Do you want a Taurus man to commit to you?
If he’s taking his sweet time, there are things you can do to get the ball rolling on your relationship.
Here’s how to get a Taurus man to commit to you:
- Focus on making your time spent together meaningful, relaxing and enjoyable
- Work on improving any weak areas that might be giving the Taurus man pause
- Be his safe haven to talk about his worries and just be himself
- Be vulnerable with him and encourage him to be vulnerable with you
- Tell him what you want, but resist seeming forceful
- Ask what he wants in the future and then work towards that with him
- Let him take his time, but don’t accept a complete lack of compromise
I’m explaining all of this in detail below because honestly, it’s hard with Taurus men when you’re not sure what’s going on with them.
They don’t exactly come right out and spill their guts to you.
I’ve included the steps to getting a Taurus man’s devotion as well as what you can expect from him, how you know he’s committed to you and why he may not be getting there with you.
How to Get a Taurus Man to Commit
1. Live in the Moment with Your Taurus Man
Taurus men plan for the future, but live in the moment.
They’re very connected to their five senses and have a deep appreciation for every physical experience they have.
This is what influences them the most—living and being connected to the physical sensations of being human.
Of being in love with another person.
If you want a Taurus man to commit to you, you have to tap into this by making each interaction with you enjoyable.
Focus on the sensual aspects of being together.
Not just sexual, but sensual.
Taurus men love to indulge their senses, so be the partner who cooks him a delicious dinner and rubs his feet at the end of a long day.
Show him that you truly love being with him and savor every moment with him.
It will put a damper on things for him if you are too focused on getting him to the next level with you.
Just be present with him, not looking at your phone but looking him in the eyes and having long conversations under the stars about everything and nothing.
A woman who is able to let go and live for the experience of being with a Taurus man is the one who will get him in the end.
Recommended for You: How Does a Taurus Man Test a Woman?
2. Focus on Making Your Relationship the Best It Can Be
No relationship is perfect, but a Taurus man is trying to get as close as he can.
If he’s going to commit, then it has to be to someone who is nothing short of his ideal partner.
Naturally, that takes a while to find.
But the only thing that’s going to convince a Taurus man that he’s found her is through how your relationship plays out on a day-to-day level.
Overall, is it good between you?
Do you enjoy each other’s company thoroughly and look forward to seeing each other when you’re apart?
Or are there arguments, frequent bouts of silent treatment and jealousy?
Too many hurdles, and the Taurus man is going to shy away from commitment.
If there are problems between you, gently work on them so they don’t overpower the good things the Taurus man feels with you.
Also, emphasize what’s good about the two of you as a couple.
Give him reminders of your affection with sweet notes and plenty of hugs and kisses.
Text him to say, “Hey, I had a really good day with you the other day. Can’t wait to see you again soon.”
When there is nowhere he’d rather be than with you, it’s going to get those gears working in his head and it’ll finally click that he’s ready to take the next step with you.
3. Be His Source of Peace
Tauruses need ample peace and quiet.
They like the slow life. They love routine and predictability and staying home rather than going out most of the time.
Emotionally, they need this.
Taurus is very mellow and stress-free, but they also work hard to protect their space at all costs in order to maintain their inner balance.
If a Taurus man’s experience of dating you is turbulent or full of drama, he’s going to take the best bits of being with you and enjoy them, but have it in the back of his mind that it’s not going to last.
But if being with you feels warm and soothing like a great big cuddly blanket, he’ll eventually want to lock it down so he can keep enjoying those loving cuddles with you.
4. Be Vulnerable with Each Other
A Taurus man may seem tough on the outside. Stoic, even.
But let me tell you, this is a feminine sign that just wants to melt into their partner’s arms and be squishy and vulnerable with them.
Deep down, a Taurus man wants to let go of all of his defenses.
If you can get to that side of the Taurus man, he’s going to know that you’re special and he can’t let you go.
In order to bring this out of him, you’re going to need to be okay with showing your own vulnerable side first.
Don’t put up walls with him.
Be honest with him and avoid acting aloof for fear that he’ll never commit.
Now I know this is asking a lot because Taurus men tend to be scared of sharing their feelings, and being the first to take the plunge can be anxiety-provoking.
But he won’t open up to you if you don’t open up to him, or at least this is very often the case.
When you can tell each other anything, he’ll feel that the bond you have is deep.
Finding that person with whom he can roll over and show his soft belly to is a rare and very desirable thing.
5. Make It Clear What You Want
Sometimes, Taurus men just don’t know what you want.
And that can get in the way of them making a commitment to you.
A Taurus man might think that you’re happy with the way things are, and why rock the boat?
If you’re dating and he hasn’t made it exclusive, or if you’re waiting to take the next big step in your relationship, you have to make it clear to the Taurus man what you are waiting for exactly.
