Is the Aries man you’re dating or hoping to develop a relationship with acting cold and distant lately?
Does it feel like he’s changed his mind about you and is now trying to remove himself from the picture?
Don’t ignore your instincts.
I’m going to share the things I know about how an Aries man acts when he loses interest in pursuing you, why this tends to happen and what you can start doing if you decide you want to fight for him.
Here are the signs an Aries man is not interested anymore:
- Avoiding you at all costs, whether it’s communication, spending time together or intimacy
- Giving weak, one-word answers to your texts and conversations
- Seeming bored and unbothered all the time around you
- Not having a single romantic bone in his body anymore
- Getting easily upset and irritated with you and holding things against you
- Letting you struggle without offering any help or advice
- Generally seeming like he’s checked out mentally and emotionally
Signs an Aries Man Is Not Interested Anymore
The thing about an Aries man is that he’s all over you—until he’s not.
An Aries man may be all up in your business lovebombing you every single day for months with sweet texts and romantic gestures—
And then fade out overnight.
While this sucks, it’s not totally unheard of with Aries men.
Aries guys go all in—which explains why they’re so intense at the beginning—but they also get out fast when they’ve decided it’s over.
If you feel like your Aries man is not so hot on you anymore, you’ll probably see at least some of the following signs.
You may not see all of them, but a pattern should start to emerge as you read through.
Recommended for You: 8 Reasons Aries Man Disappears and Comes Back
1. He’s Spending More and More Time Away from You
An Aries man losing interest is when he won’t spend any time with you that he doesn’t have to.
If you work together, live together or see each other regularly, he might act cordial and casual, though you’ll notice he’s not directing his attention to you.
Outside of these circumstances, you’re never in the same room with him.
He spends his free time without you.
Even if your Aries man has agreed to hang out with you “sometime,” ask yourself—
Has he set a time and date?
Has it been forever since he said yes to hanging out and there’s still no plan for that in the works?
If that’s a “yes” and there hasn’t been something huge in the Aries man’s life distracting him like he’s on the verge of getting fired or his grandma passed away, then most likely he wants to cut things off with you.
2. He Pretty Much Never Contacts You Anymore
There will be natural dips in an Aries man’s communication, especially after the first few weeks of texting back and forth when he was naturally excited.
Eventually he has to check back into his normal life.
But if he’s into you, he’ll resurface after a few days or so.
If it’s been literal weeks since you last got any kind of message from him, that’s a good indication that he’s lost his enthusiasm.
He might be letting communication with you die out until you get bored or irritated and part ways mutually.
When an Aries man wants a woman, he pursues her like a dog with a bone.
It’s a pretty stark contrast between that and the lukewarm man you’re dealing with now.
3. His Text Replies Are a One-Way Street
I’m not going to pretend that Aries men are world-class texters, because they can be pretty garbage at replying sometimes.
But even a text-avoidant Aries guy will at least attempt to keep an exchange going with you if you’ve got him revved up.
If when you get an answer from him, it’s all “yeah” or “ok” or other one-word replies, that’s not only frustrating for you, it’s also a pretty transparent expression of his detachment.
Aries men can’t fake it.
They don’t even believe in being polite—if they’d rather you didn’t text them, they won’t encourage it.
From the way he dodges your questions and creates zero opportunities for you to reply, you’ll feel like you’re bothering the Aries man just trying to keep the conversation alive.
4. He’s Unusually Passive
Aries men do much, if not all, of the initiating when they’re into someone.
They like to take the lead, and Aries is a cardinal sign anyway, which means that Aries people are natural initiators of things.
It’s just what they do.
So if an Aries man is no longer initiating with you, be it a conversation, affection or any kind of grab for your attention, then he’s not feeling you anymore.
5. He’s Irritable Around You
Aries men are not particularly moody, so being super touchy and sensitive around you means that something’s up.
It’s what happens when the Aries is not getting what he wants, and in this case he might want to break it off with you.
Anger is a go-to emotion for this Mars-ruled zodiac sign.
It bubbles up before any other reactions have a chance to.
