Ever wonder what makes a Taurus woman cry?
If you think Taurus females never cry, well…they do. They’re just good at hiding it.
Here’s what makes Taurus women cry:
- Being betrayed
- Feeling completely overwhelmed in their lives
- Feeling empathy for others
Below, we’ll explain the situations that make Taurus women weep, as well as what they do when they’re upset and how they show it.
What Makes a Taurus Woman Cry?
Taurus women don’t cry easily.
They generally show anger before they shed tears.
But even a raging bull may cry once in a while.
The following are things that I’ve seen make Taurus women cry.
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Nothing makes a Taurus woman cry like feeling betrayed by someone she trusts and loves.
Tauruses can handle a lot of hardship and carry on like it doesn’t really affect them.
Stuff that doesn’t feel personal, like if someone is having a bad day and being rude to the Taurus woman, won’t move them to tears.
Being nasty to a Taurus woman will probably earn you a sarcastic comment from them, not a “boohoo.”
While you can’t really crush a Taurus woman’s confidence, you can crush her faith in you.
And that’s what makes her cry.
Cheating is a big betrayal that can cause a Taurus woman to cry…at least before she kicks the cheater to the curb.
The Taurus woman cries for the wound that’s been caused by deep betrayal, then she wipes her tears and takes action.
Usually that action involves showing the person who betrayed her to the door.
Feeling Overwhelmed
Taurus women need a lot of stability in their everyday lives to be happy.
They like it when things are calm and relaxed and they can just do their routines without feeling rushed or chaotic.
So when things start to feel chaotic and unpredictable, a Taurus woman won’t handle it well.
She’ll try to continue on by putting one foot in front of the other.
But when she realizes that’s not going to put her life back in order, she gets completely overwhelmed.
And that’s when the floodgates open and she cries out of sheer frustration.
Having a bad day usually doesn’t cut it.
It has to be more like a bad month and nothing she does seems to make it better.
That would probably make anyone want to cry, though.
Did you know that Taurus women are crazy compassionate?
I don’t think they get enough credit for this.
They come across as kind of stoic, so people don’t realize just how easily moved they are by others’ pain.
They have a huge amount of empathy and compassion for kids, animals, the needy and the vulnerable in society.
I know a Taurus woman who works in an ICU and puts on a brave face while she’s taking care of her patients, but then will call me up and cry on the phone while she tells me about a patient she lost.
Taurus women will cry for your pain if they see you suffering.
In their relationships, this makes them surprisingly empathetic because they’re moved when they see their loved ones struggle.
When a Taurus Woman Is Hurt
When a Taurus woman is hurt, she tends to give the silent treatment.
But while she’s giving you the cold shoulder, she may cry if she’s hurt enough.
But she’ll probably do it when you’re not watching.
In my experience, Taurus women are very private about crying and prefer to do it in solitude.
I’ve known married Taurus women who will cry away from their spouses in a locked room, while their spouses don’t even know it’s happening.
Unfortunately, the combination of Taurus women bottling up their feelings and then releasing them alone makes it really hard for others to reach out to them.
But that’s exactly what a Taurus woman needs.
How Do Taurus Show Sadness?
First and foremost, a Taurus tries not to show their sadness to anyone.
They don’t like how vulnerable it makes them feel.
But a sad Taurus has their tells.
Taurus shows sadness by turning to the things that bring them comfort.
Which usually involves a big piece of chocolate cake and binge-watching their favorite shows.
Tauruses go into isolation when they’re going through something big.
It sucks when you love a Taurus, but they do tend to push others away.
They believe they just need some time to themselves to get through it.
So if a Taurus seems like they’re getting distant from you and perhaps saying they need some alone time, they might be struggling emotionally.
Why Are Tauruses So Unemotional?
Tauruses may not shed tears easily, but it’s not because they don’t feel things deeply.
You may mistake a Taurus’s stoic demeanor for being a little cold and unfeeling.
But the truth is that Tauruses have the ability to separate themselves from their emotions, which can be a blessing and a curse.
When it’s a blessing is in a situation that calls for action.
Tauruses are great under pressure and can set aside feelings like fear, sadness and horror to take care of what needs to be taken care of.
They actually make great doctors and nurses because of this.
The challenging part of their ability to shut off their feelings like a valve is that they use it to keep from getting hurt.
So in romantic relationships, they may push people away if they start to feel too vulnerable.
The potential for feeling emotional pain is too much for them and they shut it down instead.
