First of all, if a Taurus man is using you, you deserve better.
Here are the top signs a Taurus man is playing you:
- Refusing to define what you are or saying he doesn’t want a relationship
- Letting your relationship revolve around the bedroom
- Not being particularly kind, generous or helpful to you
- Getting moody with you
- Hiding information about himself, his dating life, etc.
- Being stuck on his ex or bringing her up a lot
- Being distant and unavailable
- Communicating infrequently and on his terms
- Treating you like a security blanket, then ghosting you
- Not trying to meet your needs ever
- Talking to or dating other women
Taurus men can be confusing as hell.
If there’s an expiration date on what you have with them, I hope you’ll get the clarification you need as you read through the signs in this article.
And if he is playing you, may you find the man who deserves you and treats you like a queen.
Signs a Taurus Man Is Playing You
1. It’s Been a While and He Refuses to Define Your Relationship
This is the hallmark of a Taurus man using you.
Taurus men may not come out of the gate asking you to be their girlfriend because they take things slow.
But that doesn’t mean that months down the road, a Taurus man is still dancing around the subject of your relationship status.
If you’ve never had the talk about being exclusive, that could mean that he hasn’t “claimed” you.
And as a very possessive sign, that can mean trouble.
Also, if you’ve asked him and he refuses to say in clear terms whether you’re a couple or not—
Again, after you’ve been seeing each other for months—
Then you might need to consider whether he’s really into you or if he’s just keeping you around as an option.
Read Next: Taurus Man Acts Interested, Then Disappears
2. You Jumped Into Bed Together Straight Away
Strike Two: You and the Taurus man fell into bed together immediately.
While it’s the 21st century and people certainly sleep together on the first date without it harming their future relationship, with a Taurus man, it can be an issue.
Taurus men get too in their heads and start to question whether a woman likes them for them and not just for their bodies.
They tend to believe, however incorrectly, that a woman who sleeps with them right away might sleep with anyone like that.
And this—I hate to say it—can put you in the FWB (Friends With Benefits) category for a Taurus man right off the bat.
So while you may think you have incredible sexual chemistry and thus things are going okay, the Taurus man might believe that a relationship is off the table and you two are just a right-now thing.
3. You Don’t Really Leave the Bedroom
Similarly, if you’re always horizontal and you do little else with the Taurus man, it could be all he’s after.
When a Taurus man is romantically interested in someone, he tries to impress them.
He would take you out on dates and attempt to give you some thrills.
Just so you know, it doesn’t count if you leave the bedroom to go to the kitchen for him to cook you two some food.
He’d probably make food anyway.
He has to actually leave his apartment with you.
4. He Says He Doesn’t Want a Relationship
Maybe the Taurus man said that he wasn’t looking for a relationship, but then you continued to see each other.
Alas, this doesn’t mean that he’s changed his mind.
Taurus men will go along if you allow it. He might think that you’re okay with not being exclusive.
But when a Taurus man claims that he doesn’t want commitment, always go off of that information unless he says in no uncertain terms that that’s no longer the case.
5. He Never Does Things for You
To serve his lady is one of the highest honors for a Taurus man.
He will be there for you in an instant if you need something—if he feels an emotional attachment.
If not, he’ll be careful with how much of himself he gives to you.
He might care about you, but if he doesn’t care for you romantically, he’ll probably draw a line at being too helpful and available to you.
He neither offers to do you favors nor jumps to help out when you ask.
He drags his feet if there’s something you say you really need from him, or you can’t reach him at all to even ask.
6. He’s Moody and Grumpy Around You
It’s not that a Taurus isn’t allowed to be crabby sometimes.
It’s more that a Taurus man who really likes you will typically only see you when he can put his best foot forward.
If he were not in the greatest mood, he wouldn’t expose you to that.
He wouldn’t want to risk snapping at you.
But if he doesn’t seem to care whether you see him in a good mood or a bad mood, that’s not necessarily a good thing.
It could mean that he’s simply not bothered about how it affects you.
Furthermore, if you suspect that sometimes it’s you that’s making him grumpy just by being around him, listen to your gut.
That may be a sign that he’s not really into you.
7. You Don’t Know Much About Him at All
How much do you know about your Taurus man?
If you realize that you only know superficial information, like his age, his work schedule and some vague career aspirations, that could be something to take notice of.
Taurus men are not terribly open and chatty, but that doesn’t mean that they go out of their way to keep their private lives hidden from someone they’re really feeling.
Quite the opposite—if a Taurus man is feeling you, he’ll share things about himself and try to connect with you on a deep, personal level.
Alternatively, you may only have little snapshots of his life when he tells you things like a bad day he had at work.
But you won’t have the broad picture of who he is, what his interests are, what drives him and what scares him.
He keeps that all pretty compartmentalized when he’s with you.
8. He Talks About His Ex
Tauruses don’t usually bring an ex into a new relationship.
If the Taurus man often talks about his ex, even if only to drag her, that means he still thinks about her. Often.
Be aware—he might even still talk to her or see her.
On the other hand, if you were to mention her and he would say, “Why are we talking about her?”
