him
One of the fastest ways to attract an Aries man to you is to make him belly laugh.
The harder he laughs, the sexier you are to him.
A good sense of humor is a must.
Aries is impish. He loves to banter and quip and tease.
But it really gets him going when a woman can fire right back with her witty remarks.
Just make sure it’s all friendly and in good fun—you don’t want to hurt the Aries man’s (sizable) ego!
If he’s on Instagram, try sending him a meme you know will crack him up.
Be able to laugh at yourself, too. Humor + flirting with an Aries man = fireworks.
Let Him Lead
You may have heard that an Aries man likes to be in charge.
Well, yeah. That’s true.
He’s kind of like the only child of the zodiac. He wants to do it his way because no one really tells him no.
Want him to call you? He will—when he decides.
You’ll just need extra patience with an Aries.
If you’re doing it right, you’ll be building up his anticipation by maintaining your own space and a bit of mystery.
There should be an element of the unknown for an Aries man to get excited about.
If there’s a challenge, he’ll chase.
Show You’re Interested in Him
At the same time, you do need to show your interest in an Aries man if you want him to want you.
Don’t be too nonchalant.
Aries men operate in a straightforward manner.
Signal to him through your body language, flirtations, compliments and eye contact that you’re into him.
Then let him pick up the chase.
Have Your Own Life
Having your own life and your own goals is crucial if you want to attract an Aries man.
If anyone understands the need for putting yourself first, it’s Aries.
Trust me, he won’t get scared off because you aren’t dropping everything to answer his text right away.
An Aries man would prefer that you’re too busy to get obsessive.
He likes it when you have ambition.
He only goes for women who are independent like him, so keep that in mind.
Be Authentic
Aries guys are most attracted to what’s inside.
It may sound cliche, but it’s really true.
A beautiful face may turn their heads. But only a genuine personality can really make an Aries man interested in you.
Remember, an Aries man is looking for the real you.
The you that plays the theremin and loves Greek mythology.
The you that knows what you like, wears what you want and doesn’t care what anyone thinks.
When you’re okay with defying people’s expectations, that’s when an Aries man is going to go, “Wow. I need to get to know her.”
Have Fun with Him
Girls may just want to have fun, but so do Aries guys.
The way to an Aries man’s heart is through fun and games.
Be jolly and lighthearted with him. Bring out your inner child.
Aries men will do things like play-fight and challenge you to a dance-off.
They’re high-energy and carefree.
Just focus on having a good time with the Aries and be goofy together.
That’s hot to him.
Get Active
One thing you need to know about Aries is that they’re super active people.
Most are gym rats or rock climbers or into playing some type of sport.
They need to move their bodies often because of all that fireball energy.
This opens the door for you to attract an Aries male through doing physical activities together.
If you play a sport, see if he’d be into a game with you.
Or if you run, you could tell him your Saturday morning route and drop an open invitation to join you any time.
There’s nothing like getting all sweaty to get that animal magnetism going for an Aries man.
Share Your Hobbies and Interests
Aries people have lots of hobbies and interests.
If you want to impress an Aries man, tell him about the cool things you like to do.
If you knit, sew, garden, surf or hold competitive bake-offs with your friends, talk about that.
Aries men feel stimulated and intrigued by people with full lives.
Plus, it gives you something to talk about and potentially connect over if you find you like similar things.
Be a Versatile Conversationalist
Got the gift of gab?
Keep it light and witty or go in-depth on an offbeat subject—you can dazzle an Aries man as long as it’s stimulating and/or amusing.
Aries people have good brains and they love feeding their curious minds.
Tip: If you want to keep an Aries man captivated in a conversation, give him your hot take.
He loves some naked honesty and will take the opportunity to offer his in return.
When you’re going back and forth with him and you make him feel that electricity, you know he’ll be thinking about you later.
Show Your Adventurous Side
Are you the kind of person who could be down for anything?
If so, you’re just the Aries man’s type.
Be spontaneous.
Do random side quests with him. Be ready to play mini-golf on a Tuesday.
Introduce him to something new and exciting.
As far as Aries men are concerned, having a sense of adventure is as necessary as breathing air, so surprise them to win their affection.
Be a Kind Person
Mean people need not apply.
Aries men are very turned off by anyone who is cruel or rude to others.
Aries are underdogs. They’ll fight for anyone who they feel is being treated badly or unjustly.
If you want to be with an Aries guy, show kindness and compassion for others.
The woman who wins him over will be someone he feels he shares common values with, this being one of them.
Be Open-Minded
One thing that really bugs Aries males is narrow-mindedness.
They’re free thinkers and gravitate to others who, like them, don’t judge.
If you want to get with an Aries man, taking his nonjudgmental approach is best.
He may say some wild stuff to see how you react—try not to shut him down completely.
Show that you can go with the flow and not be offended when someone has a different opinion from you, and you’ll earn the Aries man’s respect and admiration.
Look on the Bright Side of Life
Aries is one of the most upbeat signs you’ll meet.
They don’t let a whole lot get them down.
They like it this way and love it when they meet someone else who, like them, chooses to look at the positive.
For instance, framing challenges in your life within the context of how you’ve pulled through and evolved is a brave and special quality to an Aries.
