Not sure if a Taurus woman wants out of a relationship with you?
Here are the big red flags that tell you she’s slipping away from you:
- Total lack of interest in your life
- No desire to be affectionate or physical in any way
- Extreme self-sufficiency all of a sudden
- Trying to get your stuff out of her apartment
- Acting cold and irritable around you
- Actually encouraging you to move on
When a Taurus Woman Is Done with You
When a Taurus woman no longer wants to be with you, she quite suddenly starts to distance herself from you.
It can be pretty jarring, going from seeming content and committed to just pulling away completely.
This happens because when a Taurus woman decides she’s done with you, she’s been mulling it over for a long time.
Usually for many months before she comes to the decision that she wants to end things.
She’ll quietly start to remove themselves from the relationship, both emotionally and physically.
So be on the lookout for the sudden changes in her behavior you’ll read below where she’s removing herself from the picture across the board.
Read Next: How to Know If a Taurus Woman Is Playing You
She Won’t Make Plans with You
She used to be all about organizing dates or future cuddle sessions.
Now, she’s super evasive and non-committal whenever the topic comes up.
If her enthusiasm for seeing you is noticeably absent, that’s a really important sign to pay attention to.
It’s different from her just getting busy—even a Taurus woman dealing with a personal crisis will eventually come around, say, “Hey, sorry I went MIA. Want to come over?”
If she literally never tries to spend time with you anymore, she’s likely over the relationship.
There’s No Communication on Her End
Where once you were in steady contact throughout the day, her responses have become rare and delayed.
It’s as if texting or calling you back has become a low priority for her.
While Taurus women are notoriously not big on texting, they’ll still do it if they’re into you.
They’ll text or call or message you, just to keep in contact with you for their own security.
So if a Taurus woman doesn’t want to talk to you ever, that often means she’s moving on.
She Only Has Short Responses
Lately, her texts lack warmth.
They’re super short and even snappy-sounding.
Instead of engaging you in conversation or texting sweet things, she replies with one-word answers or very brief sentences designed to end the conversation.
Unless she’s under a ton of stress, her responses might indicate that she’s not feeling it anymore with you.
You Couldn’t Make Her Jealous If You Tried
Taurus women and jealousy go like peanut butter and jelly together.
It’s not unusual to see her jealousy flare up when another woman tries to claim your attention—if she cares about you.
If not, it will not bother her in the slightest.
She might even ignore it entirely.
If she shows a surprising lack of concern about you hanging out with anyone she might have previously shown jealousy towards, she may not feel emotionally invested in you anymore.
Withdrawn Affection
Physical touch and affection are insanely important to Taurus women.
They give a lot of physical affection, hugs and kisses to their romantic partners.
But you’ll notice it will dry up when their feelings do as well.
Now, she no longer reaches for your hand and bristles at you wanting to hug her.
It’s not that they want to be cold, but once a Taurus has made up her mind that something isn’t working, she’s more about practicality than passion.
She’ll be thinking about how to untangle her life from yours and move on to something that feels more stable and fulfilling for her.
And this means making a full emotional separation from you, painful as she knows it will be for you.
No Heat in the Bedroom
If you’re still intimate, it won’t be the same as it once was.
The passion you used to enjoy together will be gone.
She’ll be cold and mechanical and not very interested in your fun and pleasure.
Again, this is if she’s still sharing a bed with you at all.
Public Distance
In public, she might as well be a stranger.
She doesn’t seek out your company and seems more comfortable with physical space between you.
Tauruses may be private, but they’re possessive of their partners and like to show others that you’re “theirs” in public.
So completely avoiding any signs that you’re together could be a red flag.
She Returns Your Things
Has she started returning items you’ve left at her place?
From clothes to toothbrushes, this is often a tangible sign of ending a relationship.
Tauruses are materialistic people and their stuff is important to them.
Your stuff is also important to them—if they want to be reminded of you.
If not, they’ll send it all back until there’s no evidence of you in their homes.
She Collects Her Belongings
Likewise, she’ll come by to pick up her own things if she’s done with your relationship.
This is to make sure nothing of hers remains as a tie to your shared space.
She’s Totally Uninterested in Your Life
On a day-to-day basis, she no longer asks about your life.
Your work, your hobbies and your feelings don’t seem to pique her interest anymore.
This is not typical behavior for a Taurus woman in a relationship as Tauruses are very nurturing and like to look after their partners.
The only time you’ll really see this lack of interest and generosity is when the relationship is over for her.
Her Body Language Is Closed Off
Taurus women are very physical.
They use their bodies to communicate more than words, even.
You might remember a time when she was constantly touching you and looking for ways to get close to you.
Now, she avoids physical closeness.
She’ll cross her arms when talking to you.
And she’ll turn her body away from you when you’re together, signaling a desire to protect herself from a relationship she no longer wants to be in.
