How Does a Taurus Man Test a Woman? 10 Tests & How to Pass

Taurus men are famous for testing their love interests.

They want to see who you really are before they can get serious about you.

If you’re trying to prepare for what’s coming your way, you’re wise—here’s how a Taurus man tests a woman:

  • He stops texting to see if you’ll initiate communication with him
  • He’ll stay quiet and let you do the talking while he observes and analyzes
  • He asserts his independence to see how stable and independent you are 
  • He’ll look for any similar beliefs or values that would make you compatible
  • He might ask about your dating history to see how you operate in relationships
  • He may not get physically intimate with you for a while
  • When you’re on a date, he’ll try to figure out if it’s him you like, or his wallet
  • He may ask to be exclusive with you or get jealous of other men
  • He opens up to you and trusts you with private information
  • He’s moving very slowly towards a relationship to see how strong it can be

We’re going to talk about each and every one of these tests in depth below AND how to pass them so you can get closer to your Taurus man.

I’ll also be covering why he tests you, how to know you’re passing and other helpful tips to get your relationship moving towards a happy, successful future.

How Does a Taurus Man Test a Woman?

Man and woman on a couch laughing together with a quote that says a Taurus man tests a woman mainly by watching and observing her

A Taurus man tests a woman mainly by watching and observing her. He judges her actions, not so much her words.

He’s very subtle in the way he tests a woman—you often won’t know it’s happening.

He’ll do things like change the frequency of his texts, then wait to see if you notice and react.

He’ll sit silently while you tell your life’s story and put the pieces together like a puzzle to try to figure out who you are on the inside.

Ultimately, a Taurus man tests a woman’s desire and ability to be in a relationship with him.

He wants to know if she can handle it and if she has the motivation to make it work, because once he gives his heart and his loyalty, he’s all in.

So let’s explore some of the typical tests Taurus men put their ladies through, if only to find his perfect match.

Recommended for You: Signs a Taurus Man Is Playing You

1. He’ll Pull Back to Test How Much You Want Him

You ever feel like a Taurus man is purposely playing hot and cold with you?

He might be if he suddenly stopped texting you after he was always the one to text you first.

This is a super common Taurus man test that means he’s waiting to see if you’ll initiate the next conversation or meetup.

He wants to know if you’re willing to make that effort, because if he sees it’s all one-sided he loses interest.

Taurus guys only put effort into developing a relationship with someone after they have their evidence that the other person is going to return all the same energy they put in.

If someone doesn’t want him as badly as he wants them, that’s his cue to peace out.

Not only would it hurt his pride, it would make him question your commitment and readiness for a relationship.

At the end of the day, a Taurus man doesn’t really chase so much as test the waters repeatedly and make calculated moves based on his analysis of whether a relationship is possible.

How to Pass This Test

If you want to ace this test, the simplest way is to take the initiative when the Taurus man backs off a little. 

You might not know for sure what his reason is, but in a way it doesn’t matter.

Because no matter why he hasn’t called, he’s always testing how you handled it.

The secret to handling this test is to first give him a little bit of space for a few days—then reach out to him.

Why give him space first?

Because you don’t want to seem desperate or like you’re going off the deep end not hearing from him every single day.

That is a big red flag to Taurus men since they like independent women.

But after a while, if you don’t get in touch, he’s going to think you don’t care.

Always show a Taurus man that he matters to you.

Don’t ask him where he’s been or try to corner him—just leave a pleasant voicemail saying, “Hey, I was just thinking about you. Hope you have a great day!”

A Taurus man has a sweet tooth, so be sweet.

The key here is to show that you’re really, truly, cross-your-heart interested in him and that he’d be a fool not to call back a doll like you.

2. He Stands Back and Observes You

couple kissing by a car with a quote about how Taurus men will observe you as a relationship test

Taurus males are part of the feminine zodiac sign gang, which contains fellow earth signs Virgo and Capricorn as well as water signs Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio.

Feminine signs are not your action-oriented types like the fire (especially) and air signs.

No, feminine signs like Taurus wait for you to make a move, and then they choose how to react.

Put differently, Taurus men won’t act. They’re more likely to wait for you to show your cards first.

They’ll sit quietly and let you do the talking while they analyze your words.

Tauruses will watch and compare how you behave in public and behind closed doors.

Everything you do is under a Taurus man’s scrutiny in the early days of dating or courtship.

Does that make you feel a little sweaty?

Yeah…it’s kind of like that though.

Taurus guys just want to figure you out. 

They’ll dig deep. They want to see the real you and they don’t trust anything but what they see with their own two eyes.

