How to Know If an Aries Man Likes You (18 Crystal Clear Signs)

Want to know if an Aries man likes you?

We’re covering the 18 biggest, clearest, most un-subtle signs an Aries man has a crush on you.

Here’s a quick summary:

  • He initiates communication and asks you to hang out with him
  • He wants to be physically near you or touching you as much as possible
  • He’s super-duper sweet, thoughtful and generous with you
  • He gets playful and high-energy when you come around
  • He’s says he’s into you plainly and bluntly
  • He shows off his skills around you
  • He’s flirty and gives you sincere compliments
  • You get random gifts from him
  • He spontaneously invites you to go places with him 
  • He might act a little jealous if you show another guy attention
  • He’s focused on you, listens attentively and genuinely wants to help you

I’ll also share some crucial info about what NOT to expect an Aries man to do if he likes you, behaviors that specifically mean he’s not interested in you and answers to some of your most common Aries man questions.

Let’s begin!

How to Know If an Aries Man Likes You

Man flirting with a woman and a quote about Aries men showing obvious signs when they like you

When Aries men like you, they don’t keep it to themselves.

They move quickly to let you know that they like you, usually in plain language. 

An Aries man who likes you will be extremely direct.

He’ll relentlessly paw at you, stare intensely at you and sprinkle impromptu invitations and saucy banter into your conversations.

As you read through the signs below, think about how the Aries man in question behaves around you and don’t second-guess yourself.

If you feel in your gut like the descriptions match his vibe for the most part, its likely that the Aries man is trying to show that he wants to be more than friends.

Aries men are very straightforward and you can pretty much take their signals at face value.

With that said, heres what you need to know.

Recommended For You: How to Attract an Aries Man (and Keep Him Hooked)

1. He Initiates Often

As a cardinal sign, Aries is an initiator.

Aries men take action when they want something. They never wait around for it to come to them.

If an Aries man likes you, he’ll approach you often. He’ll strike up conversations with you. He’ll text you out of the blue.

Aries doesn’t follow the rules. He won’t wait to see if you talk to him first or show signs of interest in him before making moves.

Expect the fiery Aries man to be the aggressor if he likes you.

He’ll keep shooting Cupid’s arrows at you until you pay attention.

2. He’s Physically All Over You

man carrying a woman on his back laughing with a quote about how an Aries man is physically affectionate when he likes you

Another super clear sign of an Aries man liking you is when he’s constantly touching you.

Aries men are hands-on and show their interest by being hyper physical.

In contrast, an Aries man who is not interested in you won’t be touching you at all.

Aries are very intentional in their actions. They’re the soldiers of the zodiac and they take the mission to capture your heart very seriously.

Every move they make is a calculated risk to get you to reciprocate their interest.

Don’t assume that an Aries man is hugging and squeezing everyone that tightly.

Even reaching out to touch your arm when you make him laugh is not a thoughtless gesture.

He did that knowing full well you’d notice.

So if the Aries guy pokes, hugs and tickles, sits very close to you and generally finds ways to touch you a lot, it’s a big, huge green light from him.

3. He Says He Likes You

Yes, an Aries man will literally say to you, “Don’t you know I like you?”

Aries people are not overly complicated. Like little kids, they’re very direct.

Have you ever heard Aries get called the “baby” of the zodiac?

It’s because Aries is the first zodiac sign. It represents beginnings and an innocent child-like energy.

So when an Aries man says he likes you, he’s not messing with you.

He’s just filterless.

He says what he wants when he wants it (doesn’t everyone?!).

Mind you, if he hasn’t openly stated that he likes you yet, don’t take it as a surefire sign that he’s not into you.

There could be more for him to consider, like if you’re friends and he wants to approach it more cautiously so as to not risk your friendship.

If that’s the case, he’ll focus on dropping other hints, like initiating with you regularly and using physical touch to feel out your response.

4. He’s Excitable

Aries men are passionate. 

But your average person isn’t going to see that in a normal situation, until the Aries gets stirred up.

When they like you, it turns on like a switch. It’s palpable.

They light up around you. They get more boisterous and frisky.

Does he smile a ton when he sees you? Get playful like a puppy?

Especially when you’re returning his enthusiasm?

Aries men feed off of that.

They’re a fire sign. You can easily fan their flame with a little cheeky encouragement.

