Taurus Man in Love (Relationship, Needs, Compatibility and More)

Are you dating a Taurus man?

This article is your love and relationship guide.

We’re going to shed light on what a Taurus man is like in love—how his behavior changes, what he needs, how you know he loves you and a whole lot more.

I’ve tried to condense all the important information about Taurus men in romantic love and relationships so you come away with a general understanding of what to expect and where this crazy love train is going.

I’m going to cover:

  • A brief overview of the Taurus man in love, including his love language and how fast he falls in love
  • How being in love changes a Taurus man’s behavior
  • What a Taurus man needs to fall in love
  • Taurus man compatibility in love and relationships
  • What happens when a Taurus man thinks you’re the one?

Let’s explore the inner world of the Taurus man in love!

Taurus Man in Love: An Overview

man and woman embracing at the beach with a quote about how a Taurus man will claim you if he loves you

When a Taurus man is in love, he will instinctively claim you.

To him, you are his.

You’ll feel the pull of his desire to get you in his clutches and keep you safe.

A Taurus man will take care of you. 

Venus, his ruling planet, is a nurturer. Expressed through Taurus, an earth sign, its influence makes a Taurus man want to nurture you in practical ways.

He’ll be your greatest support system, helping to build a solid foundation beneath you to create a sense of security in your life—because this is what a Taurus man would wish for himself.

In marriage, a Taurus man tends to support his partner in more traditional types of dynamics, like being the breadwinner and making sure his family has everything they need.

In return, he asks for your continuous love and affection.

To be loved unconditionally is his greatest goal. 

And his love is also unconditional.

Loyalty is a defining trait of Tauruses and they give it when they feel they’ve found someone they can put their trust in.

They’re faithful and committed partners.

They won’t let you go—not if they can help it.

Once he’s fallen in love, a Taurus is slow to fall out of love. Or leave a relationship.

He’ll stay committed to the person he loves through almost anything—except deep betrayal.

When a Taurus man loves you, he shows it through his actions.

Emotions can be hard for him to articulate, though he feels his love for you intensely.

Caring, devoted, stoic and a bit old-fashioned, Taurus males love love and give their whole hearts, slowly, a little bit at a time, until they feel totally safe and one with their partners.

Read Next: How to Get a Taurus Man to Commit

Top Taurus Man Behaviors in Love

Young couple dancing with a quote about how it takes a Taurus man a long time to say he loves you

You can see that a Taurus man loves you mainly in the way he acts with you.

His behavior is a much better indicator of his feelings than what he says—or doesn’t say.

In other words, just because a Taurus man hasn’t said “I love you” yet doesn’t mean he’s not in love.

Often, by the time a Taurus man says he’s in love, he fell for you a long time ago and is just now ready to say it.

Here are some of the top things you’ll notice when a Taurus man is in love with you.


A Taurus man maintains a consistent presence in your life when he loves you.

This includes consistent communication, affection and romantic dates.

Hanging Around You Often

Being near you is like a necessity for a Taurus man in love.

He prefers to be with you more than most other people, and much of his free time is spent by your side, doing anything or nothing at all together.

Cautious Behavior

It can happen when a Taurus man is first struck by Cupid’s arrow that he suddenly gets a little more reserved and introverted.

He may need some time to himself to contemplate whether he really loves you or it’s something else, like physical attraction or comfort and security. 

When he realizes it’s true love, he’ll call you up ready to commit.

Being Helpful to You

Your Taurus guy is like your number one fan when he loves you.

He believes in you and wants to help support you in your goals.

He just wants to make your life easier.

His Body Language Shows It

A Taurus man reveals his feelings through the softness in his eyes when he looks at you.

Through the openness of his body language and his constant need to hold you and touch you.

It’s like his body is magnetized to you.

He’s Always There for You

Whether you just need to hear a quick good night on the phone or you’re feeling down after a bad day at work, your loving Taurus man will always jump to cheer you up. 

He’s physically there for you—not just with his words. 

His greatest desire is to help you feel grounded and secure.

He Treats You Like a Goddess

When he loves someone, a Taurus man puts effort into showing them how special they are.

He believes you deserve everything, whether he can give it to you or not.

But he’s sure going to try.

Being Present With You

The Taurus man who loves you will be attentive and doting. 

