16 Subtle Signs a Taurus Man Is Sexually Attracted to You

How do you tell if a Taurus man is sexually attracted to you?

If you can’t easily tell, that’s because Taurus men don’t want you to. 

They’re guarded. They don’t want you to know how badly they want you because that would give you too much power. And they fear being hurt or toyed with.

So they’re subtle. You just have to know how to read the signs.

If a Taurus man is attracted to you, he’ll use body language to communicate his desire as well as sly tactics to bring you closer into his orbit.

And maybe a sexy text or two.

So that you don’t have to keep wondering, I’ve put together this handy-dandy list of 16 signs a Taurus man finds you physically attractive.

Read it, go forth and canoodle with your hot Taurus man.

16 Subtle Signs a Taurus Man Is Sexually Attracted to You

1. He Stares at You, Then Quickly Looks Away

Do you sometimes catch the Taurus man staring, but the second you look up, he looks away?

You’ll feel his eyes on you frequently when you’re around him.

This is one of the biggest clues that a Taurus man is sexually attracted to you.

Tauruses are visual creatures and literally cannot stop looking at whatever it is they desire. 

Yet a Taurus man is very self-aware and doesn’t want to be creepy.

So he’ll try to steal glances when he thinks you’re not paying attention.

Just, he’ll do it all. The. Time.

Read Next: How to Make a Taurus Man Chase You

2. He Touches You a Lot

If a Taurus man seems to always find ways to touch you, there’s no question about it.

It means you make him hot and bothered.

Tauruses are very tactile. If they like something, they want to touch it.

You may notice this Taurus guy strokes your arm affectionately or rubs your back when he talks to you.

You may wonder if he’s just touchy-feely with everyone. And the answer is no.

No, he’s not.

If he’s constantly making excuses to pet you, touch you and squeeze you, he’s into you.

3. He Tries to Make You Laugh

Taurus men are earthy and use laughter as a language of attraction. Joshing around with you is a way of showing their affection.

Plus, seeing you laugh is super sexy to them. 

Do you have a bunch of little inside jokes that only the two of you would get?

This is a form of intimacy that makes the Taurus man feel closer to you, and that he hopes brings you closer to him.

4. His Goofy Half-Grin When You Laugh at His Jokes

Watch his reaction when you laugh at his jokes. 

Does he light up and get a goofy grin on his face?

Many Taurus men get this funny little half-smile when they fancy someone.

Like they’re trying to suppress a huge smile…which is exactly what they’re doing.

Taurus men try to play it cool but if you watch closely, you can tell that they get a little bit awkward when they have the hots for you.

5. He Openly Checks You Out

Have you ever seen the Taurus man check you out? You know, that quick up-and-down scan with his eyes like he’s taking all of you in?

He most definitely thinks you’re gorgeous if he does this while you’re talking to him.

This is a subtle sign that the Taurus man gives to show his interest in a woman.

He uses body language to communicate his desire discreetly, because ultimately he’s a classy man and he’d rather not yell out, “Damn woman, you’re fine!”

6. He Sends You Flirty Texts and Pictures

If a Taurus man is texting you sweet, flirty things, calling you beautiful and messaging you with corny lines, he’s all about you.

Tauruses like to keep in consistent communication with someone they’re trying to seduce, and that includes sending texts to fill in the gaps when you don’t see each other for a while.

Expect cute texts as well as plenty of pictures.

They may be pictures of him or of the sandwich he’s eating, but a Taurus texting you photographic evidence of his daily life is showing signs of crushing on you.

7. He Finds Reasons to Get Close to You

A Taurus man who is attracted to you will want to be near you all the time.

You’ll notice him initiating physical closeness whenever he can, like standing right next to you even when there are plenty of other places to stand.

He may pal around with you and get right in your space and play-wrestle with you, making the vibe between you flirty and intimate.

Extra points for any touching that increases the physical bond between you.

8. He’s Drawn to the Way You Smell

Does the Taurus man lean in to smell your hair?

Comment on how amazing your perfume is?

Scent is a powerful attractor for the Taurus zodiac sign. 

Looking good is one thing, but smelling good to a Taurus man activates something primal in him.

You can tell by the way he tries to get a whiff when you come near him. and sincerely complimenting your choice of fragrance.

So if the Taurus man is sincerely complimenting your favorite fragrance that you wear, it’s usually code for having sexy thoughts about you.

9. He Wants Your Company

If a Taurus male wants to make weekend plans or hang out after work, that’s a big clue.

Taurus guys don’t usually pursue platonic relationships with women. Generally speaking, a Taurus man will ask to hang out with a woman he’s attracted to so he can see where it goes.

If things go well, then eventually he will progress to asking for dates.

But at first, he may ask you to do super mundane stuff with him.

Like tagging along while he runs errands.

To you it might not mean much, but to the Taurus man, it’s important one-on-one time where you can feel each other out.

So don’t assume that if the Taurus man isn’t asking you to do something special or date-like that he isn’t into you.

For him, an invitation to spend time with him is a step toward greater intimacy.

