Taurus women are a lot like their male counterparts, but they express the Taurus energy in gentler, more (unsurprisingly) feminine ways.
I’ll get into the nitty-gritty details of Taurus female traits in this article, but here’s a general overview:
- Taurus females are caring, kind and nurturing
- Taurus women are crazy stubborn with black-and-white thinking
- They’re sexy, sensual and materialistic
- They’re serene and peaceful until pushed to their limit…then watch out
- They have high standards, yet simple needs
- They need romance, routine and stability to be happy
- Taurus women can be possessive and untrusting
- But no one is as fiercely loyal and dedicated as a Taurus
Taurus Female Traits
1. Stubborn
Hell yes, Taurus women are stubborn. But you probably knew that one already.
Taurus isn’t the only sign that’s stubborn, but Tauruses turn it into an artform.
They specialize in not budging an inch.
If a Taurus woman has made up her mind about something, best of luck to you if your mission is to change it.
Read Next: Scary Facts About Taurus Woman
2. Nurturing
Taurus women are also wonderfully nurturing.
Venus, which rules Taurus, is a planet not just of love and beauty, but also of nursing and nurturing.
Which makes Taurus women naturally great at rubbing your tummy ache and feeding you chocolate chip cookies.
3. Tough
All Taurus women have this interesting mix of tough-as-nails and soft, sweet energy.
When I was trying to think of ways to describe this, I had to Google “animals that are cute but ferocious.”
I got slow loris, swans and panda bears, which weirdly all make sense for Taurus women.
They may look cuddly and innocent, but fux with them and you will get mauled.
4. Kind-Hearted
Every Taurus female I’ve ever met has been so kind deep down.
They aren’t bleeding hearts like Pisces, but are more discerning and save their deep well of compassion for those who seem most vulnerable.
They will never pass by someone who needs help, or even just a friendly “hello.”
5. Siren Eyes
Megan Fox, Jessica Alba, Rosario Dawson, Gigi Hadid…all Taurus women with stunning Taurus eyes.
For some reason, pretty much all the Taurus women I meet have this similar thing going on where they have gorgeous eyes that are soft, yet sireny.
6. Curvy
Taurus women tend to have a curvy, feminine look to their bodies.
They’re often busty with ample booties, but if not they still have round features like sloping shoulders and pouty lips.
7. Super Sensual
Taurus sensuality is unmatched.
They live to please their senses.
They are, in fact, complete hedonists.
8. Emotionally Even
Not particularly sensitive, Taurus women have the gift of a relatively even temperament.
They just don’t suffer from moodiness the same way Cancers and Scorpios do.
They let a lot of crap roll off their backs because, quite frankly, they’re too lazy to get mad about it.
And if they are in a huff, it usually doesn’t last long or they’ll find a way to laugh it off.
Or eat a snack and feel better.
9. Possessive
This is definitely one of their not-so-pretty traits.
Taurus women, like Taurus men, are possessive of those they care about.
Whether you’re a friend or lover, a Taurus woman is going to feel some type of ownership of your time and attention.
She feels she gets first dibs, and if you spread your attention too thin, a Taurus woman is going to get jealous.
10. Self-Reliant
Taurus ladies pride themselves on their self-sufficiency.
They like to believe they need no one, and especially not a man.
If they get into a relationship, it’s one in which two equals are equally supporting themselves and each other.
In other words, a Taurus woman has her own money and her own goals.
11. Old-Fashioned
I know I just said that Taurus women are independent and self-reliant, but they’re still old-fashioned in romance.
That is, they like to be pursued by a gentleman caller.
Taurus women aren’t going to be the ones to call you first or ask you out, even if it is the 21st century.
12. Materialistic
This one is also a stereotype, but true.
Tauruses are materialistic in that they appreciate stuff and are very attached to their stuff.
They prefer that stuff to be nice and high-quality.
But they are, nevertheless, potential hoarders.
13. Pragmatic
If you struggle with anxiety and indecision, call a Taurus woman.
She’ll give you great advice with her ultra practical approach to everything.
In a bad mood? Taurus woman is going to fix it by getting you a sandwich.
Keep getting roped into work after hours? She has a solution for that too: quit looking at your email.
Tauruses swear by the K.I.S.S. rule.
14. Loyal
You’ll have to prove that you’re worth a Taurus’s loyalty, but once you have it, it’s unstoppable.
A Taurus will defend you to the ends of the earth.
She will never let you down.
15. Sexual
It’s not a big secret that Tauruses love sex.
Sure, whatever sign you are, you love sex too. But not like a Taurus.
Taurus women would do it all day, every day if they could, and they don’t get sick of it in their relationships.
16. High Standards
If Taurus women have trouble dating, it’s because of their high standards.
The paradox is that their needs are relatively simple (good food, good sex, sleep and stability), yet they’re very particular.
