20 Signs a Taurus Man Secretly Likes You (What You’re Missing)

Want to know if a Taurus man secretly likes you, even if he won’t admit it to you?

Here are the top signs he has a crush on you:

  • Touching and hugging you whenever he can
  • Showing signs of jealousy
  • When you catch him staring at you, often
  • When he tries to show off his skills in front of you
  • Being extremely sweet and thoughtful
  • Getting slightly awkward when you’re near him
  • Pulling back very slightly to see if you’ll reciprocate 

In this post we’re also covering clues that a Taurus man is feeling you at work, through text and even how to decipher whether he’s into you or just being nice.

So let’s jump right in, shall we?

Signs a Taurus Man Secretly Likes You

He Tries to Sneak an Arm Around You

man putting his arm around a woman with a quote about taurus men showing they like you through touch

The most dead-on sign that a Taurus man secretly likes you is in his touch.

If he tries to touch you—and I don’t mean like accidentally grazing your hand when passing something to you—then he likes you.

Touch is a language in itself for Tauruses. It’s how they communicate.

If he tries to hug you often, if he puts his arm around your waist, if he pets your hair and constantly finds ways to touch you that are not disrespectful but almost make you blush?

That’s a big flashing neon sign that the Taurus man is very much into you.

Read Next: How to Make a Taurus Man Chase You

Acting Possessive

Observe the Taurus man in question when you’re around other guys.

How does he act?

Like a caveman protecting his cavewoman?

I’m kind of joking, but also kind of not.

Tauruses are very possessive and you can see this sort of switch get flipped when they feel threatened by some good-looking dude flirting with their romantic interest.

So if the Taurus man pulls you away from a guy chatting you up at the bar, take it as a sign he really likes you.

He Focuses on You

When you’re the object of a Taurus man’s affection, you know it because it’s like you’re the only woman in the room.

The Taurus man listens intently when you speak and looks only at you.

Not at other women, no matter how attractive.

Not only this, but he’ll stay loyal with his attention when you’re apart, too.

What I mean by this is that he won’t spread the wealth to other single ladies.

You’re the only one he has eyes for and he’s not trying to chat other women up on social media, at bars or anywhere else.

Getting You Gifts

man giving woman a gift with a quote about taurus males and gift giving to show interest


This is a classic Taurus move.

When Tauruses are interested in someone, they show it in tangible ways, like gift giving.

As earth signs, they’re oriented towards the material world. Material goods are not just things—they hold deep value and meaning to Tauruses.

So receiving a gift from a Taurus man can’t really be construed as anything less than significant.

It’s an expression of their inner feelings that they can’t otherwise say out loud.

Staring Hard

There’s this so-called “Taurus stare” that everyone who is married to or dating a Taurus man knows about.

It’s piercing.

Do you ever catch a Taurus man staring at you?

When you look up, he quickly looks away. But soon enough, you feel his eyes burning a hole in your back again.

Taurus men are really bad at hiding their staring. But this is a pretty surefire sign a Taurus man finds you attractive.

Similarly, when you talk to him, he looks directly into your eyes with an urgency you can feel.

He may look away bashfully, but when your eyes meet again, there’s no mistaking what you see there.

He’s Crazy Sweet to You

Taurus guys are sweet kings.

They may be gruff to the outside world or maybe a bit closed-off, but with their crush they’re like puppies.

A Taurus man who secretly likes you is going to try to make you swoon for him.

And he’ll do so by being so gosh darn cute and thoughtful and charming that you’ll wonder why the hell nobody has claimed this absolute catch yet.

From his lovely good morning texts to you to the compliments he pours all over you, you’ll be on cloud nine around him.

Going Slow

man and woman sitting on the steps of a business talking with a quote about how a taurus man moves slowly in relationships

A Taurus man who likes you more than as a passing interest will typically take things slowly with you.

This means getting you into bed is not his primary goal.

Nor is rushing into a relationship.

And while a lucky few women get a whirlwind romance with a Taurus man and everything works out in the end, most often this doesn’t happen.

