Traditionally, Leo women and Taurus men aren’t supposed to go together—but is that really true?
Here’s the short answer: A Taurus man and Leo woman are about 65% compatible overall. If they choose each other, their relationship will make little rational sense to the world, but it will be the emotionally rewarding opportunity of a lifetime.
It will force them to grow and balance each other, or their stubbornness will divide them. They will need to work on changing how they approach one another and giving each other room to be who they are if they want it to last.
As it turns out, they have more in common than would seem on the surface, and the very same qualities that repel each other can draw them together like magnets.
Which is why Taurus men and Leo women always seem to be getting into relationships with each other, despite their differences.
But can they be a good match?
Will they make it as a couple, or should they just be friends?
I’m breaking down their compatibility so that it’s all a bit clearer:
- Why they attract one another
- How they fall in love
- What their biggest issues are
- How their love languages communicate
- How they flourish emotionally together
- What their sexual chemistry is like, and more
This is a thorough review of the good, the bad and the romantic potential of their relationship, complete with tips on how to navigate the tricky parts.
By the time you’re done reading, you’ll have a pretty solid idea of why they work, and what could pull them apart.
Taurus Man, Leo Woman: Are They a Good Match?
When a Taurus man and Leo woman are determined to be together, they make a surprisingly strong match.
On the face of it, their sun signs are not the most compatible.
Taurus is an earth sign, Leo is a fire sign. And earth and fire don’t have a whole lot to do with each other.
Still, they have a powerful emotional connection that makes them want to work on the areas that are lacking in their compatibility.
If they do, their relationship has serious staying power.
Leo is just as stubborn as Taurus, which can make for some epic fights and issues around compromising.
Yet stubbornness is also the reason they stick together.
Sexually and emotionally, they have an undeniable pull towards each other.
Both of these individuals are searching for the real deal, complete with love, loyalty and commitment.
They both seek a life of comfort, beauty and luxury, so they find themselves well-matched in their goals.
But this is where their common interests end. Leo is a spotlight-loving extrovert and Taurus is a quiet-loving introvert.
Leo recharges by socializing, but Taurus would rather commune with nature.
When they disagree, each will try to get their own way or hold resentment for being forced to back down.
Communication, patience and giving up a little control are the keys to making their love thrive.
Let’s break down their compatibility in terms of sexual chemistry, emotion, communication, trust and more.
Read Next: Taurus Man in Love
Taurus Man and Leo Woman Compatibility Percentage
I give the Taurus man + Leo woman a solid 65% in the compatibility percentage department.
Check out this visual that will show you how their compatibility shakes out at a quick glance:
When you dig into it, a Taurus man and Leo woman have high compatibility in areas like their sexual connection, love and emotional bonding.
However, they have big differences in the areas of communication, interests and lifestyle preferences.
Remember that this is an estimate based on generalizations of each sign’s characteristics.
Attraction is the easy part between a Taurus man and a Leo woman.
Their mutual attraction is strong, thanks in part to the square aspect their signs make to each other (more on that later) and each sign being unfamiliar territory to the other.
Fundamentally, they come from extremely different walks of life.
As a fire sign, Leo is a firecracker. Pedal to the medal. A thrill seeker.
Taurus is of the earth element. He’s pragmatic, plodding and composed. Certainly not one for the intensity that a Leo woman brings. (Usually.)
So—what draws a dramatic Leo woman and a slow, steady Taurus man together in the first place?
Why Is a Taurus Man So Attracted to a Leo Woman?
Normally a Taurus man finds himself attracted to strong, feminine, sensual females, and a Leo woman ticks all those boxes.
However, she’s a good deal more feisty and take-charge than most of the women he dates.
And this is what captivates him.
Even though a Taurus man likes to lead, he does love a woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it, romantically speaking.
That describes the ultra confident Leo woman to a T.
There’s something extra special about her—the way she lavishes praise, desire and attention on a man can make him feel like the most important person in the world.
He feels like the king.
And she is looking for a mate worthy of the empty throne beside her.
So she lets the Bull do the chasing, which fulfills his need to seduce her and win her.
Which is exactly what a Leo woman wants—to be desired, to be coveted.
