10 Psychological Facts About Taurus Woman (You Need to Know)

Trying to get a peek inside a Taurus woman’s psyche?

Read on, my friend.

Here are 10 psychological facts about Taurus women you should know:

  • Taurus females are mentally strong and resilient
  • They’re motivated by what brings them pleasure
  • It’s a fool’s errand to try to change their minds
  • They’re into aesthetics
  • They hate admitting they’re wrong
  • They’re hyper realistic
  • Romantically, they use their heads over their hearts
  • They see the world in black and white
  • They’re all about the long-term, not the short-term
  • They’re suspicious when other women talk to their partners

If you want to know the secrets to keeping a Taurus woman and getting past all her barriers, I’d recommend my guide Decode Taurus Women.

It’s a deep-dive into her psyche and explains how she thinks, what she wants and what pushes her away. Pretty simple.

Click the link above for my guide or keep reading to learn more about a Taurus woman’s psychology.

Psychological Facts About Taurus Woman

Here’s what it looks like inside a Taurus woman’s brain.


A Taurus Woman Is Mentally Strong and Resilient

Taurus women are known to be strong, both physically and mentally.

They don’t let things get to them very easily.

When the going gets tough, a Taurus woman wills herself to put one foot in front of the other and keep marching on.

This is a massive benefit to her in overcoming challenges.

On the other hand, the mental toughness of a Taurus woman can make it hard for others to break down her walls.

Read Next: Taurus Female Traits

She’s Motivated by Pleasure

Ruled by Venus, the Taurus woman lives for physical comfort and pleasure.

If you want to have a great time eating the best food and indulging yourself in absolute hedonistic bliss, follow a Taurus woman around for a day.

She knows how to relax.

Tauruses get called lazy, but in reality they just don’t live to work.

They work to spoil themselves silly with luxury vacations and meals at fancy restaurants.

If you’re into that, you’d make a good match with a Taurus woman.

They want to date someone who will indulge with them, not criticize them for their self-gratifying ways.

You Can’t Exactly Change Her Mind

Once a Taurus woman makes up her mind about something, it might as well be set in stone.

There’s pretty much no deterring her.

Taurus is a fixed sign, and fixed signs are called “fixed” for a reason.

They become attached to an idea or a way of doing things and relentlessly stick with it like their lives depend on it.

The only real way to influence a Taurus woman is to tempt her, not try to convince her.

(Remember she’s motivated by what makes her feel good, not what makes her feel pressured.)

She’s Into Aesthetics

Being ruled by Venus means that a Taurus woman craves beauty in her surroundings.

Her home is decorated with art on the walls and tasteful furnishings.

She’s probably a Target addict, grabbing every throw pillow she comes into contact with.

She dresses well and is attracted to others who do the same.

If something looks nice, she’s going to want to get her hands all over it.

A Taurus Woman Will Never Admit She’s Wrong

Okay, this is a little hyperbolic because of course, sometimes Tauruses recognize that they’re wrong.

But the mental gymnastics they can do to justify their own point of view is astonishing.

Even when a Taurus woman knows she’s wrong, it’s physically painful to admit out loud.

If you’ve had an argument with a Taurus woman and she’s saying sorry, she’ll quickly gloss over the whole “I was wrong” bit and hope you can just focus on moving on together.

She’s Realistic

An earth sign to the core, Taurus is a realist.

She can see a situation for what it is and make rational decisions based on the reality, not what she’d like it to be.

This is actually like a superpower.

It gives her the ability to set her sights on what’s actually achievable and avoid spinning her wheels.

It’s great in her career, but sometimes not so much in her personal life.

Because sometimes people don’t want to hear the un-sugar-coated truth about something.

Sometimes they just need someone to pat them on the back and tell them it’s going to be okay.

Taurus will do this…while at the same time dropping cold, hard truth bombs. 

Now doesn’t that cheer you up?

Head Over Heart

Even though she’s always dreaming of a perfect romance, a Taurus woman doesn’t let her heart overwhelm her judgment. 

