If you’re wondering what it’s like to be in a relationship with a Venus in Aries man, I’ve got you.
Or, if you’re an Aries Venus man and you want to learn about your strengths and weaknesses in a relationship, then read on, my friend.
Here is some of the juicy stuff this article is covering:
- What Venus in Aries wants
- Key Venus in Aries man personality traits
- What loving and being in a relationship with a Venus in Aries man is like
- Marriage, courtship and attraction
- How to seduce an Aries Venus man
- How you can tell he likes you
- Venus in Aries man’s sexual nature
- Compatibility with a Venus in Aries man
But first let’s start with the basics, like what the heck Venus in Aries even means.
Then I promise we’re going to jump into the deep end of the pool and expose the Venus in Aries man’s inner world.
The Meaning of Venus in Aries
Having your Venus in Aries means that you operate with Aries energy in the areas of your life ruled by Venus.
These include your aesthetics, how you fall in love, the relationships you get into, pleasure and desires.
(Venus rules other things too, but for the purposes of this article we’re going to stick to the most crucial stuff.)
Venus is longing.
That rush when you have a crush on someone but it hasn’t yet been fulfilled.
Venus gives us our ideals in love and beauty. What we find attractive. Who we find attractive.
How we act when we’re in love and how we relate to our partners.
Aries is a fire sign. It’s the first sign of the zodiac and represents the fire of the soul.
The spark of life that came into being from nothing.
Aries likes being first. It’s impatient.
When Venus’s desire is expressed through Aries, you get someone who is impatient in love.
There’s no time to wait! This fire suddenly exists, and it’s burning the Aries Venus up inside, consuming them.
Wouldn’t you be impatient, too?
Read Next: Venus in Taurus Man
What Does Venus in Aries Want?
Venus in Aries wants to explore Aries themes in relationships like independence, loving with passion and living for today—not for tomorrow.
They enjoy art and music and fashion that’s loud, discordant, unexpected and highly individualistic.
Vincent van Gogh was an Aries. He painted his own way, in a way no one else was doing or appreciated while he was alive.
But he did it anyway because that’s how he needed to express himself.
That’s Aries energy, and Venus in Aries is very much attracted to that type of “f— it” energy.
Venus in Aries people want the freedom to be who they are in their friendships and relationships.
And they want to find a partner who is not afraid to be themselves.
Who is not afraid, period. Certainly not of falling in love.
With that, let’s move on to Aries Venus personality traits and characteristics.
Venus in Aries Man Traits and Characteristics
The Venus in Aries man is wild, passionate and untamable.
Aries Venus men don’t want safe. They want exhilarating. Spontaneous. Dangerous. Sexy.
And they want it now…as long as they’re in charge!
Here’s what you need to know about a Venus in Aries man’s character.
Aries is synonymous with passion.
That fire energy is highly combustible.
Combine it with Venus’s pleasure-seeking, and the Venus in Aries man doesn’t get out of bed unless it’s something that makes him feel hot-blooded or violently alive.
A sexual encounter with an Aries Venus man will leave you breathless and forever changed.
Venus in Aries men are going to find out where the party is at.
They don’t do planning very well and just like to mingle and see where the night takes them.
A Venus in Aries man would take you on a date to an amusement park.
He doesn’t care that it’s not traditional—oh, and you’ll find out when he picks you up.
Word to the wise: Be ready for anything when you go out with a Venus in Aries man.
Venus in Aries hates waiting for what they want.
They need instant gratification or they’ll die. Or they feel that, anyway.
This is why a Venus in Aries man is so forward and direct when he likes you.
A straight line is the fastest path to what he wants.
Aries Venus men don’t think before they act.
They see what they want and they make a grab for it.
With their quick reflexes, they just might get it.
If they lose, they’ll just pretend they didn’t really want it anyway. Like cats.
They’re also impulsive spenders, whipping out their credit cards for anything shiny and fun.
Aries Venus doesn’t need you—they want you. But don’t get that confused.
There’s a very big difference and they don’t think that diminishes their love in any way.
A man with his Venus in Aries would like it if his partner were as independent in heart, mind and spirit as he is.
He won’t tell his partner what to do if they don’t try to tell him what to do.
