What Is Special About Taurus Woman? (11 Things)

If you want to know what’s so special about Taurus women, I’m here to explain.

Ruled by Venus, Taurus women are some of the most alluring ladies of the zodiac.

Here’s a quick overview of what you’re going to love about them:

  • They’re sweet as pie
  • Their sensuality
  • The “look” Taurus women get when they want you
  • How much they care about others
  • Profound, unshakeable loyalty
  • Her direct communication style
  • The practical ways she supports her loved ones
  • She’s super chill
  • Patience and perseverance
  • They’re top-notch lovers
  • They ooze femininity

What Is Special About Taurus Woman?

1. How Sweet She Is

Taurus women truly are kind and good-natured.

They may seem tough and no-nonsense on the outside, but they’re really sweet as pie.

If a Taurus woman cares about you, she’s going to do thoughtful stuff for you.

She’ll go out of her way to make you smile when she knows you’re having a bad day.

She’ll check up on you and she’ll never forget to repay a kindness.

I don’t care if a Taurus woman you know is loud and argumentative with everyone she meets. You can bet that her family and friends would call her an absolute sweetheart.

It’s extra special because not everyone gets that side of the Taurus woman.

You have to earn it!

2. Sensuality

There’s no sign that has the same sensual quality as Taurus. 

Taurus is ruled by Venus, planet of love, beauty and physical pleasure.

This makes Taurus women truly unique in the way that they exude raw, sensual, sexual energy.

And it’s not just a vibe.

They are that sensual.

Taurus women love to feel and touch everything. 

They love to taste good food and wine, smell your cologne, grip your shoulders and run their finger tips down your back.

Being with a Taurus woman will open your eyes to sensory experiences that you may never have had before.

3. Compassion

Tauruses don’t get enough credit for how deeply compassionate they are.

Water signs tend to take more than their fair share of the credit.

But Taurus women are some of the original caretakers and nurturers of the zodiac, alongside the sign of Cancer.

As natural nurturers, they have incredible compassion and empathy.

Especially for the downtrodden, the sick and the needy.

If you’re going through something, a Taurus woman is going to feel your pain and reach out to you.

She makes a wonderful partner and parent and is amazing in any profession that requires empathy and self-sacrifice.

4. The Way She Looks at You

When a Taurus woman wants you, you can see it in her eyes.

The way she looks at you with hunger and longing is exhilarating.

In fact, everyone can see who a Taurus woman wants.

She’s terrible at hiding it.

They say Scorpio has the hypnotic “stare,” but Taurus women have it too.

It’s like you can see her imagining every dirty little thing she’s going to do to you later in the middle of a crowd, and it’s super hot.

5. Unshakeable Loyalty

That famous Taurus loyalty is known far and wide.

Taurus women dedicate themselves completely to their relationships.

They’re so loyal that it can be a flaw. This happens when a Taurus gives her loyalty to someone who abuses the privilege.

Tauruses may take a long time to trust someone, but when they do, wild horses couldn’t drag them away.

They’re faithful, they don’t cheat and you can trust them with your life.

6. The Way They’ll Say What Needs to Be Said

There is definitely something special about the way a Taurus woman communicates.

Tauruses are direct. They speak their minds openly and with a IDGAF attitude.

Sometimes this gets them into trouble. Other times it makes them the only person in the room willing to stand up for what’s right.

In a relationship, a Taurus woman will always answer you honestly.

She sees no point in lying since it ultimately benefits no one.

It’s pretty refreshing.

7. Practical Support

Taurus women are so practical and down-to-earth, they make the best support systems for their partners, children, friends and loved ones.

A Taurus will do stuff for you that makes your life easier when you’re struggling.

Like making you a sandwich when you’re bogged down with work.

Or offering totally sensible and practical solutions to problems that you didn’t see before.

You see, Tauruses don’t offer lip service—their support is real and tangible.

They’ll physically be there for you when you want them, and they’ll hold your hand when you need them to.

8. They Are So Damn Chill

One reason it’s so much fun to hang out with Tauruses is that they’re so easygoing.

They bring a relaxed vibe to the hangout and can help more anxious signs like Virgo and Pisces feel less tense.