5. He Flirts Hard

man flirting with a group of women and a quote about how Aries guys flirt when they are interested in someone

An Aries man’s flirting game is intense. 

These guys are not shy. They flirt openly no matter who’s watching.

They’ll be handsy and make seggsually explicit jokes. They have no shame.

Still, you may be wondering if he’s flirting because he likes you or for an ego boost.

A tip I have for you is to flirt back.

Return his energy.

If he loves it and flirts even harder, then without a shadow of a doubt, he’s into you.

An Aries is naturally self-oriented (in both the best and worst ways) and has too much self-respect to put himself in a situation that feels inauthentic to him.

6. He’s Very Sweet to You

Yeah, Aries are impulsive, bold, brash, all of that—but did you know that they’re also impossibly sweet?

When an Aries man likes you, you’ll see a completely different side of him.

He’ll be softer with you. Gentler. 

He’ll randomly say tender things to you. He’ll show care and concern for you.

His puppy dog eyes while he’s looking into yours will make you melt. 

Unlike Libra, the opposite sign to Aries, an Aries is not actually trying to charm you.

He just blurts things out off the cuff, so you often get brutally heartfelt confessions.

Underneath all of that assertiveness, they’re honest-to-God sweethearts with that person who’s special to them.

Hard to have any defenses against that.

7. He Spends a Lot of Time with You

There isn’t an Aries on the planet who will ignore you if they like you.

Aries guys do the opposite.

They try to talk to you and spend time with you as much as they can.

If the Aries man you’re crushing on hangs out with you often—and probably wouldn’t turn down an opportunity to see you—then that’s a huge sign that he likes you.

In fact, if an Aries guy likes you, he’ll say yes to just about anything if it means he gets to hang out with you.

If he’d say yes to staying in doing your laundry with you on a Friday night instead of going to a party, he might as well be blaring sirens.

The guy has feelings for you.

8. He’s Always Helping You Out

Photo of a smiling man with a quote about Aries males being helpful to you when they like you

Being of service is where the Aries man shines when he likes you.

To his logic, helping you change your car’s brake pads shows how real his feelings for you are.

He wants to be the one you think of when you need a knight in shining armor.

Though he’s not into helpless chicks, it makes him feel strong and useful to save you from menial tasks.

Plus, being available to do you little favors keeps him top of mind for you, or so he hopes.

9. He Pouts When You Show Another Guy Attention

Aries men are not known to be crazy jealous, but that’s when they’re feeling confident and secure that you’re theirs.

That’s why, generally speaking, they’re not jealous partners in a relationship.

But when they like you and you’re not together, things are a lot more uncertain. And it can trigger the Aries man’s jealousy under the right circumstances.

If, for example, you were to flirt with another guy in front of the Aries—or say the other guy were to ask you out—that’s something that could send the Aries into a tailspin.

He might sulk. He might not want to talk to you for a day or two.

This doesn’t mean you should go and try to make the Aries man jealous. 

If he’s jealous, the best course of action is to reassure him that he’s the only one you’re into.

If he thinks you want someone else, he’ll move on quickly.

But in case you see him acting jealous around another guy, you can be sure that it’s because he’s scared of losing you.

10. He’s a Show-Off

On a scale of one to 11, how many cool things has the Aries man shown you that he can do?

If he’s played his guitar for you, deadlifted you on your couch, flexed his knowledge of 19th century philosophers and invited you to his ice hockey games, the guy is doing his best to impress you.

He’s doing all the things in the hopes that you’ll be so amazed that you can’t say no to a date.

11. He’s Not Shy About Compliments

When an Aries man likes you, he pays you meaningful compliments. 

Not to try to sway you, but because he’s genuinely inspired by you.

And you can tell it’s not just flattery.

Maybe it’s that child-like energy about Aries, but he’ll have a way of delivering compliments that’s so honest, you’ll feel deeply moved.

He may compliment your intelligence, your personality or your physique, but even a compliment about your body will sound sincere and not just randy.

12. He’s Generous

man and woman walking down the road with coffee and a quote about how Aries men are generous when they have a crush on you

An Aries man with a crush on you will freely give to you what he has.

Whether it’s his time, his sandwich or the clothes off his back, he would give it to you if it would make you feel good.

Now, I know that this flies in the face of the stereotype of an Aries being selfish.