She’s a realist, not an idealist, remember. If she thinks it could work out with someone she’s interested in, she pursues it.

But if that person lives too far away or seems like a lot of work to be with, she’ll choose to cut ties before getting more involved because logically, it probably won’t work out.

Super romantic, right?

The truth is that she’s just waiting to pour all of her romantic energy into the right match for her.

If you’re trying to date a Taurus woman, I recommend learning how to appeal to her psychology with my guide Decode Taurus Women.

She Doesn’t See Shades of Gray

The thing about Taurus women that makes it so hard to argue with them is that in their minds, the world is black and white.

Every argument has two sides and you’re either on one side or the other.

Middle ground? No such thing!

There’s right and wrong, and everything else is an excuse.

This makes it easy for a Taurus to get self-righteous.

The only time I’ve ever seen a Taurus see shades of gray is through directly experiencing the alternative.

But even perspective-altering experiences don’t necessarily make a Taurus completely open-minded.

However, the Taurus may become a little more patient and understanding.

She Thinks in Terms of Long-Term Value

Tauruses don’t waste time on anything that they don’t think will bring tangible value into their lives.

They buy high-quality things that are built to last, and they don’t jump on trends.

This trait is also why a Taurus woman’s friendships last so long.

She picks friends who will be there for her and whom she feels she can be herself with.

The same goes for her romantic relationships.

She’ll pick a partner who seems like someone she can build a future with, who provides security and wants the same things she does.

If it doesn’t have long-term potential, she doesn’t really see the value in it.

She Hates Other Women Talking to Her Man

From what I’ve seen of Taurus women, they tend to play it cool when other women approach their dudes, but inside they’re absolutely raging.

If you see a Taurus woman acting jealous, know that it’s actually times 11.

You just see the placid surface of the Taurus woman’s personality.

This woman hates other ladies hitting on her man so much that she would rather break up than feel like he’s not vigorously fending off their advances.

The Taurus sees anything less as disloyalty.

Which is why when you first start dating a Taurus woman, it can be a little rocky if you don’t understand this about her.

What Is a Taurus Woman’s Mindset?

Fixed, fixed, fixed.

If she has an opinion, she believes she’s right and whoever has a different opinion is wrong.

If you don’t believe me, ask her. She will unabashedly tell you this.

Taurus is the hardest zodiac sign to argue with in my opinion.

It’s because their mindset is so solid and immovable.

Taurus women are strong with incredible willpower and a deep sense of morals.

Their code of ethics might not be the same as everyone else’s, but if you break one of their personal rules or go against their values, they’re quick to judge, and typically harsh.

I hate to paint a bad picture of a Taurus woman’s mindset, but I think it’s important to understand just how powerful it can be.

That being said, I’ve also mentioned how sympathetic, kind and caring Taurus women are.

It’s not their rational minds that you have to appeal to if you want to win them over to your side.

It’s their senses. 

Let’s say a Taurus woman breaks up with you.

It’s true that she’s unlikely to get back with an ex or pine for them.

BUT…if you run into her looking fine as hell, wearing that cologne she loves and showing how you’ve changed so that she can see it with her own two eyes, she may be swayed by that.

But it may take more than that even.

Stony as they can appear, you can influence their mindsets by appealing to their emotions, which they keep well-guarded.

So, not an easy task for you.

But for argument’s sake, let’s say a Taurus woman broke up with you and you want her back, but she’s not biting.

You have to throw out every inhibition and ego-driven impulse before approaching her.

It’s crucial to come to her from the bottom of your heart.

Her emotional side can only be accessed by the most vulnerable and sincere appeals.

Taurus Female Personality

The first thing you might notice about a Taurus woman is how chill she is.

When you meet her, she’s very calm with a great sense of humor and seems like she’s never experienced anxiety in her life.

This is thanks to her incredible groundedness and inner stability.

She craves stability in her life, but she also embodies it.

Taurus females are your girl’s girl types. 