You will not feel like you’re sharing his attention with anyone else—you get the lion’s share out of anyone in his life.

Sweet Stuff

Privately sentimental, the Taurus male only gets mushy with his romantic partner. 

No one else would ever know what a cutie pie he can be.


Being open about his private life and inner world is a huge sign of love and trust with a Taurus.

Likewise, he’ll want to be invited into your inner world, too. 

It’s a mutual exchange of vulnerability that really shows his love for you.

Read Next: 30 Signs a Taurus Man Is in Love With You

Do Taurus Men Fall in Love Quickly?

Couple hugging on a bench with a quote about how Taurus men test you when they love you

As a rule, Taurus men do not fall in love quickly or easily.

They are very discerning in love and romance and seek to protect themselves first and foremost from the trauma of heartbreak.

A lot of this has to do with past traumas and heartbreaks, but it’s also simply in a Taurus man’s nature to be extremely cautious and critical. 

You have to dig through a lot of layers.

You’ll undergo lots of rigorous testing of your character and integrity before the Taurus man can let himself develop feelings for you.

Now can a Taurus man ever fall in love with you faster than, say, six months of dating?

Sure, it can happen—but often this happens when a Taurus man has his natal Venus (in his birth chart) in a sign that moves “faster” in love.

Venus rules relationships and Tauruses with Venus in a sign like Aries, Leo or Gemini could fall in love with a romantic interest within weeks.

But that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll make a move that fast.

Taurus is still Taurus, and Taurus likes to plod all the way to the finish line.

Will Taurus Men Admit Their Feelings?

Taurus men will only reveal their feelings at the right moment, and only they can decide when that is.

Emotions are hard for Taurus males to grapple with.

Emotions are volatile and nonsensical, and the controlled, sensible earth sign Taurus doesn’t feel super comfy with that.

On the other hand, Taurus being ruled by Venus makes Tauruses desirous of love.

They idealize love.

But they have to wade through all of their cautions and anxieties about falling in love in order to get to the point where they will admit their feelings.

One way you can encourage this is to be open with your emotions and intentions with a Taurus man.

Put yourself out there first and make sure he knows you’re serious about him.

That will put him more at ease sharing his feelings with you, especially when he understands that you feel just as strongly about him as he feels about you.

What Is a Taurus Man’s Love Language?

Two men sitting hand in hand with a quote about the love language of Tauruses being physical touch

The number one love language of Tauruses everywhere is physical touch.

Nothing says love to a Taurus man like your hugs and kisses.

Just being close to you and feeling your body next to his releases those loving feelings for him.

In addition to physical touch, a lot of Tauruses feel and express love through acts of service.

They love to do things for you.

It can be little or big things, like opening jars for you or cleaning your apartment.

Quality time tends to be another important love language for Tauruses as they love to lounge with you.

Gift giving should probably also be mentioned, but it ranks lower in importance than the others mentioned here.

What a Taurus Man Needs to Fall in Love

A Taurus man doesn’t let his feelings get the better of him.

He won’t allow his feelings to develop without certain assurances that you’ll make a good partner for him.

This is one reason it takes so long for Taurus men to fall in love.

But if you’re wondering, here’s what a Taurus is looking for before he can give his heart to someone:

  • Trust – Tauruses never let anyone past their walls who isn’t fully trustworthy. With trust comes love for this zodiac sign.
  • Respect – There needs to be respect for you as well as demonstrated respect for him before he falls in love. All must be equal between you and both.
  • Boundaries – You should also be affirming and respecting each other’s boundaries, maintaining some healthy personal space while getting to know each other in depth. 
  • Time – There’s no rushing things with a Taurus man. Jumping into a relationship too fast or trying to skip the gradual process of developing your relationship would push him away.
  • Devotion – A Taurus man needs to see that you’re completely loyal and faithful to him. 
  • Passion – As an incredibly sensual sign, Taurus needs passion. Romance. Fire—the smoldering type that burns slowly and deliciously.
  • Practicality – It’s not all smooches and romance. There has to be some rationality to your relationship before he falls in love. If you live far away from each other and he can’t do a long-distance relationship or there’s some other large barrier, he might decide not to invest his feelings any further.
  • Compatibility – Tauruses like to be with someone who shares their world views and clicks with them. 
  • Stability – The earthy sign of Taurus can’t wade into the murky waters of emotion with you without feeling like there’s solid ground beneath him. The relationship has to be stable and reliable.
  • Ability to Commit – Someone who is capable of committing to the Taurus man earns his love and trust. Someone who is ready for a relationship and won’t bounce at the slightest sign of trouble.

