Venus in Taurus Man: Traits, Love, Relationship + Compatibility

What does a Venus in Taurus man want in a relationship?

What’s his love style, how does he fall in love and what would his ideal partner look like?

Im going to answer these questions today.

From a Venus in Taurus man’s love language, to his bedroom style, to his personality traits, this article is going to deep-dive into his romantic life so that you know what you’re in for if you’re dating him.

I’ll also get into Venus sign compatibility with Taurus Venus towards the end of this article, so stick around.

We’ll start with the meaning of Venus in Taurus just to help you get your bearings, then launch right into uncovering who the Taurus Venus man is.

The Meaning of Venus in Taurus

Open doorway to a garden with a statue and a quote about how Venus in Taurus desires beauty and harmony in relationships

When someone has their Venus in Taurus, it means that at the moment they were born, the planet Venus was considered to be within the boundaries of the constellation Taurus.

Consequently, that person will have Taurus-like traits, themes and values applied to their relationships, which are the domain of Venus.

Venus influences someone’s desires, who they’re attracted to, what they want and how to operate in a relationship.

It’s about aesthetics, yearnings and one’s approach to love.

In Taurus, Venus yearns for beauty, harmony and solidity.

Taurus is a fixed earth sign representing the middle of the spring season, when all the flowers are steadily blooming, the animals are busy raising families and the farmer’s markets are in full swing.

Taurus is about abundance, nourishment and enjoying nature’s bounty.

It’s about growth. Stable growth.

To Taurus Venus, love flourishes in the calmness and in the rhythms of nature.

They are interested not in sudden, crazy love like Venus in Aries, where Aries represents the eruption of spring after the dead of winter.

No, Venus in Taurus wants to grow and take pleasure and unfurl in a lush green garden built by and for two.

To nurture and be nurtured.

To explore richness, beauty and vitality in the full bloom of a sexual and romantic union.

Read Next: Venus in Aries Man

Venus in Taurus Man Traits and Characteristics

A Venus in Taurus man is indulgent, sensual and self-controlled.

As an earth sign, Taurus lends Venus its groundedness so that it doesn’t get its head too far up in the clouds romantically speaking.

Taurus Venus is stable, unrushed, old-fashioned and fairly introverted.

Let’s flesh out the Venus in Taurus man’s personality traits a bit more below.


A man with Venus in Taurus is pleasure-seeking and self-indulgent.

He attracts good things to him—money, pleasurable experiences, opportunities and the like.

Venus is the planetary ruler of Taurus, so Venus is quite happy here. 

It’s like being home.

And from its home sign, Venus has a lot of power and resources to do what it wants, which is to spoil itself.

Hence why Venus in Taurus people tend to attract the good things in life, or the people who will help them access those things.

But because nice stuff comes easily to them, they don’t really get why other people have to work so hard for what they want. 

Well, Venus in Taurus, not everyone is as blessed as you are!

Sensual and Sexual

Man drinking whiskey on a couch with a quote about how a Venus in Taurus is lustful in relationships

Taurus is rooted in the senses, which makes sensuality another defining trait of Venus in Taurus’s sexual and romantic nature.

Speaking of sexual, the sheer power of his sexuality may surprise you because he seems so calm and polite.

But a Venus in Taurus man is as lustful and libidinous as the day is long.

Like a randy bull feeling all those springtime urges.

There’s something very animalistic about a Taurus Venus’s sexual side.

Animalistic in the way that animals don’t think about or intellectualize sex. 

Neither does a Venus in Taurus man.

He just obeys his instincts.


Socially, a Venus in Taurus man has a certain warmth that others like about him.

Though he’s friendly, he’s not necessarily everyone’s close and personal friend.

A Venus in Taurus man chooses who gets close to him carefully.

He’s solid and trustworthy and tends to make friends for life.


At a party, this man is more of the one-on-one type, rather than the big group conversation type.

He may be warm and congenial, but he’s not really a social butterfly.

You’ll see him shut down a bit when surrounded by too many people or too much chaos in his environment.

