30 Signs a Taurus Man Is in Love With You (Are You Surprised?)

You’ve been dating a Taurus man for a while and want to know for sure if he’s in love with you.

Of course you do—who wouldn’t want to know how their romantic partner feels about them?

As you’ve probably noticed by now, a Taurus man is a tough one to figure out.

Actually, all the earth signs of the zodiac are difficult to read in my humble opinion.

But the question remains: If your Taurus man isn’t throwing himself to the ground at your feet pledging his undying loyalty, then how do you even know he loves you?

Well my friend, I’ve written an entire article about it.

And in my research and contemplation about this topic, including everything I’ve gathered about Taurus men over the years, one of the most surprising patterns I noticed was this:

It can be a sign of love when a Taurus man pulls away temporarily because he’s flooded with newfound feelings for you.

Sort of like a power-down mode.

But you know it’s love when after he’s done sorting his emotions out, he comes back ready to fully commit to your relationship.

I’m explaining this in sign #21 on the list below, but be sure to check out the other signs on the list as well for the full context.

Because there are lots of subtle clues that a Taurus man leaves to indicate that his heart is yours.

Table of Contents

30 Signs a Taurus Man Is in Love With You

From being protective and possessive to becoming more open and available to you, here are 30 of the strongest signs a Taurus man is in love with you.

Recommended for You: How to Get a Taurus Man to Commit

1. He’s Protective of You

man holding a woman in a hug with a quote about how a taurus man will make you feel safe with him when he loves you

If you feel like your Taurus man has assigned himself as your personal bodyguard, then he’s falling for you hard.

Women who date Taurus men view their Taurus partners as having a hyper masculine energy.

Your Taurus will use his body like a shield around you and walk on the outside of the sidewalk closer to the road.

You can tell he cares about your comfort and wants you to feel safe with him.

2. He’s a Bit Possessive

The other side of the coin of a Taurus man’s protectiveness is that he’ll also be a little possessive towards you.

You might see him get irritated with other guys around you.

Or he might ask for reassurance that you’re not interested in other men when he’s trying to understand your male friendships.

Not gonna lie, this can be annoying.

It can come out at unexpected times because the Taurus man will play it over in his head again after he gets jealous.

Sometimes it gets the better of him, but what’s underneath it is his desire to know that if put to the test, your love is strong and nothing could come between you.

3. He Wants to Spend Lots of Quality Time Together

Arguably the biggest way that a Taurus shows they love you is just by being with you.

Tauruses don’t spend time with people they feel lukewarm about.

They hang out with their close friends, family and their partners or love interests.

If a Taurus man didn’t feel strongly about you, you wouldn’t be able to get him to spend his weekends with you if you tried.

4. He’s Sentimental

A Taurus man is the type to make playlists for his girlfriend that remind him of her.

Anything he does that seems mushy and sentimental is a huge sign of his lovey-dovey feelings.

This soft side of him doesn’t come out until he feels safe with you.

But he’s secretly a tender heart.

Don’t be surprised if he saves everything you’ve ever given him.

5. He’s Always Trying to Kiss or Cuddle You

man and woman embracing with a quote about how Taurus men need your affection when they love you.

When a Taurus man is in love with you, he’s in constant need of your physical affection.

He’ll always be touching you somehow, whether to hold your hand, rub your neck or give you a kiss.

Physical touch is the main love language of Tauruses and they need to feel connected to their partners through the touch of their skin.

6. He Wants to Be Anywhere You Are

You might notice that your Taurus man seems to love doing mundane things together.

He’s game to join you on a shopping trip or to the gym.

It may seem unexciting to you, but to him it’s heavenly just doing normal things with you.

7. He’s Easy to Reach

Before a Taurus man falls for you, he doesn’t necessarily prioritize answering your texts and phone calls or making sure you can reach him at work.

After he falls for you, though, he’s very communicative and will always respond to you right away, whenever possible.

It’s like an invisible barrier is removed and he’s suddenly completely available to you.

This is by design. A Taurus man is careful about who he lets have access to him.

8. He Does Things for You

Often, instead of telling you he loves you, a Taurus man will show his love through acts of service.

