How do you know if a Taurus woman is testing you? What kinds of tests will she give you?
You’re smart to ask.
Knowing what to prepare for can save you a lot of heartache and mistakes with a Taurus woman.
If you need a quick answer, here’s what the Taurus woman will test you on:
- How honest you are
- How attracted you are to her
- Whether you’ll try to control her
- How dateable you are
- Your loyalty
- If you love her
I know. It sucks having to jump through hoops with a Taurus woman—but it actually doesn’t have to be this hard.
Learn what motivates her emotionally, mentally, sexually—and she’ll drop her barriers. She’ll be loyal and devoted to you.
That’s what my guide Decode Taurus Women teaches you, step-by-step. It’s basically like an instruction manual on how to win with Taurus women.
Because passing a Taurus test is just the beginning—if you want to get beyond the tests, you’ve got to understand a Taurus woman’s psyche.
Click the guide like above to master Taurus woman psychology if you’re ready. Otherwise, let’s talk about each test she might throw your way and how to pass her tests to win her trust.
10 Tests a Taurus Woman Will Give You (And How to Pass)
1. Testing to See If Your Actions Match Up with Your Words
Honesty and integrity are everything to a Taurus woman.
To her, actions speak louder than words. So a key way that she tests your integrity is watching for inconsistencies in your behavior.
Did you say you love animals, but you’re mean to dogs you pass by on the street?
Have you mentioned how flush you are, but you’re asking her to buy her own ticket to the concert you invited her to?
These inconsistencies send up red flags to the Taurus woman.
Chances are, you won’t get many chances if she keeps finding out who you are is different from who you say you are.
Read Next: How to Get a Taurus Woman to Chase You
Pass This Test
Be honest and upfront with her, always.
Even if you think it’s something she won’t really like or agree with.
You have to take that chance and give her the respect to come to her own conclusions about your compatibility.
Tauruses are smart people, and they’ll find out if you were lying or covering something up eventually.
2. Testing Your Attraction to Her
If the Taurus woman you’re dating or interested in dating keeps wearing revealing or skimpy dresses around you, that’s a test of your attraction to her.
She wants to know how you’ll handle it.
Will it drive you crazy? Will you be able to keep your hands off of her?
If you act aloof or like you don’t notice, you run the risk of sending the message that you’re immune to her charms.
Pass This Test
If you really want to pass this test, you need to acknowledge how hot she is.
Tell the Taurus woman she’s driving you crazy with these outfits.
Say she’s an absolute smokeshow.
If she snuggles in close, that’s the right time to reach out and make a move.
She’s probably dying for you to do that anyway.
Important note: If you’re not sure, ask.
Asking the Taurus woman if you can kiss her is hot. She’ll say yes if she wants you to, eagerly.
3. The Friend Test
Have you ever started seeing a Taurus woman and soon after, she invites her friends to hang out all together?
This may or may not happen to you.
But if it does, it’s usually a sign that she’s not sure about you yet.
Maybe you went on a couple of dates and she’s still trying to figure out if she likes you.
So she asks her friends to assess by inviting them along to a group activity.
Pass This Test
Impress her friends.
Be on your best behavior and charm the Taurus woman and her friends.
But, be sure to lavish your attention and affection on the Taurus woman—you don’t want to come across like you’re flirting with her gal pals.
That being said, her friends’ opinions are important to her because she’s loyal to them first and foremost.
Don’t sweat it too much—just be your sweet, charming and endearing self.
4. Testing Your Dependability
Can she rely on you?
That’s a hard question for a Taurus woman to answer without seeing how you act when she really needs you.
She wants nothing short of a dependable partner who will be there for her through thick and thin.
Who will help her out and take her side, no questions asked.
You might see this test in the form of the Taurus woman asking you to drive her to the airport or a doctor’s appointment.
It’ll be something that’s medium to high-level important to her, something with some higher stakes.
She wouldn’t ask you if she didn’t already feel you were competent and capable.
But she wants to make sure you care enough to be there for her, and you’ll follow through.
Pass This Test
Say you’ll be there to help her out, and then don’t flake out.
Plan ahead to make sure you’ll be available at the time you said you would be.
Taurus women remember when you were there for them, and when you weren’t.
It’s okay if you know you’re going to be busy—Taurus women are practical and understand obligations come first.
It’s more important that you’re able to put your money where your mouth is and do the thing you said you were going to do.
That’s the real test.
5. Finding Out If You’re Controlling
Don’t get me wrong. Taurus women like their men to lead.
However, they don’t like to feel controlled.
If you want to be with a Taurus woman, you have to strike that balance between showing that you “claim” her as your woman and respecting her independence.
Taurus women are loyal like you wouldn’t believe and will pretty much never give you a reason to doubt them.
They know this about themselves, so they demand that their partners trust them enough to not get too possessive or clingy.
If a Taurus woman mentions hanging out with a male friend and you say she should have asked you first, that will put her on high alert.
If she tells you about her plans for her future and you start finding fault with them to try to align her goals with yours, she’s likely to close the door on a future relationship with you.
Pass This Test
The best way to demonstrate that you’re not controlling is to simply not be—make it clear that you trust the Taurus woman’s judgment.