He finds peace and solace in nature and in quiet.

Good Taste

An appreciator of beauty and quality in the things around him, a Venus in Taurus man is the one taking photos of his beautifully prepared meal.

These things matter to him.

He has refined tastes, though he may live a generally modest lifestyle.

The bonus is that his gifts that he gets you will be tasteful, and never gaudy and cheap.


Venus in Taurus men are very stable partners.

They aren’t going to shock or surprise you in any way.

Once they’re in a committed relationship they enjoy, Venus in Taurus men would like that to never change.

They’re not going anywhere.


Venus in Taurus is very concerned with what’s his.

His possessions are his comfort blanket.

He may live in a barren bachelor pad, save for a well-dusted box filled with expensive and sentimental items that he’s collected.

Indeed, a Venus in Taurus man is a collector—of high-quality things, memories and people.

He doesn’t let go of anything easily, whether it’s a defunct DVD player or someone who was once very special to him.

Taurus Venus Man in Love and Relationships

Couple cuddled under a blanket along with a quote that says a Taurus Venus man is looking for loyalty and commitment with his partner

In a relationship with a Taurus Venus man, you’re all his, and he’s all yours.

He hates the thought of other men flirting with you or thinking about you in a sexual way.

A Venus in Taurus man attaches to one person as his mate and doesn’t look any further.

He’s not a grass-is-greener type of boyfriend or husband.

When he finds “it,” he knows he’s done looking and he’s satisfied.

This can be a mixed blessing, though, because while he doesn’t suffer from boredom or a wandering eye, he does have a tendency to get complacent. 

He loves having routines together (and separately), and while this works great for some, fire and air Venus signs in particular will find this kind of uninspiring.

Taurus Venus doesn’t need bells and whistles and fireworks.

He’s looking for loyalty.


Stability is a priority in a Venus in Taurus man’s relationships, and he’s as loyal and unwavering as they come.

He forms a deep, profound connection with one person that’s so genuine and resilient that it could almost be taken for granted.

But don’t.

Venus in Taurus takes a long time to trust, but then they trust completely.

They don’t question things or worry about their relationships.

They have you and you have them—that’s all the Venus in Taurus really needs.

And couch sex.

A Venus in Taurus man doesn’t like change when it comes to his romantic life, and he probably won’t want to spend a lot of time away from his significant other.

Comfort defines his relationships.

They’re the types of relationships that feel safe, not particularly exhilarating. Drama is not his cup of tea.

He’s affectionate and cuddly like a teddy bear, but he won’t smother you.

A doting and supportive partner, he’ll take care of you in practical and material ways especially, like doing your laundry and cooking you dinner.

He’s generous, though he will want to be taken care of equally.

Reciprocity is a must and as long as he feels like you’re not just taking, he’ll go on giving.

Recommended Reading: Taurus Moon Man

What Is the Love Language of a Venus in Taurus Man?


Taurus Venus men show love through physical touch.

They love being touched, hugged, kissed and caressed by their lovers and don’t really need words if they have your arms.

So go ahead and grope, pat, stroke, brush, cuddle and massage your Venus in Taurus man.

Move in closer to him on the sofa and lay your head on his shoulder.

Intertwine your fingers with his as you hold hands.

The more skin contact, the better.

Speaking to him through the closeness of your bodies brings your hearts closer, too.


Marriage is the end goal of dating for Venus in Taurus men.

But that doesn’t mean they’re looking to marry everyone they date.

They’re highly selective and spend a lot of time sussing out whether the person they’re dating could be someone they could spend the rest of their lives with.

And then they may spend another five to 10 years deciding that that’s the logical next step.

Doesn’t make them any less committed or interested in marriage.

They’re just very serious about the decision and once married, the thought of divorce is so heinous to them that they’ll never even consider it.

To be marriage material for a Taurus Venus, you’ve got to have your s!$# together and be financially and all around responsible and reliable.

And not be in a rush to get down the aisle.

How Does a Venus in Taurus Man Approach Courtship?

A Venus in Taurus man isn’t going to chase you.