She fancies herself a precious ruby for only the most discerning man to unearth, and the Taurus fancies himself a gentleman of good taste.
He feels women should know and uphold their value, and this old-fashioned stance meshes well with the proud Leo woman’s self image.
On a more practical scale, the Taurus male feels an affinity with the Leo woman because they both share an appreciation for luxury.
They are constantly impressing each other.
He admires her knowledge of fine wines and likes that she favors high-end brands.
She’s out of most men’s leagues, but this is what gets the Taurus man obsessed.
The possessive Taurus just has to have her.
What Attracts a Leo Woman to a Taurus Man?
The Leo woman’s attraction to the Taurus man starts as curiosity, but quickly it escalates.
His slow-as-molasses courtship is not what she’s accustomed to, and logic dictates that his reserved nature should put her off because Leos thrive off of big, showy displays in romance.
Except it doesn’t put her off at all.
She’s intrigued.
The other men she’s dated were more outwardly bold and brash.
Along comes the super calm and stoic Taurus man, and she feels the urgency of a challenge arising.
She will make him burn with desire for her.
She can sense it within him—the unbridled sensuality and slow, simmering passion—and she wants to be the one to bring it out of him.
It’s a hotter conquest than she’s ever pursued before.
Underneath all of that untapped passion, she knows that there’s stability and practicality.
He is mature. He’s responsible. He pays his bills on time.
And he listens—really listens!
He gives her the stage on their dates, absorbing every word she says with thoughtfulness and interest.
All of which makes Leo feel like she’s getting the superstar attention she deserves.
Could this man be the complete package?
She needs to find out.
In the same way that she knows her worth, she can tell that the Taurus man knows his.
The fact that he doesn’t throw himself at women tells her that he’s a man of substance, a man who knows his power and doesn’t give it away frivolously.
On top of this, he can dress immaculately and he stays well-groomed.
Taurus isn’t scared of a manicure.
Leo women are suckers for a guy who not only puts effort into his appearance, but also knows style.
No wonder she can’t stay away from him.
Are Taurus Man & Leo Woman Sexually Compatible?
The Taurus man and Leo woman’s sexual compatibility is high.
They unabashedly love sex, crave it and want it at least several times a week. For the Taurus, probably even more.
They’re on the same page where libido is concerned.
The Leo woman loves the Taurus man’s slow, romantic approach.
A Leo woman either needs a man who can go for hours or for multiple encores, and a Taurus man can do both.
He’ll extend foreplay for hours and make her slow down to a deliciously lingering pace.
In bed, the Taurus man likes to be very close and physical, choosing positions that give maximum skin contact.
The Leo woman adores to be adored by the Taurus man’s affectionate sexual style, and he can’t get enough of her praise and attention.
The only thing she wishes is that he were a little more verbal with the praise for her.
She likes to be told what an amazing lover she is.
However, physically, she feels worshiped at the altar of her body like she never has before.
He confidently takes charge in bed and will caress, kiss and please every inch of her body.
Leo ladies love to be handled by a knowledgeable lover, and Taurus males deliver.
She may be a boss in the streets, but she needs to please in the sheets.
Taurus loves that she’s not even a little bit passive and dull, putting equal effort into their steamy escapades.
She won’t be outshined—she’s eager to impress.
She wants to know every fantasy he has so she can star in them.
This might be amazing for the Taurus man in the beginning, but Bulls are relatively simple creatures.
If he starts to settle into too much of a routine, the Leo woman may feel uninspired.
Bed Chemistry Advice
The Taurus man might want to open his mind a little more to the theatrical side of sex for the benefit of the Leo woman—you know, keep things spicy.
Especially with role play—Leos are born to act.
As for the Leo woman, she can sometimes get so caught up in the performance of it all that it starts to feel…well, performative.
It can get a bit much for a pragmatic Taurus.
The good news is that earthy Taurus helps tether her to the present moment, and being grounded in her body means that she can reach new heights of pleasure.
Leo will keep Taurus in a constant state of passion and excitement with her vivacious energy, ensuring that he never feels neglected.
Taurus Man and Leo Woman Love and Relationship Compatibility
This is where things can get a bit trickier.
While sexual attraction makes a Taurus man and Leo woman want to explore a relationship, the ways they go about testing each other can present challenges.