Like I mentioned, she’s probably the most loyal sign in the entire zodiac and is extremely unlikely to do anything to make you doubt her.
Understand this about her and appreciate it, because it’s truly a special thing.
When she tells you about her plans, praise her intelligence and ambition.
If you’re unsure about a guy she’s hanging out with, just ask her and be honest about your nervousness.
Show that she can live her life the way she wants and have you at the same time without compromise, and she’ll feel lucky to have you.
6. The Cheapskate Test
You’re taking a Taurus woman out on a date for the first time.
You go to a nice restaurant and order the works: nice wine, appetizers, entrees, dessert.
The bill comes, and you don’t make a move. You want to see what she’ll do.
She doesn’t reach for it at first. At some point, she slowly goes for her purse to fish out her wallet, mumbling that you can split the check.
Pass This Test
Pay the bill.
Don’t try to go dutch.
Especially if you invited her out on a date.
Some men are afraid that the modern woman will be insulted if you try to pay.
Well, that’s not the case with a Taurus woman.
She’s a traditionalist and she loves it when someone treats her.
Unfortunately, if you don’t, she’ll likely deem you a cheapskate and avoid you in the future.
7. The “Nice Guy” Test
When you go out with a Taurus woman, she’ll notice how you treat others.
It’s a warning sign to her when someone is unkind, cruel or rude to people, kids and animals.
I’ve known Taurus women who were turned off by men who said they didn’t like kids.
(Taurus women are very nurturing and see kids as innocent, hilarious little people.)
Pass This Test
Be mindful of how you’re treating everyone you encounter.
If you hold the door open for the Taurus woman, hold it open for the woman walking in behind her.
If you’re buying a coffee, be pleasant to the barista and thank them.
Politeness and generosity are really important traits to Taurus women.
8. Testing Your Trustworthiness
For a Taurus woman, trust is hard to come by.
Taurus women don’t give their trust willingly without testing whether that trust is well-placed.
One way she might test your trustworthiness is by telling you a secret to see if you’ll keep it.
Will she snoop through your phone to see if you’re getting texts from other women?
Honestly, I can’t say that a Taurus woman wouldn’t.
However, this is usually only if she feels she has reason to believe you’re talking to other women.
Pass This Test
It’s easy enough to not share the secrets she tells you.
Still, it can be harder to prove your trustworthiness to a Taurus woman.
The best way to pass this test is to keep your cool when she gets jealous or questions your intentions.
Respond with understanding and tell her you’ll answer any questions she has.
The good news is that once she’s seen with her own eyes that you can be trusted, you’ll win her undying loyalty.
9. Testing Your Loyalty to Her
Let me tell you a story about this Taurus woman who started casually seeing a guy, but wanted more.
Since it’s not in a Taurus woman’s nature to force a relationship or jump to act on her emotions, she seemed to be on the cool side emotionally. Cold at times, even.
The guy decided to keep his options open and see other women, assuming she was seeing other men, too.
She wasn’t.
But she found out he had spent the night with another woman and totally wrote him off.
He begged and pleaded, but she had made up her mind.
She even gave him her blessing to date the other woman, as long as he didn’t call her anymore.
Pass This Test
The thing about this Taurus woman was, she never once told him he couldn’t see other women, even after he had slept with someone else.
Rather, she had expected him to act conscientiously and be loyal to her.
The moral of the story is that if you’re dating a Taurus woman, you should not try to play the field.
Don’t assume that just because she hasn’t talked about how she feels, she isn’t interested in getting serious.
Taurus women operate from the viewpoint that the good guys will prove themselves and the bad ones will weed themselves out through their actions.
Which is why understanding how Taurus women think the way I talk about in Decode Taurus Women is crucial to making sure you don’t step in it.
Taurus women are monogamous and don’t like sharing you with anyone else.
If she’s dating you, it means she sees potential for you to be serious together.
10. Testing Your Love
If you’re in a relationship with a Taurus woman, she’ll probably test your love for her.
She might do it from time to time, just to see if you still care for her.
She may text you out of the blue, “Would you still be with me if I were uglier?”
Or simply, “Hey. I miss you.”
There might be really small ways she tests your love, like asking you to make her some coffee in the morning and bring it to her in bed.
These things may seem small, but they add up to a testament to your feelings for her.
Recommended Reading: Taurus Woman in Love
Pass This Test
When your Taurus woman seems like she’s asking for reassurance, give it to her.
Don’t laugh her off or tell her she’s being silly.
Give her a big old smooch, wrap your arms around her and say, “Baby, you are the one for me. I’m so lucky you’re in my life.”
She just wants you to know that you do love and appreciate her, miss her and want to spend time with her.
Taurus Woman Testing You? How to Know
A Taurus woman tests you by watching and waiting to see how you act out in the wild.
She won’t set you up or put you in any particular situations to “test” your reactions.
And it’s not usual for her to ask you leading questions to try to get you to reveal yourself.
No, that’s not the laidback Taurus female’s style.
Instead, she’ll simply let you reveal who you are by your actions and behaviors.
While she’s getting to know you better, she’ll be on high alert, saying little while observing you.
