What Do Taurus Women Like? (20 Things You Should Know About)

Want to know what Taurus women like? If you’re going to date or attract a Taurus woman, then naturally, you need to know what she’s into.

I’m going to help you out with that.

Here’s what Taurus women like:

  • Food
  • Cuddles
  • Gifts
  • Lazy dates
  • Fancy dates
  • Men who smell incredible
  • Men who take the lead in dating
  • Old-school romance
  • Open and direct communication

Want to keep a Taurus woman coming back for more? Don’t want to make the same mistakes others keep making with Taurus gals?

Check out my guide Decode Taurus Women. It will show you exactly how a Taurus woman thinks, what she wants and what her deal-breakers are in dating.

Click the link above or read on for 20 things Taurus women like and want more of, all the time.

What Do Taurus Women Like?

brunette woman touching her hair

1. Food

Nobody loves to eat like Tauruses.

Tauruses live through their senses more than any other sign of the zodiac, and eating is just one of those visceral sensory experiences.

They’d rather eat than do most stuff.

You may have heard that before, but it’s actually true.

The way to a Taurus woman’s heart is truly through her stomach.

Read Next: How to Date a Taurus Woman

2. Lazy nights in

If the sign of Taurus were represented by an article of clothing, it would be sweatpants.

Not even nice designer sweatpants.

Just comfy, baggy Walmart sweats that you only take off when you need to wash them or go to work or something.

Tauruses like dates and all, but they love lounging, eating and watching their shows.

3. Home cooking

Can you whip up a banging fettuccine Alfredo?

If so, call a Taurus woman up and invite her over because she’s never going to leave your apartment now that she knows you can cook like the devil.

I mentioned that Taurus women love food, and the only thing they love more than a nice meal out is a man who can cook for them in the comfort of home.

Good food…and you don’t need to leave the house?!

God damn.

4. Gifts

Taurus women love tangible displays of affection. That means gifts. 

As earth signs, they’re very grounded and attached to the physical world. So material goods are very important to them.

If you had the choice between getting a Taurus woman a little something and preparing a speech about how smart and beautiful she is, I’d go with the gift.

Not that a well-placed compliment is a bad thing. It’s just that Taurus women like something they can touch and hold in their hands.

Opening up a box of truffles you got her or wearing your bracelet will remind her that you care.

5. Amazing smells

Perfumes? Scented candles? Fresh baked cookies? 

Tauruses are obsessed with fragrances.

That’s why they always smell so good—from their shampoo to their body lotion.

Taurus women always smell amazing, but they also want to be around other people who smell amazing.

So keep that in mind when you’re trying to get closer to a scent-sensitive Taurus.

6. Clean men

Cleanliness is next to godliness if you ask a Taurus.

They’re very clean and fond of frequent showering themselves. 

And, as you might guess, they like their partners to be, too.

A kink Taurus women have is shower sex. 

Getting clean and dirty at the same time, if you know what I mean.

7. Fancy dates

If you have the opportunity to take a Taurus woman on a date, make it memorable.

Tauruses love fancy dates. No Taurus woman is going to say no to dressing up, drinking wine and eating rich, creamy sauces all night.

8. Nature dates

On the other hand, Tauruses would also love being taken on a hike to a gorgeous waterfall.

(Just make sure the hike is short, easy and there’s a picnic involved.)

Tauruses feel relaxed in picturesque settings and really appreciate the beauty and majesty of nature.

9. Physical affection

The Taurus woman’s primary love language is physical touch.

This means that a Taurus female responds best to being hugged and cuddled.

Tauruses need to be smooched. They crave being caressed.

They’ll hug themselves if no one else is going to do it.

They’ll buy a blowup doll to do it if no one else is going to do it.

You get the idea.

Read Next: How to Get a Taurus Woman to Chase You

10. Gentlemen

A rude, crude man is not for a Taurus woman.

Tauruses might laugh at raunchy humor sometimes, but they consider themselves to be ladies.

And they want partners who are gentlemanly.

Showing good manners in public, carrying heavy bags for her and showing kindness to others are all chivalrous acts that Taurus women melt for.

11. Security

If there’s one thing that Tauruses hate, it’s when things are up in the air.

When it comes to relationships, whether friends or lovers, they pick people who give them a sense of security.