A Leo woman is generally up front and direct, which works well with someone who is as direct as she is.
She’s ready for a full-fledged relationship well before the Taurus man, eager to unleash a torrent of affection and emotion on him.
But a Taurus man is guarded, which causes her to become guarded too.
Her pride is important to her and she won’t risk getting used or dumped, so she tries to get the Taurus man to reveal his hand first.
Only problem is, he’s doing the same thing.
He likes to wait and see what his love interest will do before he decides whether to invest his emotions.
They risk getting into an endless cat and mouse game, never admitting their feelings for one another.
For the most part, the risk is greatest when they start as friends or friends with benefits, then decide to see if they could be more.
The risk is lower if when they meet, both parties are open to a relationship and start off with that intention.
They actually have a ton in common, including their loyalty, love of comfort and beauty and strong values oriented around tight-knit family and friends.
The Taurus man takes on the traditional role of caretaker and protector, especially if these two get married.
This is something even a career-driven Lioness appreciates as she’s looking for a mate who can both take care of her and not be threatened by her success.
It’s perfect, because he too is in search of a partner who can pull their own weight.
Why They Work
The strength of this relationship lies in their emotions ties to each other.
Even as they sometimes feel like they’re not wholly compatible, it motivates them to work things out.
They feel that if they don’t, this might be the one that got away.
When it works, it works really well. They are unswervingly committed to each other.
To their credit, they both bring something vital to the table that the other doesn’t typically get to experience in their relationships.
The Leo woman’s relationships are usually usually passionate, but not necessarily safe. With the Taurus man, she feels safe.
His grounding, stabilizing energy gives staying power to their romance.
The Taurus man has never felt so raised up by a partner as he does with Leo.
He feels truly cherished and respected, and he is—when a Leo woman selects a worthy mate, she treats him as such.
Love Languages
Tauruses speak physical touch as their primary love language, and Leos tend to speak a blend of gift giving and words of affirmation.
Taurus men need a ton of touching and hugging and kissing to feel loved, and fortunately, Leo women are all about that.
There’s no shortage of physical affection with a Lioness, although it might get pretty grabby pretty often.
She’s hot-blooded. But Taurus doesn’t mind at all.
Where Taurus shines in Leo’s eyes is in the gift giving department.
Tauruses are really good at selecting nice, high-quality gifts for their partners, and Leo feels seen and appreciated by these gestures.
Words of affirmation is the one area that Taurus could use more help in meeting Leo’s needs.
She needs to be acknowledged and complimented more than he realizes, and if he starts letting this side of their relationship slip, she’ll wonder if he’s fallen out of love with her.
Still, they’re a decent match in terms of speaking each other’s main love languages.
Tauruses also tend to express love through acts of service, which, while not necessarily romantic, goes a pretty long way with a Leo.
The one snag here is that Leos expect a certain level of service throughout their relationships, which can make a Taurus man start to feel taken for granted if his efforts go unnoticed.
He does little things, like picking up takeout for dinner and keeping her car oil changed on time.
He does these things freely and happily, as long as the Leo woman doesn’t feel entitled and is willing to reciprocate.
The courtship between a Leo woman and Taurus man is going to look pretty traditional.
Ever the gentleman, Taurus’s old-timey romance clinches the deal with Leo with all the roses, gifts and fancy dinner dates he showers on her.
He pulls out her chair for her to sit down and walks her right up to her door at the end of a date.
He’s chivalrous and willing to spend his dough when he’s trying to woo her.
He knows how to make a woman feel like royalty, so naturally, the Leo woman falls for him.
She doesn’t rush intimacy, sometimes even waiting until after several dates for the first goodnight kiss.
This is really good for Tauruses as the Bull also needs to take things slow, but doesn’t always have the willpower to resist.
He can ruin it for himself if he lets his lust get the better of him, but the Leo woman will make him prove he can stick around first.
Once the Leo woman decides she really likes the Taurus man, she’ll want to speed towards a relationship while he’ll be wondering what the rush is.
He should make sure she knows that he thinks she’s fabulous and sexy and amazing and that his slowness is just his nature, and not something she is lacking.