He’ll do things like fold your laundry and pick up your shampoo at Target.

He’s a great handyman too, and he’ll try to be the one to fix things up around your home or repair that annoying, drippy faucet in your kitchen.

Serving you gives him a sense of pride and contentment that he’s taking care of you.

9. He Says He Loves You and He Means It

Just because a Taurus man likes to show you he loves you through touch and through doing your favors doesn’t mean he won’t say he loves you.

Taurus men may wait for you to say it first, but they won’t keep it inside once that seal has been broken.

Other Tauruses will just tell you when they love you because the feeling is so strong.

However, this is usually at a point where they feel you definitely love them back.

10. You’re His Favorite Person

Couple dancing with a quote about how you become best friends with a Taurus man who loves you.

Taurus men want nothing more than being cozied up with the one they love.

They become very attached and tend to want to be around their partners most of the time.

You’ll know a Taurus man loves you when you’re his best friend.

He still has his friends, but honestly he’d rather hang out with you than anyone else.

And for the most part, he does.

He genuinely enjoys being with you and laughs with you more than anyone else.

A Taurus man who is that comfortable with you is a Taurus man who carries you in his heart.

11. He Stands Up for You

No one would dare say anything bad to you in front of a Taurus who loves you.

And if they did, the Bull would come charging at them so fast.

A Taurus man will defend you without thinking about himself or anything other than your honor, which has clearly been trampled.

He would risk an altercation because although they’re normally peace-loving, Tauruses can’t tolerate any disrespect when you’re under their protection.

You might view this as chivalrous or foolhardy.

Whatever you think of it, it’s an instinct you can’t erase from the Taurus man’s personality.

12. He Enjoys Talking About the Future With You

Tauruses are very honest.

You can tell a lot about how a Taurus man feels about you by listening to him and asking questions.

If he’s not in love with you, he’ll avoid topics about the future, including making any long-term plans.

But if he is in love with you, he’ll happily plan trips and vacations and mutual goals.

He’s not one to talk like this with no follow-through—he doesn’t want someone having these expectations from him if he’s not serious.

13. He Wants to Make It Official

As soon as a Taurus man is sure of his feelings and knows he wants to be with you, he’ll want to hear you say out loud that you’re exclusive.

He may have asked you early on not to see anyone else while he was getting to know you, but now he wants to know that you’re his girlfriend and you’ll be loyal to him.

Tauruses never make assumptions. They need definites to feel comfortable.

They’re the builders of the zodiac and they build their relationships one solid brick at a time.

14. He’s Open With You

Knowing about a Taurus man’s inner life is a special thing.

He doesn’t like to trouble even his friends and family with his problems and he tries to carry it all on himself.

To be sure, he has a tendency to do this in his relationships, too.

But as his source of comfort and security, you’re going to be the only one he really opens up to emotionally.

The one who sees who he is inside and knows how to heal him when he’s suffering.

All he needs is your loving arms and the knowledge that you’ll never judge him for what he has to say.

15. He’ll Find Tangible Ways to Support You

Are you dreaming of going back to school?

Working hard to earn a promotion at your job?

Your loving Taurus man is going to support you every step of the way.

He’ll make you a power breakfast of overnight oats and fresh-squeezed OJ when you sleep at his place.

He’ll help you study up and pick you up from your classes.

Tauruses are great at giving their loved ones tangible support.

He speaks the language of service and security and will help you get into a better position to succeed.

16. He Likes to Pay for You

Couple on a date at a cafe with a quote about a Taurus man paying for things for a woman he loves.

Tauruses don’t like to fritter away their money.

They’re good with their finances and only spend on things that are important to them.

If you’re important to a Taurus man, he’ll have no problem cracking open his wallet.

He’ll cover the dinner bill, vacation costs and little things like a cup of coffee.

He won’t do it begrudgingly because he feels like he has to—

He’ll pay for stuff because he thinks you deserve to be treated.

17. He Introduces You to His Family

Have you met the Taurus man’s mom and pop yet?

If so, you’re probably in.

The Taurus man is either falling for you or already in love with you.

His family is everything to him and he’d be too protective of them to introduce you if you weren’t a big part of his life.