When a Taurus Man Chooses You (When You’re “The One”)

Close up of a couple holding hands with a quote about a Taurus man removing all doubt that your relationship can work when he believes you are the one

When a Taurus man chooses you to be his mate, he fully commits to you.

There’s not a shadow of doubt left in his mind that your relationship can stand the test of time.

It’s a long journey to get there, but once you’re there, you’ll feel the Taurus man’s commitment to you with every ounce of his being.

He will suddenly want to push your relationship forward.

He’ll be interested in creating a solid future together that’s beneficial for you both.

He’ll put more emphasis on steering your relationship instead of analyzing it and waiting for proof that you’re meant to be together.

In his mind, he’s gotten his proof and now he wants to build a life together.

He may ask you to move in or spend the upcoming holidays with his family.

He’s going to be open and available to you in a way that you’ve never quite seen before.

This is because he has no more reservations about his feelings, your feelings or if your relationship can work.

He’s simply going to focus on making it work now.

Taurus Man Compatibility in Love and Relationships

I’m going to give a brief summary of a Taurus man’s compatibility with each of the signs.

Keep in mind, these are just generalizations and there’s quite a bit that plays into compatibility.

With that said, let’s talk about Taurus men in their relationships with the zodiac signs.

Aries and Taurus Man Compatibility

Aries and Taurus symbols

Compatibility Rating: ❤️❤️

Aries is fire, Taurus is earth. These two elements don’t mesh the way earth and water do, or fire and air.

What happens when you put earth on top of fire? The fire goes out.

You see where I’m going with this.

A Taurus man can only be compatible with Aries if he doesn’t smother this extremely independent and spontaneous zodiac sign.

Yes, Taurus men love independence, but to Taurus, Aries is independent to the extreme.

He still likes to feel needed, and it’s not really the Aries person’s style to coddle their mate.

Generally, an Aries moves quickly in a relationship, and Taurus moves slowly.

And Aries people simply tend to need more social stimulation and exhilaration in their lives than Tauruses would like.

So there’s a clash between the basic ways in which these two signs would like to spend their time, not to mention how they approach a relationship.

At the same time, a fire can be built on top of solid ground, as long as the earth is playing a supportive role.

Taurus man and an Aries woman or Aries partner can be a great couple if they can leave each other alone in the ways that they prefer to do things their own way.

They need to give each other space to do their own things, and when they come together, they can enjoy each other’s passion for each other, because Aries and Taurus are two passionate signs.

Overall, a two-heart rating out of five hearts when you consider their very different needs and styles.

Taurus and Taurus Man Compatibility

Two Taurus signs side by side

Compatibility Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Two Tauruses in love? No one will ever hear from them again.

They’ll be too busy shacking up and indulging each other’s senses in unending pleasure and delight.

Obviously, sharing the same astrological sign, a Taurus man and his Taurus boo have found their equal in all respects.

They’re both sensual and hedonistic, yet cautious and practical.

Falling in love feels natural for them and anything but rushed.

They can talk about anything with each other and they know the other understands.

The erotic and emotional aspects of their relationship will be bang-on, but it’s not all a walk in the park.

Let’s not forget that Taurus is the most stubborn sign that ever walked the earth.

Two Tauruses together are going to inevitably butt heads.

And when it happens, who is going to compromise, or—gasp—admit they were wrong?

The other thing is, they’re both so slow and steady, neither of them might escalate the relationship to the point it needs to get to in order to fully develop.

Don’t be too laid back if this is you!

If you’re a Taurus dating a Taurus man, avoid falling into the trap of enjoying every mutually intoxicating sensation so much that you don’t put work into the relationship.

The benefits of having all the stability and lazy nights in that you can dream of together are hard to resist, though.

Gemini and Taurus Man Compatibility

Gemini and Taurus symbols

Compatibility Rating: ❤️❤️

It may be an uphill battle for a Taurus man and his Gemini to make it.