Let me say this: Aries aren’t the type for self-sacrifice, but they are protective of the ones they care about.

Deeply so.

If the Aries man is infatuated with you, he’s going to want to make sure you have what you need to feel safe and cared for.

13. His Friends Know

You ever wonder why his friends stand a respectful distance away from you?

It’s because they know their Aries buddy wants to date you.

Aries guys are so obvious when they like someone that their friends probably know before they do.

If you get the feeling that his close friend group keeps pushing you towards each other, then you might be the only one who doesn’t know yet!

14. He Play Fights with You

When I hear the term “cute aggression,” I think of Aries.

Aries just want to roll around on the floor with you when they like you—respectfully, of course.

Or, maybe they’ll do a little verbal sparring with you.

An Aries man might contradict you—respectfully—to see what you do.

It’s his form of intellectual wrestling.

Debating you is hot, and if he’s doing it with a smile on his lips and a twinkle in his eye, he just thinks you’re so cute when you’re fired up.

15. His Attention Is Focused on You

couple laughing in a park with a quote about how an Aries man will shower you in attention if he likes you

Aries men will never make you feel unimportant when they’re interested in you.

When you’re in their company, they’ll give you their undivided attention.

They’re excellent listeners and will make you feel like they’re invested in your life, or at least what you share with them.

However, for all the attention the Aries man gives you, he’ll want the same from you.

So be sure to give it back!

16. He Gives You Stuff He Thinks You’ll Like

Does the Aries man ever show up with a little present for you?

When I say “present,” I don’t mean a gift-wrapped bracelet from Tiffany’s.

I mean a fantasy novel from the thrift store he was shopping at because he knows you’re a Tolkien fan.

Or maybe he gets you his favorite seasonal latte while he’s buying one for himself because if he likes it, you probably will too.

Aries men are not ones for traditional gift-giving, but they’ll grab little things that make them think of you and say, “Oh by the way, I got you this when I was out thrifting.”

They’re random like that when they like you. Randomly thoughtful.

17. He Spontaneously Invites You Places

Aries aren’t great planners. This is not a Taurus we’re talking about.

So don’t worry if the Aries man isn’t making plans with you two weeks in advance.

They’ll ask you to go to a thing with them on the spur of the moment.

Like, maybe tonight if you’re free.

If this frustrates you because your schedule tends to get booked up, try asking him to go on a spontaneous field trip with you when you’re free.

Aries men love women who are confident like that.

18. He Remembers Things You Say to Him

When an Aries man is interested in you, he makes a mental note of the things you mention that you like.

He listens closely to what you say to him and remembers the details of your past conversations.

You don’t have to remind him because it’s already in his steel trap of a mind.

The truth is, the Aries man wants you to recognize that he’s remembering everything you say to him. He knows you’ve been with guys before who don’t listen.

Prepare to be heard, seen and appreciated.

What an Aries Man Will NOT Do When He Likes You

He Won’t Be Overly Emotional

man smiling and looking happy with a quote about how an Aries man likes to keep things light when he is getting to know you

While their enthusiasm is infectious, Aries men won’t make any grand emotional displays even when they’re obsessed with you.

In the beginning, they like to keep it light and fun. Not super serious. 

Don’t get discouraged if you’re feeling a certain “coolness” with the Aries man. 

As long as he’s paying you lots of attention, spending time with you and wanting to be close to you, those are the important signals to focus on that say he’s interested in you.

He’s Not Codependent

Aries men could never be described as clingy when they’re into you.

They don’t lose themselves in another person. They’re too independent for that.

As hardcore individualists, their struggle in life is to connect with others while honoring their need to maintain a unique identity.

It’s a form of balance that Aries tend to learn with time, experience and maturity.

He Won’t Make You Jealous

An Aries man will not try to make you jealous with other women if he likes you.

He won’t flirt or try to make it seem like he’s got all these hot ladies throwing themselves at him.

He’s secure enough to show that you’re the one he’s thinking about.

He’ll Never Pressure You

Just because the Aries man is quick and decisive doesn’t mean that he’s going to pressure you into being with him.

Aries are very “live and let live” types.

If you don’t come to them freely of your own desire, they don’t want it.

Put it this way: if a man is trying to convince you to go on a date with him, he’s probably not an Aries.

Aries men are persistent up until a point.