As much as a Taurus woman may worship sex and the male body, she puts her friends and loved ones first and doesn’t tend to go off the deep end with a new romance.

This makes Taurus women amazing friends, as well as amazing partners to those who earn their trust and undying loyalty.

If you’re in a bind, you can count on a Taurus woman to come help you out of it.

She’ll cook meals for you, roll up her sleeves and do the dirty work that needs to get done.

Heavily attracted to aesthetics and all things pleasurable, the Taurus female lives to indulge herself.

And that she does, whenever and wherever.

She often teaches her partners both the simple and luxuriant pleasures of life, having a keen ability to sniff out both.

Steadfast and emotionally secure, a Taurus female is unlikely to suffer from major mood swings that plague some other zodiac signs (CANCER *cough cough*).

Tenacious as all hell, a Taurus woman is determined and it’s very difficult to influence her once she’s set a course.

And while she’s super strong-willed, she’s willing to compromise (within her comfort zone) with someone she respects and cares deeply about.

Slow and steady, she goes at her own pace and enjoys every tasty snack and creature comfort along the way.


What makes a Taurus woman cry?

Being massively stressed for a long time might make a Taurus woman cry.

She’s very resilient and can handle a lot, but she does have her limits.

Taurus will also cry if they’ve been cheated on or betrayed by someone they love.

Recommended Reading: What Makes a Taurus Woman Cry?

How does a Taurus woman show interest?

Taurus women show interest in someone by pouring their attention on them.

If a Taurus woman seems like she’s laser-focused on you in a crowd, she’s interested in you.

If she touches you a lot without reason, she likes you.

Tauruses are very physical and will show they’re into you by being in your personal space, trying to get close to you and physically showing up where you are.

Recommended Reading: Signs a Taurus Woman Secretly Likes You

What is the physical appearance of a Taurus female?

The Taurus woman looks very feminine with a curviness to her appearance.

Even if she’s not curvy in her shape, you’ll see a roundness to her features such as rounded shoulders, round foreheads and pouty lips.

They often have soft eyes with an almost sleepy look to them.

What are the good and bad traits of a Taurus woman?

The Good:

  • Loyal
  • Friendly
  • Determined
  • Sensual
  • Honest

The Bad:

  • Stubborn
  • Judgmental
  • Possessive
  • Uncompromising
  • Hedonistic

How do Taurus act emotionally?

Tauruses are tough nuts to crack.

Emotionally, they act pretty stoic.

But appearances can be deceiving with Tauruses, because they tend to bottle up their emotions.

When the surface cracks, their feelings tend to show up as anger or irritation.

Scary facts about Taurus woman

Taurus woman get scary possessive.

They feel that their loved ones need protection and can sometimes take it too far.

When hurt, Taurus women go silent and hold insane grudges.

Like, almost as bad as Scorpios in some cases.

The Taurean rage can also be pretty frightening.

If you want to know more about why Taurus women are scary, read Scary Facts About Taurus Woman.

What is a Taurus woman’s love language?

A Taurus woman’s love language is physical touch.

Taurus women feel and show love through physical affection, hugs and smooches.

Many Taurus women also have the love language of gift giving, while for others it’s acts of service.

But all Tauruses speak the language of touch.

What body part does Taurus like to be touched?

Tauruses have sensitive skin and love to be touched anywhere, but the neck is particularly sensitive.

They like kissing and stroking of their necks.

How to spoil a Taurus woman?

You can spoil a Taurus woman with little gifts.

Bring her something as simple as a tasty treat or as fancy as a nice piece of jewelry.

You can also spoil her by taking her to a spa where she can indulge her senses and relax.

What is special about Taurus woman?

Her profound loyalty. A Taurus woman’s devotion to the people she loves is unmatched.

Her sensuality is also pretty special.

Nobody exudes the same earthy, sensuous aura as a Taurus woman.

Read more about what makes Taurus women special in our other article, What Is Special About Taurus Woman?

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I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at decodethezodiac.com.

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