How to Know If a Taurus Woman Is Playing You (11 Big Red Flags)

Worried a Taurus woman is playing you?

If she’s using you, you’ll know by these warning signs in her behavior:

  • She won’t make plans with you
  • She avoids deep or emotional conversations
  • She’s hot and cold, but mostly cold
  • She’s embarrassed about PDA
  • Everything is one-sided with you putting all the effort in

This may sting a little, but let’s talk about how to know if a Taurus woman is playing you.

How to Know If a Taurus Woman Is Playing You

A Taurus woman who’s genuinely interested will typically want a reliable and transparent relationship.

While most Taurus women aren’t interested in anything less than a meaningful relationship, sometimes a Taurus woman will take a strictly physical relationship if she’s lonely or not getting her needs met otherwise.

If so, you need to know.

Here are the kinds of behaviors that can signal she’s not really invested.

Read Next: Taurus Woman Testing You

1. She Avoids Making Plans

One of the #1 signs of a Taurus woman using you is when she makes absolutely no effort to hang out.

Watch out if she’s dodging making concrete plans with you without a good reason, or she simply says “No.”

Taurus folks usually like to make plans in advance with you because a) they like you, and b) it adds a sense of security for them to know they’re going to see you.

The fact that she won’t do this with you suggests that something else is going on.

2. Very Little Communication

Taurus women like to keep in touch when they’re interested in you.

They’re not big texters so they may not text you all day every day, but they will try to keep conversations going and stay up to date on your life.

If a Taurus woman barely replies to you, and that’s the norm with her?

That’s not usual for a Taurus woman who’s really into you.

Consistently low effort in communicating with you speaks volumes about her feelings.

3. No Romantic Texts

Not getting any cute messages with heart emojis?

A Taurus woman who cares about you will usually get flirty and romantic in her messages.

But a Taurus woman who doesn’t care what you think of her and feels no need to win you over will be cold and controlled in all of her texts.

4. She Never Wants to Go Out with You

You’ll probably have a hard time getting a Taurus woman to agree to step out in public with you, like on an actual date, if she’s playing you.

The reason is simple: She doesn’t want you to get the wrong idea.

Furthermore, she doesn’t really want to go through the motions of pretending that you’re more than you are.

Taurus women who are excited to be with someone want them to take them out on fancy dinner dates at restaurants.

Taurus women who want to hide out in your apartment exclusively are a little suspect.

5. Your Chats Are Superficial

When you’re trying to get deep and personal, she steers the conversation back to things like the weather or what’s on TV.

Without fail, she avoids any real emotional connection.

If she’s not opening up and keeps conversations on the surface level, it might mean she’s holding back on purpose.

Taurus women are private by nature, it’s true.

But if she’s into you, she’ll start to let you in on her personal life, dreams, and fears. 

If she’s not sharing much, she might not see a future with you.

6. She’s Vague About Exclusivity

You’ve asked her about you two becoming an item, and she gives you a vague answer or changes the subject.

Either way, you never really get the clarity you’re looking for.

Taurus women are usually very honest and upfront.

If you ask them how they feel about you, they’ll give you an answer.

However, if a Taurus woman doesn’t seem to want to talk about whether you two are exclusive, she may be trying to spare your feelings.

Because Taurus women also hate hurting people’s feelings unnecessarily.

If you really want to know, you have to ask her straight up if she’s seeing anyone else and if she wants this to go somewhere.

When you’re specific and direct in your communication, you’ll get a direct answer.

7. Selective Responsiveness

She only seems to respond quickly or engage in conversation when she wants something.

Like a booty call.

But when you initiate contact, she’s slow to reply or often ignores you.

Especially if she just leaves you hanging, this is a red flag since Tauruses are usually pretty diligent and eventually get back to you.

If they want to, that is.

8. Lack of Reciprocity

If you find yourself always driving to her side of town and generally putting in 100% of the effort without it being reciprocated, that’s not a good sign. 

Taurus women usually like to keep things fair and balanced.

While it’s true that they like to be chased, they will show you that they care for you.

They’ll come to your place or drop by your work with a treat for you and to say hello.

If she never bothers to meet you halfway?

Gives you the impression that it literally doesn’t matter to her what you do or if she ever sees you again?

That’s definitely a big red flag.