10. He Hugs You Tight

Does it feel like the Taurus man squeezes you extra hard when you say goodbye?

Do the hugs go on for a while?

A Taurus man’s embraces are more restrained and polite when he isn’t interested in someone.

In that case, he’ll do a quick, bodies-not-fully-touching hug or throw a weak-armed side hug at them.

But when a Taurus man hugs you tightly, you know he’s putting his heart and soul into it.

He wouldn’t miss an opportunity to give his crush a long, lingering squeeze.

11. He Gives You His Jacket When You’re Cold

Taurus men love playing the gentleman. Chivalry is their bread and butter when it comes to seducing the woman they want.

Putting his jacket around your shoulders when you’re chilly is their signature move.

It shows care and concern for your wellbeing, and it’s the next best thing to having their arms wrapped around you.

Plus, it’ll smell like your perfume when you’re done wearing it.

12. He Compliments Your Body

Pay attention when the Taurus man compliments you.

The difference between a passive, generic compliment from a Taurus man just trying to be polite and a Taurus man who is sexually attracted to you is in how specific he gets.

If he says the dress you’re wearing looks nice on you, that doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

But if he compliments the way the neckline of your dress shows off your shoulders, which he says are particularly nice, that means he’s paying very close attention to your body.

You know, because he wants you.

13. Flirtatious Talk

Some folks say that Tauruses are flirty by nature, and there’s some truth in that.

Taurus is ruled by Venus and Venus is a romantic, flirtatious planet.


If you’re wondering whether a Taurus man is truly interested or just being chatty and charming, think about the stuff he says to you.

He’ll say things that are sexual or suggestive in nature if he wants you.

He’ll make risque jokes or sexual innuendos and then check your reaction.

Taurus is an extremely sexual sign and you’ll feel that talking to a Taurus man who’s into you.

14. He Dresses for You

Taurus men are like those colorful male birds doing elaborate dances to attract a female.

Tauruses know the power of visual appeal and will dress to impress when they know you’ll be around.

Muscle-baring tees? Designer jeans?

A Taurus man will flex his fashion savvy and play up his best physical assets to get you to notice him.

15. He Likes to Cuddle with You

Tauruses are big-time cuddlers.

Nothing gets their hearts pumping like feeling your body against theirs with your arms wrapped around each other.

Tauruses are highly attuned to their sense of touch and prefer to get their serotonin from full-contact cuddling. It releases all the happy and horny feelings at the same time.

If you need a good litmus test for how a Taurus man feels about you, say you need a good cuddle partner.

If he jumps to offer his services, he’s 100% attracted to you and you give him butterflies.

16. He Tries to Be Manly Around You

Taurus men will puff up a little around someone they like.

The Taurus man wants you to see him as the most desirable male of the bunch and so will start playing to his masculine strengths.

If he offers you his muscles to move your furniture around your apartment, he’s hoping you’ll swoon over his strength and chivalry.

He may deepen his voice around you and stand up straighter with his chest out.

Go ahead—try to say it doesn’t work!

What Sexually Attracts a Taurus Man?

If you want to sexually attract a Taurus man, focus on inundating his senses.

Being an earth sign, a Taurus man is very grounded in his body and his physical senses.

This is not a sign that prioritizes mental or emotional attraction first.

No, no.

More so than most other signs, a Taurus man becomes sexually attracted to someone who has an immediate impact on his five senses.

Smelling a deliciously feminine perfume, watching you walk in dressed up in a flirty sundress, hearing the sound of your voice—these are all things that will make a Taurus man develop an insatiable lust for you.

Don’t bother with mind games or trying to get his attention by being a “nice girl.”

While Taurus men do love a kind-hearted woman, if you’re trying to seduce a Taurus guy, you need to focus primarily on his sensory experiences of you.

Look good, smell incredible and speak seductively.

On top of this, be sweet and somewhat demure.

Taurus men are suckers for girl-next-door types who give classy vibes and are genuinely nice.

Lastly, don’t forget to touch the Taurus man if you want him to see you in a sexual light.

Touch is a main form of communication for Tauruses and will infinitely ramp up his desire for you as opposed to a woman who is too shy or timid to get close and make the connection.

What Scents Attract a Taurus Man?

Taurus men prefer scents that are pretty natural-smelling.

They like sweet and earthy fragrances like jasmine, rose, vanilla and cedar.

They’re into any scents that remind them of fresh-baked cookies, flower gardens or walking through nature.

Whatever you wear, it shouldn’t be overly sweet or sharp.

Tauruses like subtlety, so pick a perfume that’s balanced and just spritz it in the air and then walk through it instead of spraying it on directly.

This will ensure it’s not too strong for the delicate Taurean sense of smell.

What Is a Taurus Man’s Favorite Body Part on a Woman?

From the viewpoint of traditional astrology, a Taurus’s favorite body part would be the neck because this is the area of the body that’s ruled by Taurus.

But few men would say that a woman’s neck is their absolute favorite.

If we’re being honest, Taurus men are more your standard boobs-and-butt guys.