Sit him down and have an honest conversation about it.
Choose a time when you’re both feeling relaxed, like after dinner.
You never want to have a serious conversation with a Taurus man on an empty stomach, because he’ll be cranky.
Tell him in a neutral way—not in a way that sounds accusatory or frustrated—that you’re looking for more.
Just lay it out on the table and then let it sit with him.
If he didn’t know that you wanted a commitment from him before, now he does and he can decide what to do.
And if he did know it but you didn’t say it before, taking that initiative to communicate your needs shows the Taurus man that you’re serious and gives him no more room to make excuses.
For many Tauruses who like to coast, that could be what it takes to get them to take action.
6. Find Out What His Future Goals Are and Work With Him
You might not realize it, but a Taurus man lives in his head a lot when it comes to relationships.
He overthinks and overanalyzes.
He’ll be silently looking at your relationship and seeing if it fits in with his plans.
Notice I said silently—this man will not tell you if you don’t ask.
Not because he’s trying to be secretive, but because he’s very independent and not used to sharing everything, including his thoughts.
If you don’t know his goals, it’s time to ask.
Find out where he sees himself in the next year or two, or more depending on how long you’ve been dating and what type of commitment you want.
I would caution you not to ask him where he sees the two of you going in that time frame.
Keep it focused on what his goals are.
Why do I say this?
Because quite simply, a Taurus man who is already commitment-shy will be even more commitment-shy if he feels like you’re cornering him.
So if you ask him what he’s working towards, whether that’s in his career, love life or personal life, you’ll:
a.) Give him a space to share with you and be honest,
b.) Show that you really care about him and what’s in his best interest, not just your own, and
c.) Probably discover something vital: what he actually wants.
Once you know what he’d like to have happen in the future, you can start working towards fitting your lives together like pieces to a puzzle.
When he sees that being with you is not a compromise but instead compliments his life—especially if you want the same types of things—then he’ll relax and feel more confident about committing to you.
7. Accept Him for Who He Is
A Taurus man just wants to be loved and appreciated for who he is.
He’s stubborn as heck, as you probably already know, and it’s not like he doesn’t know that about himself.
Still, he’ll ask his partner to accept him as he is and not try to change him.
He won’t anyway, but it’s more than just stubbornness.
For one thing, he has confidence in who he is and appreciates his own strengths.
He knows he’s the most loyal, devoted and loving partner when he commits, and he’s proud of his ability to build anything from the ground up with his bare hands and some hard work.
At the same time, he’s also acutely aware of his flaws.
He just doesn’t necessarily want to feel judged and criticized for what he can’t really help.
A Taurus’s nature is fixed, and Taurus men will try to find someone who can love all of them, and not try to cherry pick and change things.
If you want him to commit to you, then show him love and affection no matter what.
Listen to him without judging him.
Making him feel like you’re on his team.
When that sinks in for him, he’s going to see you for the absolute goddess that you are.
8. Make Sure Your Relationship Isn’t Happening Only in the Bedroom
I see this happen sometimes, where women feel intensely connected emotionally and sexually to their Taurus guys, and yet there’s no forward motion on commitment.
It truly confuses them.
There’s passion and cuddling aplenty—when they see each other—but not a ton of communication in between.
Well, this can happen with some Taurus men.
It doesn’t necessarily mean that the relationship can never develop, but one that started off very hot and passionate and left little to the imagination for a Taurus man can be problematic for him.
I don’t want to sound old-fashioned, but I know this about Taurus men—it gives them the impression that they don’t need to commit.
They’re basically getting all the perks of being in a relationship between the sexual chemistry and the emotional connection without having to put in more effort.
So if you think this is what’s going on, don’t panic.
It doesn’t necessarily mean all is lost.
Try making more romantic dates together that don’t necessarily involve anything sexual.
Spend quality time with him, text him sweet texts and do more romantic gestures with him.
If you don’t think that’s working, it means that you really need to have a conversation about your needs and expectations.
Let him know you want to be with him exclusively and you need more.
If he needs some time by himself to think about that, then let him be.
The only way to change the direction of your relationship with a Taurus man is to stop simply going with the flow and clarify your boundaries.
9. Realize That a Taurus Man Needs to Weigh the Pros and Cons
This is where I’m going to tell you that you need some patience with a Taurus man.
It’s hard, but pressuring him is always going to blow up in your face.
It’s really important for your sanity—and his—to accept that he’s going to need time to weigh all the pros and cons of getting serious with you.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with that—some people leap without looking.
Others, like Tauruses, walk slowly around the perimeter before ever setting foot over the threshold, examining everything carefully before deciding it’s safe to go in.
The good thing about this is that if you can hang in there, you’re proving what a loyal partner you are.
Try not to feel threatened by his taking this time to commit—it’s not the same thing as indecision.