9. Never Introducing You to Friends or Family

This is more of a sign if you’ve been seeing her for a while.

If she’s serious about you, she’ll eventually want to integrate you into her life.

Often, this includes meeting the important people in her world. 

If you’re kept separate, there’s probably a reason for that.

She might be keeping your relationship a secret because she knows it’s not going to last.

10. She’s Different with You Behind Closed Doors

If you try to lay a smooch on her in public, she’ll get embarrassed and angry.

She might even physically push you away.

Observe how she acts when other people are around. 

If she’s warm and affectionate with you in private but distant or even dismissive in public, that’s often a concerning sign.

11. No Overnights

She never stays overnight.

If you ask, she says she doesn’t like sleepovers.

She’ll come over to get physical with you. But then she doesn’t even want to cuddle afterward.

This is unusual of a Taurus woman, who is very physically affectionate and needs that emotional input after intimacy. 

If it seems pretty clear to you that you’re together to do one thing and one thing only, don’t ignore this sign.

What Could Make It Seem Like a Taurus Woman Is Playing You (but She Really Isn’t)?

If a Taurus woman was initially into you—that is, obviously attracted to you, regularly communicating with you and generally trying to form a bond with you—but then she pulled back, that’s not necessarily a sign that she’s using you.

It’s probably more likely a sign that something came up in her life that made her believe she had to pump the brakes on your developing relationship.

Perhaps work got heavy for her, she had a family crisis.

Or something just felt like it wasn’t quite right between you.

That’s not her playing you—it’s the Taurus woman having doubts that she can continue a relationship with you.

If she hasn’t cut it off, though, then that means she’s still assessing your potential as a couple.

The difference between her playing you and pulling back really comes down to if she was ever really engaged, romantic and nurturing toward you.

If she never seemed like she really cared, then you likely have a pretty clear-cut answer.

Trust Your Gut

You know when something’s not quite right. 

If you feel like an option rather than a priority, that could signal that she might not be as serious as you are.

Remember, a Taurus woman who’s really into you will want to build a stable and secure connection, not leave you guessing about her intentions.


How does a Taurus woman test you?

A Taurus woman will likely test you by observing your reliability, like how well you keep promises or handle commitments. 

She will often test your attraction level to her, as well as your feelings for her.

She might also gauge your reactions to her taking things slowly to see if you respect her pace.

Recommended Reading: Taurus Woman Testing You

When a Taurus woman flirts with you?

When a Taurus woman flirts with you, she’ll do it in a very physical way.

She might flirt through gentle touches and prolonged eye contact.

She may also just jump right into your lap and throw her arms around your neck (yes, Taurus gals can be that forward). 

She will definitely make an effort to look her best around you.

How do you know if a Taurus woman isn’t interested?

If a Taurus woman isn’t interested, she’ll be distant and disengaged in conversation.

She won’t make any effort to spend time with you. 

She’ll also avoid physical contact and won’t be responsive to your advances.

Signs a Taurus woman secretly likes you

You can tell a Taurus woman secretly likes you if she always finds ways to be around you. 

Even if she’s painfully shy.

She’ll remember details about you, give you small gifts and be supportive of you and your dreams.

Recommended Reading: Signs a Taurus Woman Secretly Likes You

When a Taurus woman misses you

When a Taurus woman misses you, she’ll reach out to you with thoughtful messages or calls.

She might reminisce about the past you shared and propose plans to meet up.

Quite likely, she’ll secretly stalk you on social media.

When a Taurus woman is done with you

It’s pretty clear when a Taurus woman is done with you.

She’ll be very clear and direct about it.

Essentially, she’ll cut off contact.

She won’t be interested in meeting up, and will make it known that she’s moving on.

Recommended Reading: When a Taurus Woman Is Done with You

How to know if a Taurus woman is mad at you?

You’ll know a Taurus woman is mad at you if she becomes unusually silent, withdrawn or gives you the cold shoulder. 

She might express her dissatisfaction through her body language or a change in her usual routine, like going for a run when you come home to avoid you.

How do you know if a Taurus woman is in love with you?

A Taurus woman who is in love will be incredibly loyal, affectionate and obviously committed.

She’ll want to spend a lot of quality time with you, one on one.

She’ll include you in her future plans, and she will go out of her way to make you feel secure and cared for.

Recommended Reading: Taurus Woman in Love

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