He’s going to sit there patiently and let you approach him first.

You’ll have great rapport, he’ll listen attentively and focus all of his attention on you.

You’ll feel like you really connected with him, and that he’s so real and genuine.

But you’ll have to wait for him to take it any further than that.

One day he’ll call you for a nice, calm chat over the phone.

When he’s ready, maybe two or three months later, he’s going to ask you to grab lunch with him, or to go to dinner.

If you’re looking for a whirlwind romance, this isn’t it.

But if you’re looking for a safe, old-fashioned courtship that blossoms gradually and delicately, then Venus in Taurus is your man.

Because Taurus is about stability, a Venus in Taurus man is going to take courtship slowly, cultivating fertile ground on which a relationship can take root.

His aim is to know you on a deep and personal level well before jumping into anything like meeting the family or calling each other boyfriend/girlfriend.

He’s very romantic, though, in a traditional kind of way.

When he takes you out on a date, he’ll show up at your door with flowers in hand, dressed in khakis and a button-up J Crew shirt.

He’s going to be chivalrous and open doors for you.

He’ll be so polite and gentlemanly, you’ll want to call your parents up and tell them you’re finally dating someone they’d approve of.

How Does a Taurus Venus Show They’re Interested in You?

There is an association between Taurus and the concept of ownership.

The desire to possess things.

And Venus, feeling all happy and comfy in Taurus, is inclined to share.

So you see Venus in Taurus men sharing their possessions with you when they like you because this is an act of great affection and symbolism to them.

Letting you borrow their car. Giving you access to their treasured assets.

It’s not just about sharing their stuff, but also their delights.

Taurus Venuses will swaddle you in a blanket of delicious treats, luxurious gifts, favorite playlists and other things they would personally enjoy.

Prepare to be placed in the lap of comfort with a Taurus Venus.

Also, prepare to be shown a ton of physical affection.

Especially the more comfortable he gets with you, the more touchy-feely the Taurus Venus man will become.

Taurus is a very hands-on zodiac sign, and touching you gives the Taurus Venus a deep emotional connection that he craves.

Taurus Venus Bedroom Style

Passionate, sensual, slow.

A Taurus Venus is not in any kind of rush in bed, ever.

He revels in the simplicity of sex, by which I mean the pure physical pleasure of sex.

There’s nothing simple about the multiple O’s induced by hours of foreplay and pure sexual stamina. 

A Venus in Taurus man loves anything that heightens the senses but doesn’t get in the way of the visceral experience of your body.

Like hot/cold contrasts with ice cubes or flavored massage oils.

Nothing compares to good ol’ hands, mouths and tongues, though.

When you know how to use them like a Venus in Taurus man, you don’t need fancy contraptions.

However, someone who likes a bit of a show and some change-up in bed might not dig the Venus in Taurus man’s reliable style.

He sticks with what he knows he likes.

If you’re cool with that, this could be a sensual match made in heaven.

His natural inclination is to take charge in bed, though he also likes to let his lover lead, especially when he can lie down and relax.

Intuitive as he is, he’s not an arrogant lover and takes direction well.

He’s not there to show off. He’s there to create an intense physical connection that will shake the earth beneath you.

Venus in Taurus is cuddly, even during the act.

However, they’re not overly romantic—sex with them is very focused on physical sensations.

It’s solid. You know what you’re going to get. And it’s worth the wait.

What Is a Venus in Taurus Man Attracted To?

Venus in Taurus men are attracted to two aesthetic types: the natural beauty and the classic beauty queen.

Think effortless. Subtle makeup.

Easy-breezy hair worn down and flowing freely. Spaghetti straps and sundresses.

Soft and sweet.

Or try Audrey Hepburn inspired looks.

Elegant and sophisticated. No clothes that are too baggy or that hide your shape.

Curve-hugging, but classy.

And never overdone.

Taurus tastes lean toward minimalism and away from big and flashy.

They like rich colors. Nothing too neon.

Taurus colors are emerald green, pink, muted brown and earthy tones.