If they feel like you’re not into it, they’ll back off quickly.

How to Tell If an Aries Man Is Not Interested? 5 Key Signs

If an Aries man is not interested in you, you’ll know by these signs:

  • He Doesn’t Flirt Back – Try flirting with an Aries man if you want to know whether he’s feeling you. If he doesn’t immediately engage with you, he’s not interested.
  • He Keeps His Distance – As I mentioned before, Aries males will try to be near you and touch you all the time to express their interest. They can’t help themselves. Which means that if an Aries dude is not saving you the seat right next to him and he doesn’t get up in your personal space, he’s probably not into you.
  • There’s Very Little Communication – While an Aries man may not text you around the clock, if he likes you, he’ll try to communicate pretty consistently. He will continue to strike up conversations with you in person and/or via text. An Aries man who doesn’t want to date you would generally be very hard to get in touch with. Even his friends can’t reach him most of the time. 
  • He’s Frequently Too Busy to Hang Out – Aries men are on the go 24/7 and only make time for someone they’re really, truly interested in. So if he says you’ll hang out but you never do, it’s because he doesn’t really want to.
  • He’s Very Distractible – When you see the Aries guy, is he giving you his undivided attention? Or is he making you feel unimportant? If he’s giving you the same treatment he gives everyone else, you’re probably not his priority.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Aries man attracted to?

The Aries male is attracted to strong, fiery women.

He likes women with the self-confidence to embrace who they are and go after what they want.

He’s not into women who are pushovers, so don’t be afraid to disagree or have a different opinion.

He dates women who are passionate, intelligent and have spirited debates with him.

Above all else, let your personality shine if you want to attract an Aries man.

He’ll like you for you—Aries people love an individual.

How to tell if an Aries man is falling in love with you?

You can tell an Aries man is falling in love with you when he’s an open book, so ask him anything.

He’ll show you plenty of affection, whether in private or in public.

You’ll meet or already know his friends and family.

He’ll always be there for you and will never let you think he doesn’t care.

He’ll support you and cheer you on no matter what you’re doing and he’ll be the one to believe in you when no one else does.

What turns Aries off?

Neediness. Giving him no space. 

Incessant people pleasing. Not having your own mind and opinion.

Routine. Lack of spontaneity. 

Trying to plan everything out without having any fun or taking any risks.

Aries are also turned off when you don’t reciprocate their interest.

They’ll chase for a minute, but their short attention span will get the best of them sooner rather than later if they’re not getting any feedback from you.

How do you know if an Aries man is thinking about you?

You know an Aries man is thinking about you when he shows up at your place randomly.

Or at your work, or wherever he thinks you’ll be at.

Aries men like to do the “pop-in” when you’re on their minds.

It might just be for a few minutes, but they’re action-oriented people and will do something about it if they can’t get you out of their heads.

Do Aries move on quickly?

Yes, Aries can definitely move on quickly.

They can fall in love, fall out of love and move on with their lives at whiplash speed.

It does depend on where the Aries person’s Venus is in their natal chart as well, as this will tell something about how they are in relationships.

However, most Aries Suns will not waste time when they know the relationship is dead or it isn’t going anywhere.

What makes an Aries chase you?

Not being too available will make an Aries chase you.

They go all out to try to win your attention when you’re independent and keep your priorities straight.

So don’t throw everything to the side just to be at their beck and call.

Have confidence in yourself and love yourself.

That will come through to the Aries and earn their respect—another crucial component for getting them to chase you.

Why do Aries catch feelings fast?

Aries catch feelings fast because, basically, they’re fire signs.

Fire is fast-moving. Give it a spark and some air and it explodes into life. 

Aries are passionate.

They love the feeling of falling in love and having someone to adore them.

And they don’t understand why people hesitate to go for what they want.

The Ram is going to embrace what makes them feel good. 

They live in the moment and if the moment spells L-O-V-E, they’re not questioning that.

How do Aries express their feelings?

Pretty bluntly.

Aries aren’t known to mince words.

They’ll state their feelings if they need to, but often they show their feelings first.

They’re famous for their tantrums when they get mad, though they cool off quickly once they get it out.

Their emotional expression is sudden and can often seem extreme to other people.

This is because they have no filter.

They act without thinking, which can sometimes get them into trouble.

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I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at

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