So the answer is that Tauruses are not cold and unemotional.
They just struggle to integrate their emotions, and it can be pretty tough to break down their walls.
How to melt a Taurus woman’s heart?
Just be really sweet to her and give her your undivided attention.
Taurus women respond really well to traditional courtship tactics like flowers, chocolates and little thoughtful gifts.
But the ticket to melting her heart is not just in giving her stuff.
It’s in how genuine you are.
One way you can demonstrate that you’re genuine is to make sure you’re never treating her like she’s second-best or like you have other women you could call instead.
A Taurus woman goes mushy for a guy who pulls out all the stops to romance her and make her feel like the only one.
What makes a Taurus woman happy?
And foot rubs.
And warm, fuzzy blankets.
Things that fill a Taurus woman’s senses with good experiences make her happy.
Another thing that makes a Taurus woman happy is feeling stable.
When Tauruses feel like they’ve got it all under control and things are going smooth and easy in their lives, they couldn’t be happier.
Why is Taurus so emotional?
Taurus is inwardly emotional.
What I mean by that is that Tauruses don’t really make big displays of emotion. Instead, they feel their feels secretly and in private.
If you ask a Taurus, they’re probably going to say that they’re hyper emotional.
They get very emotionally attached.
So when their relationships are having problems, or they fear getting hurt, it’s too much for them and they shut down.
It’s this inward sensitivity and discomfort with their own big emotions that confuses people.
Do Taurus detach easily?
Yes, Taurus can detach easily, but typically when they’re feeling too vulnerable.
A happy, comfortable Taurus doesn’t detach so easily, and may even be accused of some mild clinginess.
Tauruses much prefer keeping their loved ones close.
But if you betray them or make them feel like you’re not really going to be there for them, they’ll start to shift toward detachment and eventually shut you out.
What is Taurus’ weakness in love?
Sappy stuff.
Tauruses have a weakness for sentimental, romantic gestures.
They can’t resist a super sweet display straight from their partner’s heart.
Whether you take your Taurus to the place where you had your first date or you ask them to come over and hold you all night long, a Taurus is going to think that’s the most adorable thing.
When a Taurus is heartbroken?
A heartbroken Taurus turns their back on the source of their heartbreak.
So if you’ve hurt a Taurus pretty badly, prepare to be surgically cut out of their life.
If you’re lucky and the Taurus hasn’t deleted your phone number, you might want to give them a little space before reaching out to apologize.
You would need to be extremely vulnerable with your Taurus to show that you’re sincere.
Ask to meet face-to-face, since a heartbroken Taurus can easily ignore you if you’re not in front of their face.
Do Taurus get mad a lot?
I wouldn’t say that Tauruses get mad a lot, but anger is a go-to emotion for them over showing sadness, for example.
They’re easily irritated, though they don’t blow their tops unless repeatedly pushed.
Believe it or not, Tauruses prefer calmness and tranquility and will do what they can to maintain the peace.
However, Tauruses can definitely have a moody side.
If you’re dealing with a moody Taurus, just let them be moody and it’ll pass.
The good thing with Tauruses is that their crankiness passes quickly, so long as nobody bugs them.
How do Taurus act when stressed?
Tauruses don’t panic when they’re stressed.
In fact, they do the opposite and slow down.
A stressed-out Taurus will try to take control of the situation by taking things one step at a time.
It’s like they put blinders on themselves to accomplish one task at a time, until everything is taken care of.
So if you see a Taurus mono-tasking the crap out of something while chaos is ensuing all around them, they’re just dealing with the stress in their own way.
How do you make a Taurus miss you like crazy?
The best way to make a Taurus miss you is to physically run into them.
Tauruses don’t tend to go backwards in their dating lives and won’t pine away for someone they broke up with.
However, if you and your Taurus broke up and they see that you’re doing better than ever, looking finer than ever, and they think you still want them, that might make them a little reminiscent.
But they have to believe there’s something worth going back to.
If the Taurus believes you’ve moved on or that the same problems are there that broke you up in the first place, they won’t be interested.
Who attracts Taurus woman?
Confident people.
Taurus women are attracted to people who have their s*#@ together, who know what they want and go after it.
People who look like they put effort into their appearances attract Taurus women.
They have good taste, good style and good grooming.
Lastly, a Taurus woman is attracted to guys who treat them like ladies.
Tauruses are very old-fashioned and are attracted to chivalrous types.
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I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at decodethezodiac.com.