Dress femininely—pretty and delicate over vampy and va-va-voom—if you want to capture his attention.

Definitely avoid anything too casual or sporty.

You’ll score extra points if you choose a dress made of velvet or some touchable, luxurious fabric.

Taurus being a sensual sign, Taurus Venus males want to get their hands on anything that looks soft.

Some outfit ideas for a dinner date:

  • A velvet maxi dress
  • A sundress with peekaboo cutouts at the waist or a split up the thigh
  • Satin slip skirt and corset top
  • Cashmere cardigan with pearl buttons over a flowy floral print dress

Venus in Taurus Man Ideal Woman

A Venus in Taurus man’s ideal woman is someone who embodies the strong, nurturing feminine archetype.

His dream woman is a healer deep down in her soul, a caretaker who nourishes others with good food and a great sense of humor.

She’s kind, gentle and speaks with a soothing voice like honey to the Bull’s delicate hearing.

In general, she’s stable and even in her life and personality, not too spontaneous or unpredictable.

She’s the opposite of frivolous, having good spending habits and goals for herself to achieve in her life, particularly of the financial kind.

Taurus Venus appreciates a relationship where both parties are working towards a cushy future together, and that usually takes money and/or ambition.

In some way, shes contributing to that dream.

In her heart and in her actions, she’s very genuine and authentic.

There’s nothing flaky, shallow or careless about how she does things.

And this makes her trustworthy to the Taurus Venus man, knowing that what he sees is what he gets.

Perhaps the most important quality that she has is her earnestness in love.

She’s not about playing games and is very straightforward with her desires.

She’ll tell her Venus in Taurus man directly what she wants.

Her love is not trivial or conditional.

It’s sustaining and enduring, and when she commits, she’s completely loyal.

What she offers in a relationship is real and unchanging.

That’s what separates a date from a potential lifelong mate for a Venus in Taurus man.

Some Venus in Taurus men dream about a prim and proper, genteel woman who oozes classically “ladylike” qualities.

Other Venus in Taurus men prefer earthy, low-key types.

But all of these dream women will share the basic traits of femininity, resilience, stability, ambition and authenticity.

The Compatibility Question: Who Is Compatible With Taurus Venus?

The most compatible signs with a Taurus Venus are Taurus’s fellow earth signs, Virgo and Capricorn, as well as other Taurus Venuses.

Then you have the water Venuses, which are the next most compatible Venus signs.

These are Cancer Venus, Pisces Venus and Scorpio Venus.

I’d like to mention, as I frequently do, that comparing Venus signs is only one small part of compatibility.

It’s not even the most important part.

You also have to take into consideration a couple’s Moon, Mars and Mercury signs.

You have to look at aspects made between planets, 7th house influences and so many more details that I can’t go into here.

This is not to diminish the importance of Venus in compatibility, but don’t let “incompatible” Venus signs make you think that you and your partner or your crush aren’t destined to be.

It’s more like how easy it’ll be.

With that said, let’s break down the Venus combos and their overall compatibility.

I’ll also throw in my personal ratings of these combinations partially for entertainment, because who doesn’t love everything being rated.

But for real, these are my honest appraisals.

Taurus Venus + Aries Venus

Compatibility Score: 4 out of 10

Taurus Venus might love the passionate nature of Aries Venus, but that’s where it ends.

Aries Venus wants 24/7 thrills and excitement, which sounds exhausting to a Venus in Taurus.

The Aries Venus will be ready to jump into a relationship like, yesterday, while the Taurus Venus will run away scared.

Like I said, passionate but not really compatible.

Taurus Venus + Taurus Venus

Compatibility Score: 9 out of 10

Holy hot, Batman.

Two Venus in Taurus individuals are going to have a screaming good time in bed together.

If they ever leave it.

They both have the same desires and needs in a relationship, making them extremely compatible romantically.

And since they’re both slow and steady in the buildup to a relationship, they get more invested in each other and the rewards are all the greater.

The only thing that can bring this rating down is stubbornness, which Taurus is known for, but it’s not like what you get with a Taurus Sun or Moon.