18. He Brings You Small Gifts

Although Tauruses love to spoil their boo, it’s more in the little everyday gifts that they express their tender feelings for you.

Look out for more than just traditional gifts like jewelry and bouquets of roses.

Notice the more ordinary things he brings you, like your favorite treats and items you needed to buy but haven’t gotten around to yet.

Like a new journal or organizer—things that aren’t necessarily romantic but very much take care of you.

19. He Has That Look in His Eyes

Every single Taurus has a certain look in their eyes when they’re in love with you.

The way they look at you—it’s with total and utter adoration.

It’s not something they can hide.

Even if a Taurus guy is trying to hide his feelings from you, the warmth and affection you can see in his gaze when he’s looking into your eyes gives him away.

20. He’s Consistent With You

Consistency is the key to a Taurus man’s love.

He needs it from you and he shows it to you when he loves you.

His attention and communication are steady and you’re never left wondering where his mind is at.

You trust him because he makes you feel important to him and he always shows care and concern for your feelings.

21. He May Briefly Pull Away

Man lounging by a large window looking out with a quote about how Taurus men are scared to fall in love.

Sometimes—not always—a Taurus man will back off of your relationship.

Now there are a number of reasons this could happen, and it’s not always because he loves you.

However, there are times when a Taurus man gets overwhelmed with his newfound emotions and needs to be alone to sort them all out.

It can be scary for a normally chill Taurus to suddenly feel like he’s out of control of his feelings.

To be clear, you should not take him pulling away as a sign of his love if he does this routinely.

If he’s sometimes pursuing you and other times distant, or he ghosts you over and over again, that’s just a Taurus man who doesn’t know what he wants.

But if it’s love, the Taurus man will come back and be dedicated to you 100%.

Therein lies the difference.

22. He Stops Questioning Everything

Before a Taurus man is sure of his feelings and your relationship, there’s a certain amount of holding back that he does.

You can sense that his trust is not fully there, even if his affection is.

But when he finally admits to himself that he’s head over heels for you, he’s all in.

He’ll stop wondering if you’re meant to be together and he’ll push your relationship forward without hesitation.

He’s sure of what he’s feeling and you no longer get the impression that he’s testing everything you say and do.

23. He’s Romantic and Sensual

Taurus men are extremely romantic when they want to be.

They’ll get you flowers and take you to very fancy restaurants.

But if they really love you, they’ll go all out and make it special.

The Taurus man will decorate for your birthday with rose petals trailing from the front door leading you inside.

He’ll massage you when you’ve had a long day and suggest a steamy couple’s shower afterward.

He knows exactly how to make you weak in the knees with his TLC.

24. He Was Slow to Show His Feelings

If you’re with a Taurus man, you probably already know that he’s slow-moving in romance.

But this is actually a good indication that his feelings are developing for you.

Taurus men who move too fast despite their preference for the slow road usually end up crippling the relationship’s chances before it can blossom.

Contrary to what you might think, if the Taurus man was slower than molasses to ask you out and start showing his feelings—but he’s been consistent overall—it shows his effort to build a solid foundation for your love to grow.

25. He Has a Routine With You

Do you tend to do the same things with your Taurus man every week?

I assure you, it’s his favorite thing to have cozy habits with the woman he loves.

Like every Wednesday night you make dinner and watch TV.

And on Saturday mornings you exercise together.

Your Taurus man might also have something of a regular texting routine going with you, texting you every day to see how your day is going.

Romantic gestures aside, there are lots of down-to-earth ways Tauruses show their feelings for you, too.

26. He Is Always Ready There When You Need Him

A couple making a smoothie in the kitchen with a quote about how supportive a Taurus man is in a relationship.

When things get hard, there’s nobody else you’d rather have by your side than a Taurus who is devoted to you.

A Taurus man in love will be your rock. He’ll be there for you no matter what.

He’ll even move his schedule around in order to help you out.

This is a pretty huge deal because Tauruses really don’t like interrupting their routines.

Except when it’s to be the hero for the object of their affection.

27. He Makes Comments About How Amazing You Are

Compliments abound when a Taurus man is into you, but they get deeper and richer the harder a Taurus man falls for you.