She’s Throwing Up Walls
If they’re really over it, Taurus women will start setting boundaries that are more like walls.
They’re all about clear lines and if they’ve decided you’re on the other side of one, crossing back over is no small feat.
They’re not into drama, so they won’t make a big scene or play games.
There just will be zero compromise with her, no wiggle room in her plans (that almost certainly don’t include you), and a clear lack of desire to meet you halfway on anything at all.
She’s Getting a Glow Up
Oh man. This is a sneaky sign that flies under the radar.
If a Taurus woman is suddenly desperate to overhaul her look, that can be a subtle yet really important sign.
It’s not the same as her just wanting to work on her body and health by going to the gym.
It’s a massive, sudden change in her appearance, from hair, to nails, to a complete wardrobe change, to lifting weights to get in shape, and so on.
Taurus women do this often after ending a relationship to help them feel like they’ve changed and can move on to greener pastures.
If she’s doing this already in combination with the other signs on this list, don’t ignore it.
She Refuses Help
Being highly independent, Taurus women do like to do things for themselves.
However, they enjoy being taken care of by their partners.
It makes them feel feminine, loved and cared for.
So if a Taurus woman absolutely refuses a lick of help from you, even to take in the groceries from her car, it could mean that she feels your support comes with emotional entanglement.
And that, she wants to avoid.
Social Media Separation
A Taurus woman who wants to distance herself from you will distance herself in every aspect of her life.
Online included.
She might remove you from her friends or followers lists.
Or she may just stop liking and commenting on your posts.
She’s Indifferent Toward You
Once sweet and caring, the Taurus woman is now indifferent to your feelings and suffering.
She’s icy when you’re trying to be affectionate with her.
And she barely reacts to news you share, whether it’s good or bad.
Her emotional investment seems to have vanished, and she’s unaffected by things that would have previously mattered to her in relation to you.
She’s Always Irritated with You
Tauruses are usually gentle and calm.
But they have a limit.
When a Taurus woman is done with you, she’s pretty much reached her limit.
So she’ll be touchy and irritated by everything you do.
It’s not in your head—something else is going on that you might want to address.
She Actually Encourages You to Move On
Sometimes, a Taurus woman who is so over the relationship that she’s practically begging for it to end will go ahead and ask you to move on.
She might suggest that you’ll find happiness with someone else.
Or let you know that she’s far too busy or just not in the right space for the relationship to continue.
If she’s asking you to move on and she seems sincere about it, that usually means she’s being genuine and she just wants you to be happy.
No More Planning Vacations Together
Tauruses love nothing better than to go on luxurious, spa-filled vacations and getaways with their partners.
So when these stop and the Taurus woman you adored doesn’t want to go away for the weekend with you anymore, consider what that might mean.
If it’s not because she’s busy with work or otherwise preoccupied, it could indicate that she’s lost interest, and thus the romantic feelings that come with going away with you.
She Goes to the Gym Without You Now
…Or she just does the things you used to do together by herself now.
Taurus women love having routines with their partners.
Whether that’s running together or going to Starbucks on Saturday mornings, if she’s keeping the routine but leaving you out all the time now, something is up.
She Straight Up Tells You
A Taurus woman values honesty and will typically be upfront if she’s no longer interested.
She might sit you down and clearly state that the relationship isn’t working for her.
If she does this, she wants you to take her seriously and listen to her.
Usually at this point, she’s not interested in repairing the relationship and just wants to go your separate ways.
There’s a Finality in Her Tone
When she talks about the end of the relationship, her tone conveys a sense of finality.
There’s no hint of wanting to work things out or leaving the door open for reconciliation.
She speaks as if the decision is made and there’s no turning back.
Unfortunately, this is often the case with Tauruses.
Once they’ve made up their minds, they’re usually too stubborn to change them.
How Does a Taurus Woman End a Relationship?
When a Taurus woman decides it’s time to end a relationship, she generally doesn’t beat around the bush.
She’s known for her straightforwardness and will likely approach the situation with honesty and a clear intention to close that chapter.
She’s not one for dramatic scenes or leaving things ambiguous.
Instead, she’ll probably ask to have a serious conversation.
Then she’ll lay out her reasons for wanting to end things in a calm and practical manner.
Taurus women always want to maintain stability and security, so this decision wouldn’t have been made on a whim.
She would have thought it through thoroughly before coming to you.
And once her mind is made up, it’s pretty hard to change it.
She’ll be kind but firm, and she’ll want to discuss practical matters, like dividing shared belongings or living arrangements if that’s applicable.
After the talk, she’ll likely want to move on swiftly and smoothly, focusing on her own well-being and the next steps in her life.
It’s all about self-preservation and moving forward with a strong sense of purpose for her. She’ll also expect you to respect her decision and may become quite cold if she feels that her boundaries are being pushed post-breakup.
Will a Taurus Woman Come Back After No Contact?