Treat it like an early warning sign when he seems to be feeling off much of the time with you.
Maybe it’s something else, but usually when an Aries man really likes and cares about you, he puts on his best face—not a grumpy one.
6. He Seems Bored
Is the Aries man kind of “blah” when you’re together?
Like someone stole his personality?
Doesn’t want to go out and do anything together?
If he seems bored, he probably is.
The fact that he’s not trying to make you laugh or get you to like him and be impressed by him paints a picture of his true feelings.
Aries men will act like kids around you when they like you, swinging from chandeliers just to get you to look at them.
If he’s suddenly acting like a middle-aged dad reading his newspaper on the couch, chances are he’s moved on internally.
7. He Isn’t Romantic
An Aries man’s version of romance is showing up at your door one random night and whisking you away to a beach to watch the stars and listen to the waves crashing on the shore.
He’s not the traditional Romeo, but he’s hella romantic nonetheless.
So if you’re not getting any of that magical Aries charm anymore, it’s possible that his feelings for you have changed.
I do want to throw in that dialing down the romance is not always a big neon sign that an Aries man has gone cold on you.
Sometimes they get a little burned out and need a wee break to go back to normal speed.
It’s a better indication of actual disinterest if he goes from spouting romantic things to you to treating you like a buddy or even a distant acquaintance.
8. He Turns Everything Platonic
An Aries man is incapable of pretending he wants something that he doesn’t.
If his romantic feelings have dried up, he’s going to try to make the general vibe platonic.
You might ask him to go somewhere with you with the intention of it being just the two of you, and he says he wants to invite his friends along.
Or he introduces you to other people as a friend.
If you try to do something like kiss or cuddle him, he stiffens up like a statue.
It comes across as awkward but he also doesn’t try to make it any less awkward.
9. When He Gets Mad, He Stays Mad
Holding onto anger at you is an excellent indicator of an Aries man losing interest in you because it shows that he has no more motivation to work things out.
Aries anger arises quickly and can turn into a grudge if there are no positive feelings flowing between you.
If he felt good around you and wanted to keep seeing you, he’d use his Aries ability to blow some steam off after an argument and then quickly shift things back to normal.
But getting ticked off and staying that way shows that an Aries is over it and is probably thinking about ending things soon.
10. He Doesn’t Try to Change Your Mind
Do you get mad at your Aries man and he seems completely indifferent?
Maybe you want him to change your mind and he doesn’t seem to care?
Aries men have a need to be understood and will try to make you see their perspective if they care about you.
But if disagrees with you or he sees that you’ve got some assumption about him backwards and he doesn’t even try to set things straight, then things are probably past saving.
11. He Doesn’t Offer to Help You With Anything
Being of service to you is a huge way that Aries men try to wiggle their way into your heart.
They make themselves very influential or important in your life in some way.
Which means that if you can no longer rely on your Aries, you should pay attention to that feeling.
It’s suspect when you talk about how desperate you are to find a cat sitter before you go out of town and he doesn’t offer to do it or find you someone who can do it.
Every time you’ve got a problem, he’s silent whereas he used to jump to offer his advice.
Any time you could use a hand, he disappears.
That’s one way that he subtly fades away from your life—by getting you to depend on him less and less.
12. He Acts Nonchalant
Nothing you do excites him.
He’s not cheering you on when you get a promotion at work.
He’s not bothered when someone’s been mean to you.
He doesn’t seem to miss you when you’re gone.
In fact, nothing you could do could move him one way or another.
Except maybe toward anger—he can still get pissed off at you.
But maybe it’s even beyond that.
Maybe he doesn’t even get mad at you anymore, and if that’s the case then he’s really checked out.
13. He Doesn’t Touch You
Being physical with someone is a key way that an Aries man shows his interest.
Touching you, hugging you and being physically intimate are all things an Aries man will want to do all the time if he’s invested in you.
Which makes it extremely clear how he feels if he’s not doing any of that.
His distance is a reflection of his desire, or rather his lack of desire.