How to Pass This Test

Honestly, just be the best you that you can be.

All a Taurus man really wants is to be with someone who is honest, reliable and sincere.

He’s looking for a partner whose words match up with their actions, and he’s watchful for signs of disloyalty and fakeness.

So the best way to pass this test is to be who you say you are.

Don’t try to play games with the Taurus man.

Don’t try to make him jealous or think you have other dudes to pressure him.

Be true to yourself. Authenticity wins with Taurus men.

It sounds pretty simple, but in a way it truly is.

Too many times, people fail with Tauruses because they’re trying to outsmart or outplay them.

When in reality, that never works.

The only way to “win” with a Taurus man is to be real with him.

3. He’ll Test How Stable and Independent You Are

In general, a Taurus man will only allow himself to get serious about a woman who is independent. Someone who is getting her ducks in a row for her future.

If she’s not focusing on her own goals, she’s the type to let her relationships consume her life—that’s how the Taurus man sees it.

So naturally, he tests to see whether you would rely too much on him to prop up your life.

Do you have goals for yourself?

The Taurus man might ask questions about your hopes for the future.

Are you a clingy girlfriend?

If he had to cancel a date on a Friday night, would you fall into a panic and question his feelings for you?

Or would you do your own thing and patiently wait for him to reschedule?

He’s adding it all up in his head to get an idea of what to expect from dating you.

How to Pass This Test

If you want to be with a Taurus man, you have to show your sincere interest in him while also putting his fears to rest that you’ll become needy or codependent.

Focus on yourself.

Not in a self-centered way, but in a way that shows you’re not giving up your ambitions to be with a guy.

When he asks you about yourself, include your plans for your career or your life goals.

Taurus men are earth signs. They love women who make solid plans for themselves.

If he says something came up this weekend, try not to ask immediately for a new date.

Instead just say, “No problem, text me when you’re ready for that hot date 😉.”

Keeping your responses breezy and laidback with a touch of playfulness shows you’re able to go with the flow.

At the same time, understanding your own inherent value as a human being and potential romantic partner is a huge part of attracting a relationship with a Taurus man.

Show him that you value yourself, and he will hold you in high regard.

4. He Tests Your Values to See If You’re Compatible

Man chatting up a woman at a party outdoors with a quote about a Taurus man testing a woman to see if she shares his values

Conversations are not just conversations with a Taurus man.

While you’re talking, he’s listening closely to see how you respond to his statements and questions.

He’ll dip into various topics, deep or shallow—current fashion trends, politics, you name it.

And while he’s seemingly randomly jumping around topics, he’s really:

  1. Trying to get a read on you, and 
  2. hoping that you have some similar views on things.

Sure, everyone does this to some extent—we all want to be with someone who understands us and shares our deeply-held values.

But for Tauruses, they wouldn’t be able to be with someone who was radically different from them on the inside.

Taurus is ruled by Venus, which, as you may have heard, is the planet of love and beauty. 

But did you know that underneath that, Venus is really about Unity?

Venus at its core only cares about the harmonious flow of energy between two individuals. 

It wants smooth sailing in relationships. It wants two to become one.

And if people are disagreeing all the time, it’s kind of hard to get that vibe.

Subconsciously driven by this Venusian influence, Tauruses seek out romantic partners who will make them feel melded together as a couple.

Unified on all fronts.

So you see, it’s not just that Taurus guys will test you to see if you’re similar to them—they’re testing to see how much harmony you’re going to bring into their lives.

How to Pass This Test

If you want to pass this particular Taurus man test, you need to be honest with him.

I know—it’s scary saying what you really think. What if it’s not what he wants to hear?

The truth is that a Taurus man has a pretty good internal lie detector and will write you off if he thinks you’re being fake or disingenuous.

And after a Taurus writes you off, there’s pretty much no coming back from that.

Aside from taking honesty as the best policy, my other tip is this:

Find the things that you have in common and lean into them.

If you spend enough time with a Taurus man, you should get a sense of who he is and what he cares about.

Bond over the things that you can agree on when and where you can.

It can help smooth those little bumps where you differ.

And to be clear, a Taurus man isn’t going to kick you to the curb because you like chocolate and he likes vanilla.

It’s more of an overall like-mindedness that he’s looking for.

5. He Wants to Know Your Dating History

Do you have a turbulent dating history?

A long list of crazy ex-boyfriends, or perhaps a long list of short-lived flings?

Are you a playgirl? Not over your ex? In a quasi-emotional affair with your ex? 

Ever been married, thought about getting married or want marriage in the future?