Folks who are there for them. Who never toy with them or make them wonder how they feel about them.

If you betray a Taurus, good luck ever getting back into their good graces.

It’s the rock-solid relationships that they can trust that Tauruses get into.

12. Neck kisses

Taurus rules the neck and throat. So basically this means, you should kiss a Taurus woman’s neck.

Yeah, pretty much all women like this. 

But you know how much Taurus women like it?

A lot.

They love a lot of attention paid to their necks, throats, shoulders and collar bones.

Just don’t neglect these areas, OK?

13. Routine

A lot of Tauruses hate to admit this, but they’re definitely creatures of habit.

Like, extreme habit.

Tauruses are those people who go to a new city and eat at the same chain restaurant they like from their hometown because they know what they want to order there.

If you hate routine and repetition, dating a Taurus may not be for you.

On the other hand, if you’re not one for big surprises, you’ll love being with a Taurus.

14. Luxury

A Taurus woman likes to spend money on herself.

To be more specific, when a Taurus woman wants something, she makes sure it’s high-quality and as top-tier as she can get.

This is not necessarily out of vanity—it’s more because she knows it’s built to last and it’s not going to suck.

This is why Tauruses wait to be able to afford high-end items they want rather than blowing their money on cheaper versions that will disappoint them.

15. House plants

Walk into a Taurus woman’s house and you’re going to notice how green it is.

There will be plants. Oh yes. Lots of houseplants.

Taurus is a sign that’s pretty much synonymous with nature. It’s why Tauruses naturally have green thumbs.

In fact, green is a color that Tauruses gravitate to.

It’s soothing to them, as is the company of a beautiful monstera plant.

16. Direct communication

Do you hate direct communication?

Do you speak in riddles? Beat around the bush? Avoid saying how you truly feel?

If so, you’re not going to get close to a Taurus woman.

Tauruses are straight shooters and like other people to be as well.

They say what’s on their minds and are so far from being mind readers that you wonder if they have any intuition at all.

The truth is that they simply don’t have patience when someone is being elusive.

So it’s always best to speak the truth with a Taurus woman and be open about your feelings, no matter what.

17. Soft stuff

From lambswool sweaters to soft, plushy teddy bears, Taurus women love all things snuggly and soft.

Being highly sensual and tactile, Tauruses like to cuddle stuff.

They like to absentmindedly stroke their own soft skin and bury their faces in a chenille blanket.

18. Being spoiled

A Taurus woman needs nobody to spoil her. She can spoil herself.

That said, she has no problem with other people spoiling her, too.

As a matter of fact, she loves it.

Go on, treat her to a spa day.

Bring her a piece of chocolate cake for no reason.

Do you really need one anyway? Because Tauruses don’t!

19. Romance

I swear, every Taurus woman I’ve ever known has been a sucker for the movie The Notebook. Or movies like that.

Because every Taurus woman builds a fantasy world in her head where she’s going to meet a man one day who will pick her some daisies and kiss her in the rain.

Taurus women live and breathe romance.

Especially old-fashioned, sweet types of romantic gestures…like hand-picked daisies and kisses in the rain.

20. A leading man

Let’s get something straight.

Taurus women are highly independent, it’s true. But if you want a Taurus woman you should take the reins.

I’m not saying you should boss a Taurus woman around. 

What I’m saying is that Taurus women are lazy and want their partner to do the mental work of figuring out where to go on a date.

I’m sort of kidding, but I’m dead serious about taking the lead when dating a Taurus woman.

She’ll find it sexy and more than happy to defer to your good judgment while she can just bask in the comfort of knowing she’s in good hands.

If you want to know more about what Taurus women like (and also what they avoid like the plague), read my guide Decode Taurus Women.

What Are Taurus Women Attracted To?

woman looking over her shoulder at a man flirting

If you’re reading this article trying to find out what Taurus women like, I’m going to assume that you want to attract one.

Taurus women are attracted to men who look:

  • Clean-cut and clean-shaven
  • Well-styled and coordinated
  • Interested in taking care of their bodies and health
  • Gym types
  • Jock types
  • Metrosexual types
  • Men who smell good
  • Nice smiles

Taurus women can be attracted to a variety of “types,” as long as you take care of your appearance. 