His compliments turn into poetry.

In fact, he might even write poems about you.

Does that shock you?

You might not realize it because Tauruses can be a bit dry and restrained, but Venus is still the Big Mushy Romantic planet inspiring them to create odes to your beautiful face.

He’ll tell you how you light up his life and how much he admires your amazing qualities.

If he’s fawning all over you like this when you’re alone together, then he loves you.

28. He Remembers Everything

A Taurus man who loves you will commit everything about you to memory.

He remembers it all—your favorite color, what song was playing when you met.

He’ll recall the tiniest details of your conversations and use his incredible memory to get you personalized gifts that you really want and enjoy.

He aims to please!

29. He Slays in the Kitchen on a Date Night

Taurus men love to cook, but does your Taurus man go all out for you?

Food is like a love language in itself for Tauruses.

Does he make you a ribeye steak smothered in a creamy Gorgonzola sauce and homemade chocolate lava cake for dessert?

He’ll spare no expense because nothing says l’amour like a memorable culinary experience.

30. He Seems Comfortable With You

There is another side of the Taurus man that you’re going to see when he’s in love: his slothful side.

The side of him that wears sweats until Sunday afternoon and loves to rot in bed together with you with absolutely no agenda.

You’ll see aspects of his personality you didn’t see before when he wasn’t so relaxed around you.

He’ll also start doing his bedtime yoga in front of you.

Letting you see his more indulgent side, like buying himself a whole cake at Costco.

Loving you means accepting and loving all of you, just as he expects you to love and accept all of him.

Will a Taurus Man Say I Love You First?

Man lifting a woman up next to a lake with a quote about the way a Taurus man will admit he loves you.

A Taurus man has no trouble saying he loves you first, but don’t expect it if it’s only been a couple of months of dating.

It takes a long time for a Taurus to say he loves you within the context of a developing romantic relationship.

When he feels it’s real and the timing is perfect, he’ll come right out and say that four-letter word to you.

He’ll want you to know, and more than that, he’ll want to make sure you’re both on the same page about where your relationship is headed.

There are times when Taurus guys won’t want to say they love you until they’ve gotten some signals that you love them first.

Fear of rejection exists in every sign of the zodiac, but for Taurus men it’s even beyond that.

They like to feel in control of their emotions and what comes next—what happens as a result of them falling in love needs to be neat, tidy and predictable.

So a Taurus man is most likely to wait to say he loves you until he feels that his “I love you” is going to be reciprocated and you’re totally ready to dive into the relationship with him.

How Long Does It Take for a Taurus Man to Fall in Love?

I hate to give a noncommittal answer, but the reality is that some Taurus men fall in love quicker than others.

What can make a huge difference is where their Venus is placed in their birth charts.

For example, a Taurus man with his Venus in Aries might fall in love much faster than a Taurus man with his Venus in Virgo.

That being said, if I had to boil it down to a simple answer, it would be that Tauruses generally don’t rush falling in love.

More accurately, Taurus men take time to admit it when they’re in love.

They might realize they’re catching feelings fast, then slow it way down deliberately so they can analyze the heck out of those feelings.

By and large, though, it takes Taurus men longer than average to fall in love because they need a lot of time to get to know what someone is all about before they open their heart to them.

A lot of it has to do with self-protection.

With time and repetition and seeing how you react in various situations, a Taurus man starts to feel safe enough to allow his feelings to develop and feel confident that his feelings for you are deep and genuine.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Taurus man’s love language?

Tauruses may have a variety of love languages, but the most common ones are:

  1. Touch
  2. Spending quality time together
  3. Giving and receiving gifts

All Tauruses share the love language of physical touch.

But it’s common for Tauruses to also find a lot of value in gift giving and spending time with you.

When a Taurus man chooses you?

When a Taurus man chooses you, his behavior will transform.

He’ll become completely available to you in all respects—emotionally, physically and mentally.

If he’s decided you’re the one for him, then take him very seriously.

It means he’s already spent copious amounts of time studying and analyzing you.

To the point that he feels he knows you probably better than you know yourself, and now he can trust you with his heart.