The more interested a Taurus man is in you, the more likely he is to ask you questions to get at these answers.

He may look for dirt on your romantic life through social media or by asking people who know you.

He wants to find someone who wants what he wants—a boring, drama-free relationship.

By “boring” I mean: 

  • Steady
  • Stable
  • Monogamous
  • Long-term

No shocking, experimental, on-again-off-again, on-the-edge-of-your-seat relationships for this man, please.

By finding out what you’re used to and perhaps what you’d expect from your next relationship, he can calculate how doable that is for him, or if it’s not his cup of tea.

Or so he assumes.

How to Pass This Test

And if he brings up your exes, be candid but don’t dwell on the subject.

Taurus men don’t really want to pick apart your past with other men because they’re a bit too jealous for that, but they do want some reassurance.

If your romantic saga has been a rocky one, just acknowledge that and confirm that you’re looking for something real, solid and secure now.

Even if the Taurus man is a little wary, he’s going to be watching for whether your actions align with your words. That’s what will ultimately mean more to him.

And if he doesn’t ask you about your previous relationships, don’t bring them up.

Not to hide them, but because talking about them too much may signal to him that you come with drama or that you still think about your ex.

It’s a delicate balance.

As long as you’re being truthful without using him as a therapy session to chronicle all the dirty details of your former relationships, you’re good.

6. He Might Not Sleep with You

…At least not right away.

Taurus men like to take things very slowly, and this may manifest as the Taurus guy showing no outward interest in sleeping with you.

But he’ll cuddle with you for hours and be sweet and romantic with you.

Mind you, this is at the very beginning of dating a Taurus man and can last for weeks, a month or more.

And while it might confuse you or even frustrate you because you feel like he doesn’t desire you, that’s definitely not what’s happening.

On the contrary, he probably really does want you.

And that’s exactly why he’s not jumping the gun.

Because being intimate means a lot to him and he doesn’t want things to get screwed up.

If this is the case, then the test is: are you really compatible without the sexual aspect?

Are the emotions there between you? Is it real?

How to Pass This Test

Don’t worry or take it the wrong way.

Resist asking the Taurus man if he’s attracted to you. Trust that he is.

The best way to approach this situation is to emphasize the romantic and emotional aspects of your courtship.

By that I mean, cuddle with the man.

Don’t be in a race to the bedroom.

Taurus men speak the language of physical touch. Hugging, holding hands and cuddling is how they show meaningful affection.

Let him make the first move when you’re both ready.

And in the meantime, enjoy bonding with him as the little spoon.

7. He’ll Watch How You Spend Your (Or His) Money

couple at a picnic in a flower field with a quote about a Taurus man testing how good you are with money

Financial stability is huge with these guys.

Money is not a superficial topic to Tauruses. It’s a means of achieving comfort and security for them.

A Taurus man needs to know that you’re financially responsible like him so that being with you is not going to drain his bank account dry.

Are you constantly spending your money like it’s water?

Asking to borrow money and not paying it back, or expecting to be treated to everything and anything?

Taurus men of both modest and wealthy means alike dont love this mindset.

If you can’t stand on her own two feet, a Taurus man is probably not going to stay interested for long.

How to Pass This Test

Don’t let him pay for everything. 

Sometimes, you should offer to foot the bill for dinner or a cup of coffee. Or go half.

Taurus men are traditional in romance, but they’re also pragmatic.

They are not the ones to get caught up with someone who uses them like a cash cow until the money runs out and they move on to greener pastures.

In any case, this is what a Taurus man would like to avoid.

So show him that you can save your money as well as spend it wisely and meaningfully.

Treat him now and again and show him that you’ll return his generosity.

50-50 effort is what he’s after, and putting your money where you mouth is in this way means a lot to him.

8. He Tests Your Loyalty to Him vs. Other Men

Loyalty is everything to Tauruses.

They themselves are the most loyal sign probably of the entire zodiac, and they know it—but you have to earn it first.

Very early on in dating, a Taurus man might ask you to stop seeing other people.

It may be bold of him, but he’s doing it to see if you hesitate or if you say, “Okay. I want to give us a real shot.”

If you met through an online dating app, he may have a little bit of concern about who else you’re going on dates with or entertaining through the app still.

Or, let’s pretend you’ve just started seeing a Taurus man and he’s stated that he’s uncomfortable with you being friends with other men because he doesn’t know them and he doesn’t trust them.

What do you do?

How to Pass This Test

If a Taurus man asks you to date him exclusively, and you want to give it a go, then don’t hesitate.