Usually, it’s more like stubbornly holding onto a relationship, even if it’s bad for them.

Taurus Venus + Gemini Venus

Compatibility Score: 2 out of 10

Taurus Venus and Gemini Venus have a bit of a “huh?” factor.

It’s a wonder that they attract each other.

Airy Gemini Venus is like a little hummingbird zipping around, flirting and teasing, making the Taurus Venus’s head spin.

Is the Gemini Venus ever going to land?

Will the grounded Venus in Taurus ever catch up to find out what the Gemini Venus actually wants?

If the Gemini Venus even knows, for that matter?

Taurus Venus + Cancer Venus

Compatibility Score: 8 out of 10

This match is so comfort-inducing it may as well be your mom’s homemade mac and cheese.

Taurus Venus and Cancer Venus want the same things. They’re going to fulfill each other’s fantasies.

They’re going to get out the Big Blanket on Friday nights and snuggle up to watch their favorite shows over and over again.

Seriously, these two are like best friends who also have a totally simpatico sex life.

The only thing is that Cancer Venus can be a little anxious and needy in relationships, which might burn the Taurus Venus out.

Small price to pay.

Taurus Venus + Leo Venus

Compatibility Score: 7 out of 10

Honestly, it’s better than you’d think with an earth and fire combo.

Venus in Taurus and Venus in Leo are both incredibly loyal, which they feel with one another.

They have great rapport and like all the same luxurious worldly goods.

At some point, Leo Venus might be a bit flamboyant and need more attention than Taurus Venus can keep up with.

But overall, a very romantic and committed match.

Taurus Venus + Virgo Venus

Compatibility Score: 8 out of 10

Virgo and Taurus are both earth signs.

Zodiac signs of the same element form a trine, which means they relate to each other especially well.

So yeah, Taurus Venus and Virgo Venus are good together.

They both believe love is built one brick at a time through trust and the choice to be together.

Not the most romantic thing in the world, but they get it even if others don’t.

Just might be that the Virgo Venus gets a bit nitpicky sometimes while the Taurus Venus is so relaxed that they neglect to appreciate all the laundry Virgo Venus folded to say “I love you.”

But hey, every relationship has its flaws.

Taurus Venus + Libra Venus

Compatibility Score: 6 out of 10

So here’s the thing.

Taurus and Libra are both ruled by Venus, giving these two much sympathy for each other’s styles, values and tastes.

They both have a need for beauty and harmony. But will they agree on how to decorate their future home together?

Libra Venus will want to spend a bunch of money on Pottery Barn curtains.

Venus in Taurus will always be asking how much they cost, raining all over the Venus in Libra’s parade.

They don’t really get each other that much.

These Venus signs may agree on the basics, but the way they go about fulfilling their needs will put them on different wavelengths.

Taurus Venus + Scorpio Venus

Compatibility Score: 7 out of 10

Opposite attract, baby!

Taurus and Scorpio are opposite each other on the zodiac wheel, so they can experience a push-pull dynamic.

But there’s much potential for this couple to have a deep emotional and sexual bond that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

10 out of 10 for attraction and sexual chemistry.

They both treat love cautiously, it being important to them to build a solid foundation of trust.

But their stubbornness and fixed natures might amplify their differences along the way.

They’re both possessive and often refuse to “submit” to the other, which could be their undoing.

Taurus Venus + Sagittarius Venus

Compatibility Score: 5 out of 10

Sagittarius Venus has a rather innocent attitude towards love, which can make a Taurus Venus drop their guard a bit.

At the same time, Venus in Sagittarius is so free and unconfined in love, it may frighten the Venus in Taurus.

So it’s kind of a 50-50 chance that their relationship gets off the ground.

If it does, they’ll have to make a lot of room for each other so that Sagittarius feels free and Taurus feels secure.

But overall, Sagittarius Venus won’t let the relationship stagnate, and Taurus Venus will keep it grounded.

Taurus Venus + Capricorn Venus

Compatibility Score: 9 out of 10

You may notice that I never give 10 out of 10, and that’s because there’s no such thing as a perfect relationship.