Short Attention Span
Aries energy is constantly on the move, which makes it hard for Venus in Aries to sustain their attention.
They’ve got to be constantly stimulated to keep a conversation going, to keep chasing a love interest.
Boredom sets in quickly when there isn’t any action or entertainment.
The way Venus in Aries men relate to others is very physical.
They play Punch Buggy and competitive sports and tussle with their friends.
They squeeze, cuddle and play-wrestle their partners.
If an Aries Venus man is physical with you like this, it’s a sign of affection.
Risk-Taking and Adventurous
Venus in Aries guys ride motorcycles. They skydive.
They get their kicks from heart-pumping roller coaster rides and taking bets.
In Aries, Venus takes pleasure in anything boisterous and dangerous and edgy, so you’ll need some pluckiness if you’re going to keep them entertained.
People like to use the word “stubborn” for anything Aries related, but I’m going to say “self-determining.”
Because it’s true that you can’t tell a Venus in Aries man what to do, but the reason underneath that is because Venus in Aries is so disciplined in staying true to themselves and their needs.
Aries Venus decides what relationships he’s willing to enter, who has access to him and who doesn’t.
It doesn’t mean he always chooses the “right” person and dodges toxic relationships better than the rest.
It mostly means that he chooses you, not the other way around.
A Venus in Aries man will not let other people take advantage of his friends, family and loved ones.
You mess with them, you’re messing with him. And you’re going to get the Ram horns.
You don’t need to be a damsel in distress to get this side of him.
He’d do it for anyone he cared for, regardless of their gender, size or ability to protect themselves.
Venus in Aries Man: Love and Relationships
When you put the planet of love in the hands of Mars, the god of war and ruler of Aries, you get someone who will fight for love.
And as romantic as that sounds, Venus is in detriment in Aries, which means Venus struggles here to some degree.
Sometimes that feisty energy gets carried away.
Venus in Aries can be argumentative in their relationships, but they’ll also go to bat for you and defend your honor.
It’s a double-edged sword.
A Venus in Aries man is loyal.
Not because he feels obligated to anyone, but because he believes that if you’re going to be with someone, you should give them everything you’ve got.
This Venus is daring in love.
From the second he realizes he’s smitten, he’ll lay his feelings for you out on the table.
Like an airplane speeding down the runway at 180 miles per hour before takeoff, a Venus in Aries man flies into love.
He’ll sweep you off your feet with his enthusiasm and guileless romancing.
Venus in Aries is childish. He frequently acts like the center of the universe and does as he pleases without fear of consequences.
He needs a partner who is flexible and accommodating of his need to feel independent in his relationship, whatever that looks like to him.
On the upside, Aries-influenced relationships are hot and exciting.
If you’re with an Aries Venus man, you’re probably not sure what’s going to happen today or tomorrow, but you know it’s going to be fun.
But he needs that constant stream of energy infused into his relationship.
If his blood’s not pumping, he starts to feel stagnant, which is the kiss of death for a Venus in Aries relationship.
It’s fast to start, but also quick to end when it’s run its course.
Only relationships that keep the spontaneity alive have the potential to last.
The great thing about having his Venus in Aries is that in a relationship, he’s not scared of a challenge.
It doesn’t have to be perfect.
It just has to be passionate.
There will probably also be passionate fighting. Then passionate makeup sex.
Aries Venus Love Language
As far as love languages are concerned, Venus in Aries has two: physical touch and quality time.
Physical touch is the more immediate of the two love languages and is more readily expressed by the Aries Venus.
They’ll be all over you when they’re with you, but they won’t be trying to spend every waking moment with you.
And yet, spending quality time together is exactly how they say, “You’re the one for me.”
Much of that time spent together will be active and on the go.
Dragging you out of the house to go on a morning run with them means “I love you” just as much as a dozen roses does.
How Does an Aries Venus Man Approach Courtship?
An Aries Venus man doesn’t have time to tiptoe around it—if he’s into you, he’s going to go for it.
Pedal to the medal.
Once he’s set his mind on something he wants, he takes immediate action.
So get ready to be pursued, hot and heavy.
But not necessarily in the ways that you’d expect.