Trying to keep the door open for other men to potentially date if things go south with the Taurus may sound like a reasonable idea, but he’ll see it as disloyalty.

So my advice is when you’re trying to date a Taurus man, for better of worse, give it your full attention.

It’s the only way to see if it can work at all.

Now, if you have a Taurus male who’s jealous of your guy friends, that’s a tricky subject.

To deal with it gracefully, have a sincere and honest conversation about how you aren’t messing around being his back and your male friendships are strictly platonic.

Also, make sure you’re dedicating enough time to the Taurus man so he doesn’t feel like you’re putting him on the back burner for other men.

It can be a sticky issue, but a Taurus man just needs to see with time and your morally upstanding behavior that he has nothing to worry about.

And if he turns out to be one of the less evolved, insanely possessive and jealous Taurus men, then maybe you’re better off letting him go if he refuses to trust you.

9. He Opens Up to You

Picture of a man with a quote about Taurus men having trust issues

If a Taurus man suddenly shares his deep, dark secrets with you, this is a big-time test.

If he’s telling you things that make him feel vulnerable and exposed, what he’s doing is testing to see whether he can count on you to be worthy of his confessions.

He desperately wants to be with someone he can be this open with, yet he has a deep, gnawing phobia of being taken for a ride.

Taurus men have some of the worst trust issues of any sign.

You may be surprised when he does this because normally, Taurus men keep their private lives pretty buttoned up.

When he decides to let you in, it’s heart-melting for you, yet nerve-wracking for him.

How to Pass This Test

If a Taurus man has opened up to you, it’s great news—it usually means he’s really into you and hopes you’ll be around for the long haul.

But this is also a crucial turning point in your relationship because you need to make sure that he feels your support now.

Show him that you care about him. Give him that loyalty that he craves.

Don’t cramp and coddle him, but do show him in tangible ways that you’re there for him and that he has you no matter what.

Be physically there for him when he needs you.

Another good thing to do is to open up yourself.

Express your true feelings. Tell him how much you value him.

And never weaponize the Taurus man’s vulnerability.

It’s a huge deal for him to let someone in, so be sure he sees how grateful you are that he trusts you this much and that you’re not going to use it against him.

10. He Takes FOREVER to Move to the Next Stage of Your Relationship


I have known Taurus men who took over a decade to propose to their girlfriends.

I’ve been friends with women who got frustrated dating Taurus guys who dragged their feet making big dating decisions like moving in together, getting a dog together, and so on.

Why does it take so long for Taurus men to take a step forward in their relationships?

Is it laziness?

No—it’s a test!

Well, it can be a test. And even if it’s not, it often ends up being that way because how you react is going to determine the final outcome of the Taurus man’s decisions.

How to Pass This Test

When a Taurus man gets comfy with the way things are, don’t make the mistake of thinking it will never change.

Instead, realize that he’s on a different planet than you are. Time in his world moves more slowly than everyone else’s.

And there is all the time in the world to get to the big relationship stuff.

At the end of the day, the Taurus man wants to see how worth the commitment your relationship is.

Not because he doesn’t love you—but would you really love him 5, 10, maybe 20 years from now?

Because his love and devotion keep going.

The bad news is, the only way to pass this test is to be patient.

You may not be able to push a Taurus man to do something he’s not ready to do, but you can prove how dedicated you are and how resilient your relationship is that it doesn’t crumble under pressure.

Only then, when a Taurus man has this proof, will he take the next leap.

Why Do Taurus Men Test Women?

man and woman sitting together in a field with a quote about Taurus men committing to their relationships

The simple answer is that they’re paranoid that they’re going to end up with someone who takes advantage of them or isn’t a good match for them.

When Tauruses commit to you, they hold nothing back.

Faithful and devoted, they will do anything to support their partner and make things work.

So they really need to know if you’re going to be worth their undying loyalty.

There are some who say everything is a test with a Taurus man, but this is because in the beginning, a Taurus man is playing romantic defense.

While he’s falling in love, his feelers are out there trying to pick up on cues that he’s headed for a train wreck.

So the primary reason your Taurus man tests you is to see if you can love him, show you’re reliable and be there for him through anything.

A second reason that Tauruses do all the testing is because their standards are kind of high.

They know what they’re attracted to, what they can handle in a relationship and what they can’t.

And they never subject themselves to partners who would annoy them or not click with their homebody, routine-loving selves.

So if you pass all the Taurus tests, it means he’s found his dream girl.

How Do You Know You’ve Passed His Tests?

In short, you know you’re passing the Taurus man’s tests when he still wants to be with you.

Even if he pulls away sometimes, he always comes back to you.