A Taurus would prefer ample time to get to know you and trust you first.

Does it feel like he’s going at an excruciatingly unhurried pace sometimes?

For sure.

Just know that this is a good thing when it comes to Taurus feelings.

It means he doesn’t want it to end up being a fling.

He sees real potential in a relationship with you.

He Makes Plans to Hang Out with You

Taurus men like to get straight to the point.

They don’t want to take forever texting back and forth before someone works up the courage to say, “Let’s hang out.”

If the Taurus man asks you to spend time with him—abruptly, randomly and seemingly out of nowhere—he’s trying to get closer to you.

If you need further convincing, understand that Tauruses do not spend time with anyone they don’t have strong feelings about.

You’re either a loyal, long-time friend grabbing a beer with the Taurus, or you’re a romantic interest.

He Leaves His Comfort Zone for You

man talking to a woman at a party with a quote about taurus men being introverts

There’s no Taurus in the world who would rather be at a loud party than curled up on the couch at home.

So when a Taurus man acts enthusiastic to go to a party, it’s probably because he knows you’ll be there.

You may really believe that he’s not as introverted as you’ve heard.

But that’s just because he’s doing what he can to spend more time with you.

And maybe impress you a little.

He Shows Off His Chef Skills

That Taurus man you know trying to tempt you into his kitchen to whip up his famous paella for you?

Tauruses know food, and they love to cook.

They love to eat, too, and they believe food in itself is a romance language.

So if a Taurus man is trying to feed you, take it as a sign he’s trying to win our affection.

He Shows Off in General

The thing about Tauruses is that they’re generally calm, quiet and introverted.

Until they’re around someone they like and they’re trying to get their attention.

A Taurus man’s behavior will change around you if he likes you.

He’ll go from mild-mannered to a bit louder, a bit bolder.

He may get slightly cocky around you.

He might engage in some slightly competitive behavior with other guys around you (all in good fun, of course).

The goal is making himself look good and them look worse than him.

This is not normal stuff for a Taurus man to do. Normally he wouldn’t care what he looks like.

But if he’s trying to make you notice him, he may go to these lengths to do it.

He’s Asking About Your Personal Life

coworkers talking at work with a quote about a taurus man asking personal questions to show he likes a woman

In conversation, you’ll notice that the Taurus man digs deeper into your personal life.

He may ask questions that are not quite average chit-chat.

Questions about your upbringing, what you like, maybe even a little about your dating history.

Part of what he’s doing is getting some more information on you while he determines your match potential.

Another part of it is to learn more about you so that he can use what he learns to woo you better.

If he knows you love tulips, he can buy some for you next time he sees you.

If you tell him your favorite band, he can make you a curated playlist of songs he thinks you’ll enjoy listening to when you work out.

It’s little stuff like this that he thinks differentiates him from other guys.

And honestly, he’s right.

He’s Always Loitering Near You

Did you notice that the Taurus guy never seems to be far from you?

Like at a party, he’s never more than 10 feet away, even if he’s talking to someone else?

Especially if you catch him looking at you.

Taurus men do this when they like someone.

They can’t help themselves.

They have to be physically near them.

He’s Always Trying to Take Care of You

A Taurus man who wants to nurture you is a Taurus man who is smitten as a kitten.

Nurturing is something Tauruses do well.

And yet, they don’t give it out for free to all.

They choose carefully who will receive their special TLC, and if you’re not a family member, a good friend or their crush, you’re not getting it.

He may offer to drive you to your appointments or offer his sincerest advice when you’re facing a challenge.

He’ll look for ways to offer his services to you and jump at the chance to help you.

Rest assured, this is not something a Taurus man will do for just anybody.

He Becomes Gentle with You

Tauruses can be kind of rough around the edges.

And yet, when they like you, they’re completely different.

If a Taurus man wants to be with you, you’ll notice how softly he touches you, even if his hands are rough.

He speaks to you in a tone that’s gentle and soothing.

Everything about him becomes soothing and pleasant.