Small things can turn them off that other women might not find a big deal, which is why it’s important to know what they like (and don’t like).
Which, by the way, I detail in my guide Decode Taurus Women.
17. Slow to Change
You simply won’t meet a Taurus who runs into the arms of change.
Tauruses like routine. They like stability and knowing what’s happening next.
They are not intrepid adventurers.
They do not like surprises.
Unless those surprises are served in bed and they’re chocolate.
18. Lounger Extraordinaire
A Taurus woman loves. Loves lounging.
She has many sets of cute, matching sweats and loungewear.
If you’re having a lazy day and you want someone to slothfully sloth around with you and order Uber Eats, Taurus is your girl.
19. Difficulty Trusting Others
All of the Tauruses of this world really believe that other people are going to screw them over.
They’ll be guarded until you prove that you can be trusted.
The good news is that you can earn a Taurus woman’s trust, as long as you continue to demonstrate honesty and integrity in all your interactions.
20. Great Sense of Humor
Another fantastic thing about Taurus women is their readiness to laugh.
Many Tauruses are natural comedians, but if the Taurus woman you’re hanging out with isn’t busting out the jokes, rest assured she still has a great sense of humor.
They’re not uptight and will laugh at the dirtiest jokes.
21. Easy to Talk To
Taurus women are great conversationalists.
It’s funny because they’re actually extreme introverts.
But they have this calming energy that makes them really easy to talk to, which people love about them.
22. Luxury Loving
If a Taurus women can afford designer when she’s clothes shopping, she won’t get Walmart.
Taurus women are not the Madam Sandlers of the fashion world.
Not just with clothes, but with everything.
They like to pamper themselves. “Treat yourself” was a concept invented by a Taurus.
23. Peaceful
Though the Taurus temper is the stuff of legends, it takes a lot to get to a Taurus woman’s boiling point.
She’s slow to anger and much prefers peace to war.
Venus is a planet of unity and harmony. Tauruses want everyone to get along and will try to avoid you rather than let you piss them off.
24. Scary When Mad
As I said, Tauruses do have a temper.
Taurus women are better at controlling it than Taurus men, generally speaking.
But when a Taurus woman is pushed to her limit, she is sparing no one from the wreckage.
She can be surprisingly yelly, but also surprisingly mean.
She does feel bad about it afterwards, though.
25. Cuddly
Taurus women are master cuddlers.
They will wrap you up in a warm blanket with them and spoon until the wee hours of the morning.
No preference on big or little spoon.
26. No Nonsense
A Taurus woman is extremely straightforward.
She won’t dance around a subject.
If you want to talk to her, the best way is to just say what you want to say.
If you’re interested in her, tell her.
Don’t try to hide your feelings! Be real with her.
You’ll be pleasantly surprised that you don’t need to play games at all with a Taurus woman.
27. Ambitious
Tauruses want a good life.
They have luxury tastes and want to be able to afford their creature comforts and vacations to exotic beaches.
So how do these comfort queens get there?
They work hard and don’t stop climbing until they can afford it.
They don’t necessarily want clout. They’re not trying to be the CEO.
But they’ll go to college for a good-paying career rather than one they’re passionate about because what they’re really passionate about is vacations on the beach.
28. Laid-Back
Nobody is chill like a Taurus woman. She’s so easy to be with.
She’s neither demanding nor a wallflower.
She can be fun and down for anything but at the same time relaxed and able to enjoy your company, even if you’re just shooting the shit together.
29. Ferociously Protective
If you mess with someone a Taurus woman cares about, you’ll get the bull’s horns.
She stands up for others and won’t let anyone treat you poorly in her presence.
It’s one of the most endearing things about her.
Read Next: What Is Special About Taurus Woman?
30. Black-and-White Thinking
Tauruses don’t see shades of gray.
Not unless they have some earth-shattering experience that forces them to change their perspective.
Otherwise, a Taurus is going to think in terms of dualities: up and down, black and white, right and wrong.
And, by the way, a Taurus hates to admit they’re wrong.
31. Persevering
Taurus is a sign that doesn’t give up so easily.
A Taurus woman will dust herself off and try again if she fails.
It’s not because she’s trying to prove anything to herself, but simply because Taurus knows no other way than forward.
32. Generous
If you date a Taurus woman, you’re going to find out what generosity truly is.
Taurus women love to dote on their partners and are generous in ways that are truly meaningful.
They give of themselves. They perform acts of service as a love language.
They also like to get you gifts, but the true generosity of the Taurus spirit is in taking good care of you.
33. Nice Voice
Taurus rules the throat, and it so happens that many Tauruses have lovely singing voices.
And most Tauruses have a pleasant speaking voice.
34. Classy
A Taurus woman wants to be seen as classy.
I mean, she is classy.
But it’s also important to her that she’s recognized for it.
So she’s usually looking sleek and put-together, even if she’s running errands.