But just to clarify this, I’m not talking about a Taurus man disappearing for months at a time, only to resurface and ghost you again.

That’s not okay, and that type of behavior means a Taurus man has no real intention of having a relationship with you.

Taurus men who are interested in someone and want to be with them typically take one step forward and then stop to observe and see how they feel.

This is when they might not call for a week or seem like they’ve gotten slightly distant.

However, if overall he’s consistent and makes continued efforts to spend time with you and show he cares, then you are passing his tests and he’s making his slow Taurus movements towards locking down a relationship with you.

Is a Taurus Man Always Going to Test You?


Once a Taurus man feels secure with you and certain that you’re the one for him, he drops all the tests seemingly overnight.

You’ll see a sudden change in him where he has no reservations anymore.

He answers all your texts right away and shares his world with you.

He doesn’t hesitate to show you that you’re everything to him.

At this point, he’s done testing you and he’s moved into the stage of melding together as one.

If you want to get to this point, the thing is to be consistent with him.

Don’t try to tease him or make him chase you.

Be there for him and show that your love isn’t going anywhere.

That’s the only way to make him feel comfortable enough to let his guard down and make you his queen.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to tell if a Taurus man has feelings for you?

When you spend time together, you can tell he has feelings for you by the way he looks at you and treats you.

He stares at you with soft eyes and a little smile.

He will be very physically affectionate with you and want to hug and touch you a lot.

And most importantly, he decides to spend his time with you when he could be doing anything.

That’s the real sign a Taurus is feeling you.

They never make plans with anyone who doesn’t mean something to them.

Recommended Reading: 20 Signs a Taurus Man Secretly Likes You

When a Taurus man decides you’re the one?

By the time a Taurus man decides you’re the one, you have his full attention and his complete loyalty.

He’ll happily work on moving your relationship forward, whether on his own or at your request.

He spends his free time with you because you’re his safe place.

There’s no more testing and no hesitation to make you part of his life.

How do you know Taurus man is playing you?

It can be hard to know when a Taurus man is playing you, but the signs are there:

  • Saying he doesn’t want a relationship
  • Sleeping with you right away but treating you like a low priority
  • Not telling you anything about himself or his life
  • Never texting you back or communicating unless he wants something
  • Flirting with other women online or in person

What are the red flags for Taurus men?

Red flags you’ll see with Taurus males are:

  • When they get super indecisive and won’t commit to you
  • When they get controlling, and 
  • When they’re so stubborn you can never get any compromise.

If you see these issues with your Bull, exercise caution and make sure your boundaries and needs are being respected.

Taurus men might be stubborn and sometimes jealous, but you shouldn’t feel neglected or disrespected—that’s just a bad relationship.

What does a Taurus man find physically attractive?

Taurus men usually like feminine curves and natural beauty with little to no makeup.

But it’s not a hard and fast rule, and they’re more attracted to how you carry yourself than anything.

Taurus guys find perfume and pleasant scents intoxicating, so that’s another crucial attraction factor.

Physically, you want to take care of your appearance and look neat and put-together.

Taurus men are drawn to cleanliness and class.

What makes a Taurus man chase you?

The big secret to making a Taurus man chase you is to show that you’re genuinely interested in him.

Don’t be clingy—just be casual.

Make it clear that you’re ready to wow him on a date when he’s ready, but you’re going to continue living your life until he sees for himself what he’s missing.

That’s the type of energy that makes Taurus men chase you.

You can also read my article How to Make a Taurus Man Chase You for my full guide on this.

Will a Taurus man say I love you first?

Yes, a Taurus man has no problem saying he loves you first.

If the mood is right and he feels it, he’ll say it.

But that doesn’t mean he’s going to say it quickly.

Tauruses move slowly, so if you’re expecting him to gush his feelings, you’ll need more patience.

Saying he loves you is a huge, huge step for him.

It’s really a matter of him feeling like the time is right to say it—after you’ve passed his tests, of course.

How does a Taurus man act when ignored?

Taurus men will ignore you back when you ignore them.

They can be ice kings. Their silent treatment can outlast yours. Until the end of time if need be.

They’d rather ghost than be ignored by you.

Signs a Taurus man is seeing someone else

A Taurus man is probably not going to tell you he’s seeing someone else, so you have to watch for clues.

One would be on social media. 

If the Taurus man is interacting with other women, hearting their stories and pictures and getting lots of attention from single women online, it might show that he’s not exclusive with you.

And in general, he’ll be difficult to reach, have big gaps in his availability to you and just seem like he’s preoccupied.

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I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at

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