That’s the type of response you want because it would mean he’s over her.
And if he’s over her, he’s capable of being in a relationship with you.
9. He Keeps You at Arm’s Length
You may have a player on your hands if the Taurus man is distant with you.
He doesn’t ever seem to let you in.
It can be hard to tell with this one because Taurus men are so slow to open up and trust someone.
Be that as it may, a Taurus man will slowly move closer towards emotional intimacy with you if he wants a relationship.
Feeling like a relative stranger after many months of seeing him is a problem.
10. He Doesn’t Respond to Your Cute Texts
Do you text him heart emojis, only to get crickets in response?
If the Taurus man is blocking your cute messages with dead silence, that means he doesn’t want to acknowledge them.
And if he doesn’t want to acknowledge them, it means he doesn’t feel the same way.
Taurus men will avoid having to deal with something as messy as feelings until they can’t run away from them anymore.
It may be frustrating and seem immature, but a Taurus man will just put blinders on to the stuff that makes him uncomfortable if it’s easy enough to ignore.
11. His Communication is Spotty
When Taurus men really like someone, they like to talk to them regularly.
They reach out, initiate texting and make sure there’s a consistent line of communication going.
They’ll call to hear your voice or send you pictures of the food they’re eating. (Yes, that’s a Taurus thing.)
If, however, the Taurus man doesn’t talk to you much, be it in person, on the phone or through text, then he might not be emotionally invested.
If he’s using you, communication will be one-sided and he won’t be super responsive to you.
He’ll text you when he wants something, but otherwise you won’t hear from him.
12. He Treats You Like a Friend…Like a Casual Friend
Overall, how would you rate your romantic connection?
Do you feel like someone the Taurus man talks to his mom about?
Or do you feel like a casual friend that the Taurus man has a good time with but is not necessarily looking for more with?
To be clear, a Taurus man who really wants a relationship would try to make you feel special.
13. You Don’t Feel like His Priority
If this Taurus guy easily breaks plans with you and doesn’t follow up, pay close attention.
He should be making you feel like a priority to him.
That’s his M.O.
In a relationship, a Taurus man is attentive and puts his significant other first.
If he can’t see you or text you back, he at least lets you know that he’s busy right now and will give you the attention you deserve as soon as he can.
If you’re always on the back burner, he’s not taking things seriously with you.
14. You Aren’t Part of His Routines
It may sound a bit silly, but a Taurus man will make you part of his routines if he really likes you and sees things going somewhere with you.
You may have a morning texting ritual or spend every Wednesday night together chilling on the couch.
It might be unexciting, but being in that groove with a Taurus man is very important.
It means you’re in his comfort zone and he’s striving to make you part of his world.
15. He Doesn’t Make Time for You at Your Request
If you ask to hang out, what does the Taurus man do?
Does he say yes and then see when he can devote one-on-one time together?
Or does it feel like you’re only hanging out when he wants to?
Taurus men can be a bit controlling and don’t like to give of themselves freely if they don’t feel an attachment.
He’ll be more guarded and make sure you know that you’re not calling the shots.
16. He Vents to You But Doesn’t Let you Do the Same
Sometimes, Taurus men don’t seem like they’re playing you at first because they will open up to you.
They’ll call you to tell you why someone pissed them off today, so you’ll believe that they feel safe enough to share these things with you.
But you have to look at the reciprocity of the situation.
Does the Taurus man lend you an ear when you’ve got something on your mind?
Or does he avoid giving you that space to unload on him?
If he doesn’t listen to you and he’s nowhere to be found when you reach out to him for support, it shows that he doesn’t have deep feelings for you.
17. He Runs to You Only When Life Gets Hard
Along these same lines, the Taurus man may not contact you at all unless he’s going through something.
He disappears for weeks on end and you think that it’s over. Only to resurface with a tragic story to make you feel sorry for him.
Now, in some cases a Taurus man might disappear for a while when something is going on in his private life and it does not mean he’s lost feelings for you.
If he were playing you, though, this would be a pattern for him.
He would be a ghost to you unless he needed some TLC.
And that is a huge sign that he’s just using you for comfort when he wants it.
18. You’ve Told Him You’re Not Satisfied and He’s Done Nothing to Change
Have you been upfront with the Taurus man that you’re not satisfied with how things are going between you, and he hasn’t lifted a finger to change that?
That very well could indicate that it’s not important enough to him to do something about it.
If you were to tell a Taurus man that your needs aren’t being met and he wanted to be with you, he would take some kind of action.
He would at the very least tell you that he’s thought about what you said and he wants to be what you need.
Taurus men take their relationships seriously and wouldn’t risk losing you if they felt invested.
19. He Lies to You
Do you catch the Taurus man lying to you?
Maybe about where he was last weekend or when he got out of work yesterday?
Tauruses are actually known for their honesty, and lying isn’t a notable flaw in their character.
But that doesn’t mean that all Tauruses are so straightforward.
The times when a Taurus man would lie to you would have to do with him simply not wanting to admit what’s really happening.
He’s avoiding the truth because it’s easier that way and Tauruses don’t do confrontations if they can help it.