Whether a Taurus woman will come back after a period of no contact can really depend on the circumstances of the breakup.
That, and her feelings about the relationship.
As you may already know, Taurus women are known for their loyalty and commitment.
So if she was deeply invested in the relationship and the reasons for the breakup were something she believes can be resolved, there’s a chance she might consider a reconciliation.
However, it’s important to remember that Taurus is also a sign that values stability and dislikes upheaval.
If the relationship was rocky or if the breakup was particularly painful, she might see moving on as the most stable and comforting option.
During the no contact period, she will have had time to ground herself, find her peace and possibly come to terms with the end of the relationship.
If she does start to miss you or reflect on the good times, and if she feels that the issues that led to the breakup have been addressed, she might be open to rekindling the relationship.
But don’t expect a Taurus to make impulsive decisions.
She’ll take her time to think things through.
And if she does decide to come back, it will be with the intention of committing fully and working on the relationship with a clear and open heart.
When a Taurus Loses Interest?
When a Taurus loses interest, it’s usually a slow and steady process.
This is because they’re not the type to jump ship at the first sign of trouble.
They’re patient and persistent, but if the relationship isn’t meeting their needs for security and comfort, or if it’s become too unpredictable, that’s when the scales start to tip.
You’ll notice it in the little things at first.
Maybe they don’t text you as much, or their responses lack that warm, engaging vibe they used to have.
They’re creatures of habit, so if those daily check-ins and goodnight messages start to fade, it’s a red flag.
A Taurus pulling away will also start carving out more time for themselves.
They value self-care and if being around you starts to drain their energy instead of replenishing it, they’ll retreat to recharge on their own.
If a Taurus has lost interest, it’s a sign that they’ve given the relationship a lot of thought and have decided it’s not what they want long-term.
They’re looking for something solid, and if that’s not what they’re feeling, they’ll start to look elsewhere for that sense of security.
When a Taurus Woman Withdraws?
If a Taurus woman starts to withdraw, it’s probably because she’s either feeling hurt by you, offended or feeling like she needs to cut you off for some reason.
If you’ve noticed the signs we’ve covered in this article, then withdrawal usually means she’s done with the relationship.
However, she might step back a bit just because something is off for her.
Maybe you accidentally insulted her and didn’t apologize.
Or, she may have seen a red flag in your relationship that is making her reconsider your long-term compatibility.
Withdrawing her affection and attention doesn’t necessarily mean the end, especially if everything else is usually okay in the relationship.
But it does mean that she’s protecting herself for some reason, and it’s up to you to inquire about it directly to see what’s up and how you can help fix it.
How Do You Know If a Taurus Still Loves You?
Figuring out if a Taurus still has those warm feelings for you is all about observing their actions.
They’re pretty tangible when it comes to expressing love.
So, let’s say they’re still into you—you’ll definitely feel it.
A Taurus shows love through their unwavering loyalty and the effort they put into the relationship.
They’ll be your rock, always there when you need her, and they won’t shy away from making that clear.
They’ll pamper you and try to take care of you in practical ways.
This could mean cooking your favorite meal, surprising you with that special something you mentioned in passing, or simply creating a cozy, inviting space for the two of you to relax together.
They’re not the type to hold back on affection either, so expect plenty of hugs, hand-holding and cuddles if they’re still smitten.
And the sexual intimacy will be fire.
Taurus woman silent treatment
A Taurus woman may resort to the silent treatment when she’s hurt or upset.
Instead of lashing out, she’ll likely withdraw and become silent as a way to protect herself.
It helps her process her emotions until she feels ready to communicate again.
How quickly do Taurus move on?
Taurus individuals typically don’t move on too quickly.
This is due to their loyal and committed nature.
They take their time to heal and will only move on once they’ve fully accepted the end of the relationship and feel emotionally ready to do so.
Taurus woman testing you
A Taurus woman might test you by observing your actions and consistency.
She needs stability and may want to ensure that you’re reliable and trustworthy.
Until then, she may hold back before allowing herself to become more deeply involved or open up emotionally.
Recommended Reading: Taurus Woman Testing You
How to know if a Taurus woman is playing you
It’s uncommon for a Taurus woman to play games.
However, if she’s playing you, she might be inconsistent, not fully present or detached.
She may also avoid making future plans or be reluctant to introduce you to her close circle.
Recommended Reading: How to Know If a Taurus Woman Is Playing You
Signs a Taurus woman hates you
If a Taurus woman hates you, she will likely be cold and dismissive.
She may refuse to engage in conversation and avoid being in the same space as you.
Most definitely, she will not go out of her way to help or support you in any manner.
When a Taurus woman misses you
When a Taurus woman misses you, expect her to reach out with a message or call.
She may also show up at places where you’re likely to be or try to re-engage with you through mutual friends or interests.
If she misses you, she’ll show up in your life, some way and somehow.
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