He Goes to Bat for You

Someone trying to mess with you?

Not on the Taurus man’s watch.

He’s extremely protective and won’t allow anyone to treat you badly if he cares about you.

He will go out of his way to call someone out who is being rude or disrespectful to you.

Even members of your own family.

Because he has mad respect for you and believes you deserve it in spades.

He Waits for You to Reciprocate

woman hugging man with a quite about taurus men testing how interested you are in them

If the Taurus man is throwing every sign he’s got at you that he likes you, he’s going to need a sign from you in return to keep going.

After spending some time over the weekend together, he may wait a few days to see if you contact him.

Don’t think that his silence means he changed his mind about you.

Very often, Taurus guys will test to see if you’re truly interested back.

If they see that you are, then they feel confident in moving forward with their courtship.

So it might sound like a weird one, but this pause he puts in his communication or interaction with you is actually a sign that he wants you.

Grinning Like a Fool

Tauruses can’t hide how they feel when you look at their faces.

When you give them those butterflies, they smile a lot around you.

The Taurus man may attempt to downplay it and sort of half-smile instead.

But you’ll notice how goofy-happy he looks around you.

It’s because he is.

He Gets Awkward One-on-One

Tauruses are cool cats until they have a crush on you.

When they get close to you, their feelings take over and they may get a little awkward in their attempts to not look desperate.

The Taurus man may fumble over his words, keep looking at you shyly or doing that funny little smile of his.

When you’re close enough for him to smell your hair, it makes him so elated that it’s all he can do to contain himself.

He’s Very Gentlemanly

Tauruses like to think of themselves as having good manners.

They want the object of their affection to see them as chivalrous and gentlemanly, so they’ll do stuff that gentlemen do.

Like walking you to your door after dropping you off at your place or offering to carry heavy bags for you.

Will a Taurus man offer anyone who’s struggling a hand with something heavy?

Sure, but if he’s into you he’ll make it a point to do this sort of thing any chance he gets.

He may invest opportunities to put his hoodie over your shoulders, claiming there’s a chill in the air.

Body Language When a Taurus Man Likes You

man looking into the camera with a quote about how tauruses look when they like you

When a Taurus man likes you, his body language is a dead giveaway.

You’ll notice how he points his torso towards you, even if he’s looking away.

And speaking of looking, you’ll see him making intense eye contact with you when you’re chatting.

Even a shy Taurus guy has that look in his eyes when he’s interested.

But mostly, you’ll notice that when a Taurus man likes you, his body is always in close proximity to yours.

He leans in very closely to talk to you.

It may give you goosebumps as you feel the heat of his body when he speaks low and soft and gives you that winning smile of his.

And, as I mentioned earlier, he’ll smile a lot around you because you make him feel good.

When he’s near you, he’ll use his body like a shield for you.

He’s very protective and will unconsciously form a protective barrier around you.

Signs a Taurus Man Likes You Through Text

This sounds crazy simple, but if a Taurus man texts you, he probably likes you.

I don’t mean the odd, random text from your Taurus coworker about some files he needs at work.

I’m talking about having full-blown conversations via text.

Or if he texts you regularly, at least once or twice a week.

Yeah, I know this just sounds like normal texting for the average person.

But if you understand how averse Tauruses are to texting in general, you know that receiving texts from a Taurus automatically makes you special in some way to them.

On the other hand, just because a Taurus is bad at texting you doesn’t mean he isn’t all about you.

The best way to tell is in person, honestly.

If he acts like he likes you in person, showers you with attention and tells you how much he likes being around you, don’t worry about his text frequency.

Signs a Taurus Man Secretly Likes You at Work

colleagues laughing at work with a quote about how a taurus man flirts

If you work with a Taurus man and he likes you on the downlow, here’s what he’ll do:

  • He’ll stop to chat with you often
  • He’ll laugh at your jokes even if they stink
  • You’ll see him stare longingly at you over his cubicle, like he wants to say something to you
  • He’ll share inside jokes with you
  • He invites you to some after-work social thing that he never usually goes to
  • Sometimes he shows off when your other male coworkers are around
  • He offers to help you with your tasks
  • He asks to see you outside of work and work-related events

Taurus Man Interested or Just Friendly?