When this happens, the Taurus man commits completely to your relationship and will eagerly look forward to a blissful future together.

How to tell if a Taurus man secretly likes you?

Signs that a Taurus man secretly likes you are sometimes pretty subtle, like:

  • Hugging you tightly
  • Throwing glances at you a lot
  • Being a little bolder and showing off around you
  • Being slightly awkward around you
  • Not calling you to see if you’ll call him first

What are the red flags for Taurus men?

If you see these red flags with a Taurus man, don’t ignore them:

  • Becoming overly jealous when any man tries to talk or interact with you
  • Being so stuck in his ways that he won’t accommodate your needs at all
  • Showing too much possessive behavior

All Taurus men get jealous and feel threatened by other men around you when they’re really into you, but a good Taurus man knows how to curb it so that it doesn’t become unhealthy or destructive to your relationship.

Same thing goes for being stubborn—you’ll never escape that in a Taurus.

But even Tauruses know how to give some leeway to the ones they care about and will work with you to make sure you feel cared for and fulfilled.

If that’s not how you’re being treated, then the Taurus man might have some deeper issues he needs to work out.

How to make a Taurus man miss you?

If you’re trying to make a Taurus man miss you when he hasn’t seen you in a while, leave something behind that smells like you.

Like a shirt or anything with your perfume on it.

If you’re trying to make a Taurus man miss you because you broke up, then you need to make him feel FOMO.

He needs to see that you’re succeeding without him and that you’re doing better than ever.

Taurus men are attracted to whatever looks and smells like high class and success.

They want the best in all things, including a mate.

If he feels like someone else might have something he used to have and lost, he’ll get envious.

But be warned, making a Taurus man miss you after a breakup doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll come back to stay.

How to win a Taurus man’s heart?

There are a couple of ways to win a Taurus man’s heart.

The first one is to feed him because being fed = feeling nurtured by you and Tauruses love being babied like that.

They’re also huge foodies as they’re such a sensual sign.

But the real key to winning a Taurus man’s heart is by being vulnerable and getting him to be vulnerable with you.

He can date anyone, but not just anyone can make him feel safe enough to open up and see his flaws and all, and still choose him.

That’s why he’ll always fall for someone he can talk to and who will listen, never criticize him and always show him love and support no matter what.

How does a Taurus man chase you?

A Taurus man chases you like he’s playing tug-of-war.

He’ll pursue you steadily for a few weeks and then back off so far that you’ll wonder what in the world happened to him.

Well, he’s waiting on you!

Have you called him lately, or do you wait for him to initiate all communication?

Once you pursue him a little in return, he’ll pick up the chase again.

This is why I call it tug-of-war with a Taurus man—it’s not going to be all chase from him.

It’s going to be a back-and-forth exchange between you until the Taurus man is satisfied that you really want him and it’s worth putting his energy into pursuing you.

Recommended Article: How to Make a Taurus Man Chase You

When a Taurus man hugs you tightly

You can bet, when a Taurus man hugs you tightly, he really likes you.

You make him feel good, and he relishes the opportunity to get that close to you.

Tauruses show they like you through physical touch—always making excuses to touch you.

So you know when you get a big old hug from a Taurus, it’s a real compliment and usually a sign that they feel close to you.

Taurus man interested or just friendly?

It can be a little confusing to sort out whether a Taurus man is interested in you romantically or just being friendly, but here are my tips:

  • Watch his eyes. If he’s frequently locking eyes with you and smiling, then it’s typically a sign that he likes you as more than a friend.
  • Pay attention to how much he touches you. If he’s playing with your hair, giving you hugs, patting your leg and finding a way to make physical contact every few minutes, it’s almost guaranteed he likes you romantically.
  • Look at his body language. If he looks comfortable and relaxed around you—not tightened up with his arms folded—and if he leans in closely when you’re chatting, that’s a sign of his physical attraction to you.

I wrote an article on this with a free downloadable checklist that you can use to determine if a Taurus man likes you or is just friends with you. You can find it here.

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I'm a professional astrologer and psychology enthusiast. I offer lots of free relationship advice and astrology dating tips as well as private consultations at decodethezodiac.com.

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