Spending time with a Taurus woman is great because it’s stress-free and you don’t need to go over the top to entertain her.

She likes simple stuff like eating good food and going on walks through the woods.

And if you want a partner to lounge around with eating popcorn on the couch, there’s no better companion than a Taurus woman.

9. Tons of Patience

If you’re the type of person who likes to take your time, you’re going to love Taurus.

Tauruses are extremely patient. 

They’ll never rush you in a relationship or pressure you to be with them.

A Taurus woman will also be extremely patient and supportive while you work toward your goals, because that’s what she’d want you to do for her.

It’s truly a gift for Taurus.

10. Amazing Lovers

You never forget a Taurus lover.

Taurus women are reputed to be some of the most intense, sensual and physically satisfying sexual partners you can have.

They have an intuitive ability to touch their partners the right way, and their stamina is unmatched.

Foreplay could be an Olympic sport for them.

If you’re with a Taurus woman, you know what I mean.

11. Her Femininity

Every Taurus woman has this particular type of femininity to her that’s unique to Tauruses.

You can see it in their doe eyes.

Taurus ladies, along with Libras (the other sign ruled by Venus), are the ultimate symbols of femininity.

It’s a quality about them that’s soft and lovely and tranquil.

It’s different from the “motherly” quality of a Cancer.

If Cancer is the Mother archetype, Taurus would simply be the Woman.

She’s sensual, primal, sexual.


How powerful is a Taurus woman?

Taurus women are certainly a symbol of power and inner strength.

They’re extremely independent and driven to accomplish any goal they set their mind to.

Taurus women are not to be trifled with!

They don’t take poor treatment (for very long, anyway) and they’re some of the most incredible support systems to those they love.

When a Taurus woman falls, she picks herself back up and keeps going.

There’s not much, if anything, that can keep them down.

How does a Taurus woman show love?

A Taurus woman shows love mainly through two things: physical affection and doing things for you.

Touch is the greatest love language for a Taurus, but acts of service rank highly as well.

As does gift giving.

However, if you really want to know that a Taurus woman loves you, just check to see how she treats you on a day-to-day basis.

Is she consistent, reliable and thoughtful?

Does she make dinner for you, listen to you and pick up treats for you at the store?

If she’s doing these little things for you and she’s always there for you, she loves you.

Recommended Reading: Taurus Woman in Love

Is a Taurus woman a good wife?

Taurus women are known to make excellent spouses.

This is due to the fact that they’re natural nurturers, very dependable and love making their homes a sanctuary for themselves and their families.

Most Taurus women want to get married someday and spend the rest of their lives creating domestic bliss together.

What is a Taurus secret desire?

Everyone knows a Taurus craves stability, security and routine. But if you want to know a secret desire that Tauruses have, it’s new experiences.

You see, Taurus is the most sensual sign and lives for any experience that titillates their senses.

This is why Tauruses love food, soft stuff, great smells, and so on.

But it can be hard for them to expose themselves to new sensory experiences since they gravitate toward what they know and like already.

This is why a good partner for a Taurus pushes them a little to try new things.

Why do people love Taurus?

People love Taurus for their loyalty and how very down for you they are.

Tauruses will never let you down. You may fight, but a Taurus will still be there for you when you need them.

Tauruses are known for their lifelong friendships since they never really “drift away.”

When a Taurus loves you, you’re in their hearts, always.

Who can handle Taurus woman?

The signs most naturally equipped to handle Taurus women are Capricorns, Virgos, other Tauruses, Cancers and often Scorprios.

These signs are highly compatible with Taurus and can handle their strong natures by providing understanding and compassion.

Of these signs, Capricorn is probably the most adept, since Capricorn is calm and even and shares so many earthy traits in common with Taurus.

Can you trust a female Taurus?

Yes, without a doubt.

You can trust a Taurus woman—she will never betray you.

Tauruses are honest to a fault and they would never hurt someone on purpose.

They’re loyal to the soil.

What kind of man does Taurus woman like?

A Taurus woman likes a strong, confident man who takes the lead.

She likes a man who is very masculine, yet in touch with his feelings and unafraid to groom and style his appearance.

Recommended Reading: How to Attract a Taurus Woman

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I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at decodethezodiac.com.

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