(Unless you’re with a Taurus man who can’t make up his mind—more on that below in the section titled, “Why Won’t My Taurus Man Commit?”)
It’s just caution. An abundance of caution.
Recognizing that and showing that that’s okay helps to put a Taurus man at ease.
And by the time he comes to the conclusion that you’re the one for him, he’ll be so sure of it that you’ll be wondering how this man ever struggled with commitment before.
10. Respect Yourself and Don’t Allow Things to Drag On as They Are
This is where I tell you that you can’t let a Taurus man drag it out forever.
I know that I just said you need to give him time—which is true.
But if you’ve stated your hopes for your relationship, worked toward matching his expectations and given him a good deal of space and he seems absolutely unwilling to budge an inch, then it might be time to show that you’re not going to deal with that forever.
Just don’t go straight to this step—wait at least a few months first.
Remember, Tauruses are sloooow.
If you’re not getting any traction and he’s made no promises or commitments, let him have some time to himself while you focus on your own life for a while.
You don’t have to ignore him.
Go ahead and respond to his texts, but make it clear that you’re going to prioritize your life and your wellbeing until he decides to cut you loose or commit.
This can be a nerve-wracking tactic, and to be completely honest, you might not win.
However, if you’ve done absolutely everything in your power to change things and the Taurus man doesn’t care if he loses you, then you never really had him anyway.
And do you really want to be treated that way?
It’s never easy, but it is necessary.
How Long Does It Take for a Taurus Man to Commit?
Taurus men don’t rush to commit to anyone.
They take their relationships very seriously and believe it’s crazy to jump into one without really knowing everything about the other person.
This is a huge reason why Taurus men test a woman up and down while courting her and falling in love with her.
The short answer is that it often takes Taurus men longer to commit than many women would like.
They need to know for certain in their hearts and minds that this is the partner for them.
They will never “try before they buy.”
That is, Taurus males will not give it a shot if it means throwing caution to the wind, even if they’re in love.
Love is a feeling and feelings cannot trump the practical for a Taurus man.
As an earth sign, he needs to feel like the decision to commit is a sensible one that will realistically work out in the end.
In a relationship, he has to see that you’re loyal, dedicated to him and love him for who he is.
For marriage, he needs to believe that you want the same things—whether that’s having a family or supporting each other’s career aspirations—and that you can work together to create marital bliss.
How Do You Know a Taurus Man is Committed?
You know a Taurus man is committed to you when he doesn’t get distant, disappear or do any hot-and-cold behavior with you.
He’s present with you and available to you emotionally.
He tells you he loves you and he doesn’t hold anything back. You can tell he trusts you.
He’s consistent in communicating with you and doesn’t let your texts go unanswered.
You’ll see a change in the way he interacts with you where it’s just really obvious that he’s not afraid of letting his guard down with you anymore.
When it happens, you won’t question it.
He’ll be borderline glued to your hip, he’ll want so much of your time and attention.
Why Won’t My Taurus Man Commit?
You’ve worked on making your relationship a romantic paradise. You’ve made it clear what you want.
And he’s still not committing.
If so, then there might be an underlying reason for that.
He’s Afraid to Get Hurt
Tauruses who have been hurt by someone in the past get super anxious about getting into another relationship.
They try to play out every possible scenario with you in their imaginations where you might run into the same problems as they had with their exes.
If a Taurus man got cheated on, betrayed or had his heart stomped on, you’re looking at an uphill battle for his trust.
It’s not impossible but it’s not going to be easy, either.
You really need to work on telling him in plain language that you are not her and also showing with your actions that you will not betray him.
Some Taurus men who are so deep in their anxieties are lost causes, I’m afraid to say.
If you’re with a Taurus man who won’t let himself fully be with you because he can’t get over his pain, don’t waste years of your life trying to convince him.
Give it all the time and energy you feel you have, but you’re not a failure if it doesn’t work out.
And in the end, it’ll be his loss, truly.
He’s Too Comfortable
Taurus men get into this state of inertia. And they sometimes need a push to get out of it.
They love to feel cozy and relaxed and comfortable. Sometimes too comfortable.
A Taurus man who feels like everything is perfect the way it is might not see why things need to change.
If he’s too comfy, the thing you need to do is express to him what you want for your relationship, and don’t let him stay where he is too long.
If he wants to be with you, he’ll do what he has to do to keep you in his life.
He’s Questioning Your Ability to Build a Future Together
If a Taurus doesn’t see a future together, he’s going to have one foot out.
He might believe there isn’t enough compatibility between you, or you don’t have enough shared values and goals.
Maybe there are strong emotions between you, but it’s up and down and it feels like too much chaos for him.
This is not a Scorpio who can delve into the depths of deep, dark emotions and not be ruffled—Taurus likes things to be smooth and even-keeled.