Otherwise, she might get fed up feeling like he’s being lukewarm with her and bolt.
Lifestyle and Interests
On a day-to-day level, A Taurus man may be too practical for a Leo woman.
She wants things to be spontaneous sometimes. It doesn’t matter if they aren’t the most practical decisions.
He likes low-key activities and predictability. He needs a plan and it needs to make sense.
After the courtship is over, he’ll want to save money as he looks to the future and thinks about starting a little nest egg.
This looks like stinginess to the Leo who would spare no expense in the name of comfort and pleasure.
She doesn’t care if it’s not in the budget to go away for the weekend on a romantic spree.
Why can’t she be more realistic? the Taurus man wonders.
The hotel alone is going to cost an arm and a leg. Surely there are budget options?
They’ll both spend money on high-end items because they both value quality and opulence, but the Taurus man only makes purchases when it’s on something he really wants.
Which, quite frankly, is very little.
Leo might find that selfish and hypocritical. It’s not her problem that he could go without the expensive brunches, champagne and spa days.
Don’t get him wrong, the Taurus man loves a spa day. He just won’t enjoy it as much if he’s sweating over the bill.
Socially, these two are going to have to come to an arrangement of some sort.
There’s inevitably going to come a point when the Leo woman realizes that the Taurus man isn’t as active on the social scene as she is and will have to make a decision if she’s okay with that or not.
He’ll need to decide whether it’s worth trying to get her to stay in for the night with him, or if he can curb his jealousy if she goes out dancing without him.
She may rather wear heels than hiking boots, but that’s a difference between them that they’ll have to sort out.
There’s not a lot for this pair to do than to find a middle ground.
Taurus Man and Leo Woman Emotional Compatibility
A Taurus man and Leo woman feel strongly emotionally connected.
As a fire sign, a Leo woman’s feelings develop quickly and intensely. But with the Taurus man, there’s something that feels restrained between them, which adds to the intensity.
It may have something to do with that square that exists between their signs.
Squares in astrology are disharmonious. Zodiac signs that square each other form a harsh angle to one another, creating tension and discomfort.
Conflict is inevitable. But it’s not as bad as it sounds.
It’s thought that squares exist in astrology to force us out of our comfort zones. In a positive sense, squares can be catalysts for change and growth.
A Taurus man and Leo woman intuitively sense this tension between them.
It’s part of what makes them so attracted to each other—on an emotional level, their connection feels profoundly significant.
It can sometimes scare them.
And it’s not infallible, which is also why they work so hard to protect it.
Emotional Growth
With a square, Leo and Taurus are bound to disagree.
They challenge each other and this makes them both inherently uneasy.
And yet it’s also what makes them so good for each other.
The Taurus man is so hesitant to share the depth of his emotion that he comes across as cold and emotionless sometimes.
A Leo woman challenges him to open his heart and be vulnerable.
Leo rules the heart. She leads with it. It doesn’t matter how many times it gets broken.
It’s her greatest source of strength.
At the same time, she can sometimes get sucked into emotional drama in her quest to be understood.
With the Taurus man, the Leo woman learns to pick her battles better.
She’ll quickly realize that it’s not worth goading the Taurus man.
He doesn’t feel a release after an all-out confrontation like she does. Fighting makes him feel overwhelmed, and he withdraws.
While they respond very differently to anger, both of these souls have a mean stubborn streak owing to their fixed modality.
There are no battles between them that can be won.
They’ll need to learn how to work with each other, or forfeit everything.
It goes without saying, there can be growing pains at the start of their emotional journey. But if they can stick it out, the Taurus man can learn to be less passive and more expressive.
He’ll grow into a beautiful feeling of emotional safety and acceptance with her.
And she will find the inner strength to rely less on her partner for validation and emotional tempering.
Moon Signs
If you really want to know how compatible you are with another person, I can’t emphasize enough that you should find out what both of your Moon signs are, at the very least.
The Moon rules emotions and instinctive responses, among many other things, giving you a fuller picture.
If you have your birth date, time and place, you can check your chart at for free.
But to give you a quick taste of how each Taurus and Leo Sun + Moon sign combo affects the personality, I’m going to cover some keywords below.
From there you can surmise how you’d get along.