Which one they give preference to is up to the individual Taurus man.

But Tauruses love womanly curves because they’re powerfully attracted to all things supremely feminine.

How Do Taurus Men Act When They Like You?

Taurus men start to act very noble, chivalrous and romantic when they like you.

They’ll become very protective of you, like they’re there to keep you safe.

When a Taurus man likes you, he shifts the energy between you to a more intimate energy.

You can tell by the way he tries to get you alone and share deep conversations with you and maybe even open up about his inner world.

He’ll be generous, thoughtful and kind.

He will do favors for you and show you that he likes you through how caring and sincere he is about spending time with you.

In fact, you won’t catch him spending time with any other ladies if he likes you.

It’s not something you have to ask—it’s just what he wants.

Recommended Reading: Signs a Taurus Man Secretly Likes You

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you tell if a Taurus man is obsessed with you?

You cannot easily tell if a Taurus man is obsessed with you.

This is by design—he doesn’t want you to know just how crazy he is about you.

But you can figure it out by how much the Taurus man checks on you.

If he’s constantly hovering around in your socials, reading your stories and keeping up with the goings-on in your life, take notice.

If he’s asking around about you, seeking your attention and/or getting jealous of the attention you give to other people, he’s obsessed.

What are the red flags for Taurus men?

Red flags to be on the lookout for with Taurus men are their possessive streaks. This can easily turn into controlling behavior for less evolved Taurus men.

Extreme stubbornness and refusal to change their minds or compromise in any way are also red flags.

Tauruses may be stubborn, but even they can meet you halfway sometimes, depending on how great the stakes are for them.

If you’re not getting any leeway with a Taurus man, proceed with caution. That’s not likely to change.

How do you know if a Taurus is thinking about you?

Usually, if a Taurus is thinking about you, they’ll pick up the phone and text you or call you.

A Taurus’s instinct is to take action and try to see you in person when they’re thinking about you, so they’ll likely ask if you want to hang out.

This is something that’s really nice about Tauruses, as they’re pretty straightforward.

If they can’t talk to you at the moment because they’re at work, Tauruses may try to check your socials to see pictures of you and get a sense of what you’re up to.

But their first move is going to be to actually get in touch with you.

What kind of woman does Taurus man like?

A Taurus man typically likes a woman who is feminine, sweet and gentle.

At the same time, he needs his leading lady who is strong and resilient.

Someone who doesn’t take crap from anyone (including him), but who is also caring and nurturing.

He loves women who are class acts. Women who show sophistication and taste in all things, including the way they conduct themselves.

Mostly, he wants a woman who is mature, dependable and responsible—someone he can trust and rely on to give his loyalty to.

What makes a Taurus man chase you?

Letting a Taurus man know what you want is the first step toward getting him to chase you.

You can’t expect a Taurus guy to pursue you if he doesn’t have a clear direction first—he wouldn’t dare leave his comfort zone unless he feels he’s got a sure bet.

At the same time, you can’t throw yourself at a Taurus man and expect him to chase you.

First give him clear signals that you want him, because he needs that nudge—then once he bites, let him take over.

Just be sure to reciprocate and show equal enthusiasm because a Taurus man needs plenty of feedback to keep up the chase.

When a Taurus man decides you’re the one

When a Taurus man decides you’re the one, that’s it. Case closed. You’re it for him and you will absolutely know it.

He won’t go back and forth with you. You will have all of him.

All of his attention. Consistent, daily communication. His heart, his mind and his free time.

If a Taurus man chooses to commit to you, chances are you’re already best friends.

There’s nothing that could come between you and nothing that he keeps from you.

You’re everything to him and he’s not afraid to admit it.

Signs a Taurus man secretly likes you

Some signs that a Taurus man secretly likes you are:

  • Being touchy-feely with you
  • Showing you his gentle side
  • Getting a little jealous of other guys around you
  • Focusing intense attention on you
  • Giving you gifts
  • Cooking for you
  • Showing off around you

Signs a Taurus man is falling in love with you

If a Taurus man is falling in love with you, at first he might freak out a little bit.

What I mean is that as soon as a Taurus man realizes you have his heart, he may go into introspection mode to figure out his feelings.

This is a lot for a Taurus man to process and he’ll need some time to adjust.

(We all know Tauruses are slow to accept change, and that includes in their emotional lives.)

He might seem to push you away for a couple of weeks, but really he’s just in processing mode.

After that, he’ll open up and continue to show you that you’re a priority in his life.

He won’t hesitate to commit to future plans with you and he’ll be completely open, vulnerable and available to you.

Signs a Taurus man is playing you

If a Taurus man is playing you, he won’t try to spend any quality time with you.

He won’t ask you questions about your personal life, your opinions or your beliefs.

He will not try to take you out on fancy dates or impress you.

Most likely, you will have slept together right away and whenever you get together, you end up in bed together.

But things never seem to happen outside of the bedroom on these random occasions.

If he’s very off-and-on with communication and doesn’t treat you with any particular respect, kindness or care, be on your guard.

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I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at decodethezodiac.com.

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