Falling in love for these two takes a bit of work because the Gemini’s expression of love is fundamentally different from the Taurus man’s.

He needs to be touched, cuddled and reassured.

The Gemini needs a strong mental connection and is anything but reassuring to their romantic love interest.

Geminis love mental games and Tauruses hate them.

Gemini will probably also get bored because they need so much input and stimulation all the time, whereas a Taurus just wants to chill and lay back.

You almost wonder how they’re attracted to each other, but I’ve seen my fair share of Gemini-Taurus couples.

What attracts them is precisely what can divide them—Gemini’s mental agility and wit.

Taurus loves a good banter session, which Gemini provides in spades.

This can be a doorway to more with a Taurus man, but the Gemini will need to prove to be reliable enough.

No flitting this way and that.

If a relationship develops, it will need continuous effort from both parties to stop and consider the other’s perspective and recognize that they’ll never be all that similar.

Usually, the Gemini’s adaptability is what makes this relationship work as a Taurus man is quite set in his ways.

Some Geminis love to experience the passion of being with a Taurus man, and they can’t resist the novelty of being with someone so unlike what they usually go for.

All in all, I give this relationship two hearts because it has some potential that comes from dedication and a genuine desire to be together, although these two can never take it for granted.

Cancer and Taurus Man Compatibility

Cancer and Taurus zodiac symbols

Compatibility Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

There is hardly a sweeter pairing than a Taurus man and a Cancer woman or Cancerian partner.

You’ve got two elements that go together like peanut butter and jelly.

Cancer is water, Taurus is earth.

Like the sea and the shore, these two coexist beautifully in relatively perfect harmony.

They’re both very nurturing signs, with the Cancer needing to mother the Taurus man and the Taurus man needing to prove he’s a good provider to the Cancer.

This is exactly what both of these signs crave.

The potential downside of this relationship usually exists early on in courtship.

Cancer can come on way too strong for the Taurus man at first.

Though they both have the capacity to love each other deeply, it’s like the Cancer senses this immediately and just wants to dive deep into that ocean of love and bliss.

But the Taurus thinks that’s scary—the ocean is deep, dark and bottomless.

So the primary risk for the Bull and the Crab lies in the different expectations they have of falling in love.

If the Cancer person can slow it down and not feel hurt by the Taurus man’s reticence, then things should go swimmingly.

This is a great match in terms of long-term stability and potential.

Both Cancer and Taurus prefer to stay with their committed relationships and will show loyalty and devotion to each other.

Very commonly, they end up starting families together because they both value family and often know they want kids from an early age.

Leo and Taurus Man Compatibility

Leo and Taurus zodiac symbols

Compatibility Rating: ❤️❤️❤️

There’s both a lot going for Taurus and Leo and a lot going against them.

Let me try to explain.

Taurus and Leo are not traditionally compatible in the astrological sense.

Leo is fire and Taurus is earth, and as we covered in the Taurus-Aries compatibility description, these elements aren’t smoothly harmonious.

The pro of this match is that Leo and Taurus are incredibly hot and passionate for each other.

They both take a lot of pride in being together and showing off their hot partner.

And Leo, the sign that rules the heart, can be so gosh darn demonstrative of their love that the Taurus falls rather easily for this doting and affectionate sign.

Love comes easily for a Taurus man and a Leo, but maintaining the relationship has its challenges.

While they love to support each other, they can be very headstrong and inflexible in their thinking.

These are both fixed signs, and fixed signs like things their own way.

It could be that they both love each other dearly, but they end up not wanting the same things.

Or it could be that fighting gets the better of them if they’re not careful—Leos believe in some passionate fighting and making up after, but Tauruses would rather skip the screaming matches.

It can be too much for them in the end.

This is the main reason I’m giving this love match three hearts and not more—the long-term success of their relationship is not clear.

Whether this couple makes it depends on how well they can handle their communication and whether they can learn to compromise with each other.

If they can do this, then their love can carry them into a very beautiful future together.

Virgo and Taurus Man Compatibility

Virgo and Taurus zodiac symbols

Compatibility Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Virgo and Taurus are a match made in earth sign Heaven.

Virgos are just as discerning and Tauruses are and will never rush into a relationship, thus avoiding the major hurdle that is getting a Taurus to come to them in the first place.