Taurus Sun, __ Moon
- Taurus Sun, Aries Moon: A loner. Someone who depends on no one. They must learn how to go after what they want and express themselves without dominating or alienating others.
- Taurus Sun, Taurus Moon: Indulgent. This person often chooses material comfort over emotional health. They need to work on listening to themselves more and running away from emotional pain less.
- Taurus Sun, Gemini Moon: Moody but practical. Will over-analyze their emotions. They have a need to communicate their feelings, although they may struggle to find appropriate expressions.
- Taurus Sun, Cancer Moon: Sensitive but keeps most people at arm’s length. This person ruminates on their feelings and experiences, but outwardly appears cool and calm. They need to find someone who understands them and doesn’t pry.
- Taurus Sun, Leo Moon: Confident. Kind of cocky. Needs emotional validation in a relationship but struggles to get it on account of acting indifferent to it.
- Taurus Sun, Virgo Moon: Emotionally untouchable, or so they seem. They’re not. They need someone who can rub their belly and pat their head but also let them do their own thing when they need to.
- Taurus Sun, Libra Moon: Idealistic with strong values and notions of what love ought to be. This person needs their relationship to be a source of peace and harmony. Can become codependent.
- Taurus Sun, Scorpio Moon: Suspicious. Intense. Hyper sexual. They need to realize that it’s not them against everyone else, and certainly not their lover.
- Taurus Sun, Sagittarius Moon: Loves a good time. Highly independent. Wants to see the best in others but must recognize that nobody’s perfect.
- Taurus Sun, Capricorn Moon: Traditionalist. Very ambitious. Seeking a partner who fits their ideal type in their mind. Seems somewhat ruthless in their judgment, but is actually scared of losing control.
- Taurus Sun, Aquarius Moon: Friendly but distant. Takes forever to commit. Puts their foot in their mouth and doesn’t understand why what they said was hurtful.
- Taurus Sun, Pisces Moon: Quiet and kind. Needs stability but also to explore emotional oceans without getting lost in them.
Leo Sun, __ Moon
- Leo Sun, Aries Moon: Explosive. Fiercely loving and affectionate but also needs tons of attention and affection from others. It’ll be hard, but they could do with learning how to relax their incredibly high expectations of others.
- Leo Sun, Taurus Moon: Determined. Obstinate. They’ll stop at nothing to achieve their goals. They’re also warm and pleasant to be around, as long as you don’t argue with them.
- Leo Sun, Gemini Moon: A fun seeker. Smart but egotistical. Must learn to use their power of persuasion for good and let others make their own decisions.
- Leo Sun, Cancer Moon: Emotionally dramatic but also emotionally intelligent. Needs to take care of others but also needs someone to take care of them without them having to ask.
- Leo Sun, Leo Moon: Extra. Like the sun itself, this person is stately, powerful and regal. Can be overly confident and trusting, but also never gives up on love.
- Leo Sun, Virgo Moon: Has strong values and morals. Must learn that not everyone wants help. Best matched with someone who doesn’t mind being their pet project.
- Leo Sun, Libra Moon: Cares a lot about what other people think. They can’t please everyone, but they must learn not to let this affect their self image. They make great leaders and partners because they listen to others.
- Leo Sun, Scorpio Moon: Conflicted. Struggles internally between wanting to be the center of attention and stay on the periphery to watch everyone and learn their true motivations. Needs a space to escape to and pursue their creative interests.
- Leo Sun, Sagittarius Moon: Big energy. Life of the party. Has high highs and low lows. Stubborn but in a nice way. Needs a truly open-hearted and nonjudgmental partner.
- Leo Sun, Capricorn Moon: Aristocratic and refined. Cooler than most Leos but also steady and reliable. Needs direct communication from their partner to be able to support them emotionally.
- Leo Sun, Aquarius Moon: Popular and eccentric. They’ll do what they think is best for their relationship but can sometimes miss the needs of the individuals in it.
- Leo Sun, Pisces Moon: Has huge emotions that can sometimes unintentionally steamroll others. Emotions are their superpowers if they can learn to harness them creatively.
Taurus Man, Leo Woman Communication
Conversationally, a Leo woman and Taurus man have a great connection.