But this combo is about as close as it gets.

Both of these Venuses are so into each other’s way of being and way of loving.

Venus in Capricorn appreciates that Taurus Venus doesn’t lose their head in love, and Taurus Venus feels absolutely safe and secure with the practical, structure-loving Capricorn Venus.

They’re basically a married couple the second they get together.

The only real issue here is that Capricorn Venus can be all business at times, which a Taurus Venus might find a bit unromantic.

Nothing insurmountable, though.

Taurus Venus + Aquarius Venus

Compatibility Score: 2 out of 10

Another “huh?” couple.

Venus in Aquarius love is so alien to Venus in Taurus that there’s little understanding between the two of them.

They will struggle to get closer, not quite sure how to traverse the chasm that lies between them.

Aquarius Venus may want that devotion that the Taurus Venus offers. They may even be intellectually curious about their possessive side.

But ultimately, Venus in Taurus is going to seem controlling and aloof to the Aquarius Venus. 

The funny thing is, the Taurus Venus only seems aloof because they’re so scared that the Aquarius Venus is going to break their heart.

Taurus Venus + Pisces Venus

Compatibility Score: 8 out of 10

Both of these Venus signs are hopeless romantics at their cores and believe in lifetime love and devotion.

The biggest issue is that Pisces Venus idealizes love and their lover to a degree that can be distorting while Taurus Venus thinks love is what you make it, not what you dream it could be.

They may slam into a brick wall when the rose-colored glasses come off.

But if they can hang on until the dust settles, they’ll find that Pisces Venus can uplift the relationship through dreaming and Taurus Venus can stabilize it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Taurus Venus possessive?

Yes, Taurus Venus is possessive.

They like to know that they have you.

But their possessive side really only comes out if their partner is carelessly flirtatious or simply doesn’t understand how much reassurance the Venus in Taurus needs.

How to dress for Venus in Taurus?

Dress classy, feminine and stylish for a Venus in Taurus.

Tasteful attire with subtle accents, ruffles and pretty floral patterns speak to Venus in Taurus.

Choose dresses over pants, heels over sneakers and delicate jewelry over big, clunky jewelry.

Fabric is also important, so choose something soft and luxurious that begs for the Venus in Taurus to run their hands over it.

Are Taurus Venus clingy?

I think Taurus Venus gets a reputation for clinginess because their idea of a great evening is spent indoors, at home, with their partner.

This, coupled with their possessiveness, makes them appear sort of clingy in a relationship to fire signs and air signs in particular.

But they do actually need their space in a relationship.

A Taurus Venus is not going to be all up in your space all of the time, asking for a kiss.

That’s just not realistic for this practical earth sign.

What color is Taurus Venus associated with?

The traditional colors associated with Taurus are greens, browns and earth tones in general, as well as soft pinks.

Aesthetically, Taurus Venus people enjoy neutral shades too, including grays and beige colors.

But the main colors for them would be pink and green, which are associated not only with Taurus, but also with the heart.

What is the career of a Venus in Taurus man?

A career that a Venus in Taurus man would do well in is something that he can nurture and grow, be it a small business or, more literally, something like gardening and landscaping.

Venus is creative and Taurus loves beauty, so a career in the arts or music industry may draw a Taurus Venus man in.

He may be a jeweler, a museum curator or collector and seller of fine things.

Taurus likes to plan for their future success, so a Venus in Taurus is likely to aim as high in their career as they can without sacrificing enjoyment of what they do.

Taurus is also good with money, so a Taurus Venus man may also become a financial advisor where he helps people grow their wealth.

Signs Venus in Taurus man likes you

If a Venus in Taurus man likes you, he’s going to be sweet but cautious at first.

He’ll start trying to figure out what you have in common so that he can connect with you.

He’ll bring you snacks and drinks you like, invite you to spend time with him one-on-one and try to get closer to you through physical affection, though he won’t rush you into bed.

He’s not like that.

If anything, he’ll make sure to go very slowly so that he doesn’t screw it up.

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I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at

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