A Taurus man is like a wild bird. You have to hold very still and let him make small movements in your direction.

This is where the Virgo really gets it right.

The Virgo likes to spend time with the Taurus to get to know each other, but Virgo is even more reserved than Taurus and will take some coaxing out of their shell.

The Taurus sees this as the good type of challenge and will make efforts to make the Virgo feel safe and relaxed.

Their love will come about slowly but surely, and its gradual build will lead to a sustainable relationship that they both fully believe in.

In the relationship, the Virgo will be attentive to the Taurus’s needs and show that necessary ingredient of adaptability, being a mutable sign.

Meanwhile, the Taurus will give the Virgo much-needed groundedness as the Virgo is naturally anxious and skeptical.

As a couple, they’re strong, steady and enduring.

They love doing things like gardening and being outdoors together, both finding nature healing.

One of the greatest downsides to this relationship is the Virgo’s tendency to nitpick and the Taurus’s tendency to give the silent treatment when they feel attacked.

Virgo feels that they’re just trying to help their partner improve, but the Taurus man feels criticized and underappreciated.

When the Taurus man goes silent in response, it will drive the Virgo bonkers and send them into a tailspin.

Improving communication is going to be the main challenge in this relationship.

Libra and Taurus Man Compatibility

Libra and Taurus zodiac symbols

Compatibility Rating: ❤️❤️

Libra and Taurus are both ruled by Venus.

So they have that connection, even if they’re a somewhat inharmonious coupling of air and earth elements.

Being ruled by Venus, Taurus and Libra can charm each other silly.

They love aesthetics and romance and know how to seduce one another.

Love, however, can be harder to come by for them.

This is because Taurus doesn’t easily trust Libra.

The Libra can be flighty before committing to a relationship and may rely too much on the chase to excite them.

But the Taurus man won’t keep chasing the Libra without enough feedback and tangible evidence of their seriousness about the relationship.

Libra might grow tired of the Taurus man’s resistance to just letting go and letting the relationship take off, and the Taurus might see the Libra as too loosey-goosey about the match’s potential flaws.

Libras do tend to be much more forgiving than Tauruses and will try even if the odds are against the relationship.

But good luck convincing a Taurus to do the same.

If they have a chance, it will be because the Libra has the wherewithal to stick it out and prove to the Taurus that they’re steadfast and reliable.

And that there’s more depth to the relationship than surface fun and attraction.

If they make it as a couple, their relationship will have plenty of romance and aesthetic beauty around them, and they’ll strive to maintain harmony.

Scorpio and Taurus Man Compatibility

Scorpio and Taurus zodiac symbols

Compatibility Rating: ❤️❤️❤️

Loving a Scorpio woman is not for the faint of heart.

And a Taurus man knows this.

This couple is getting a three-heart rating, but don’t think their connection is mid.

They’re opposite signs, and, well, opposites attract. 

Isn’t that what they say?

Indeed, Taurus and Scorpio have a certain pull with each other that they experience nowhere else.

It’s scary and hot and all-consuming.

Their chemistry is off the charts, but love-wise, they have a mountain to climb.

This is because Scorpio wants the Taurus man to yield to his feelings and declare his undying love and loyalty to her. 

In blood, preferably.

But the Taurus man is just not that forward and open with his true feelings.

He will likely feel like she needs more than he can give of himself, particularly early on in the relationship.

There is a certain control that the Taurus man can feel the Scorpio woman exerting on the relationship that he instinctively resists.

And vice versa—the Scorpio woman wants to be wanted, but never controlled.

Passionate, but not possessed.

Both of these signs deal with their own issues around possessiveness, and the intensity of this relationship can either burn it down or catapult it through the cleansing flames of loyalty and true love.

Sagittarius and Taurus Man Compatibility

Sagittarius and Taurus zodiac signs

Compatibility Rating: ❤️❤️

When I think of Sagittarius and Taurus together, I think, “Huh?”

That’s because they’re so incredibly different from one another that it’s hard to imagine them falling in love.

But I know they do sometimes!

Taurus man wants commitment and Sagittarius wants freedom.

The Taurus loves being at home and the Sagittarius wants to see the world.