They like to share their interests in art, music and movies and introduce each other to the best of the best.
Banter is good between them because the Leo woman is feisty but always mindful of her partner’s vulnerabilities, which suits the Taurus because he loves banter but doesn’t like teasing.
A Leo woman and a Taurus man have very different communication styles.
The Leo woman speaks her mind.
After a disagreement, she tends to want to talk things out, although she can be a little forceful in trying to confront what she sees as the problem.
After the Taurus man has finished giving her the silent treatment, he prefers to make the whole thing go away by pretending it didn’t happen.
This is not a recipe for resolution.
The Leo is going to need a softer, gentler approach, but neither zodiac sign should be going in with the intent to prove they were right.
Stubborn fixed signs, remember?
The best way forward is to communicate from the heart and from the viewpoint that they are a team.
If either one of them comes at the other trying to force an apology or admission of guilt, it’s not going to happen.
When a Leo woman and Taurus man let themselves trust each other, it’s unbreakable.
They’ve tested each other’s loyalty to the limit and feel that they know the other person inside and out.
It’s just that it takes some time to get there.
Like I was saying before, they can be guarded with each other and this gets in the way of building trust.
It’s a hurdle for them, but on the other side of it is a bond so sturdy that they have complete faith in it.
Interestingly, their mutual stubbornness and fixed natures add to their trust of one another.
Their personalities are strong and enduring, and neither one of them can be described as fickle or wishy-washy.
Even during disagreements, they know they can rely on the other person to stay true to their values and to their commitment to each other.
But if they’re struggling to get to this point, then they’re going to need to let each other in.
The Leo is the more likely one to do this, but she’ll quickly take it back if she doesn’t feel the Taurus man reciprocating right away.
Taurus is going to need to just take her at her word, because a Leo woman doesn’t mess around.
If she tells him she loves him, she means it and wouldn’t toy with him.
Agonizing as it is, she might have to be a little more patient with him.
Read Also: How Does a Taurus Man Test a Woman?
Taurus Man, Leo Woman Problems and Challenges
Different Relationship Needs
One of their biggest challenges will be meeting their very different needs.
The Taurus tends to be all romance at the start and then settles into routine, which Leo will get turned off by.
She might start drumming up drama if it all gets too comfortable.
Leo doesn’t want to be a housewife. She wants to be a vixen. Even if she’s a housewife.
Different Interests
The Taurus man wants to chill at home more often than not.
Tauruses don’t like to party all night and they definitely won’t go out with the Leo to every social affair she gets invited to.
This raises another issue, which is jealousy.
Leos need to be seen and admired, but Taurus men are possessive and don’t like to see their Leo ladies get all that attention.
Leo, mind your Taurus’s perspective on this, but definitely don’t let the Taurus man tell you what to do.
And Taurus, know that if the Leo woman chose you, then there’s no one else who can compare.
You have nothing to worry about. But your lack of trust is going to break you apart.
Financial Concerns
Another area of potential conflict is money.
In a long-term relationship or marriage, they’ll need to sort out budgeting concerns since their spending and saving habits are different.
But they’ll also need to agree on how it’ll all work, like if they should have joint or separate bank accounts.
The Taurus man may have a hard time merging cash flow and the Leo woman may take issue with that since she’ll see it as a symbol of their union.
Butting Heads
On a personal level, the Taurus man hates change, even more so being told what to do.
But the Leo believes that she can better the Taurus man’s existence because she knows the best way to do everything.
This, she must resist.
Her immense sense of pride will be hurt when he doesn’t do what she suggests, but it would help her out tremendously if she didn’t take this personally.
Taurus, however, might want to work on being slightly more open to other ways of doing things so that the Leo doesn’t feel ignored.
Both of these signs have got to learn to listen to each other. Leo talks to be heard and Taurus retreats to rug-sweep.
It can’t work like that.
If they can recognize that their partner isn’t attacking them and that they just want to love and support them, then they’ll be more capable of listening to each other.
And who knows—maybe they’ll feel more comfortable trying each other’s ideas sometimes.
Taurus Man, Leo Woman: Pros and Cons of Their Relationship
- Although their signs aren’t compatible in the traditional sense, a Taurus man and Leo woman complement each other well with the stable, earthy Taurus man providing fertile ground for their relationship to grow and the fiery Leo woman keeping it passionate and exciting.