14. His Passion Is Gone
Did you have a ton of sex in the beginning and now the Aries man won’t get in bed with you at all, or hardly ever?
Or whenever you do the deed it’s boring and routine feeling?
Routine is the kiss of death for an Aries.
Anything that becomes humdrum and routine for the Aries—especially if it’s your sex life—is a big warning that your relationship is coming to an end.
15. He’s Just Not Acting Into You Anymore
The general energy between you is lackluster.
He went from being excited and upbeat to putting zero effort in.
You’ll know it because you’ll feel it.
He’s just not trying anymore.
He’s checked out and it shows on all levels.
Why Might the Aries Guy Be Losing Interest?
Usually when an Aries guy loses interest, it’s because things aren’t as exciting for him anymore.
Aries men need a combination of passion, excitement, enthusiasm and fire with someone.
They also need enough of a challenge to make them feel like there’s a big prize waiting for them at the end.
This tends to be most true at the start of your courtship.
If he’s not feeling more and more fascinated and enamored with every encounter, his feelings might fizzle out.
If he’s gotten the sense that you lack ambition, that you’re a closed book, that you’re an eternal pessimist or that you just don’t click together, he might duck out.
In a relationship, naturally the passion and spontaneity tend to die down a little at some point.
But if they disappear altogether, his love can’t survive.
There has to be enough of an adventure to keep him going.
If it sounds like he’s got the attention span of a two-year-old, it’s not that dire.
Yes, he does need to feel inspired in his relationship, but the truth is that he’s very loyal and dedicated when he feels like he’s found his soulmate.
He gives everything he’s got to his partner and it’s not like he’s just waiting to break up with you.
At the same time, it’s a well-known thing that the Aries is going to need random doses of novelty added into the relationship in order to feel fulfilled.
If things start to feel stagnant, routine or predictable, it’s going to make the Aries question whether this is the right relationship for them.
What to Do to Spark His Interest Again? 5 Tips
If you want to recapture an Aries man’s interest, it won’t be easy, but the results are worth it if you’re looking for a fiery, passionate relationship.
I just want to point out that there’s no guarantee that you’ll get him after you again.
Aries men are unpredictable, and relying on their need to chase and their love of a challenge will not get you as far as you think with them.
So if you’ve heard that you should ignore him or treat him poorly and he’ll come running, I assure you, he won’t.
So what can you do, then?
Try this.
Recommended for You: How to Get an Aries Man to Chase You
Tip #1: Tell Him You Want Him
Yes! Do it.
Aries men love feeling wanted. Not needed—but wanted.
You don’t have to gush over him, just tell him very directly what you think about when you see him.
If it gets a little bit explicit, that’s not bad. Aries can take the heat.
Just keep an element of coyness if you want to make it more of a challenge for him (you do).
Tip #2: Message Him With Something Juicy
Don’t just say, “Hi, how are you?”
There has to be some meat to your texts.
An Aries man will only respond when he feels like there’s something to respond to.
So send him something that has to do with his interests, like an amusing article that you read and want to get his take on.
Or even if you just tell him some funny thought you had, that’s much more enticing because it’s unexpected.
Tip #3: Resist Asking Him to Come Visit You
Aries has to lead, so let the Aries man determine the next time you meet up.
It’s a pain, I know.
I bet you’re thinking, What’s the big deal about saying you’d like to see him?!
And the answer is that any initiation on your part is tantamount to pressuring and Aries will sprint as fast as he can away from that.
It’s just how he is, and you can’t change that about him.
Tip #4: Focus On What You Can Do for Yourself
If there’s one language an Aries man speaks, it’s the language of “me, myself and I.”
The Aries motto is “I am” for crying out loud.
So take a page from the Aries playbook and focus on yourself.
Do what you always dreamed of doing.
An Aries man admires guts and wants to talk to anyone who puts their money where their mouth is and dares to go after what they want.
Whether that’s getting into the best shape of your life or pursuing a dream career, allow the Aries man to get wind of that through social media, mutual friends or your mutual workplace.