Taureans get excited about their routines and Sagittarians get excited by novelty and spontaneity.

There’s just not a lot of overlap in their interests.

And yet, the Sagittarian’s fire can attract the Taurus man.

Taurus men love great conversation and the Sagittarius makes them really think about things.

There’s intrigue between them and it seems to the Taurus man that it’s worth the chase to get to the sweet, generous, mysterious and fun-loving Sagittarius heart.

When they fall in love, it gets a bit rocky.

The Sagittarius may not want to get serious too quickly, which sounds right up the Taurus man’s alley, but it’s a source of trouble for him.

It’s not that she moves slowly—it’s more that the Sagittarius needs constant reminders that the walls aren’t closing in.

And this provokes the Taurus’s insecurities.

If they end up together, the relationship needs a ton of room to breathe.

And both of these signs will need to reach a certain level of maturity and understanding of their differences to live and let live.

They will need to get a certain amount of fulfillment individually, and not from within their relationship, like the Sagittarian’s wanderlust and the Taurus’s need for routine.

But the good thing is that they’re both very committed partners once they reach that level.

Capricorn and Taurus Man Compatibility

Capricorn and Taurus zodiac symbols

Compatibility Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Yes, yes and yes.

Capricorn and Taurus man are highly compatible in pretty much every way you can think of.

They’re very, very similar and share many of the same values, like hard work, family and owning nice things.

They’re fairly traditional types and like the traditional style of courtship.

The Capricorn woman will eat it up when the Taurus man sends her flowers and flexes his financial stability in front of her, and he’ll love that she makes him wait until after the first date for that goodnight kiss.

They both fall in love somewhat slowly, but steadily.

Their relationship is near perfect on paper and if they end up in a long-term relationship or marriage, they’ll strive to attain all the creature comforts and luxuries of “the good life.”

And while they definitely have a huge amount of mutual respect and understanding for the way the other thinks and operates, they do have some things to be wary of.

Like in the romance department.

Both signs can get a little complacent in long-term relationships and may lose their spark if they don’t keep up impressing one another and going out on nice dates.

It could even get—might I say—a little bit boring?

It’s definitely not a whirlwind romance between them, but what they have is strong, resilient and capable of building on.

A bit of advice I have is for the Taurus to maintain open communication when he feels like he needs more attention and romance.

And Capricorn, if the Taurus isn’t living up to your expectations, let him know and give him a chance.

Even if there are problems, these two will stand by each other.

Aquarius and Taurus Man Compatibility

Aquarius and Taurus zodiac symbols

Compatibility Rating: ❤️

There’s just not a whole lot of compatibility going on between a Taurus man and an Aquarius woman or love interest.

Love has a low chance of thriving between them, but nothing is impossible.

It would be a slow and unsteady march, and it might not be the exact form of romantic bliss either sign signed up for.

An Aquarius is a rule breaker and an unconventional thinker. 

A Taurus is a rule follower and a respecter of authority.

Their values are often at odds and this in itself can prove to be a huge barrier to love.

Add to this that they’re both emotionally unavailable to a large extent at the beginning of courtship, making it super tough for either one of them to break through.

They’ll question each other’s interest in them and probably suffer through a lot of misunderstandings.

The good news is that once an Aquarius is in love, they’re there to stay unless their partner does something completely unforgivable.

And they even kind of like it when their Taurus man claims them—as long as the Taurus respects the boundaries and doesn’t push it.

The Taurus man is fascinated by the Aquarius because she’s so unlike anyone he’s ever been with before.

But the fascination tends to wear off at some point and when the infatuation is gone, both of these signs will have to reckon with the gaps in their compatibility.

If they can make accommodations for each other, then they may have a shot, but even that’s tough because they’re both fixed signs, and thus pretty inflexible.

The best chance they have is if they have compatibility in other areas of their natal charts, like in their Venus and Moon signs.

Pisces and Taurus Man Compatibility

Pisces and Taurus zodiac symbols

Compatibility Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

A Pisces and Taurus man make a very common pairing.

The reason being, of course, that they are indeed extremely compatible.

The Fish and the Bull are romantic to their cores and will prove that their love can withstand anything.

A Pisces—which is a mutable sign—is flexible enough to work around the Taurus man’s quirks. 