- Their intense attraction and desire for each other fuels a passionate sex life.
- Both of these signs are incredibly loyal and once trust is reached, their faith in each other becomes the foundation of their longevity as a couple.
- They can be great for each other’s personal development, with the Leo woman encouraging the Taurus man to be more open and communicative, and the Taurus man helping the Leo woman find her own inner stability.
- They like a lot of the same things, giving them plenty of common ground on which to build a life together. They both put a premium on luxury, art, beauty and relaxation, and they often see eye-to-eye on their own relationship values as they both seek a fairly traditional, committed relationship.
- The Taurus man will have to work harder and push himself beyond his comfort zone to keep the relationship exciting for the Leo woman. And she’ll have to prune back her expectations as he’s more socially and emotionally reserved than she is.
- Jealousy can happen if this couple is not communicating and respecting one another’s needs. The Taurus man must let his Leo lady go out and have a good time without him if he wants to stay home, and she will need to resist the temptation to stir up emotions in order to get a response.
- Their refusal to admit they messed up can be hard on their relationship, especially if they don’t learn how to problem-solve together. Arguing will be their undoing.
Final Thoughts
There’s serious potential for both Leo and Taurus within this relationship.
In the beginning, their crazy chemistry brings them together, and they’re curious about the indescribable emotional bond deepening between them.
Their first big hurdle will be emotional honesty—they must be sincere and up front with each other.
Neither tolerates games very well, so they’ll have to set their reservations aside.
This is especially true for the restrained Taurus man.
The second big hurdle is learning how to communicate functionally.
They’re stronger together, and when they put their egos aside and their minds together, nothing can stop them.
Frequently Asked Questions
Leo woman Taurus man: love at first sight?
Love at first sight is not a phenomenon that usually happens to Taurus men, but it can happen quicker than expected with a Leo woman.
She falls fast for the Taurus man but is more hesitant to pursue him than she normally would be because he’s cool towards her in the beginning to protect his feelings.
Still, they both tend to feel something early on for each other.
Do Taurus men like to chase?
Taurus men like to lead, but they’re not going to chase in the typical fashion.
Tauruses are slow and steady and take relationships one step at a time.
Moreover, Taurus men have a habit of testing their romantic interests and then waiting for a response before deciding what to do next.
It can certainly feel like you’re the one who has to do the chasing with a Taurus man, but I wouldn’t recommend it.
If you want to know more, check out my article How to Get a Taurus Man to Chase You.
Who is a Leo woman’s soulmate?
Astrology dictates that a Leo woman’s soulmate is going to be another fire sign like an Aries or a Sagittarius.
She is also highly compatible with air signs Libra, Gemini and Aquarius.
But there’s a lot more to compatibility than Sun signs alone.
A Leo woman’s Moon, Venus, Mars and Rising signs will also shed light on how she gets along with others, what she wants in a relationship, her inner passion and emotions and more.
Who is Taurus’s soulmate?
A Taurus may feel the soulmate connection with another earth sign like Virgo or Capricorn because they’re all earth signs, and so they share many traits and values.
Taurus also gets along famously with water signs Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio and may also feel an easy connection to them.
However, soulmates is a highly individual thing and well beyond the scope of Sun sign astrology to predict.
What is a Taurus’s worst match?
I find that the worst matches for a Taurus end up being Aquarius and Sagittarius.
These two signs are very freedom-loving, break-the-mold types that have very dissimilar views and ways of doing things compared to the authoritative Taurus.
Aquarius especially has a detached quality that the Taurus never really gets used to.
And the adventurous Sagittarius gives the Taurus palpitations worrying about where they are all day and what they’re doing.
What is Leo’s worst match?
Pisces ends up being one of the most difficult matches for a Leo because while they’re both sentimental and lovey-dovey, they can easily end up in a toxic situation.
In the end, Pisces proves to be more sensitive than the Leo can deal with.
Leos need clear and decisive action to pursue a relationship, but the way Pisces go about things is the definition of vague and indecisive.
It seems mysterious and intriguing at first, but it will drive the Leo crazy.
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