Venus in Aries men use guerrilla courtship tactics. They don’t play by the rules.
They call you randomly on a Wednesday night and ask you what you’re doing, if you’d like to go to a metal show in a church basement with them.
They’ll give you gifts but they’ll be things the Venus in Aries guy thinks will uplift your spirit or help you out in some way, like a comic book or a roadside car toolkit.
He’ll become visibly impatient for your response if you don’t show him that his tactics are working.
At some point (quickly), you’ll have to make it clear that it’s working or he’ll take a hard pass.
But while he moves fast to scoop you up, that doesn’t mean he’s ready to be called your boyfriend right away.
Aries Venus wants to experience the electric shock of attraction and the gut-dropping feeling of falling off of a cliff into love.
He wants all of that, but he doesn’t want to speak it until he’s ready.
It just has to be on his terms.
Marriage? Venus in Aries? Is it possible?
Yes, it’s possible, but what’s probably going to happen is that the Venus in Aries is going to fail a lot in relationships first.
A Venus in Aries man is going to date many people before he finds “the one.”
It’s not particularly because he’s a Lothario, a Don Juan or a ladies’ man.
Actually, he’s not a ladies’ man at all. If anything, he’s a guy’s guy.
But he’s not that either. He’s just him.
Anyway, a Venus in Aries man is not going to get married until later in life, once love has knocked him down a few times and taught him some lessons.
Or he’ll marry someone suddenly and spontaneously, Britney Spears in Vegas style.
If he’s going to get married, it’s going to be to someone who continues to surprise and delight him throughout their relationship.
Someone who makes him feel that marriage isn’t an end game, but a stop along the way to an even more epic adventure together.
It’s good for him to have a spouse who provides some type of friction, but I don’t mean that in a negative way.
More in a way that makes the relationship interesting, as in you have different views and ways of doing things.
A little bit of friction is not a bad thing to Aries Venus.
Tension can be a catalyst, keeping things moving, creating sparks.
No friction, no fire, right?
How Do You Know If an Aries Venus Man Likes You?
Quite simply, he’ll just tell you.
There’s no mystery with Venus in Aries.
He will not wait to see if you like him back.
He’s got to let you know how he feels.
He’ll show you intense attention at first and get in your personal space.
He’ll be as subtle as a brick through a window with a note attached that says “I LIKE YOU.”
Venus loves poetry, but Aries only knows shorthand.
Aries always prefers to do something rather than to sit around and study and analyze it to death.
Unlike Venus in Scorpio, the other mars-ruled Venus sign, Venus in Aries doesn’t guard his heart.
So you can bet that you’re going to know sooner rather than later if he likes you.
How to Seduce an Aries Venus Man
Give him big, expressive gestures of affection.
Let him know that he’s the best.
Challenge him to a basketball match, then let him win, but pretend you didn’t. You’re a formidable opponent, but he’s the best.
Surprise him with random trips and fun days out to the zoo or ziplining.
Be open and straightforward with him, but never let the thrill of the chase die completely.
This doesn’t mean playing games, but rather being a livewire.
Keep him guessing.
Have a life of your own so that you can enjoy the Venus in Aries man’s company, but your happiness doesn’t depend on him.
Appreciate everything about him, flaws and all.
Seducing a man with his Venus in Aries means coming to him with your arms open, nothing up your sleeves, wanting nothing other than to experience this crazy thing called love with him and be awesome together.
Aries Venus Man in Bed
If an Aries Venus man’s love and relationship style is hard and fast, then what do you think his bedroom style is like?
Aries gives Venus physical athleticism and energy. Tons of energy.
Venus in Aries likes multiple rounds in one night.
They love quickies and spontaneous sex and sex in every different spot and corner of the house.
Sex with a Venus in Aries man is not mushy-gushy, sentimental or romantic.
It’s carnal. Crude. Unrefined.
A Venus in Aries man doesn’t require a lot of mental buildup to a sexual encounter.
He’s not going to pay much attention to your romantic setup, what music you put on when he comes over, or even what you’re wearing, really.
He’s just going to rip it off, anyway.
Being with a Venus in Aries man is like being consumed by a feral animal in one bite.