And the Taurus man finds the Pisces so alluring and lovable that he won’t be able to stay away.

Pisces is an emotional mess sometimes, but even that doesn’t deter a Taurus man completely because he’s so drawn to the gentle, feminine and loving energy of the Pisces.

They fall in love easily.

It all just feels so lovely—the openness between them, the midnight cuddles and the dreamy, romantic world that Pisces builds for the two of them to live in.

But that dream can turn into a nightmare if they’re not vigilant.

They might put each other on pedestals, only to be disappointed later when they realize they were just idealizing each other.

The Pisces especially.

As I said, emotions can be volatile, and arguments can easily get out of hand.

Pisces is sensitive and the Taurus man can be a bit of a bulldozer.

Their ability to reconcile and face their relationship as it is, and not as they want it to be, will play a big part in the longevity of their love.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Taurus men attracted to?

Taurus men are attracted to femininity, grace, maturity and reliability.

They are sensual and like sensual experiences of someone they’re attracted to, like the smell of their perfume and the touch of their skin.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when you’re trying to attract a Taurus man is that he likes to take things slowly.

Never come on too strong—just show him the right amount of attention while also maintaining an attitude of independence.

Recommended Reading: How to Attract a Taurus Man

How to make Taurus man miss you?

Making a Taurus man miss you can be difficult, but it can be done.

If he gets reminders of you through sensory experiences—such as a whiff of your shampoo or the sight of your smile from a photo of you—then it can stir up emotions in him.

It really depends on how much he cares about you.

If he cares for you, he’ll miss you.

If he’s over you, it won’t do much but remind him of why you’re not together.

What will make a Taurus man chase you?

Taurus men might like to lead in romance, but they’re not the best chasers.

Not if what you expect is to be endlessly pursued by a man.

Taurus men usually need you to do some of the initiation in order to pursue you.

You have to show that you like them first because if they feel like it’s lopsided and you don’t like them as much as they like you, they’ll probably skip chasing you and move on to someone else.

Recommended Reading: How to Make a Taurus Man Chase You

How do you know if a Taurus man is still interested?

You know a Taurus man is still interested in you by the sheer fact that he’s still investing his time in you.

Taurus men don’t stay in any romantic pursuit they think is a dead end.

They’ll continue to spend time with you if they’re interested and make some type of consistent effort to stay connected.

How does a Taurus man test a woman?

If a Taurus man is testing you, he may:

  • Ask you tons of questions about yourself and study your responses
  • Ask you about your dating history to see what you’re like in relationships
  • Wait for you to text him first
  • Test your honesty by bringing something up from your past to see if you’ll be truthful about it
  • Put off being physically intimate to see what your emotional compatibility is like

Recommended Reading: How Does a Taurus Man Test a Woman?

Signs a Taurus man is seeing someone else

It’s pretty hard to know if a Taurus man is seeing someone else if he doesn’t tell you.

But if he is, he won’t ask you to date him exclusively or share anything about his dating life.

He might be “busy” or unavailable to chat on the phone or text you back for many hours at a time, particularly at night or after work.

He’ll probably also be deliberately vague if you ask him about his weekend without you.

Early stages of dating a Taurus man

The early stages of dating a Taurus man are romantic, yet slow-paced.

There will be lots of attention and courtship routines, like chocolates, gifts and roses.

In this stage, the Taurus will be hard at work trying to figure you out.

He’ll be showing you a lot of interest while at the same time keeping some distance while he tries to understand how you operate.

Taurus man negative traits

Stubbornness, possessiveness and inflexibility are some of the top-ranking negative traits of Taurus men.

They don’t like to change, whether it’s their minds or their schedules.

They can also be very confusing with their behavior as they tend to go hot and cold while they come to terms with their feelings about you.

Signs a Taurus man is playing you

A Taurus might be playing you if:

  • He centers all of your activities around his or your apartment, and the bedroom specifically
  • You’ve never had a discussion about whether you’re seeing other people or just each other
  • You know next to nothing about him, really
  • You can pretty much never get a hold of him when you really want to
  • He doesn’t do anything to make you feel appreciated or cared for
  • You know for a fact that he’s still obsessed with his ex or the one that got away

Recommended Reading: 21 Signs a Taurus Man Is Playing You

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I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at decodethezodiac.com.

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