This is why I say Taurus women are attracted to both jocks and “metrosexual” men.

They like their men to look like they put thought into their clothing and hair choices.

Presentation matters.

Personality-wise, Taurus women are attracted to honest, down-to-earth men who don’t have huge egos.

They’ll go out with guys who are confident but not arrogant. 

As long as you pay for dinner!

Read Next: How to Attract a Taurus Woman


How does a Taurus woman flirt?

A Taurus woman uses a lot of physical cues to flirt.

Touching your arm or leg, batting her eyelashes at you, giving a lot of unnecessary hugs.

Taurus women don’t use a ton of verbal cues to flirt.

What I mean by that is that they won’t necessarily shower you in praise or tell you how hot you are.

Rather, you have to really pay attention to their body language to know if they’re flirting.

Which, fortunately, is fairly easy because it’s hard to miss a Taurus woman pawing you.

The more attracted to you a Taurus woman is, the more handsy she’ll be. 

How to tell if a female Taurus likes you?

You can tell if a Taurus woman secretly likes you if she touches you frequently.

She will find ways to be as physically close to you as possible, if not physically touching.

She may get you little gifts and try to be helpful when you need help.

She’ll most definitely give you the “look”—Taurus women all get this star-struck, doe-eyed look when they’re face-to-face with their crush.

They smile and giggle a lot when they’re talking to their crush.

And get jealous if you spread your attention around to other women.

What arouses a Taurus woman?

Deep-pressure touch. Slow and sensual touch.

Anything that provides an intense sensory experience.

Anything that involves food.

A bed with silk sheets surrounded by roses and candles.

If you want to seduce a Taurus woman, read this article.

Does a Taurus woman fall in love easily?

Taurus women fall in lust easily, but they don’t usually fall in love so easily.

The reason is that Taurus is slow to trust and take action on their feelings.

A Taurus may crush on someone quickly but take a much longer time to allow themselves to feel that vulnerable with them.

They just don’t want to get their hearts broken, so they protect their hearts by taking it slow and steady.

How to melt a Taurus woman’s heart?

Be vulnerable.

The best way to melt a Taurus woman’s heart is to be genuine and open your heart to them first.

A Taurus woman’s Achilles heel is a man who is confident and in touch with his feelings.

She wants a man who tells her how he feels and isn’t too afraid to put himself out there.

How to make a Taurus girl obsessed with you?

Basically, smell great and put effort into your presentation.

Tauruses live through their senses, which means smelling good to a Taurus woman and also wearing nice clothes and styling your hair will make a huge impact on her desire.

Honestly, that’s half of it right there.

On top of this, if you want a Taurus woman to be obsessed with you, you should just pursue her.


This is a woman who responds really well to a man just taking the initiative in the first place.

So smell good, take care of your appearance and let her know you’ve got to take her on a date because she’s so fine.

I’ve seen this work time and time again.

What is a Taurus love language?

Physical touch. But also gift giving as a secondary love language, or possibly a tie with physical touch.

Acts of service is sometimes a love language that Tauruses can speak.

Of the love languages, words of affirmation is the least likely candidate because Tauruses don’t put a lot of stock in words.

They value action over words.

What is a Taurus woman’s texting style?

Not terribly wordy or frequent.

A Taurus woman’s texting style is texting randomly and in short bursts.

Tauruses, male and female, don’t do a ton of texting because they’re too busy living their lives in the moment. 

They’re focused on what’s going on around them and in front of them, not their phones.

So if a Taurus woman isn’t texting you nonstop, don’t worry—it doesn’t mean she’s not into you.

It just means she needs both hands to hold her sandwich.

Read Next: How to Text a Taurus Woman

Do Taurus girls like to cuddle?

Do cows like to moo and eat grass?

Yes, Taurus girls like to cuddle.

They are experts at it.

Taurus ladies would love to lie on the couch with you cuddling for hours and binge-watching true crime shows.

How does a Taurus woman kiss?

A Taurus woman kisses slowly, deeply and passionately.

She’s not the pepper-you-with-quick-kisses sort.

She likes to start slow and work her way up to an intense makeout session.

If you’re ready to explore the mind of a Taurus woman, check out Decode Taurus Women here.

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I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at decodethezodiac.com.

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