If you’re wondering whether a Taurus man is interested in you or just being nice, pay attention to his body language.

He won’t attempt to touch you or get close to you.

He’ll remain a respectable distance from you with his body.

And though he may smile at you and act polite, he won’t give you more attention than he gives anyone else.

When you’re talking, he’ll let the conversation remain pretty superficial.

That is, he won’t be asking you a bunch of personal questions to learn more about your life and what you’re into.

One thing he definitely won’t do is invite you to spend time one-on-one together.

If he does that, he’s definitely interested and not just being friendly.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you know if a Taurus man wants to be with you?

If a Taurus man wants to be with you, he makes that known.

At some point he’ll come forward and either tell you his intentions or just plain ask you out.

Sometimes when a Taurus man isn’t sure about you yet, he flirts and acts interested but doesn’t really take it any further.

However, when a Taurus guy is sure he wants to be with you, he makes moves to secure a relationship with you.

Do Taurus men hide feelings?

Yeah, unfortunately they do.

Tauruses are often uncomfortable dealing with their emotions and will stuff them down.

If a Taurus man likes you, however, he won’t try to hide his feelings in particular.

This is because he wants you to catch on to how he feels and reciprocate.

When a Taurus man secretly loves you?

There’s nothing secret about a Taurus man loving you.

If he loves you, he’ll show it openly.

A Taurus man who loves you will treat you like a goddess.

He’ll be tender and affectionate and make it known to the world that you’re his girl.

What makes a Taurus man chase you?

A Taurus man is led by the nose.

And the stomach.

Make him chase you by putting on a scent that stops him dead in his tracks, and also feeding him treats.

Otherwise, the only real way to get a Taurus man to chase you is to have a lot of self-respect.

If you throw yourself at him, he will be suspicious that you act that way with everyone.

Or that you’re too needy.

What attracts Taurus man physically?

Usually, a Taurus man is physically attracted to women who dress femininely.

But I’ve seen Taurus men date androgynous women too, so this is not a hard and fast rule.

The key to being physically attractive to a Taurus man is in smelling good, having great hygiene and taking care of your body.

There’s no particular type that all Taurus men are into.

It’s more about the presentation.

How do you know if a Taurus man is testing you?

It can be tough to tell when a Taurus man is testing you because he tends to be elusive when he’s doing it.

He doesn’t want you to know he’s testing you, so you might be confused by his behavior.

Like when he doesn’t call you for a while and you think he lost interest, but really he’s just waiting to see if you’ll call him first.

The only real way to know if a Taurus man is testing you is if he’s there for you no matter what.

Even a Taurus man giving you secret tests will stick around and wait for you.

Recommended Article: How Does a Taurus Man Test a Woman?

How do you know if a Taurus man is thinking about you?

Most likely, a Taurus man will call you if he’s thinking about you.

Or text you and ask to see you.

If he can’t do that because you’re not available, he’ll look you up on social media.

Maybe comment on your pictures and your stories.

He’ll try to get a glimpse of your face to remind himself of how you make him feel.

What makes a Taurus man miss you?

A Taurus man will start to miss you if he feels your absence.

But only if he really likes you.

If you want a Taurus man to miss you, don’t reach out to him for a few days.

Don’t ignore him—just focus on yourself for a bit as your main priority.

You’ll find that the Taurus man is eager to spend time together the next time you see each other.

Signs a Taurus man is playing you

If a Taurus man were playing you, he wouldn’t give you his undivided attention.

He would be very inconsistent with his communication and he wouldn’t try to see you outside of hookup scenarios.

You would not feel special to him.

If you suspect that he’s not that into you or that he’s playing you, listen to your gut.

Recommended for You: Signs a Taurus Man Is Playing You

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I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at decodethezodiac.com.

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