Whatever his reason is, if he really thinks your relationship has an expiration date, that’s definitely going to stop him from getting too involved.
…Which is why it’s so important to communicate with him.
The great thing about Tauruses is that they tell you the truth when you ask them directly.
If you really want to know, you’re going to find out.
He Thinks You Won’t Commit to Him
Maybe you have an ex who hasn’t quite left the picture.
Maybe you’re a bit unsure of what you want, and the Taurus man knows this.
Without knowing that you want to be with him for sure, he won’t take that risk.
It terrifies him to think that he’d be jumping without a safety net.
You need to be that safety net for him.
Otherwise you’re just spinning our wheels with him.
Red Flags That You Should Pay Attention To
We’ve gone over the techniques to get a Taurus man to commit to you. We did some troubleshooting of his resistance to commitment.
Now I want to talk about some red flags.
Just because a Taurus man is slow to commit doesn’t mean that he’s an angel. No one should be given carte blanche to do whatever they want regardless of bad behavior.
If you see these things happening, take it as a sign that it’s not meant to be:
- Your Taurus man says he doesn’t know what he wants – This is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a guy who won’t get serious about you because he doesn’t have the motivation to do that. If he knew what he wanted, he’d either be with you for real, or he’d let you go.
- He says he doesn’t want a relationship – When a Taurus man says he isn’t looking for a relationship, believe what he says. He’s trying to tell you that he just wants to be a casual hookup or friends with benefits. This is unlikely to change.
- You keep breaking up and getting back together – There are situations where a Taurus man breaks up with a woman and realizes he made a mistake. But when he comes back to her, he’s fully committed. If you’re on and off again with a Taurus man and it’s cyclical, then that’s a red flag.
- He’s controlling and jealous – If a Taurus guy is not committing to you and he’s controlling, manipulative, crazy possessive and jealous? That’s an unhealthy Taurus. My advice is to keep your distance.
I genuinely hope that this article has helped you understand your Taurus man a little bit better and will guide you through your relationship progress.
Taurus men can be some of the most caring and committed partners of all time, but the road along the way can be bumpy.
Just remember to keep your own needs in mind.
You matter. Your needs matter.
A Taurus man who really cares for you is never going to take advantage.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does a Taurus man test a woman?
A Taurus man will test a woman by doing things like:
- Pulling back on communication to see if you’ll reach out to him, thus proving your interest in him
- Letting you do all the talking so he can observe you and figure out your character
- Remaining independent as ever while dating you to see if you can handle that
- Figuring out what you believe in to see if your world views match up at all
- Making you wait to see if you’ll stick around
Recommended Article: How Does a Taurus Man Test a Woman?
How to make a Taurus man miss you like crazy?
Leave something of yours at his place that smells like your perfume.
Post pictures and reels that show you looking amazing and succeeding in your life.
Give him a shoulder to cry on and support when he needs someone to talk to.
These are all great ways to make a Taurus man miss you, but be warned—Taurus men can’t really be manipulated!
Signs a Taurus man is playing you
If a Taurus man is playing you, he will:
- Not define your relationship
- Tell you he doesn’t want a relationship right now
- Treat you inconsistently and get moody with you
- Seem interested in other women
- Hide his personal life from you
- Be unreachable except when convenient for him
How to keep a Taurus man interested?
You can keep a Taurus man interested by showing that you’re independent.
Continue to reciprocate his interest and flirtations, but don’t come off as clingy.
Taurus men like it when they can pursue a woman at an unhurried pace.
She’s not waiting by the phone, yet she’s responsive and excited when he spends time with her.
How do you make a Taurus man realize he lost you?
By cutting him off.
You can’t really make a Taurus man realize he lost you if he hasn’t actually lost you.
He’ll know when you block him, stop responding to him and move on with your life.
Taurus men have a way of hearing through the grapevine what you’re up to.
Chances are, he’ll know that he’s lost you and you don’t need to do anything in particular to get that message across.
How to win a Taurus man’s heart?
Be sweet. Be kind and nurturing to him.
He loves being with a woman who lets him be himself.
You can win him over by feeding him, listening to him and showing him that you care about him and would never do anything to hurt him.
Stick around, don’t be indecisive and just open up your heart to him.
It takes vulnerability to win a Taurus man’s heart.
What scares a Taurus away?
A few things:
- Trying to change them or shake up their routine-driven world
- Not giving them any room to breathe in a relationship
- Seeming like you have other romantic prospects hanging all over you
These are just a few things that would push a Taurus away, but they’re big ones!
Do Taurus men fall in love quickly?
Every man is an individual.
That said, on the whole, Taurus men are not known to fall in love quickly.
They fall in love slowly, one little bit at a time.
They sit with their feelings and test to see if they can trust you to fall for you.
This all takes time and it’s unlikely that a Taurus man is going to act head over heels for you a week in.
I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at