You’re hardly going to have to do anything special to pique his interest.
He’ll come to you.
Tip #5: Practice Good Boundaries
If you were constantly around, texting him often and making sure you were available to the Aries man at the drop of a hat, then he may have felt overwhelmed by that.
Getting some good boundaries and seeing your own time as precious can do a lot to change an Aries man’s perception of you.
An Aries man is not looking for someone who doesn’t make time for him, but he’s also not into being with someone who doesn’t do their own thing and take some healthy space.
If you’re working on your own life, then this is going to happen all on its own.
No need to fake it.
This is where people get mixed up and think they need to ignore the Aries man.
When in reality if you’re just respecting your own needs and investing in yourself first, you’re going to appear exactly how you want to the Aries man and he’ll value your time more.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do Aries lose feelings fast?
Aries is a fast sign.
It’s the first sign of the zodiac and can be thought of as the igniting of the flame when you strike a match.
Or the explosion of a cannon.
That split second when heat, fuel and oxygen meet and create that chemical reaction that goes Bang!
With such a quick and forceful energy like that, it’s no wonder Aries people are fast in love.
They’re quick to fall in love and just as quick to lose feelings when they know in their bones that something’s not right.
How does an Aries man end a relationship?
An Aries man is a direct communicator and will most likely end a relationship by telling you in no uncertain terms that it’s over.
He won’t be a jerk about it, but he’ll want to make sure that it’s clear how he feels.
He’ll want to avoid any potential misunderstandings because once an Aries man closes the door, he assumes that it will stay shut.
Signs an Aries man is playing you
If an Aries man is playing you, it’ll be obvious by the way he treats you.
Not only will he never say that you’re together—he might even say he doesn’t want a relationship—but he’ll also be distant physically and emotionally.
He’ll only come around when it’s convenient for him and he won’t make any plans with you.
He’ll generally ignore you until he wants something from you.
Read 20 Key Signs an Aries Man Is Using You to find out more.
Signs an Aries man is talking to another woman
If you see an Aries man on his phone texting a lot, it’s possible that he’s got a new love interest.
If he does, he’ll also disappear for a solid week or more without any communication with you because he’ll be pursuing this other woman.
He’ll be checking her out on social media, friending her on Facebook or going through all her pictures and Instagram reels.
Aries men get really into it when they’re flirting with someone so he might not be very good at hiding it.
What breaks an Aries heart?
The thing about Aries is that they tend to break their own hearts.
If you’re an Aries or you’ve dated one before, this probably makes sense to you.
Aries people have a tendency to pull away when they can sense things going awry, before the other person has a chance to break their hearts.
In their minds, they rationalize that they’d rather save themselves that pain by being the dumper and not the dumpee.
So if it seems to the Aries like a relationship can’t continue, even if they feel strongly about you or are even madly in love with you, they may reject you quickly to get it over with.
What makes an Aries man regret losing you?
An Aries man will regret losing you if he’s had time to sit with your breakup and realized that you were the best thing he’d ever had.
It’s not necessarily your emotional connection, only because an Aries is capable of suppressing his feelings.
What makes him believe that you were the best is how vivacious and fun and exciting you were.
How ambitious and bold and daring.
You would have to make a big impression on him and he would have to either miss you so badly he had to reach out, or run into you and have that tangible reminder of how amazing you are.
Why would an Aries ghost you?
If an Aries man ghosts you, it could be that he’s determined you don’t have enough chemistry.
He needs it to be endlessly thrilling or his interest wanes quickly.
Another possibility is that things got serious too fast for him and he ducked out because he just didn’t have the ability to meet your needs.
An Aries man decides instantly when he doesn’t want to be with someone and can be a bit of a serial ghoster.
What turns Aries off?
Things that turn an Aries off are:
- Routine
- No sense of adventure
- Eating the same meals and doing the same things every week
- Debbie Downers
- Arguing with the Aries man, suggesting he’s wrong or incapable
- Clinginess
- Huge emotional displays
- Having no goals, hobbies or ambitions
- Mean people
- Naysaying
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