35. Confident
A lot of other women look up to Taurus women because they’re so damn confident.
Tauruses truly DGAF.
They like what they like and they do what they want.
If you’re wondering, they’re also like this between the sheets. They’re very confident in their own skin and are just here to have a good time.
36. Difficulty Expressing Feelings
One of the challenges of being with a Taurus woman is getting her to open up.
Taurus women are guarded, as I mentioned before.
They try to avoid feeling bad and tend to sweep things under the rug until they’re full-blown problems.
37. Homebodies
Cancers may be homebodies, but have you met Taurus?
In fact, this is why Cancers and Tauruses make the best of friends.
Neither of them would like to leave the house unless there’s better food out there than there is in here.
38. Not Exactly Open-Minded
I’d like to say that Tauruses are open-minded, but…they’re not.
Some Tauruses are better at taking another person’s perspective than others.
But the truth is that Tauruses struggle with it.
If they care about you they’ll want to understand your side of things, but you’ll have to be patient with them.
39. Romance-Obsessed
Every single Taurus woman who has ever lived has seen Twilight.
Or whatever its romance movie equivalent is for younger generations.
Taurus women are rom-com addicts.
They love the idea of romance and while they’re very practical in real life, they still idealize the whole “hand-picked flowers from a guy wearing a newsboy cap” thing.
40. Consistent
A Taurus woman is nothing if not consistent.
You can set your watch to her schedule.
She’s consistent not only in her daily routines, but also in her love and affection.
That’s that loyalty of hers making her a phenomenal romantic partner, friend and confidante.
What is a Taurus woman like?
A Taurus woman is feminine, seductive and sensual.
She’s as stubborn as they come with very strong willpower, and she struggles with change.
But she’s the most loyal person you’ve ever met.
In relationships, a Taurus woman is old-fashioned in that she likes her partner to take the lead.
However, she remains independent and driven to accomplish her goals.
Taurus women have big hearts, but they’re careful who they give them to so as to not get them broken.
What is the character of a Taurus woman?
A Taurus woman’s character is noble, trustworthy and cautiously optimistic.
Taurus women are pragmatists, not idealists.
And yet, they always seem to adopt a positive or darkly humorous outlook on any situation, no matter how bleak.
What is a Taurus’s biggest weakness?
Tauruses tend to miss out on opportunities due to their preference for keeping things the same in their lives.
This might mean turning down a better job offer in order to stick with a company they’re loyal to.
Or staying in a relationship that no longer serves them because they’re too stubborn to leave.
What is a Taurus woman’s mindset?
Very black-and-white.
A Taurus woman’s mindset is fixed and her mind is hard to change.
She thinks that someone is always right and someone is always wrong.
She doesn’t consider the possibility that there are multiple truths and that maybe sometimes, nobody is right and nobody is wrong.
What attracts a Taurus woman physically?
The way you look and smell are important to attracting a Taurus woman.
First and foremost, I have to stress making sure you smell good to her.
But you also want to make sure the overall package looks nice—you show a sense of style in the way you dress, your fingernails are clean and trimmed and if you have a beard, it’s combed and well-kept.
Details are important to Taurus women, and they like a man who takes care of himself.
Recommended Reading: How to Attract a Taurus Woman
Who is Taurus’s soulmate?
I wouldn’t limit yourself to only a handful of signs if you’re looking for your soulmate, but Tauruses are most likely to feel a soulmate connection with fellow earth signs and water signs.
That’s Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus, Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio.
How to calm down an angry Taurus woman?
The first thing you should do to calm an angry Taurus woman is to give her space.
The more you try to talk to a pissed off Taurus, the more pissed they get.
She’ll feel cornered until you give her some room to get over her initial anger.
After this, you can reach out to her with a genuine apology and probably a nice snack and some flowers.
How does a Taurus woman flirt?
A Taurus woman flirts by being physical with you.
She’ll put her hands on you and hug you a lot.
She’ll put her body in your personal space and try to make you blush.
A flirty Taurus woman will also do her best to make her body look appealing to you—showing some cleavage, tossing her hair, batting her eyelashes.
Watch for the way she looks at you, too—a flirting Taurus woman gives you intense eye contact, smiles and attention.
What do Taurus struggle with?
Tauruses struggle with their fixed nature sometimes.
It causes them to have trouble making necessary changes in their lives and seeing others’ perspectives.
They get seriously attached to people and things they care about and have a hard time letting go.
They crave stability and don’t like anything that presents even the slightest bit of risk of loss.
What is a Taurus love language?
A Taurus may have several love languages, but the primary ones of physical touch, acts of service and giving and receiving gifts.
The individual Taurus may feel these love languages at different levels, but it’s very common for Tauruses to express love in these ways.
Want to get inside a Taurus woman’s mind? Check out my ultimate guide Decode Taurus Women here.
I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at decodethezodiac.com.