It’ll be intense, explosive and wild.
You know those scenes in movies where the couple crashes around the hotel room, knocking lamps over and clearing table tops while they make out?
That’s what it’s like with Venus in Aries.
What Are Venus in Aries Men Attracted To?
Venus in Aries men are attracted to feisty women.
They like fiery personalities that clap back.
They’ll pick someone who exhibits passion, enthusiasm and their own mind and opinions.
A Venus in Aries doesn’t want to be someone’s leader in a relationship.
He doesn’t want a submissive type. He wants a free spirit.
If you want a Venus in Aries man, speak your mind clearly and without fear.
Engage him in a real conversation where you can exhibit your thoughtful ideas and strong convictions.
Be yourself and don’t put on any airs.
The Venus in Aries man doesn’t need or want to date a carbon copy of himself.
He likes difference and variety and even a bit of disagreement for some rousing debates.
Just be authentic and let the Venus in Aries man see who you are.
It’s hard to pin down what an individual Aries Venus man is attracted to because it’s not a set type.
It’s an attitude.
An energy.
And that energy is being utterly, shamelessly yourself.
Who Is Venus in Aries Most Compatible With?
A Venus Aries is most compatible with other fire sign Venuses, which are Leo Venus and Sagittarius Venus.
Fire and fire create, well, a bigger flame.
Bigger, hotter and wilder—all the things Aries Venus loves.
Venus in Aries is also quite compatible with air Venuses, which are Libra Venus, Gemini Venus and Aquarius Venus.
Air feeds fire with their spontaneity, curiosity and sociability.
I’m going to run through all of the Venus sign combinations with Venus in Aries for some quick insight into how you might match with an Aries Venus, or if you’re the Aries Venus, how you might match with someone else.
Keep in mind that these are generalizations and they don’t take into account aspects, houses or any other parts of the natal chart.
With that out of the way, let’s take a quick look at Aries Venus compatibility.
Aries Venus + Aries Venus
Compatibility Score: 8 out of 10
I would give this a higher score because two Aries Venus people will never, ever bore each other, but explosive fights are also common.
If this is you, you might do a lot of breaking up and getting back together.
There will not be a lack of thrills, though.
Aries Venus + Taurus Venus
Compatibility Score: 5 out of 10
Fast Aries and slow Taurus probably aren’t going to love each other’s style, whether in courtship, in bed or when it comes to decision-making in their relationship.
That said, Aries Venus does find new levels of passion when they’re forced to slow down, and Taurus Venus is very attracted to the strength and power of Aries Venus.
Aries Venus + Gemini Venus
Compatibility Score: 9 out of 10
Gemini Venus loves to charm and schmooze the Aries Venus, and the playful Aries Venus is into that.
Gemini does play with their romantic interest a bit, but they give Aries Venus just enough to keep them chasing.
Overall their relationship is fresh, exciting and full of novelty—just the way they like it.
Aries Venus + Cancer Venus
Compatibility Score: 2 out of 10
There’s very little crossover in what Aries and Cancer want.
Aries Venus is way too harsh for sensitive Cancer Venus, and Cancer Venus is too emotionally turbulent and needy for independent Aries Venus.
They might click initially but they’ll likely repel each other unless they have some strong compatibility elsewhere in their birth charts to make up for it, like in their Moons, Mars and Mercury signs.
Aries Venus + Leo Venus
Compatibility Score: 9 out of 10
Leo Venus brings the heat in this relationship.
Leo is devoted, and as a fixed sign, they can help bring steadiness and staying power.
Not much to complain about with this pairing, other than maybe the fact that both of these signs want to be the center of the universe in the relationship.
But they work it out.
Aries Venus + Virgo Venus
Compatibility Score: 4 out of 10
In the event that an Aries Venus gets a crush on a Virgo Venus, they’re going to have their fun spoiled by the Virgo Venus analyzing every little thing before sanctioning anything remotely romantic.
Can’t an Aries Venus just love first and ask questions later?
Not with Virgo Venus, no.
The thing this couple has going for them is that Aries Venus loves how demonstrative Virgo Venus is of their affection through wanting to serve the Aries Venus, and not gonna lie, that’s pretty hot to the dominating Aries Venus.