This, to her, is the best way to peel back the layers and get to the truth.
If she likes what she sees, you’re in.
But if she finds something she’s uncomfortable with, it’s enough to make her close her heart to you in self-protection.
It’s tricky because usually, a Taurus woman won’t say you failed some kind of test.
However, if you do, you’ll notice that suddenly she isn’t communicating with you much anymore, and she’s really hard to reach for no particular reason.
So if this happens to you, better find out what exactly you didn’t live up to and have an honest and direct conversation about it with the Taurus woman to clear things up.
What Does a Taurus Woman Want to Hear?
A Taurus woman loves to hear genuine, heartfelt expressions that affirm your loyalty and appreciation.
She’s all about authenticity, so when you compliment her, make it about something you truly admire.
Whether it’s her impeccable sense of style, her soothing presence or her unwavering dedication to the things and people she loves.
Above all else, she wants to hear the truth.
She also has a soft spot for hearing about plans for the future that involve her, especially if those plans include cozy, romantic scenarios or speak to a life of comfortable stability.
Don’t forget, she’s ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty.
So she’ll adore hearing that she’s beautiful—just make sure it’s personal.
Something like, “You’re beautiful” is nice, but “The way your eyes light up when you smile is absolutely captivating,” hits closer to home for her.
And it’s not just about looks—acknowledge her intelligence and strength, too.
Taurus women are practical and grounded, and they love knowing that you see and admire their sensible, strong nature.
In a nutshell, keep it real, keep it meaningful, and let her know she’s valued not just for what she does, but for who she is.
What To Do When a Taurus Woman Is Mad at You?
When a Taurus woman is mad at you, stay calm. Don’t add fuel to the fire.
Taurus women respect someone who can keep their cool, especially when things get heated. Taurus is an earth sign, which means they’re practical and usually don’t get upset without a good reason.
So, your job is to figure out what that reason is.
Approach her with a sincere desire to understand her perspective.
Listen, really listen, to what she has to say without interrupting or getting defensive. Acknowledge her feelings and let her know that they’re valid. It’s important to her that you’re taking what she says seriously.
Once you’ve gotten to the heart of the issue, apologize if you’re in the wrong.
Show her that you’re genuinely remorseful and that you’re willing to make amends.
Now, the tricky part is giving her space.
Taurus women, they need time to process and cool down. So, give her that time. Don’t pester her with messages or try to rush the process. When she’s ready, she’ll come around.
And remember, actions speak louder than words with a Taurus.
Be consistent and patient, and with time, she’ll see that you’re serious about making things right. That’s how you get back into a Taurus woman’s good graces.
How do you know if a Taurus woman is into you?
If a Taurus woman is into you, she’ll spend more time with you.
She’ll touch you affectionately and make an effort to take care of you in practical ways, like bringing you lunch or doing you small favors.
Most importantly, she’ll be consistently communicating with you and maintaining a presence in your life.
Recommended Reading: Signs a Taurus Woman Secretly Likes You
How do you know if a Taurus is thinking about you?
If a Taurus is thinking about you, they will probably reach out to you.
They’re very action-oriented like that.
You may also hear them bring up inside jokes or past conversations when you’re together.
This signals that you’ve been on their mind.
Signs a Taurus woman secretly likes you
If a Taurus woman secretly likes you, she may become shy around you.
At the same time, she’ll show up at events where you’ll be.
She might give you thoughtful gifts and probably lavish you with praise.
Recommended Reading: Signs a Taurus Woman Secretly Likes You
When a Taurus woman misses you
When a Taurus woman misses you, she may send you messages reminiscing about good times. Probably, she’ll try to arrange meet-ups.
At the very least, she’ll be more active in liking and commenting on your social media posts.
How to know if a Taurus woman is playing you
Taurus women usually don’t play around.
But, if you suspect a Taurus woman is playing you, be on the lookout for inconsistent behavior.
She’ll avoid making plans or commitments and be evasive when discussing feelings or the future.
But she’ll still be intimate with you when it’s convenient for her.
Recommended Reading: How to Know If a Taurus Woman Is Playing You
Signs a Taurus woman likes you through text
You can tell a Taurus woman likes you through text when she’s sending you frequent messages to check up on you.
She’ll use flirty or affectionate emojis.
And she’ll be taking the time to write thoughtful texts.
Signs a Taurus woman doesn’t like you
Signs a Taurus woman doesn’t like you include short, infrequent communication, a lack of interest in your life and avoiding physical contact.
You won’t get one-on-one time with her and she won’t attempt to make plans with you.
She’ll pretty much be nonexistent in your life.
When a Taurus woman is done with you
When a Taurus woman is done with you, she becomes distant.
She stops making an effort to see or talk to you.
When you push her to open up or try to be affectionate, she’s clear and firm about setting boundaries.
Recommended Reading: When a Taurus Woman Is Done with You
What makes a Taurus woman cry?
A Taurus woman might cry if she feels a deep sense of betrayal or loss.
Emotional movies, music and personal situations that touch her heart can also move her to tears.
Check out Decode Taurus Women here to learn how to read Taurus women like a book.
I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at