Your optimism will inspire him and make him want to spend more of his time with you.
How Do You Keep an Aries Man Hooked?
Love Yourself
You know what the biggest secret is to keeping an Aries man interested?
Self love.
Love and respect yourself so that you automatically exude that self-possessed aura the Aries man is so attracted to.
You know that saying—
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink?
Well, you can lead an Aries man right to you, but you can’t make him chase you if you don’t have that inner radiance that comes from being comfortable in your own skin.
Don’t Be Needy
Aries males flee from any signs of clinginess.
Becoming overly dependent on him so that he feels like he would need to sacrifice his life and interests to give you enough attention would kill the chase for him.
This is a big reason why some women get ghosted by Aries men who were vibing with them just a week earlier.
If, down the line, you were to get into a relationship with an Aries man, he’d want to know you’ll be keeping your own sense of identity and purpose.
The best way to demonstrate this is to keep giving him enough space to do his thing.
Try Not to Let Expectations Get in the Way
It’s hard, but try to take things one day at a time with an Aries guy.
He lives for the moment and almost never thinks ahead to the future—he just enjoys the chemistry you have and lets it guide him.
If you want to keep him hooked, keep things relaxed and pressure-free.
Focus on making time spent with you enjoyable and exciting.
Save the serious talk about relationships for later when the Aries man is really feeling that in his heart.
Don’t Text Him Too Much
Avoid serial texting the Aries man.
Limit the amount of time you spend sending him texts and try not to double-text him whether you hear from him or not.
Save the majority of your attention for in-person hangouts.
Aries man can easily get overwhelmed with texting, even if it’s with someone they’re interested in.
The reason for this is that Aries is so independent, having 24/7 access to him through his phone can start to feel like a burden.
Maintain a bit of mystery when you’re not together.
He will not forget about you.
On the contrary, he’ll be even more motivated to get close to you.
Be True to Yourself
At the end of the day, an Aries man is going to choose a woman who follows her heart and her joy.
Because that’s what makes you sparkle to an Aries man—
Your ability to embrace who you are.
A true individual is more beautiful and alluring to an Aries male than a room full of Victoria’s Secret angels.
Have the courage to be yourself with an Aries man, and he’ll think that’s really cool and attractive.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you make an Aries man fall in love with you?
An Aries man falls in love when he feels like he can take his armor off with you and be vulnerable.
That doesn’t happen with just anybody.
You have to reach an Aries man’s heart by being genuinely kind, caring and compassionate.
It takes a sensitive and open heart to win an Aries man’s.
How to make an Aries chase you?
Making an Aries chase you takes confidence in yourself.
Give them the sense that you’re fantastic and you’d love to get to know them, but you’re not going to wait around.
Be independent, and respect his freedom as well.
When an Aries likes you and he doesn’t feel forced or coerced into doing anything at any particular time, they’ll chase you.
Recommended Article: How to Get an Aries Man to Chase You
How to tell if an Aries man likes you?
If an Aries man likes you, he:
- Asks you to spend time with him
- Is always touching you and getting close to you
- Flirts super obviously and makes you blush
- Shows you a ton of attention, kindness and generosity
- Is playful and maybe gently teases you a bit
- Works hard to impress you
- Just plain tells you he likes you
What melts an Aries heart?
Authenticity and innocence.
Aries go weak in the knees for someone who is pure and unguarded in their actions and isn’t afraid to be raw and real.
It’s that childlike quality in the Aries that responds to the naive innocence in others.
What breaks an Aries heart?
Basically, when an Aries is full-on in love and someone doesn’t reciprocate their emotional ferocity, it’s like a knife to the heart.
All that intensity, with no outlet?
It drives them crazy and makes them feel like they don’t matter, which is pretty much the worst thing for an Aries.
However, they’re good at getting over heartbreak and don’t stay in that space very long.
How to make an Aries man miss you like crazy?
Be a boatload of fun.
Let him remember the times you’ve had together as the most intense, thrilling times of his life.
For Aries, it’s the passion that’s going to steer him right back to you.
No passion or fun, no real reason to miss you.
What does an Aries man want to hear?
An Aries man wants to hear what you really think.
He wants to hear you speak your mind and not be worried about what he or anyone else thinks.
Aries can sniff out flattery and inauthenticity, so don’t focus on whether you’re saying what he wants to hear and instead share your real thoughts and opinions.
And if you so happen to give him a compliment, he’ll know it’s a genuine one.
Who is Aries attracted to?
Aries find themselves attracted to fellow fire signs and air signs the most.
They tend to partner up with Leo, Sagittarius, other Aries, Aquarius, Gemini and even Libra, their opposite sign.
There’s more to attraction than Sun signs, including your Moon, Venus and Mars signs, but generally it’s true that strong fire and air placements in a natal chart attract Aries.
What Aries man dislikes in a woman
Aries males dislike it when a woman comes across as too delicate.
He needs to be able to joke around and be himself with her.
If he feels like she requires kid gloves to talk to, he’s going to get turned off.
An Aries man is also not into a woman who doesn’t have any drive or lets others run her life.
He prefers women who take life by the horns and create their own successes.
I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at decodethezodiac.com.