Aries Venus + Libra Venus
Compatibility Score: 6 out of 10
There’s so much physical attraction and curiosity between Aries and Libra Venus, it would be hard for them to resist each other.
Long term compatibility, though, is another question.
They’re opposite zodiac signs and definitely operate that way.
There’s a chance that Libra Venus will get taken advantage of with their people-pleasing.
Aries Venus + Scorpio Venus
Compatibility Score: 4 out of 10
Tons of attraction with this pairing, with extra intensity.
And lust. Feverish, savage lust.
Mars rules both of these signs, which makes for bed-breaking sexual encounters.
But also mutual aggression, jealousy and control.
This relationship is at risk of crashing and burning without some type of mitigation, but at least there’s some understanding between them thanks to Mars.
Aries Venus + Sagittarius Venus
Compatibility Score: 9 out of 10
Sagittarius Venus is like a breath of fresh air to an Aries Venus.
These Venuses aren’t just lovers, they’re best buds.
They’ll be goofballs together and love every second of it.
Only issue is that they’re both kind of reckless and neither one of them is going to say, “Hey maybe we shouldn’t do that.”
Aries Venus + Capricorn Venus
Compatibility Score: 4 out of 10
Though there’s not much these two have in common, they both love a good power trip in bed.
It can be hot for them to duke it out and see who gets to be the dominant lover tonight.
Other than that, Capricorn Venus might be too practical and focused on the future for the freewheeling Aries Venus.
Aries Venus + Aquarius Venus
Compatibility Score: 7 out of 10
The Venus in Aries loves the quirkiness of the Venus in Aquarius.
They have a ton of intellectual attraction and stimulate each other through untapped worlds of ideas and possibilities.
Venus in Aquarius is also a fixed sign, which is stabilizing for Aries Venus.
Aries Venus + Pisces Venus
Compatibility Score: 3 out of 10
Pisces Venus really wants it to work out with Aries Venus, but they need to take their love goggles off.
Their romantic idealism can make them stay in a situation where things just aren’t working.
Pisces Venus is watery and emotional and Aries Venus is hot and aggressive.
The Venus in Pisces might be able to contort themselves to match the Aries Venus’s energy at the start, but will eventually burn out doing it unless the Aries Venus has something else in their chart to soften them up a little.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Venus in Aries be faithful?
Yes, a Venus in Aries person can be faithful.
Aries Venuses need a lot of stimulation and may be demanding, but that doesn’t make them unfaithful.
Venus in Aries is more likely to break up with someone than to cheat on them.
If they feel that the spark has really died, they won’t want to stay anyway.
Are Aries Venus men possessive?
I wouldn’t say they’re possessive.
Not in the way that possessive people get jealous and try to exert control over their relationships for fear of losing them.
Now, Aries Venus guys definitely want you to know that you’re theirs.
But it’s not as possessive as you might think, because it’s more of a “I’m the dominant one in the relationship” sort of thing than a “I’ll get upset if other men look at you” thing.
An Aries Venus man will just expect you to behave with loyalty and integrity—not fear that you’re going to do otherwise.
Do Venus in Aries like to be chased?
Venus in Aries is a hunter and is usually the one to do the chasing.
That is not to say that Venus in Aries doesn’t appreciate being shown very clear and direct interest.
But generally if you try to chase a Venus in Aries, they’ll get bored because there’s no thrill left in it for them.
Do Aries Venus get bored easily?
Yes, they do.
Aries Venus individuals get bored when there’s not enough action happening in the relationship.
On the other hand, if the relationship is stimulating or their partner is open to meeting their needs for stimulation, then it’s not like the Aries Venus is going to up and leave.
But this is why some signs are compatible with Aries Venus and some aren’t.
Do Aries Venus move on fast?
Yes, Aries Venus moves on fast after a breakup.
Even from deep, meaningful relationships and marriages.
Aries Venus can heal and bounce back quicker than many.
This is because Aries doesn’t get mired in the past and focuses on making the best of the situation at hand.
Aries lives in the present moment, so Aries Venus doesn’t dwell on broken relationships.
I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at decodethezodiac.com.