For sure, if he’s lying to you, he doesn’t have enough respect for you.
20. He’d Easily Let You Go
Do you ever feel like he’s pushing you away?
Like if you were to say you were done, he’d say okay, no hard feelings?
If that’s a real fear of yours, you might need to explore what makes you feel that way.
Or maybe he’s told you before that he needs space and he’s not ready for a serious relationship with you, and when you said you would be there when he’s ready, he reacted with surprise.
As if he didn’t really want or expect you to wait around for him.
That’s usually a signal that he’s trying to cut ties without having to look like a bad guy.
21. You Know for a Fact He’s Interested in Other Women
When a Taurus man has a romantic attachment to someone, he shuts the door on all other options.
He doesn’t flirt with other women and he doesn’t lead them on.
He’s a one-woman man in that way.
So if the Taurus man is keeping his options open, it shows that he doesn’t have plans to commit to you down the road.
He’s still waiting to meet someone who he feels more compatible with.
How Do You Know If a Taurus Man Is Seeing Someone Else?
The only real way to know is to ask him.
Tauruses are good at staying hidden when they don’t want you to know what’s going on.
However, if you’re constantly getting ghosted by him and his availability to you is extremely restricted, one of the reasons could be that he’s seeing someone else.
But the reality is that you might not realize it for a while.
If a Taurus man is operating on the assumption that you’re fine with how things are, he won’t see any reason to mention that he’s seeing other people.
Again, the only real way to know is to ask him.
Be specific in your request for information—don’t just ask him if he’s interested in other people.
Ask him if he goes on dates.
Or, you could tell the Taurus man that you want to be a monogamous couple.
That that’s all that you’ll accept.
If the Taurus man fades out of your life after that, either he was seeing someone else or it finally got too hot in the kitchen for him.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the red flags of a Taurus man?
Red flags that Taurus men show are:
- Extreme possessiveness
- Inability to change
- Extreme stubbornness
- Becoming controlling
All Tauruses deal with stubbornness, jealousy and fear of change to a certain degree.
But when these things evolve into extremes is when they become red flags for Tauruses.
How to tell if a Taurus man has feelings for you?
You can tell a Taurus man has feelings for you if he treats you like a princess.
He will be doting and attentive.
He will make time to be with you and call you when he can’t see you in person.
He’ll try to be around you as much as he can and especially in physical contact with you whenever he can.
I explain more in this article about how to tell when a Taurus man secretly likes you.
How does Taurus man test you?
Taurus man tests can be tricky.
Sometimes they’re super vague and other times they’re so obvious.
Some of the more obvious tests would be question-asking.
Like when a Taurus man asks you questions about your dating life like he’s trying to get you to tell the whole truth about whether you’re seeing anyone else.
Other tests are hard to see, like when a Taurus man doesn’t text you like he normally does because he’s testing to see if you’ll text him first.
Taurus men do test women a lot to see if they’re compatible, trustworthy and dependable.
Recommended Article: How Does a Taurus Man Test a Woman?
Why does a Taurus man pull away?
A Taurus man pulls away for a lot of reasons, so it’s hard to narrow it down without having proper context.
However, some common reasons are:
- The Taurus man isn’t ready for a relationship
- He thinks you’re not ready for the relationship
- He’s protecting himself because he doesn’t want to get hurt
- He got jealous about another guy in your life
- He’s testing to see if you’ll chase after him
How does a Taurus man act when ignored?
He’s going to do one of two things: either ignore you back, or respond just to show you that you’re being a jerk.
However, even if he responds to you, odds are he’ll go back to ignoring you after because he’s stubborn like that.
Taurus men don’t take being ignored very well.
It’s not something you should typically do thinking you’ll get them to pay attention to you.
It’s not very fair, but Taurus men sometimes ignore you for their own reasons but then hate it when you do it back to them.
When a Taurus man is serious about you?
A Taurus man who is serious about you will let you into his life.
He’ll act and make decisions as if he’s expecting you to be around for the long haul.
There won’t be any push-pull with him anymore, if that was a thing of the past.
You’ll feel his dedication to you.
He’ll be there whenever you need him to support you and show you some love and attention.
How do you know a Taurus is upset with you?
The key indication that a Taurus is upset with you is when they give you the cold shoulder.
Tauruses are masters at this.
They would rather shut you out than explode on you, so at least there’s that.
But you know a Taurus is really angry when they stop talking to you and if you run into them, they act like a stranger.
Will a Taurus chase you?
Not usually.
A Taurus likes to have equal effort put into a relationship.
Tauruses are willing to make their attraction to you known, but they aren’t going to throw themselves at you.
They need you to give them signals that it’s game on.
If they get those signals, then yes, they will pursue you because they can’t help but try to get what they want.
But it takes some finesse and it won’t happen just by you playing hard to get.
Signs a Taurus man is sexually attracted to you
Signs a Taurus man is sexually attracted to you include:
- Touching you frequently
- Staring at you intently
- Standing in your personal space
- Loving your perfume
- Being extra huggy and cuddly with you
- Complimenting your body
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